tv France 24 LINKTV March 27, 2020 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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the death toll from the corona virus- despite not. easily it's holly's statete. after ten days of confinement france's prime minister edodouard philippe extends the country's corona virus you don't sound. also coming up as caretta lars cases soar in the u. s. the house of representatives. residents trina dollar rescue. meanwhile medical teams on the frontline of the outbreak say that increasing strength. and i want to be treated to frustrate
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former self assembly with the headlines for you this will be that in front as with tell you at same the only full tower at penn hommage this evening people in the country he will move. again the correct. please. medic police said firemen firemen and women if still jazz as well as those who all were in and she that people still bond that to take home with well if tower will let disp the way at massey on project messages in car people to stay at home amid a career of long. as of tonight so vintage at the owls if eight am to eleven pm that towel like help with that messages off. thanks we'll bring thosese images of coursrse that law from at paris all the life tower. i was saying this at to a life out with powerful. encouraging people to see home to stay. admitted this up.
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there you have it right still time nicee hotel and glistening eyes that once again at the country pays homage to those who are on the frontline of the rotavirus. this is. she well of course bring us some more news from france- in a short while let's tell you first about the death toll f from the cororonavs initially that such by nine hundred ninety to more than nine thousand not easilyy the country's highest at daily tally well there's nine hundred
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nineteen people who died over the last twenty four hours can pass with seven hundred and twelve deaths on thursday the total number of confirmed cases that has risen to over eighty six thousand paul side of china with a corona virus epidemic first emerged. fromm city pools at c. b. gupta is in rome. she brings us this report. the highest all dead. within a day see december. began and key. and immense that is going to shock everyone whose target that's just been announced year in italy. that it though earlier today we did hear from the officials from entities our national health institute and they say despite the surge i in deaths that was seeing as well as the number of infections. in terms of the rate of infection. it seems to be slowing down since the twentieth of march so it's not just the numbers every
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day but king it. often so they're making it veryry. when near the p. in terms of infection and we are not at the declining phase in any which way awful but that rate is slowing down and that is significant. and they're hoping that it does continue which is why distrusting very much thahat the container images. happy to continue the law. please at the- i cannot stop now we five of the fees officials said that the april. in terms of how this locked to six to lie is likely to be so pasta problem. going to be extend it will to wait to hear what the f. say we on. that the i do more intense of trying become more self sufficient. for the respirators and other equipment that is very much needed calling on other industries stop using them we also are told that the fashion industry's getting involved in producing those mas
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because the need to be a ton of most in the production of these much needed equipment. for healthcare professionals who. in full ordinary citizens is essential at the moment as we do nowow- as far as the okay officials are concerned. within six or not said to be. in the okay because i mean and at least for four dot have already died any of them family don't so the- whole. debate straight. yeah all the picture. how before not. putting least that's what the- attending. citigroup to reporting for from right them. the world health when i has said that glow mulder hoffman people have been in for up by correct virus while twenty some people been killed speaking alley the w. h. o. don't general appealed once
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for gear for medical stuff he also called on the country is it not to use. that have been if against covered now have a. there are no more a half a million come. case of now. and more twewenty. thousand these ae tragic and- but also remember that around the world m more thn a hundred thousand people have recovevered. nexeo hearing from said after ten days of confinement prime minister edouard philippe is extended the country's coronavirus lockdown well the environment will now go on to atat least aprill the fifteenth speaking earlier philip stressed that france is just the b beginning f the academic life. the country confirming its highest daily death toll yet there are fears that hospipitals wilill be ininundated with patients over the next forty eight hours from twenty fourth fraser jackson brings us this report. at least two more weeks of lockdown that's the order from france's prime minister edouard
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philippe. with them the city put usual to confuse my after ten days of locked down it's clear that we still at the beginning of the epidemics wave. thank you if you didn't. simple quote. i figured that's why with agreement. of french. rule i'm announcing every. of the merit of law that on the more weeks from june. the men's. until wedednesday the- of april so. thisis call medical g. johnsoson of. from is being on the low down so the summer of march the sixties million people inside its board have been unable to leave their homes on the shoppingg for. going to work we're working from homome isn't p possible gog to the doctors or for limited exercise. the prime minister said that the measures have largely been followed and those who violated them would be severely punished. the armed forces have been enlisted to help witith the huge strain that has been put on the french healalth system as infections that the rice with almost two
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thousand people having lost their lives. with the incubation period the virus being anywhere up to fourteen days it will take some time to see the impacts the long term measures will have on infections. various ministers had hinted that fold up the lockdown could be extended. including health minister livvie avon. also confirming the april fifteenth extension prime minister edouard philippe said the looks on could be further extended if the health crcris continunues. away from francaise playing to his hits a record one day figure of seven hundred and sixty nine to write a virus test is friday the country now has a is att four thousand eight hundred deaths in total more than sixty four thousand confirmed coronavirus cases. will stage latest fifigures come as a country at races to improve testing rates unless insulted reports. this video sent out by madrid's emergency services shows the celebratory discharge but thirty four year old who was
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treated for copd at nineteteen. but she's o one of the lucky ons on friday s spain announceded is highest single day deathth t tol gett seveven hundred and sixty nine victims in twenty four hours. the country has seen the most coronavirus deaths in the world after italy this ice rink in madrid has been transformed into a morgue. still spanish authorities say the dropping infection rate show signsns that the country's o outbreak is stabilizing. motioion that the cattle china difficult on the middle of the intersection that. young because of mark's. a but i wanted this is the quarter i think we thing. i thinink into the only. i see the video below the s. and p. he says will go off the parts into. nearly 15% of thosese in. in spain are hell care were. this for of an- and- is. on the- to do more to protect them. memberers of the family it t also c come with a metal it t has been done in frot of sophia. this is a scandall
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okay yes hello he got thee closing as hehe was not found ay people over the you n need to be lot of. sometimes i'll ask yes. now that if you got. this week's main order for her and two you're were of med supply from. spanish a are the outbreak to reach a n next week and have extended the country's locked down ininto april twelft. british prime minister boris johnson has tested positive for the corona virus s speaking of our video that was posted on twitter johnson said he was a self isolating asset downing street they didid still leave te governments that response against corona virus. will johnson experience mild symptoms on says stay under it received positive results around midnight falselyly fulls emerald maxwell has details. just a few weeks ago boris johnson was pledging to go on shaking hands with everybody. now the u. k. prime minister has become the first leader of a major nation known to have
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contracted to cave in nineteen. johnson revealedd the heaealth update in a video on twitter i developed model symptoms over the corona virus that'ss to o sy a temperature and a persistent cough. andnd on the advice of te chieff mededical officer i'v've taken a a test t that i is comet posisitive side i am working frm home i'm so fly slating. johnson insists thahat he will continue to leadad thehe british government's response to the corona virus. using video conference. prime minister has been. for his government's initial lax response to the outbreak before u. turning and bring in a nation w wide lockdon earlier this week. british health secretary mattt hancocock also confirmed he tested positive for the virusus with mildld symptoms so i'll be self isolating here until next thursday. several other government stoffer also now self isolating including chancellor richie c. knock he took part in a tribute for health workers with johnson
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last night's. the uk government has said that if john becomes to work foreign secretary dominic raab will replace them good morning everyone. now it's great cases sold in the u. s. the house of representatives hahas approved president trump's two point two trillion dollars rescue package. both democrats and republicans got behind this ststory really fills will seek unemployment benefits b boosted up tax breaks offered to businesses. only mall at new york governor andrew cuomo has that and else plans to build eight temporary hospitals to beat an expected surge in corona virirus patients hospitas can't handle just on a report from washington. york iss there a need a hot spot at the moment inin the united states and thats why andrew cuomo is really doing those delete or press briefings because a he is cited just a few days ago he said. and to the rest of the united states we are your future what happens in new y york is going o happen elsewhere in the uniteted
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states right now and they're more than ninety thousand cases in the u. s. half of those cases. are in new york state alone and about half of those cases in new york state are in new york city so really and this is what and the governor has to deal with and he's been. really going back and forth a little bit with the president try to. federal and got. as a little bit of a forty between at the- don trump yes. saying that new york was a little bit exaggerating its need for example for ventilator saying that they didn't necessarily need thirty thousand ventilators andrew cuomo. earlier and today who replied to that saying i operate on facts on data on numbers on the projections because he's saying that while they don't need those thirty thousand ventilators now. being will needed when that apex comey mentioned it was going to be in about. as three weeks at a time so he is getting it ready you mentioned also those- the
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hospitals and those of field hospitals that are being built in the new york city area there's already one. in manhattan he's asking donald trump for authorization. to build for more in the new york city area the other four boroughs the bronx queens. brooklyn and staten island unfortunately new york is a just. at the tip of the iceberg because seen big hot spots urging very rapid. in other. in the west says specifically in chicago detroit as. well as new orleans. cacan a van gogh dishonor from set for washing that. and for you that. and all sing about on old into flights to tour to stop that. have become some old and not. some locals blame florida's spreading the- with s several. with to let them stay. in the worst case scenario holland holiday may have been. to undergo a mandate quarantine from new delhi all corrrrespondence sent us this
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report. police travelers is financed before they can go back h home. catalan was on a vacatition for a month. and so n a world tour that he was tatalking for his friends and family. thankk most welcome all see the each other own kamose fifilm it was with using sunk yeah yeah control the up okay the night meeting to a list of at her hotel. this is just one of them looks like what justin. criminal tool just because a for twenty five in the swells and- from the down doesn't the have a conflict of those rules.
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this is a good lesson to medical news. it is. to locate and assist and has up a crisis center t tt works twenty four seven. only three dollars and twenty four. by c. zero games one clclass. cash street childrn grew until june they were domestic. able p professional on on basically for systems. wanna see them should move it meant i was my on to school g. i don't actually sixty use the scanner. it yet for like a arranged i you wish to give a speech. credible nearly t two thousand for drive. headlines. john and a friend of
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minene was d delayed so i decidd to take action across and all. she gathers shows i kept silent because i didn't want to worry my parents. yeah i thought of ending in a moment from usual.. the last set incluluding never stopss day or night. welcome to new addition of fronts and focus i'm not a shelby and this week we go back to school as we take a look at how the country handles bullying that affects
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some seven hundred thousand french children every year with the highest recorded figures in primary school that 12% of children say they've been believed. of which 5% seriously the e series pulling grows i in middle schchool a and ely h high school before subsiding as children near graduation before we take a look at what these figures tell the whole story that's a few young people experience such to musician and its lonong. term consequences. fofor lunarr was. and her a andr ordeal begegan with name calling in the sixth grade and gradually got worse. then came acts of violence- i'm assigned sensitive preserve w was in seventh grade it was fun slauson ave h. and one day i go on the bus and a boy in my class punch me in front of the bus driver and all the other students. nobody reacted proselytized. luna became a constant target of bullies in her class she told the nurse a
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social worker even the school principal.l. but the bulullying continued and it became part of her daily life affirmations. i told myself i deserved it. at first i was upset i think they didn't say that don't i think the best eventually it became normal. when you see your body changing and you're being total day that you're ugly. a. ends up becoming a part of who. you won't accept. araround sixix pef the schchools. have been herr by the class. . d it can happen to anyone. before being a victimm matteo admits he bullllied othes in sixth gradede. as if in lango i made a joke about the school. and the whole class lost and- i didn't have a lot of confidence in myself. and the fact that everyone loves madee me feel part of a group of cecentral tae a listen acrososs. a few years lateter in high schohool matteod his turn as the target of bullies. so consider it started with a little aggression. she's never been n a good physical. yu
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feel rejected i won't look like you don't know what you'r're doing at posting fella. for most victims of bullying the hardest part is speaking out. jade's didn't say anything about her situation a at school fourur monthsshe gathers trust this group i kept silent because i didn't want to worry my parents. i often cried myself to sleep. a real i thought of ending it. but j. differentially opened upup to hr family. i'll swallow agent in london and i was really upset and my sister came into my room she asked m me what was wrong withth me and i told her everything. and on the bottom and she told my mother and it was that day i finally got help. id g. changed school twist her tore. and decided to join the group to educate others aboutut the dangers of bullying. a step towards overcoming her own trauma. i
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want is for young people have written messages against bullying i noticed that some of them are actually in english that's because in french the word bully as such doesn't exist instead it's the one nation of harassment service employees. which makes it even harder for french students to shift the sense of blame and shame because of being the target of physical or verbal abuse but understanding the mechanisms of bullying goes a long way and it's proven the support from pages is the- effective response. which is white student time passages like the young people behind me are involved in. raiaising awareness take a look. you don't. for high school students are addressing a group of ten year olds. customs manliness
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cnn's lou ban have taken on roles as ambassadors or helpers. they're here to explain to younger pupils what bullying is and why it's harmful. the second. was as awesome awesome don't confuse as they can it is only few have a hoho p proved your and. nineteenen is eighthteen old and it's not her first time speak up. of the other who just starting high schchool this is new. a month earlier c. n. lu n. and constance what tree as help. yeah role which also intel reaching out to victims is on and kate does who believed in middle school and that's why i wanted to get a full this is. today's event is an opportunity to share our experience as helpers in high school and to teach others how to do it. updated for. the help was there only one link of the chain. since twenty fifteen educators have been asked to
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look out for cases of bullying. more than three thoususand schol staff have already been trained andd every year we hold a traiaining session the goal now is to reach out to parents the entire communinity needs to be more aware so that eveveryone cn identify billings. senior it's not an easy behavior to identify. mostly because victims don't often speak out. at jack camano high school a special adult unit has been created with the aim of approaching billy's individually a surprise a method developed by a swedish psychologist anna told cass. what is s it calleled a year of. is identical with this method is to deal with harassment by talking about it so rather than punishing students we encourage them to discuss things and to empathize. the method has proved efficient and diffuse tense between. and helping make sure everyone has a right to a safe bullying free education. in france as elsewhere the abuse doesn't stop at school
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gates and a growing number of french children so they've been on the receiving end of cyber bullying. that't's aspect of the issue is all the more challenging to address the french authorities and activists because of the globalized nature of the social media platforms with the abuse takes place take a look. mmhm this cyberbullying is a modern take on old f fashioneded schoolyayard bullying. which is impacting increasing numbers of young people 7% have been harassed online and that figure jumps 222% for eighteen to twenty four year olds. for the past f fifteen years this organizazation hasas been helpig victims and professionals to tackle the issue which social media has made even worse. coconfessing about keeping easir to deliver to the violence when the violence virtual and later hidden behind a screen. you wouldn't say the same thing face to face. fivive but there will be more witnesses. the team like attention like adequate for the v victims thehe
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biggest source of trauma with cyber bullylying. is that itt doesn't stop at the school gates it follows you home. yeah the ministry for e education has put in placee an anti cybeberbullylying campaign. pars can now even buy insurance to protect their children against the hararms caused by social media. a sign of just how big ththe problem m has become. but without the help of social media platforms it's difficult to put in place measures with any real clouds. facebook relies on the system of reporting offensive content while others like ticked off follow different tax rather than deleting hateful comments. tick tock in naples uses t to filter them. overruled platforms try to avoid deleting content all rights thanks a lot that i can without scientific if it's how the internet works moderation happens after posting everybodydy in theoriess free to post whatever they want. nobody asked for permission beforehand yeah for them it's a question of american culture where freedom of expression is all important.
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they're afraid of censorship. since you most victims when pressed charges often because they don't realize the abuse is illegal. eveven though mine is found guilty of cyberbullying could face up to a year and a half in prison. and a fine of up to seven thousand five euros. take further on this issue i'm joined now by new hospice thirteen year old daughter mariam took her own life in twenty thirteen. after becomingg the victim of bullying. place has since become an activist and written two books one on my heels plant the other a guide on how to find harassment in real life. on the e line. hello thank you very much for being with us i'm one of ten children here in front say they've been. subject to bullying that's a low number then the u. s. for instance without figures at 20% 217% in the u. k. how do you explain that. but that's discrepancy might come from the fact that here in france we don't connect dates are in the same way. here we take into account harassment that takes
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place within school rules. but not what happens outside. which includes cyber bullying and cyber violence. and those figures reached 2225% to older. faces evenn one out of ten children is still far too many critical. and it's only recently in ninety thanks to your activism at the french authorities set up a toll free phone number for children. to callllp and reporort bullying anonymously there's also an annual a day against bullying herron france and in november. i'm is enough being done. fishermen it is never enough. but yes to despite. . is it it'l be more on the issue. when i took his. for a slslice approve for. the bullying we can examine vehicle that's a whole month of. in the you know states. hello most needs to be done i instance i know it's complicated but we need to offer victims a support line is open twenty fo
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03/27/20 03/27/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic in the united states, this is democracy now! >> we are proud of the product. we think we did jiu-jitsu on it. he went from a corporate-first proposal put forth in the senate to a worker-first, democratic workers first legislation. amy: the u.s. becomes number one in the
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