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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  April 5, 2020 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> welcome to global 3000! for months, angry lebanese citizens have been protesting against their government. anand many womenre in the e frt row. in zimbabwe, we learn about unusual, but effective, help for depression, despite an acute shortage of psychologists. but first, we look at how clclimate changege is leading e and more people to flee their homes, and ask if there's a solution. our planet's climate is changing at an alarming rate,
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anand leading to extxtreme wear pattnsns. over the past 140 years,inince 80, , the rth's s avage surface temperature has risen by just over one degree, but the rise is already having an impact. storms, flooding, and drought are causing more and more people to leave their homes. the un says that by 202050, 20 million n people will l have n displalaced by the e effts of clclimate changege. whwhere will thehey go? >> pilar jacinto pablo grew up here in the highlands of guatemala. she's grown potatoes all her life. but in recent years, things have changed. >> this little plant, as you can see, isn't strong enough to survive. we can't use it for seeds or potato production. it's a loss. >> every year, drought and frost destroy many potato
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plants, which is all pilar and her family grow on their fields. in guatemala's western highlands, most people are small-scale farmers, and three quarters of them live in poverty. during the rainy season from may to october, the countryside changes from dusty and dry to lush and green. for pilar this would be the most trouble-free part of the year, if only rainfall patterns were like they used to be. >> water is so important for us and the community because we have no natural water sources. we depend on the rain for water. that's why we buy containers and canisters to catch the water. when the summer comes that's the only way to store a bit of water. it's very important for our communities and our plantations.
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without water we can do nothing. >> around half the residents of todos santos have gone to the united states. after every drought, more and more leave. most of the men are now working in the u.s. every month, they send a few hundred dollars. pilar's house was built with u.s. dollars. the family also uses the money to pay the installments on a loan they took out to finance the trip and the people smugglers. like most here, pilar and her family are mam, an indigenous mayan people. pilar lives together with her children and grandchildren.
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pilar's husband emigrated three years ago. they now make their decisions together over the phone. >> without my husband's help it would be very difficult. >> there is still no legally accepted definition for terms such as "climate refugee," even though the world bank predicts that mexico and central america will have at least 1.4 million internal climate migrants over the next 30 years, and many more who will migrate abroad. when david ramos arrived in arizona eight years ago there was no reception center for migrants. he's still waiting for a permanent residence permit. david has a work permit that has to be renewed every two
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years. even if he were to be expelled, what he's achieved herere is something that many back home can only dream of. and he earns enough to help support his family in guatemala. here in the u.s., he works as a freelance gardener. >> it's very different from guatemala. a lot grows in the hot season, even though there's hardly any water. >> arizona has a desert climate and a severe lack of water. life here is only possible thanks to water piped from the faraway colorado river. but t the cities o of phoenixd tucson still u use the resouoe wastefully. they're counted among the least susustainable cities in the e w. hundreds of thousands of liters of water go into keeping golf
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courses in the desert green. in the arizona desert, scientists at the biosphere 2 experimental station are trying to find out how to model and perhaps save the earth's major ecosystems. >> biosphere started out as the world's largest ecological experiment ever conducted with a closed or controlled environment to try to replicate earth's systems and to better understand it. >> the research center houses seven model ecosystems. it's a unique place where, under close-to-real-world conditions, it is possible to test how natural systems will respond to extreme environmental change. the researchers can control the climate and measure how the ecosystem reacts. in the model rainforest an international team of scientists are studying what
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happens when there is less rain. it's important to know what will happen in the world's forests in the future. >> and so what happens here in the u.s. or what happens in europe or asia at some point is going to impact all of us. so i think it behooves all of us to recognize that we are seeing changes, that those changes have impacts on ecosystems, on resources and that we are dependent on those systems for our existence. and so, again, if they change so dramatically it is going to impact us and potentially, if we're not able to adapt, we will no longer survive. >> pilar is seeking help to defy the extreme weather. her potatoes are her livelihood. now she's lost not only a large part of the harvest, but has too few seed tubers for
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planting next year. a seed bank hehelps farmers lie pilar. 53 domestic potato varieties grow on the fields here. the seed bank gives pilar tubers. in return she will have to give up some of her next harvest. a farming cooperative collects and stores seeds from local crops. that way local growers can obtain seeds if need be, so when the next drought hits, they're less likely to have to give up their farms and leave. in the highlands of guatemala, the descendents of guatemala believe the global climate is out of kilter because humans have lost the respect from others. -- lost t their respecect fr mother eararth.
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>> if we continue to destroy nare a and t earthth, the future peoeople will havave nog left to drdrink and to e ea. >> lebanon is a small country that has a toughgh time with is neighbors. to its south is israel and to its east, war-torn syria. an estimated 1.5 million syrian refugees have come to lebanon. it's a heavyvy burden. iran exerts extensive political influence on the country's militant islamist organization, hezbollah. lebanon's many religious groups make politics in lebanon a delicacate balancing act.. the country is economically on its knees. for months there have been widespread prorotests, in whih women are playing a key role.
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>> "revolution!", they chant. wooden spoons and pots hammer home theheir message.. lebabanon has beenen rocked by protests since last octor,r, amidid an onomicic csis andd frustration with theountryry political elit women li l laury htayayan e at theororefro of thth protesests. >> so herere women are p playia very impmportant role. they are being evewhwhere, whever youou s them they are being, in leleading e demonsnstrations, in chanting,n being li thehe barrieretetween ththe police andnd the demonstratorors. so peacekekee. >> she's n not interesteted int being g confrontatioional. laury haytayan seeks to unee the e crow in bebeir. she hopepes the protesests will stngththen cil socociety and lead to o more gender r equal. >> hopefully w we will he e moe womemen reesenteted the gogovement. currently we have four, i pepe thatt wiwille 50-50. >> as oilil a gas industry exexpertlaury y works in a le-dominated wor. 201018,he ran for a seainin
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paiament b withoho success. she e waraised in a fami whermen n anwomen are treate equallll and now wants tseee that implementedn n polics. for ththe past four r years, ss been meeeeting with women in mamanageme posositio, to discuss rategy. they ce from vious rereligis backckgrounds andd supppport dierenent poticall parties. what utes s thems theieir dedesire for eququality. >> women arere always actitive, maybe duringng the crisis s or revotionons,r wars. and then when it comomes to th decisionon-ming, we e see then that they are seco-r-rank an u havevehe men takakg over. all l head of polilitical pars are memen. and defininitely we are e in a female-dominated soctyty, so whenerer a wom feeeels tt shee wants to be emporered or adnceded iher career, polical cacareerthat's'slways barrier.r. duriring the revololution, all
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womemen are in the front lines and d this is whatat we like te inin politics. >> how to o translate ththa, exactly, howow to translatatew what's happepening on the e stt intooliticics d decision-making. so you tell m >> tse d days,eirut t is something of a mecca for partygoers. for years it was torn apart by a civil war that pitted lelenon's many different regigious counitities ainstt each o other. bubut now even t the enomicc crisis doesn't seem toee daenining thparty y spit here.e. but appearans s can deceiving. inerms o ogender equality, banon lags way binind inhe global index.. that's parartly because e many aspects of l life are goveverny religious traditions. only men c p pass onheirir lebanene nationatyty to their children.. manyny women are a also undea t of pssure e toemain viviins until they getet married.
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>> so beining sexy, beauautifud virginin, 's the t tart to be.. >> carolinine osman is a a gynenecologist. she says many womeststruggle wi a sysystethat is s fairly stacked agagainst them,, regagardless of ththeir social class or religion. ansex educucatn is lacacki comptely, she says. >> i hava lot of gir they came with their parent to solve the e problem of virginity, ani respecthatat. because theyeeeed real thehe parerent tprotecect eir daughter against the socociet. > how do you u solve the prm of virgininity? > i do hymenonoplasty. so i thihink this is a a problf the men, not the lad >> h hymenlasty y is surgical operatatn to resre the giginal membrane associated with v virginity. she saysys she's helpingng o upho an n archaic tradadition t the pressure of society is just too great.
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that's espececially true i in l areas. in ththe untains s ar the syrian border, we meme to th llage e ofashaya, , home to hanan halalabi. she's a membmber of the drdruze community, a reliousus mority th a adher to centnturies-old traditionsns on women. hanan n has had enouough. upup until five e years ago shs living in n the united s stat. it was only while the,e, that shnoticeced e extentntf the gegender inequalality in her homeland.. she retueded, hoping to effect change in n her communitity. she talks to the women from her viage.e. >> dwe e ever ink ababouthe n's virginity? we lock up our glsls at ho soo that ty keepepheir v vginity. even i brought my daughter her om t the u. becacause i was worrrried thate mighght get into a a relationp withth a man and l lose her viinitity. i i ju did it without enen inkingng
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>> evethough s rejects the traditns, she's still passg them onto her ughter, beuse she doesn't ntnt her daugughter to be r rejected bye cocommuny. the rurus for women are very clr:r: nightlubsbs, cohol, cigareeses, taoos anan earrings arell b band. >> somometimes i feeeel like m suffococating. why do n none of thesese rules apply to men? they cano whatev they want. if ieft ththhouse an swcheded o my cellone, there'd be hell toay.. ththere'no fununactor in life, my role is to be m mother and a workrk. > han lives with hepaparent antwo daugugers. so s she's basicalally a singlee mothther. her husban who is also a druze, iwoworking thehe u.s it was aarraranged maragage, nonot a love a matatch, in keeg with the rules of the uzuze cocommuny. i feeeel like'm l locd in a ca.. theyant us tbe educad. but at t end of e day, ii stt thinki about h i'm livingnd how t rest ofhe
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rlrld lis, i k kw i'm not in e ririghplace. i don'belong he. the problem is i was borherere. > buthe ongngng protests and lls for uality, which ha now so reaeach rashayagive hanan cacause for hope. hope tt her dahters wi e day li in a lebanon th is me e freend more eqequal than sheasas eveknown. >> striving for equality, inspiring g others. on our facacebook channenel, dw women, you'll fi stotories about women who are helping others lead self-determined lives. dw women giveses a voice to oe wowomen of our wororld. the world healalth organizatin estimates that around 10 percent of the global population suffer from psychiatric disorders.
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that's approximately 770 million people. depression is one of the most common mental health issues, along with bipolar disorders, anxiety issues and psychosis. and while there's a high concentration of mental health specialists in industrial nations, 45% of the world live in regions with fewer than one specialist to every one hundred thousand people. >> there's no running water at the moment, so the residents of this neighborhood on the outskirts of harare have to fetch water from a well. there's also no electricity, says grace chogaga susuch problems leave e many pe feeling worried and anxious. >> it's very stresessful. someme people can't affordrd s and can't cook and feed their families. some people can't even a affod fifirewood. these constant daily worries are a heavy burden.
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> an estimated quarter of te population of zimbabwe have a common mental disorder. in a country of 13 million, there are just 11 psychiatrists and 20 clinical psychologists. as a trained lay health worker, grace choga wants to help improve the situation. the friendship bench is a community project. today grace choga is meeting blangina munhenga. they've been seeing each other regularly for four weeks. both women are housewives and grandmothers. grace is helping blangina though her depression. what are you doing to feel better, she asks. the approach is based on cognitive behahavioral therap. grace listens to people's problems and helps them figure out their own solutions. >> talking to one of the grandmothers makes me feel better than talking to a doctor becacause i can be more e open.
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and anyway, i can't afford to see a doctor. >> when people come to see me i show them kindness. love i is important, and so is listening. >> grace choga's patient blangina munhenga and her husband live nearby, with their grandchildren. no one in the family has a steady income. blangina's depression began when one of her children died. but it took her a while to realize she was not well. her depression was only diagnosed when she went to a hospital because she was suffering from high blood pressure. in rural zimbabwe, there is little awareness of mental health problems. she began to recover when grace choga helped her buy y me chickens.
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looking after them took her mind off her anxietities. >> if you're always fretting over your problems it drains you of energy. it makes you sick, it weighs on your heaeart. once i met grandma choga i began to feel better. >> many people have a very hard life. in zimbabwe there is 80% unemployment. years of sky-high inflation have taken their toll. long lines at filling stations are a common sight. like many commodities, petrol is expensive and in short supply. popolitical prototests often en violence, , also on the e parf the police and military. but on the friendship benches, grandmothers help ease people's minds. there are now 400 of them across the country. one of the co-founders of the project is german psychologist ruth verhey.
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what's important is not to get scared by the stories they hehear, she explains. in fact, the grandmothers say the work has improved their own sense of wellbeing. they take part in regular training sessions. they have to be prepared to deal with people feeling very bad, even suicidal. >> they have to be able to recognize the problems they encounter, especially here where there is very little awareness, a lot of misunderstanding and misguided ideas, that someone is cursed, for example. someone who is psychotic is often thought to be cursed and needs to be tied up. >> the friendship bench program has had amazing results. only a few people have to be admitted to hospital. a study has shown that the grandmothers have helped reduce the number of suicides in the country. they also do arts and crafts with the patients, turning scrap plastic into bags. it helps takes their mind off
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their worrrries, and can be a source of income. >> if our patienents need mone, they can now try to sell the babags they make. ththey usually manage.e. ththen they can use the money they've earned to buy food for their famimilies. >> the women use an old immersion heater as a symbolic microphone, whoever's holding it is allowed to speak. supporting and encouraging one another is also part of the therapy program. >> i've started crocheting little bags. sometimes i even sell a few and then i can buy 2 kilos of sugar. my problems had been driving me mad. now i feel better r and i have mrs. choga to thank for that. >> the network of grandmothers may be going global. the project that began in zimbabwe is now being emulated in the united states, another country where many can't afford to seek professional help for mental health problems.
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>> and now in global living rooms we head over to thailand. > good mornining, welcom!
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we used toto be rice fararmers. then my huhusband fell out ofa tree whihile picking fruiti. he hurt his spine and so he can't work i in the fields anymore. so we opened this sh i instead positete t monastete. my son lives there. so knonow he alrigight couldldn'really l lk after him here. this bell l used to hangng rod the neck o of a cow thatat we e hahad. ununfortunately,y, we had to l her. but the bellememinds uof o our formerer life as fararmers.
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you can buy y these wall h hans at a cereremony in thehe temple every year. ththey bri gooood forte, f for your busininess, and your lif. th shohow crodileses, rtoisess ansnakes. but theyey don't come in large numbers. if youou get to the e temple l, they're always solold t. goodbye,e, see you soooon! >> that's all from us at global 3000 this time!
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don't forget to write to us with your feedback. you can reach us at, or on facebook: dw women.
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- whatat's your prprobm? whwhat's your soluti?? this is an interviview series about making the world a better place. in the campaign to reverse global warming most scientists, politicians, and entrepreneurs look for new technology. amory lovins, the visionary founder of rocky mountain institute, has led the global conversation about energy for more than 40 years. this is kampmp solutions. why are you growing banananas at 7,000 feet in your home? well, it used to g go to minus s 40 and below out here, and when we were building this passive h house


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