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tv   France 24  LINKTV  April 6, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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johnson has been moved into intensive care after his health worsened on monday the pm as us foreign secretary dominic raab to deputise him for the time being. eighhundred anand thirty three tests in france a new record highs cove in nineteen continues its free french authorities warned that the fight is far from over after monday's told this is encouraging data the previous day. and in austria the government and to relax coronavirus restrictions starting next week johnson is the best in court says he hopes
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that small shops and businesses. will be able. hello and welcome to the front twenty four newsroom i'm simon harding we starts with breaking news from. the united kikingdom whwhe prime minister boris diaw has been moved into. calf to his health worsened the pm has all foreign secretary dominic raab to deputise him in his absence and wet possible. johnson has been in hospital for twenty four hours approximately off to his symptoms worsened over the weekend for now he remains the only head of state to have tested positive for the virus. well for this breakingg story it's c crossover immediately to the united kingdom where fronts when he falls chris moore is stopping by chris thank you for job. since what's blade it from another i'm down.. officials in upupdating us on the collation n the last hour mister johnson i
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we understand is in intensive care and- thomas is not. in the capital lonondon the describes s a a precautiononary measure we'e been t told that for now mr johnson rememains course he'ss been moveded into intensive care it's s sad. in case he needs our offense e lights at night i if s not we think cardi on offense. the momement. i'd say they have to take a side. an apartment. j. the day i said to. mr jobs thank to o hospicee are night around eight pm sundaday. bubuts also. as a precautionary measure this offer he enentered the seconond week i is that a combineded of f ours the fact hi tetested p positive back on n mh the twenty th that's- and- of course thehe medics was safe in this templplate thatt we could potentially see. a complications we could potentially see our patieients ending up- intensive care as i study tested p positive you eventually come u up twenty seveven. since when he's- fifty
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years thank the caps. five self. wiwithin a number. . out street played a busininess for milild. about these obviously have to. hehe blossom restored by video message was on a friday whenn he ururged other british p public o tighghten. two s. thehey hired a seriouously mr johnson t tested positive a aund aboututhe same time. as the number of memembers ofoffice- inner circle of. willl be sold the opepera house site. map and cult also.. a a testing their adverertising to two thirs of work off that he said what. do you think. i can affect people in very different ways of taking going into the at the later stage of infection that second week. and chris can you tell us a little more about how the government is going to re
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shuffle in boris johnson's absence. well message- remains that boris johnson ferry not shot remains a prime minister but those governments that official site in terms of the day to day management of the occur by the fall. of the e pond that w would be hands on us to stop about the sentry and who is- kind of annoying take a deputy. inspirations are we saw him jarrett the combibined by te service b box me takingng. board and that giving cakee melissa didied last. thrhree they now alwaysys check i official being to point outut that made the now now inin care this is o obviousa so and of ththe l lengthy messae for him this season it willll be out missed abu b.. steppining t- up could have. personal thank
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you very much for thoughts houses. given de de cobit in nineteen has risen to a record high with eight hundred and fifty news by talents he's reported by the government. process being in. hello i'm for the- one day health. as the fox big insta via is fun from over erin a key how this for. after three weeks of confinement new numbers in france suggests the measures are working the curve finally starting to attend and while the number of patients admitted to intensive care increased over the past twenty four hours. thehe number of patients who h have left intensive care e units into account a net total of just nininety four remaineded it's te lowest figure since the lockdown begin. alleviating pressure on french hospital. home whehen it notes on the decy the fellowship the president that's your all not even street by strong i'm too interested
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mall seieizures t tolerances dir and all d day yeses keep forgetg i i don't that's occasasion maye you'll talk. join the ball falls. to the- but the- means with workers calling cost though the worst hit regions of greater east are starting to see signs of hope the outbreak could still worsen swear to thte question youou really want toto talk on the project- i a assume moisture bottom left but thought. almost no. what is your is we- don't one s study whatever is the most pc. taking that reality into a- the french health minister has warned against letting up on the confinement measures. cindy but i mean they loaded up on some potent- the little story which- they should not have to look. in i don't think you can continue to. in other countries
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it seemingly reassuring numbers second wave of an- a situation franance hopes t to avoid at all cocosts. time for audit business updates with a specific look at france this monday which is heading for its worst recession since the second world war. the country remains in lockdown system of course the spread of the corona virus to finance ministry warned me could shrink it all then the negative at two nine cent recorded. two thousand nine. business at six moody river. late editions from. the blue note amass i'm measures of the year on taking re. economomic activity. when i workeded on wawas denounced brul america to the e french economy which shranank 1% to twenty twenty it's not clear the economic damage will be far worse. the national statistics agency says that for every month of locked down three percentage points will be shaved off and gdp growth. that means that i'm shut down could
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see a growth of 526% to forty. friendship is pretty rough quarter of its could. and five million people who apply for temporary unemployment benefits from the government. that's the one that was initially due to be worth eight billion euros. because it's been posted the billion. most economists to predict a faiairly quiuick rebod in the sececond h half of thther if the lockdown strategy and monetary and fiscal support. to be effectiveve to that end the eurozone finance ministers will be holding a teleconference on tuesday to discuss mobilizing up to half a trillion euros helped statart the eurozone economy. we're not expecting any agreement on the divisive issue so called corporate bonds were. that which is really invited yours on member states they could a agree to mobilize bailout fund known as the europeans. that and- ending member states looking t to insulate theheir economies from the immmmediate shockck as wells lay the groundwork for a quick
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recovery. the violence also. chancellor sebastian kurz said thanks to phase outs a covert and nineteen restrictions australia has seen a drop in deaths and cases and is now looking to slowly get back to normal life allowing. shots because of the- in just over a week our correspondents in vienna anthony mills analyzes the government's made for us. what councillor said is t that f we see a continuation over the next week of the cucurrent tren- which is bring him downn that expansion and in daily increaeases to what h he sees. s being a manageaeable level and the austrians andnd the p pple have remained- in his words disciplinened. in a a week. wednesday in fact- w would tuesday- then some meaeasures will be lifted and t the reasonn he says is that austria acted. early he says austria was one
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of the first european countries to impose a very restrictive plant down- with that only see yes reason among those- that were necessary to be able to leave their houses. and he e sad that that.t. does itit all. expansion rightowntown vacatitions kepept intensive cae case down. he said that. are going to be able to if some of those restrictions but it's far from a return to normal course is good. only small so. thank afafrica so o being any made heh related covet and seen one trip is nonetheless taking the precautions kenya and to try to. we were for three africa's fifty countries clothes that. to talk to us about the situation further we welcome the executive director of human rights watch africa division c. signum thank you very much for
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joining us alive on fronts for them i'd like to start by asking you a few days ago you wrote an op tools waiting for storm corona. in a way you want to say but right. and why is that. many what eight o one we e knowow that many african. hi bob we can- help public health and- even ordinary healthcare infrastructure. and then you find that- up 270% of african leave below the povoverty line now if you if you u qualify a al of the apps we exist in- i'll bricks all diseases like measles like call. on my yeah to back losses on all of the other chronic illnesses that many africans took off from without adequate health care
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and treatment you realili thahat you know-- if content makee lik. taking foretold. can be a mess health crisis. one day i know very few testing site. very few even fewew what testing kits- most governments crumbling wondering how a tool you knoww address s the challenge e when t gets to them. i'll go into do nonot. you know p play man you w this was just pouring disease andd topic and i guess we just hoping that it wouldndn't make the lan cable but it is here. two pp t to one out ofof the pee up in countries. accordedd please one case all. up there will be impacts on. if you struggle about in for. that is that perhaps also the question of a lack of understanding of- the virus lack of belief in him for example today there was testing sense which was burned down in n the ivory coast. so it
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it a lot of the challenges that african top one i is that is the mistrust. of government is the strongest of korea not. mistrust of security forces us you w would have seen in some placaces- like we had in the cae of peoplple a lot- when seeking. i that iss medicalal plus. there would be a top. people identifyy sesecurity forcess with abuse- with deceit a and so you know it it's the same mistakes are being made with the colgate nineteen i'm crises in inn africa seventeen- medicical plus we don't close it to katie in the people proroperl infnform te people must be aware it. we be. whwhat is possible. any interne. most rely on local r radio and f they don't on the hype languagee
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around the science old the diseasen the buyer also yep window mistrusust doors walk remaining to help that. i'm just a finally on the i'm gonna have to ask you to be- rather brief on this on set. what the government staff will need to do more- backs- to help the population gets to grips. with the issue is increasasing thatt writes for exaxample a viablee solution. it is ababsolutely a i solution on i it no n no solutin will be effective if it is not price based. thank you veryy much for coming on up front twenty four live with us thank you very much. just a reminder of our breaking news that's s a base out from thehe united kingdom w with british prime minister boris johnson has been moved into intensive care off that his health worsened. the prime minister has us foreign secretary don't arrive to deputize them in his absence and wet possible boris johnson
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has been in hospital for twenty four hours off to his sim. worsened over the weekend. how of sight if tested. if the file. well then you we have a front you very for watching from everyone he at. they say take tax bye bye. frarae a and fashin go hand in hand expert design and craftsmanship have made this country the king of the global fashion industry and- is often called the- capital it's not just the fancy w would quit. everyday fashion is also sourced asset number thehere's a certaiain genocide quad to how people dress here thehere so she can you see so. less joy us for this absurd french connections plus we return. bash in and out.
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france's reputation in the global fashion industry is outstanding this is home to some cherished f fashion houses like should and victoria and if some of the home depot m. as the list of the- every. french designers are famous for being. their styles and exceptional in their techniques they've been setting trends and creating classic pieces for generations that's right genie francis love affair with fat goes way back in fact it's been the epicentre. european style since the seventeenth century when it became a royal and therefore a state matter. the association of france with lemon style is widely seen as starting in the mid seventeen th century with the reignn of louiss thehe fourteteenth. thehe s sun king.e of his watch the royal court at
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the deskside became the arbiter of taste across europe. notions such as fashion seasons in changing styles became popular under his reign. for centuries the highest quality fabrics and materials were found in france drawing in the best and brightest designers and m making paris a thriving fashion. the modern term. originated in eighteen sixties for fashion in hyper takes. twentieth century it was french designers who set the tempo for style there was coco chanel givenchy and christian dioior who completetey revolutionized women's fashion as did fellow home who transferred in men's this into the wardrobe. also for to our to are readydy where collection the principal c. days fashion coinues to be a deep rooted feature of france's culture and it's ready should around the
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world. it's not about being designers the dress sense of any average french person is pretty good well if you type how to dress like in google one of the top suggestions is like reason it's s all abouout looki. but all. i can not trying too hard essentially a- so what's the secret let's take a look at some of your questions malani baker road to the french like to wear after leisure attire for daily getting about a little late a lot of and this one. what are sign it you lost control of your life so you bought sweatpants a genie leave your yoga pants a hundred but where the industry effortlessly chic is all about looking like he woke up that wayay not like you just rolled out of bed. another kidnapped. if you. and do they- close here are it's clothes or x. and so french people tend to own fewer of them it's all about the quality not the quantity people tend to invest for the future time
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classics it's their body type message we follow the trends in the fashion four. tell us already is class but all a white dress first up. no i just can't hardly at wears parades and- how. everyone should have a strike the top in their wardrobe men and women well the trench coat now if in doubt you can go all i can play the make up card remember less is more that's true. comes to color as well as the french calling one. many years ago never wear more than two virginie i'm no fashion experts with a best thing would be to ask the french themselves. if it got set up process will take several days. the pharmacy let some pc did. the dishes are getting some donkeys who cuts you can instantly see- she killed somebody was present. i would offer multiple. was up for john themselves to me to.
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also month process. the two city based kit us to drop address check personal email to clinch a- danger to the service should be should usually. go to decide w which is going all out to get the baby demo at forty. three yeah. just federal govevernment does not the susan from hospital is a most. natural six a new process i've called. mindful someone could decide saddam. you don't hit it shows a show for the african american for why does she feel on my yeah. sure if i should of what. first who is this woman sosomething off. have to should be that. will give us a call of a is up feeling of also won all deadlock. fifty if fashion isn't. ask of ka. and life and for it's all big business senanator have been aware o of s for long time remember louis
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the e fourteenth the sun kining well his will minister of finances but he's good bath famously said that faction is to france. with the gold mines are to spain the french fashion industry continues to be a gold mine today it accounts for one hundred and fifty billion euros in sales and more than one million french chops and close 23% of. gdp comes from the fact industry which is huge amount to insure continues to be a cash cow the french state gives financial aid to. fashion fans especially urging talent. posted well respected and shows every year but it facing more and more calm. from other how. in new york london and milan and that's forcing french fashion to ststay on its toes.
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the poles of the french fashion industry today i'm joined by and this f fisa you're a franco british journalists specialized in fashion but also in gender now once upon a time french designers kind of set the pace in t the fashion industry but competition is t tough would you say that french fashion is as- i've owned out as it was in its heyday. when it was dormant for quite a bit there was there was a phase where was not much but not very much happening it was labels quote themselves quoting their own history wearing lots of sorry mine yes. and today it is very much that we can do. is that as like the rock and generation you know the amount. one with. you know sort of the- of berlin. the fifth stores of london. and so there's a sort of a a pan european aesthetic that's drugs that's going from not. so i think that today the
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french are happy not to o just before the french miss anymore. and there's definitely a wave of much multiculturalal fringe design is- who would not just. with and when i get them all what do you think is the most exciting thing happening in the fashion industry today. i think the mix two and- milk street is very interesting that's- sounds it's it. is that's you know. at itself via these as does this know how this kind of artisanal know how that's being spread too. young young designers yes and the two definite collaborates with a very young seen definite collaborates with the with the houses who are open to. help design is. think of. there is passion it seems like there's globalization yes people. kind of wearing same thing that they might be wearing in london- but as iris or- there is. a friend look. do you think that's the list the firm it's very interestiting ths huge market of friendships that now t the someone evenn has sort of bodies in classes- soo i
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think it exists but exists mostly for the foreign gays. in france the french willing to move. i think america and- and consumers outside the world's i'm looking at. is the idea of. what the french. out and then there's the french at is. he i think everyone is sick of all this mess of the told and skinny mitigating weight and those books even called why french women don't get fat away french women don't get faceliftfts which is complete live by the way- and thehen. decide to show face and from stats that stuff is front loaded country you know. this country and yet it's never what you see now you have. a date buster posey one hundred esteem campmpaign and i in houses in ao very very white so and there's- no there's- people starting point show. within face. alex
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does not mean that died not feel that is totally a perhaps face with that we don't use see some way from some mind a and showing how may be the more call to reality about. no all the picture people come to find know not the got not not the key of the got people to find. to the stephanie rebellion against against the police and i. would just cool kids arranged. the cooking don't wanna look french okay i think that is a mix up. i wish fashion and then. both were still very. and yeah i'd look like rob. or look like is. but they definitely don't to look for and they don't wear berets. and straight because and this sorry apologies. thank you so much for that and by that will have to leave it there thank you for being on the show thank you. i flip for. well there is one fashion item we have to talk about stars. they are definitely part of the dress code here in france and so many
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of you had questions about scarves and it's unclear. if it's something he wanted me. to talk. but i have to talk about it because french people men and women love jewelry scarves in summer fall. and spring. are so many different ways tie scores depending. on the shape and the mid. scarred and just for you. first of all hello. kind of score. like this. is what they call. europe hi sir take. kerr cut it half with my- for your and if. it over. through and you take it a little bit. it's going to look at the kathy smaltz scarf very french very chic. so what you do is you fold it into triangle. like such. k. any kind of roll it up. like this. okay i got it
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like that like exactly yeah close enough and then you put it around your neck and then you try and you will never have a cold like again and you will be very stylish kind chic on this french connections plus plus thank you for that thank you for watching don't forget if you have your own question france or the french you can always free flow. flow will now and we'll see you next time for french connection plus years i
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04/06/20 04/06/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york city,y, the epicenter of the pandemic in the united states, this is demococry nonow! >> it is literally frightening when you walk in there. you're spending have your brainpower worrying about if you're going to die. you're not concentrating on the patient. you're worried about not dying as you go in there. it is very difficult. amy: is the new york avenue told passes


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