tv France 24 LINKTV April 10, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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italy's primeme minister said a cut to extends to covered nineteen locked down until the start of may. your price is nose diving during the pandemic the apex group of global produces holds talks to reduce the number of barrels being put out by around 10% and good friday celebrations like no other with christians around the world holding virtual press services from twenty fourteen take a look at how it's being celebrated in jerusalem. welcome to the front twenty four news room in paris i'm alexexander willl cut the latest on the global covered nineteen
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pandemic. well the global coronavirus fatalities have not exceeded one hundred thousand according to the tally taken by the johns hopkins university the country with the highest death toll is set italy. with the prime minister saying it that he was taking the what he called the difficult decision to extend its not down due to end onon monday anonother three weeks. untilil at least out of may just take rebuffed calls from lawyers to ease restrictions that are cripplplig the economy. more details from twenty four i spoke to our car stop six. the budget needs easter like know what the said. i mean east here on of the fafat that this v very goodd read that here. all cocombine thee things momost people generally wouldld celebrated with family and b be ststaying withh friends or famiy all is well take a day trip out once the country side going to the seaside going up to the mountains. arere to enjojoy the tempmperature at ththe weather.
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this time around ththat's not going to happen and that's why the authorities are stressing on this s state at scschool o or messagee our that's it though despite all the walks around the neighborhood. do you see an increase in s self releasased. e on the street. to check our bills. what we do is more people out in the- we can go walks keep the so just. our mission is but taking those walllls said walking outside those mas utitilities are seeing these statatements- celebs your mr axel are d doing youour video calls follow at the mass and the religious celebrations onlinene. don't go outside thats reallyly the messagege they wand to stress andnd it stepped up those patrols particularly ensuring that people don't travel. to the second homes. and since the death toll has reached thirteen thousand the third highest off to italy and spain. the french director general of- health it stays there are signs that the number of cases in intensive care and now slowing although he
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insisted that strict restrictions. remain in place. do you duplicate content four hundred and thirty one new patients have been admitted to intensive cattle the major number hwy eleven thursday yeah the figure represents the total number of patients on the care each day. and for the second consecutive day is likely down to sixty two your patience that's a very small reduction in the numbers of spaces needed in intensive care. we could be seeing the beginning of a process that will be a very high one that led to some even as the epidemic remains dynamic. and heterogeneous according to each region with many admissions. that's why we have to stay off of the vigilance and prepared to act it would be easy. well here in the capital of the street are ab and then at any time during the lockdown as you going up fractions. his banned. during the day the police have been out in force to ensure that the measures are being followed and to cover more ground. three even using drones equipped with
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loudspeakers to monitor- off limits james andre reports. they are seeing more and more often flying over paris is closed parks and woods. police drones are being used to monitor boss there is in the capital. during this lockdown. one nine zero. following viewing video sandra doesn't keep coming to the geology is effective the point of actually feature please. there's also a powerful see more city for me- awful sueued to o the systetem o personalize on the legal complained couldld you. deliver. that message loud and clear. homa what happened in the rooms find people with can guide residents those who disobeyed. ruleles of pacing about bucknell presented some to come along. yeah promo is on what it is if you're supposed. to o complete .
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the footage is live to the police headquarters. room police drones are flying over the city everyday to monitor the lockdown. yet the regions are still not quite used to the. i guess this whole world that's well she told mps are given to ticket shows the festival was a. conditional situation so i don't see. home the impact these during the lockdown is mainly psychological. they give the impression that the police that's already deployed on mass is everywhere. but we've been saying district lockdown measures enforced until now are starting to the kerr effect here in europe and elsewhere with the numbers of new cases it's starting to slow. but after weeks of staying at home public officials are warning people against violating social distancing rules over easter. w. joe wants to see
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restrictions lifted. as much as anyone at the same time lifting restrictions too quickly could lead to a deadly resurgence. the way down can be as dangerous as the way ob if not managed properly. w. joe is working with affected countries on strategies for gradually and safely easing restrictions. one of ours said crisis is hit the oil sector with a double whammy market share a war between the us and saudi arabia flooded the market with that petroleum at the same time as demand f for from a adelines and by this plummeted for more details we can cross to captain bennett from our business teams. catherine what is being done for the oil prices and what to have the opec groups global supply has been discussing too rememedy this. . well i if theyp top feded meetiting earlyly todt they'r're still working with a pay to finanalize this agreement
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on what. could be the biggest global oil supply deal in history so pick plulus wants to cost about ten. about 10% of the global s supply. and to do that they want to cut to ten. the date in may and june. i'm then eight to millllion barrelsa day off without for the following six months and then up until april twenty twenty two they want to reduce that again. point six million barrels a day. so it mexexico initially blockss t the deal because it didn't wantt to make the e suggested c copped a four hundred thousand. barrels a day however but t the united states stepped in and agreed to help out with mexico. so president donald trump confirmed that the us would make additional cuts in to o route fromom mexico tau. but he was quite low on details he said that he didn't want to. hurt us companies u. s. energy companies and u. s. workers. but he also said that mexico would have to reimburse the u. s. ance at later date- and it's still unclear whether the g g. twenty and opecc plus will accecept this arrarangement. sai has prereviously said thahat a m
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member w who doesn't follow through on its commitments would be allowed to continueue with the deaeal the deal will have to. end so their own sense ththat that't's the plan to cuct supply it would actually be enough. the prpricing was ginned up the- rurussian s saudi a aran recentnt weeks.. p plus says put means that t all priceses. on te web lows. the group- old i it foil. almost a at. the. please thank you this tech giant andnd google a bigger to drop it off at q. spot for tecno. to help contain coverered now. what c cn tell us about this. yes they have thahat's actually right say they said today that they go to develop content to trace technology. to let people know when they've been this someone who may have the virus now the way to work this technology you. often them the is blue to pass information between phones. the user receives alert they've been placed books and
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he was someone who tested positive for. teen now what they d do with this i is the ape and google says plan will take. does intestines all system. so that you it download the xbox order to install into the system. posted who is it some questions about data about proof c. and the book to the apapple hopkins into that knowledge. hello chin all the density of ththe- thahat would e see but also. onon the i ins. is on the way. thank you very much concerned that it frorom a bubusiness team for those updates. as we mentioned at the top of the program the global deaths have now exceeded a hundred thousand to that milestone. comes as christians
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around the world market a unique good friday largely observed virtually. here in france the archbishop of paris said lead. service in the not i'm- this is a year after it was rocked by fire meanwhile in jerusalem which would normally welcome- foss numbers of pilgrims discolorations this year. have been totally changed there is a backlog. and one mariotti and says you've got to check a report. this site the furniture usually on good friday dozens of monks walk along the via dolorosa. the way of sorrows with the bible tells us jesus carried his cross. but this easter only three friends and monks walk in the footsteps of cheeses. cooler it is exceptional because of course- these- the pandemic inn this moment- the one near the goal- the c. two jerusalem was a sold
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out crowd o of that the tools impopossiblele to walklk. and. w with this the seventy. christians across into the- alleyway. this year israeli police enforce jerusalem's current issue and to make it through the media. the three monks do manage to reach the church of the holy sepulchre its shots because of the pandemic only the monks are allowedd inside to pray is a sign o of hope foror all the key sisince leaving all around the worlrld. who knows t that- here that we continue to play. just one worshipper is allowed to stay he walks the via dolorosa barefoot daily. i would. stay here journalists were also prevented by police from reaching this church which will remain closed to worshippers
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sunday. however the united states the number of covered nineteen infections is fast approaching half a million far ahead of the cases reported anywhere else in the world york state itself has the highest concentration if it were a country its death tololl would make it the fifth worst affecteded. team in new york jut a caramel missourii a wilill brg us this report from a field hospital in the heart of manhattan. the field hospital in the middle if new york central park it's been set up to catch the coronavirus patients. under these tents they're all sixty eight beds ten respiration is strategicalllly place just a stone's throw from mount sinai one of the biggest hospitals in manhattan. ny i can so that is an intensive care nurse she looks off to patients who are in a critical condition.. normrmally whenever i i find in this capapacity it's in another country then. in haiti. even in. rack i'm in a workarouound
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settining i never couldld have imaginined that we would be dealingg witith something likee this right here in america and our own country. in new york city this temporary hospitatal wawas setup by an evangelical christian nonprofofit cooll the sasamaritan's purse. d degree is agaiainst gay marriagee and abortion. but thehe s situations so bad here in new york that the mayor and the governor are taking. help. they can. i sure. if i will put this field hospital is f foodies the doctos and nurses hey hi nicole is record on our do thehere we e ao have some face shields help protectt our face every siningle day as a staff we take her temperature at once in the morning and once at night to make sure that we're remaining a site that. dozens of patients condition have been treated here since april first when the field hospital opened with two thousand bed a and tens off thouousands infected with the virus your is the center of the
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break here in the united states. story france twenty four stay tuned i'll be back with more news updates in a little over fifteen minutes. three and a half million people can. someone around. . almost all of the world's population could be nineteen pandemic has drastically changed our lives and aim to travel industry slurred s stopped s so what does that mean for the environment what impact if it's to fight for climate change join us for this special episode down to. down two percent above. twenty four and twenty four dot com. france is famous or rather infamous for its bulky bureaucracy the country is known to be a civil servants paradise there are legions of the so called for extranet it's
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a hot button and divisive issue that causes huge fights between the left and the right mainly over the size of the cost attempts to reform the- system. and the street. three to halt so the big is france ready for change join us for this episode of french connections plus where we take a closer look. at the function at. as the- public service the so called functional leak is huge while they're over five point five million civil servants in france which means that one in
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five workers. is on the state's payroll france has the most functionary in europe but when you scale it down to the size of the population france is far from being the world champion well sure we're ahead of japan and germany and thehe united. states where he behind. countries there are a lot of them but just what is the phone can act. functionality all that is applied to a lot different as a people now contrary to pop belief not all employee of the state have the status for instance people who work for the national railway service sim staff or members of the military or even journalists at france twenty four are not functioning. so if we're not functionaries who it is well there are three branches of the civil service you have public servants of the state for instance the police are specially teachers and many have civil servants at the regional departmental and local level and the- public hospitals and all their staff doctors and nurses etcetera. east the function as keep country running and safe a population
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healthy and educated and for that reason given a very special it is w with a l lot. te it goes thatat folks now orr un. anand o overpaidd which is an e. of course. but civil servants certainly have the reputation of being privileged compared t o private sector workers. and this can lead to some jealousy. first of all they're pretty much guaranteeeed employment for life. on top of job security they tend to work fewer hours than in the private sector. they also tend to take more holidays. forty two days on average compared t to twenty nie dadays of f annual leaveve in te privatate secector. and what t t sasalaries w well it depends on your pay grade. managers the public sector tend to be paid less than their counterparts i n the private sectctor. a lower skilled workers to be more. they also get jealous. earlier and ththe best pensionon. ask
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french parents what they want their children to be when they grow up and many will replyly without hesitation a civil servant. france's public service is the object of all kinds of rumors and fascination and many of you send in your questions like after t. mukherjee who said i want to know how civil servants are selected will to become a civil servant you have to take a competitive exam it's called a cool cool and this. take years of studying to prepare that means that everyone has an equal shot regardless of their background connections the idea is to have a core of civil service select a sublease on their merits. the question is how. plus the call quite a lot fact about. 4% of gdp goes towards funding france's public service that's because the state pays for its current employees and the pensions of all its former empmployees and this can add up for instance. in two thousand fourteen t the state paiaid about two hundred
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eighty billion euros in salaries. on top of that about thirty seven billion euros. critics say this amendment bill just cost taxpayers too much money but the real question is how big a drain is the function a system on the- economy. to find out more about france's public service i'm joined by laura marlowe the correspondent for the irish times here you've been living paris for quite some t time so y you've seen ths debate. published at flare up timing. i think the- bashing what we see is fair. no i've dealt with some civil servants who were wonderful who's very devoted very hard working very efficient all but i've also met some who were sadistic. could useless- so like any profession
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it goes both ways they have for a very long time been the *-*- of jokes by people one was that when friends moved to the thirty five hour working week. begiginning in ththe two thousas what would joking that civil servanants would havave to incre their hours to reach the five out. but at the sasame timee opinion polls show that most french people actually like the civil service and they they appreciate hello sir and think it is good t to say that t frans civil service is effective all. parts of it are effective- hello it is not. i'm is it is just x. an exexpanded. under the those decades of prosperity after the second world war. the government has the money and they hired and hired in harden hired i think probably one of the biggest problems is that these people have job security that cannot be fired. and i i think that if civil servants
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were at risk of being fired like the private sector. i think that would be very good measure i ththink they would thy would ship out of it. and would you say that france is a nanny state it's been described that way sometimes yes. it would have become accustomed to have it. free okay fred you. this is guy's house you get you to that and it's like an addiction and the government can't take it away- that will be mass unrest it does a lot for its citizens and not only does it do a lot for them in france. it doesn't log for them abroad. for example if you goo hiking in the hihimalayas and get lost the french government will. save you well. we you are. is a- but it costs money now to tighten the belt the french president emmanuel nicole. has vowed too slash the civil servants he wants to. cut a hundred twenty thousand folks genet but which ones you cut. that's the problem most presidents promised to slash a civil servant. and then when they get
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in office they don't know what to cutut it's very tricky because- all of the ministry say that they're cut to the bone- the police are very hard for. since the job list of toxins- on two thousand fifteen and sixteen though not necessarily the police or the teachers on. teacachers they are not very motivated and one argument is that you should hire more teachers better teachers at. bebetter there's a lot of questionable whether doctors and nurses in all french ha should be civil servants should they really how civil servant status that saiaid i'm not s sure privatizing the whole system is in is the answer either do you think that the french you are quite used to these wonderful public services are they ready for change themselves they say they are- all of the opinion polls show that the french want reform problem is when it comes down to me and my interest if you point to perform it it will
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always. somewhat personal and then last year so it is great but- that's me. thank god for it we have time for but they don't on. thank you supply are. reforming the- as- is so taboo because civil servants are ingrained in french culture for example the whole education system is geared toward maintaining the status quo what. are the best you can go to it. is the national administration school lynott which already explored on our show manany french presidents ad other top officials went to that school and- they're not really in a rush. to change the system spots. and although they love to complain french people also have a certain amount of respect for t their civil servants because after all they're working for the greater good ensuring that public services like. health policing and even diplomacy or a high qualality accessible to everyone and affordable. so like many things here in france the french have a love hate relationship with their functionaries slow. you want to
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external. just a thought is it possible to get it checked i need you know when you guys don't see jump over them. the it. was good so a kid. sharon was. get up to a sububscription. cool well in this room. here's the million dollar question jeannie how do you maintain quality and yet cut costs some say it's impossible defenders of france's function air warned of chipping away at the system too much as that could lower the state for public services and then the fact that france's population is getting bigger and when old how can you answer the needs of an expanding population if you're cutting. and even if cutting staff you're still going to hire people any from the private sector for example or by
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outsourcing and saw the precise the status function the guarantee caliber and integrity of server if you hire employees. and we job for life well you know some cororruption and political. a state check on the government in any case it's a very complex issue that's sure to be on the agenda for many years to come that's all that we have for the show thanks for watching don't forget to give your own questions you can always. tweet apple. the next time another episode of french connection.
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04/10/20 04/10/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york city, the epicenter of the pandedemic, ths is democracy now! >> with a freak show in washshington. a totally dysfunctional government which is cauausing enormousus problblems and it ist as if nothing was known.. wast -- the pandemic
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