tv France 24 LINKTV April 14, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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seven hundred and sixty two deaths in france to cover nineteen country now has a death toll of a fifteen and a half thousand. what is these. stores that we open do so on condition of social distancining his perspective on the premises. meanwhile follows the same path as in my micron announces an extetension to the lockdown inda will be on a contntinuous. joining us francis passed another grim landmark the corona virus pandemic there's not a death toll of fifty thousand seven hundred and nine. as a further seven
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hundred and sixty two people lost their lives covered nineteen of the twenty four hours these guys include hundred thirty. people who in that. call with a pad hit france it's c. from the chief health she home selling. local the van over the law twenty hours to hand and seventy and you have been admitted to any types of cat. that's a bit more than yesterday however for the six day in a row more people with the stars and then mrs today by ninety one people. it seems off you people intensive care even if they numbers were. but i crazy today. johnson on the chief medical officer he and- the north paris. of st and any the scene what experts. to just. number of covered nineteen deaths the reason remains unexplained by doctors. and lists to what a well known. in the area charities the stepping up their efforts to meet goals but- it's- okay for.
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before you retire this. this. is located in the- paris the sandbox analysis yushin it. by the grace of our pandemic i think he said it damaged almost increases have a script about a failed but because the new vehicle is evil. and even while the. this is association by mothers how six hundrdred houses in the can. it is of course that even the young in the area are committed to. because of the- because of that pockets and they deliver them to for in need. it's an episode. that stands in stark. a sinister. images of young people in the suburbs that france is used to. it but very much w. the most. key kia keeping up local suitable for the- one. you can you. it is a any changes are on
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the way michael hostel the epidemic has a economic on who do not have the rights to working for. and he was a result may their livelihood to the blue market they shouldld sy frank on it t that i mean it'll it'll. hello. is the fact that mehdi a member of the t. m. j. s. association knows all too well this is the secondnd time he's delivered a package to this woman doing down into some of our- who do. you love it. you do when you do not even able wing of. the new moon to this couple people also. i don't know what it is. the welcome a addition is s an expensivee seats they need two thousand euros every four days in order to meet the needs. can you put this how well one charity is helping in many. in
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one of the poorest areas around paris at the time that this led to the displacement of us some great french forty bands. top is a tour de france cycling to pull back from until. it's to shut you up to start in the sunfish is always initials are these eight. courses everything. the subject of my happen my developed next to the pub. the film. shuttle fit into june is now on hold not yet officially canceled again another case of wait and see. on the other number of- music events of summer now in doubt we'll already canceled. it's a big brother twenty thousand lives lost to cover nineteteen has eased. some restrictions some business. baby clothes stores station in bookshops i've been given the green light to reopen nationwide. this is all. wheel disc. thank you. this is. some local though just to keep that close. this happens as is over 50% of italiansns actually kept
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workining during the lockdown. france twenty four the- gearing up to welcome cost with a thorough disinfection this chopper now has been given the green light to reopen his baby clothes boutique the same goes number of businesses. including bookshop and look back. after more than a month's locked thank you the country is slowly reopening. assume a lot of the stuff i. level six. if you proceed the court's the end of the trying to see the ftv capital c. number from us of the longtime to look up at the guysys and for the body sit at the top of okay awesome. but you dodon't i mean yeah the- my god of course not fame okay to some of the front of the plea africa the federal the system
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go under jane the coldness b bo. which makes. despite national easing we spoke of. there are just. hard hit places such as get more northern. went be allow at least to. and crucially most businesses remain shots authoririties have extended the lockdown until at least may does that. health concerns domino. was another worry the longtime. on the economy. the math predicts that it is a gdp dropped by 9% and just promised narendra modi's decided to x. the locked there until the third. the r. nearly nine thousand put cases and three hundred thirty nine deaths from copd nineteen in india lotus says the restrictions could be tightened fufurther over the next week. i want to talk about i'm- risk pool people. have a mo law that job. are still most at risk of catching the virus. the world's
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biggest lockdown extended for three more weeks india's one point three billion people will continue living under restriction until may third. in economics. but a necessary one according to prime minister narerendra modi's. since our the rest of the day k. three eight. man not generally look back. barbecue metric i need forty. lee again. badadak was gin the gift i gave it. is k. o. on the evils of the- since india's lockdown at first took effect late march millions have lost their jobs with the day laborers and migrant workers especially hard hit. many of these laborers live where they work meeting their salaries as well as their housing have vanished under lock out. many now face homelessness. others
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rush to return home to their villages. and some remain stranded in india's megacities and cramped unsanitary l living conditions. this construction worker relied on his daily wage for dollars to see his family. under travel restricictions he can't return to his home state of bihar but his wife is urging him to do so anyway. so if. of the other. a lot money if you uploading. india's coronavirus have now topped ten t thousand with more than three hundred reported deaeaths. but health experts warn that a w widesprprd outbreakak could be cacatastropc in a country where millions live in dense slulums with limited access to health care. the situation in india lockdown
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extended until may third. worldwide the corona virus pandemic has claimed over a hundred and twenty five thousand lives will help organization criticized many including the u. s. president donald trump for acting quickly enough to stop sept is not another battle being fought the w. h. o. says the long list of conspiracy theory. the types of some of the camp contained ninety. one difficult the france twenty four observers team has more on this. . one of the conspiracy theories about the corona virus that we've been seeing the most is supposed connection w with t the building a five e g. communications networks around the world. take a look at this video. as in does fall for most in birmingham in nineteen kingdom this he was taken on april the second. season thanks. to liberty fan twenty of the most across the country have been burned or vandalized but it's not. meant to engineers are being passed
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trying to do the job d do you know what yoyou. are laying. yeh realized that. say what you do that kills people but where did this the come up it all began this amount tom cullen enemy doctor w who currently onn probobation for treating a patient with a non. it on youtube. the calendar that could be team is caused b by fie g. networks that five g. radio waves p please in thehe cells in the human body and that causes the e virus anybody wanna make one gas is that fair. the first completely. fifive pm it was. exactly dismissed collins as complete rubbish saying that five g. radio waves aren't strong enough to affect the body's's cells o or immune systm but video seen hundreds thousands of times to take it down but people still sharing
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copieses online and coming with that evidence. for instance that's- she will not. france isn't even how the five g. yet the map shown in this tweet actually represents the rollout of fibibre optic c country peope who believeve this theory are actually making it harder to tackle the virus. still the case natational heaealth the moe phone most of the missisiles thy want to connecting the country'ss emergency services with the people who need the most. catherine it's in the front i can observe this team looking. that the- m myths on te fake news regarding five g. and a run a virus. this one's a business that will come to me stacey it's worst recession since the nineteen thirties. this according to well people who perhaps are expected to know the international monetary fund which you shop like it's twenty to focus because of the- coronavirus and then it and the
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look of the- predicts a 3% local economies this call the great lolock. as a crime like. t further into this the senate k. moody cake to you. right to see and d i wish you a but understad social distancncing you working from a safee place. what't's moe ababout the latest economimic forecast. very fewew. in what what are you dire outlook underscores the magnitude of the e economic damage that is being faced here- for deeper and more wide ranging even then ththe global financial crisis of the lastst decade. i i know in january international monetary fund. global will grow three point 3% thihis year just four months later right now s sees te world economy contracting by about it. tommy's openly to shrink more than emerging economies that's because china is still officially classed as emerging economieses and it's probably g gonna m manage s some grgrowth about one point 2 2% is
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the direction n from the i mess. said would you he grew up control as much as- percent and the s. be down about 6% all this according to ththe latest imf forececast now t the numbers arare based on ththe so called. baseline scenario which assumes that the v virus w will be contained in t the coming months and ththat economicc activity wl be able t to start up agaiain in the second h half of the yearr.t doesn't. b. my- the forecast also to a around the will be taking swift and a sizeable action both insnsulate their economies in the short term and re launcnch a activity down the roroad the- enough for conditios including financial support for how care. as well analysts were affected. medical workers working on the front lines of the crisis. they also say there should be short term loans for businesses to help you keep afloat and a flexible approach to debt repayments. call has
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been more and more it holds true for trees as well as a more individual level the imf itself position some two hundred million dollars worth of debt relief. all right the world poorest countries this week but we're now seeing similar rose from finance ministers and central bank governors the g. seven group. backing it temporal debt relief for many economies a one year moratorium on payayments. is to allow. allow encouraging economies to use money to combat the virus rather than putttting it aside for decades she really call report. do you fire and- com as well to the big piece large can get ready k. is nott such bring it down to france now co ordering the online giant amamazon. to limit shipments of that deemed non essential t talisman. well the i only triried issued a statement last month here in front saying do already reducing its orders
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it's like foodd and medicine. all kinds have e really sort of and there are g growing concerns about the health of the working conditions that employeeees facd in warehouses a french court now w says the company. immediately reducee its opererations and the sysystem to betterer assess the health situation in those warehouses the company was a million euro fine f for each day that it doesn'n't comply with this new order. i is notothing new of coe we've seen a similar s story ovr in the united states ramss on we're actually walked out on the e job. has to offer help yo. once three thousand workers a hundred dollar workers higher in the u. s. week s seventy five thousand being recruited now the very nature of the businines that does make it difficult for social distancing to takeke effect and it is a reminder to those of us who are working from home we should be using good judge was. set the building is sort. remember someone ultimately passed it up and cry these orders oct online.
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k. moody thank you very much indeed that please do stay safe we need to get ready abbass added to that. that's tough for this bulletin stay with us more to come more news to come of course. if you had to pick one thing that france's most famous for chances are you might say the food well we're known for eating frogs legs and nails but it goes beyond cliche in france because strong to me is. an art form it a real eight of them. my friends have such. tatian and- eating habits changed over the years join us for this episode of french connections plus where we take a bite out of french food culture. when
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you think about eating in france so many delicious things popped to mind there's the bread and the cheese the pastries the regional dishes it's- only. how many. things there are two peas in answer. is in just fuel it's a cherished. that's experience deep. she will. i must have been predicting demise of france's multi course gastronomic meal but not only has it survived it was put on unesco's intangible world heritage list in two thousand ten. time eight sacred here in france the people tend not to act on the fly in the car. at their desk that would be. the last. and they take their time. time french with on take two hours and thirteen minutes a day to eat and drink that's a record ahead of italy and spain and the amount of time. i can spend eating. i know in my
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family sunday lunch can last. five years which is great unless you have a hang up. that's because in france food is all about sharing in fact 80% of meals are taken with someone else it's a daily ritual that you observe regardless work obligations homeworkrk or just. hang out. bt there is one condition you have to know about before anybody else and that is the- liquidity for level as it's commonly called is great free meal drink usually before dinner so around six thirty or seven pm people get together to unwind in what do they drink well not not. really our whole though don't feel involved i. or even call it. institute here add up heller for culture in my be saying something about me but it's one of my fave trick. but i'm not the only one the french author potable home famously said that the captivity it's like anything. frank now. if
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the word comes from the latin. which means to open your opening your appetite for the meal and like many t things frenench it often involves food. it's something simple like nuts chips olives says he saw of course crackers hi miss vegetables if you're being healthy the apple business is buzzing there's even an apple. supermarkets special industrialized at double cheese. sometimes the ritual into a dinner itself what we call an apple. put up a wall or not meal time. here in france is sacred it's like a fine tuned ballet there are strict codes to french meals in terms of pacing and- it's a format that set instance one is the starter. entree as it's called here in france followed by the main course and then cheese because this is france and then
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the grand finale dessert and coffee. and it. the things the french way but always finish up with a little piece of chocolate and an after dinner drink. the biggest. many countries arere famous for the diversity of their cuisine but french gastronomy has a special place of admiration around the world and many of you sent in your- that friend cooking is this. schools around the world part francnce's gastronomic christie's comes from the fact that french chefs were among the first to organize kitchens and document their creations and that means that french recipe became standard for the rest of the world for generate french restaurant where the- world but over the past few years france's culinary authority has to wayne putting into what. you're doing. happens we- starting will crave
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simple and lighter meal not but based sauce dishes that are a little pretentious and take hours to digest they certainly did french cuisine today he has given way to food from asia latin america. let friends culinary expertise is still world famous and there are some classic dishes that everyone should learn how to make. to unlock that the french recipes i've come to a world famous cooking institute the golden blue. today we're going to explore a pillar of french cuisine this is desert and chef seventies than in here it's going to show me the ropes little sentinel from what's on the menu on the meat to the degree so you make somebody put. into place. by the- to pastry okay we need to combine the whitetails the mails catch the bitter. and just swords and the sugar hopes i'm making a mess. okay second gloves it's
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contagious. if i had to laugh. and at this moment tweet tweet i did try in the gents. and we need to make a fast okay. i've exhibited by each other okay. mailing address is up so what's the history of the body but that's it the story of the plight basico rice from. west okay and the shape the by bench around at the wheel as it looks like a bicycle. completely no money to buy place to be with the nets okay okay and now with chocolate i think he would be mall yeah i mean. we take this one good consistency flat out okay so no. the ship is to be done is completely down yeah okay no decision to instead
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okay we need to buy. okay make it make the wheels yes completely and we reach out and we will follow the line. like this is going to become. you need to be exact. those tests. got out really is round we'll- okay it would be a bumumpy ride and now will be at ten again inside. this is. nice the next step is straight to the other side to the van one hundred sixty. five please stop to meet. because okay now we have time to prepare the second precipitous befitting the composition of milk chocolate yeah. at as cleaning. and the fifteen okay. misha collins had a net the last pc bees will be sure to circle a chunky cream
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the mixture connects. the whipped cream. and when courtroom temperature will be leaving the fridge forty six l. else okay we yeah with it yet. wow yeah yeah is i think you would be a good use of and very nice job. i guess you'll see. get sample the next step we need to potentially move that up okay. it is. very nice nation. very proud of myself for that i think about them the middle i don't. and that the okay. thank you for your team okay and we are all on the bottomom now we need to add. wel these are some. cream okay we push the print okay thank you larry. all around and now we need to do the same w way into insights. six one. you can do
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you. okay missions and be on the bottom of yeah good and on the inside inside. all right well. i what do you think they can i set. well well well what a pity. if i had a a good teachr thank you very much leisure. france is famous for its meat cheese bad debts but little by little more more french people are changing the way they- well there is a single point organic and cutting back on things like meat. cheese and bread. for instance in the night sixties french. twenty six liters of pure alcohol year these they drink and- of that and yet they're still considered some of the heaviest drinkers in europe when it comes to special diets things and- our school. is starting to. vegetarians
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example. percent of the population and yet now just about every french restaurant has a veggie option on the menu france is credited with having some of the best eating habits and the way. the red. goes i don't snack. they don't takes can help things they avoid processed food and they eat smaller portions it's all about the quality not the quantity let friends eating have also starting to. works for french people are digging in junk food what t they call a mailbox. remember about how french women don't get fat well it turns out the increasingly do. and morore ththan onene. according to recet studieies have a also p plants e overweight one i in six obob.. hardest hit are people earning low incomes in rural areas. government is very much aware of the problem back in two thousand one at large and not nutrition and health program.
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the web site and campaigns the idea is to raise awareness and encourage people to eat five fruits or vegetables a day. a lot of work remains to be done to halt the invasion of junk food. grazing is on the rise particularly among young people and for. is a huge market for fast food chain. in recently- sales exceeded those of the ham and butter baguette sandwich a long time cherish
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04/14/20 04/14/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, the epicenter of t the pandemic, ths is democracy now! >> he totold us,s, we don't wanu close to people. you need to keep your distance because we just learned that the people thahat were taken from he tested positive to coronavirus. >> even with obstacles coronanavirus, i cannot t leavey work. i cannot keep p myself in quarantine becausese i need to
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