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tv   France 24  LINKTV  April 15, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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twenty four en france twenty four .com. trump cuts of the five hundred million dollars in funding to the world health organization he says they got it wrong and pounded to china. use the u. s. president trying to hide his own mishandling. of it nineteen pandemic we have to allow us to come. cash bonus the health workers on the frontline in the worst affected areas french prime minister and- the face to. face is affected by code nineteen. the dumb idea on an update on the famous
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french cathedral that was on file at this time last. you very much for being with us donald trump is being accused of trying to hide its own. thing of the code nineteen crisis by. the world health organization trump told stand out after reading o of whitee house e accredited job. that wil leave a five hundred million dollar hole in the w. h. o. budget at a time when it's work it's never been more urgent. essential chop reacted. federal express by six now the death toll in the u. s. is over twenty seven thousand with the latest on this young lady. the wha's largest donor has pulled the plug. we regret the decision of the president of the united states to order a hold in funding to the world health organization this is a time for all of us to be
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united. in our core struggle. okay missed a common threat. the international body wants to focus on fighting coded in nineteen of fast and evaluate its performance later its director general stressed that memberer states as per usual can assess its what in june fourth not foster for the us president. donald trump uses the eight failing to recognize the urgency of the situation when the virurus was first found in china. the w. h. o. willingly took china's assururances to fae value a and they took it just at face value. and defend the actions of the chinese government even praising china. for itss so calalled transpareny i don't think so. washington contributions to the wha's representing some 15% of its budget after the us the second biggest single dina is the bill
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and melinda gates foundation that purpose to bill gates criticized trump's move that will be sent to you each day- and now more than that. adding that the- organized shin cann rip. this aren't helped by. for some people are saying trump's line on this is contradictory that's brilliant octamer a hundred more heat man here who says special stand by the metss and cast university for it i was a doctor thank you for being with us he said this by the president you at it i haven't fact on how h. o. can act. yoyou are broke e feb predt the pound the way history can you i'm with hindsight some the world health- organization made mistakes didn't get it right. right from the big so the origin space out there have been few certainly. especially one of the mistakes that really
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yeah. the tuition. eventual status that there is no human do transmission and basically does to be explored the medicare- and we think that people are traveling they don't have a any hesitation and then did you subscribe to a majority of the country's down basically what we have thought that steady. that's it i think. any such for cutting that these point certainly not be able should a call bill cost actually look more damage done otherwise i do understand that either your ideation especially when it is dealings. quite is. hello but it is always right time for the rigight i think tht this this is certain come down to the u. s. television set a look to the white can the vendor this is on the way. it's set. also if that the country would. is to the whl than you know states. in some way made equaled you think you're going
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to be more. but i think this is. related to the overall economy and overall at the scale of the- please so. it's not really about the contribution to countries will contribute more eight they have more. expectations from any organization that deals with such a big issue is cucurrently dead there the crop prices and similarly hopping dealing with the issue those were not specificically related to our country but on a- scale. that but i in terms of applying for. the position as a great goals that they have the funding so far so many. you more that. wind up certainly struck. how old. i think the world has told give of video nickel mass back from beginning they are more in a very limited resources. and resources. problems been gone three what a call within a call so contribution. downwns
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something you actually always been. acting full insure trump being very short sighted dr money thank you very much indeed a few analysis rupee should adopt them have money from lincoln university a specialist in by matt thank you so very much for joining. us from. francis now talk seven thousand. public health offices. okay then use ld he's urging people in france lockdown until at least may the eleventh to remain vigilant. many people being hospitalized and many people entering excessive current missile but also more and more patients were given hospital that and i'm very happy about it. it's very important to read the medic. when you do so o you can apply towards. i'd like to that's the degree does not it comes nineteen point distilling. the we must take vigilant in your pinkett smith to the user about yeah. the french promises that the one thousand five hundred euro bulbous the medical staff
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treating cup nineteen patients to work. affect. it's an emergency rescue package for unprecedented times. this wednesday the french prime minister announced a hundred and ten billion euros in funding. it includes a security net for the most vulnerable. virus outbreak has put many of france's poorest households in a precarious position. was he able to this date of fc the couple should see that your account may porsche soulcycle to hold off a minute. well i look i show the city like the pacific. seasonal so- should promote their thoughtful. there's also a budget for those working on the frontline of the covert crisis eight billion euros will go towards the purchase of protective aerials including mosque. opponents to healthcare workers. as well in
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the area as well affected by the virus w will receive o one thousand two hundred euros well some help is received five. europe so. in this. to is kevin the elelderly when also receivea pain. to help safeguard and businesses twenty four billion euros will cover. to partially unemployed workers and reported money available to help small and medium businesses has been increased to seven bit heroes. thank you for him around a third of the near two thousand crew on france's ashcroft at the shell goal of tested positive for covered nineteen its mission is cut short last week office members began to shows the fire. wait up to long sorry all have to spend to. in isolation when they come ashore we'll keep you across the room on that. the twenty deal to suspend debt payments by the woworld's poorest countries this
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was a call on monday by emmanuel macron to drop the data back again nextxt. the moratorium will allow government. crucial into fighting the corona virus and compact. all right direct. this is katie it yes okay getting to you who's affected thihis date. mark fuhrman to see and bank to inspect his stancee att seventy six countries are slated for to leave ununder this n new deal al of them are part of the world thank you no element associate. our recent years i have enough cash on hand. virus spreads from may first to the end of twenty twewenty thosose couounts will now g get a pass on their loan. twenty eight at thehe time that could be extended further if needed inititially the g. twenty says free up around twenty billilion dollalars. on e understandining. franklkly combt
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virus. into supporting healthcare systems- and families that are strtrugglingg nonow china has been a really important player here it's one ofof the biggest investor afric. i data such went over forty billion dollarss to o africa one a lot so. favorable international institutions who usually ask for. the armrms in exchangege it's understood that beijing was reluctant to hold it all together as for example the international monetary fund earlier this week for twenty five copies of it. the rest of the year. the g. twenty payments and interest our current. repaid between twenty two and twenty twenty four. k. this is some ricich nations should. that the is s prepared o deal with this. absolutely because this factors what's really crude controversial here- emmanuel muckross told our sister radio station i thought that this debt that delay is a step toward debt
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forgiveness not quite there yet. the debt campaign is among doctorss who are sayingg t this deal keeps vital c cut money i n coununtries for now. this isis roland and become. debt crisis the other issues that a lot of countries owe money to private sector lenders. may be flexible ababout the paymentnt systemm ty are e being urged to join thehe debt relief effort debt relieff effort on eight come vololuntary basis. . in line here is you knw hellllo companiess in for its worst percent. not thirty. millions of more people arare gonnnna be. coverered eat richet countries in the world awestruck. tourists i was these calls from. most honorable combat a virus that knows boundary. k. my has that thank you very much indeed capable in a- social media acceptable. from home of course is part of our way of coping because nineteen as a fact all of us here right okay thanks once again. with an update thousand
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infected on the death toll of two hundred and twenty five south korea's elections take place. but under the strictest of restrictt contact to try to avoid any furtherer spread of covered nineteen. our poll w we meet the inventor of an app that has been used to track. to have the coronavirus the doctor full family as they got to us that. but for a total value. selection day for and his. as a young child. last time two months ago ryan created one of the most visited websites in the country corona metlife. it uses geo localization to provide information about the movements of people who tested positive for coke at nineteen. the card is zero pretty thin and there is a signinificant thing a alone in each city name six in the quarter to ten imminent et out with on a cruise tens of thousands were injured of which people. will donate all. two seven. five the
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government infected people's you space cameras in credit card records. this information is that a public. under current global what is going on with another. looking for a felony- your phone and get. the site is being credited with helping south korea to contain the virus and into enabling the company to folks in the national assembly elections. it's a big distance. and pope spread out over several days the voice over crowding. update temperature checks. that they must also disinfect their hands and legs loves. those are the feverish and to set only includes. that's what i. it it's not. that that it is only now facing increasing up and i think that one of the things that. even those in s. along with the ten thousands of
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people in self quarantine were able to exercise their democratic rights voting especially because- south korea's government has won the battle against the viruses from over. on the day. it was the. the mananager to the renovation of the building of notre dom says it be readydy for t the twy twenty four top date. the fire that gutted the famous because the irs nine hundred and two. thank you was a pledge by france's big bill. in the wake of that file only two minutes so far it's been paid out. the project is set to be. the phone. for this of course owns this. yeah after the devastating fire notre dame is silent the bells of his great cathedral didn't ring easter with france in near total lockdown the architects and the builders. are at home an easter. is assumed you. the
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chemo could rule the bug was whistled bobby majordomo not set up to do more than that but pmr you discover that the possibility of usable all the screen city biennial iv couple- don't make a lot of older son with. buildlders accocording. te island g. believe. he said i i have a collision release about napoli. when those x. images the file would be around the world big business. help wanted million euros for construction but so far only two hundred million has made into state coffers and now with had nineteen on a glglobal namik downtown. well rest of them they act. arrive it. was fulton. may insist programs there okay she mobile hehe's ponies don't o to thehe. n naked bob. the phoni
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think k keith going to get to te heart there's a quite good five with the you more with rick on hold for an indefinite period of time it's not yet clear whether the not to stumble rio this problem into twenty four months cathedral. please call. may downlands tells of the not dom cim of paris will ring again. many of us have the latest on that note you down which a year ago today was actually on fire. the more you see what you from twenty four. therefore run campus you're on wg jogogger says we need to get some government that has the- stories are from a a small room sir. also i with their counter tenure in hello motel along.
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day a- luck on the head. hello the coverages first with the new of the- and what will say like the cultural. me as kenyan i get to learn a lot from before i p pick up fromm twenty. with eighteen year. the from price. thank god on the double album descriptive the complete. all the different long if someone is fronts to four with you everywhere. one of the top the best he gave you to at two eightyty k. hello and welcome to this edition of the from twenty four interview on jessssica the missouri eight and my guest today. brittany former in. o. v. british. etko consultancy firmrm cambrididge ananalytica e firm is of course a now notorious for it involved in the electionon of donalald trum.
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and in the brexitit campaign she jujust mess. a timeme working te case analytica bush's book is called tom said thank very muchh for being us thank for me christening you will for something off you. okay w which- then decided to speak o out abot your time can you tell us what exactly cambridge analytica did with the information of up to. eighty seven million facebook is in n order to o manipulate tm it up to questions donald trump. jelinek i was one company that. in the political row was buying a and let them sing as much data as you possibly. service and- as what companies hold nor what they're going to use itit for an unfortunate unfortunately what i saw. at the e end of the trump
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campaign with that data had years in order to protect people's behavior so that individuals could be manipulated that's a manipulate it instead of press and because not everyone. has to up to come poor than. politics again pardon. some people were unfortunately persuaded to not to the- and two inherently have a distrust in politics how did cambridge analytytica used sorry all psychological operation this is essentially a form of modern day we- logical operations means that you you. people make their decisions how they can be persuaded and that was can be gentle to cut strarategy so what they did was work with israel call and experimental- just in order to put together sir is that tested
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how other worlds hi there their decisions everyday. you have asian get indications just all the way down to an individual or to specific groups of people that couldn't quite change their behavior or convince them to takake an action ththat they mimight have not taken without.. six can you explain they all and why they decided functioned best to relate those particular personality types yeah so there are a lot of different knowledge types by it when isner arctic it means that you are persuaded by fear based. and when written a l letter becacause the trump. trump's tak mereka number one was undertaking their testingng they saw that the most successful use cases of psychological. was to use fear based messaging and send that to people who are
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neurotic that are socially unstable people who might easily make snap judgments and not the success of the bank continueued to use the rest of the casese and bududget. the sut back on that subject. clear goals. the target and the only that counts yes one of these thatat i wish by my colleleagues that the trump campaign and the trump act was how they used a group of debtor and the is a labeleled to d do them voting. s people that were shown to be. the way to spend money in order to talk. is to decide to meet in disengagement of political process in one of the examples that i was shown was a misquote from michelle obama in two thousand. she was thanks. i can i arere spending a lot of time
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with fashion miglior with our dog is taking care of our family while we're out on the campmpaign trail and she said if you can't run your own house you can't the white house. now out of. their pieces i've been in about the clinton and monica lewinsky in order to make it seem like michelle obama was saying that hillary clinton could not take care of her own marital relationship in their first round the house. the senate to construct an where is we're considered number one issue. and this was made to turn them off for hillary. who all of their data it said that they were going to support her. and make them think of her. they used a form of advertising that was basically fair based promoted sexism. racism all those sorts of things and his information. and disinformation. at what point. did you start to question how difficult all of this was why didn't you. take action further. earlier owned and speak out what did it take you so long. i wish that i would
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have come out earlier. i wish that i would have actually seen all. flown before election. i was shown one month after. the campaign the super pac everything that they did is a two day long what they called a debriefing. and for eight hours each day they showed us all the data they collect it how they divided people about how they were targeted and examples of teaching that used. that was the first time that every. campaign since. allen'ss of what was going on behind the scenes. i wish i would've known earlier i wish i would have done something. but i it's never too late to do the right thihing. yu were a democrat but yet you don't working for some of the most powerful people from fall right in the united states ultimately how did that happen. and when you told. really why i
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have four hundred pages of text and i want to know everybody owner thank. everybody be added that happened to me. it can happen to anybody and it really doeses on a day to day basis we are not protected today from anything that happened in twenty sixteen. in your book your name is voiced this feels times. get frantic i feel like you both extremely smart and savvy. butt then at the same time you portray yourself as someone not even he was in a way a victim he was you. this kinda. it's hard to quantify what happens a all i can explain is. what i experience on a day to day basis and the way that i view all of that now i think it's important for people understood honorable they are sure there's a lot of really amazing people at facebook right now that i think that moving fast and breaking things was great and- things just.
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like burgers may decisions to catch up in august eighth and i bet you they nevever thought thy would be in that positioion. so it's important for people as soon as the- going wrong. in the company to actually. question it tells about that you pay. in the- referendum. so cambridge analytica- was working with levy you for a period of time. in order to o ty toto analyze data to figure out who in the united kingdom would be persuaded to vote to leave. an this was initial piece of data work using u. k. independence party data and a survrvey that asks people about why they would want to leave or not. and cambridge analytica found quite a few different groups of people who would be interested in voting to leave and identity as people. about their psychographics and what type of. well done and then that was delivered so levy year which- whether they use that
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knowledge fully or not they created their own data company in order to. hi for national. that as we know now use disinformation abuse data and even contravenes electoral spending regulations the united kingdom was really not there tomorrow he was sold to the highest bidder u unfortunatelyly that has been there banks there's another very interest. to the sarkokozy that team. the twenty fifteen you had that you make your pitch b but the french say no. it was the first time anyone had told alexander nix no i've- entire life. mamade ths intention alexander makes the presentation and i could see the looks on their face that they were shocked at the amount of data that's actually the ball not. and is an- and what
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could be done. even under french law. in order to run these data driven campapaigns ad elections. they said you but we don't have anything to do with this we personally b believe tht no matter how effective your campaigning is. if the french people out that we were using their data in this way. to talk to them about politics that campaign would lose just because that information. i'm white what. do you think. it is completely different culture european countries than in america where people know how bad it can get when data is this again that's why germany has the strictest data lies because of what happened in world war two. tional registry is a people's person. to commit atrocities of the holocaust and so that legacy of what happens when governments abuse data means that the laws a
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04/15/5/20 04/15/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new yorkrk, the epicenter of the pandemic, this is democracy now! pres. trump: we're going to put a hold on money spent to the who. we''re going to put a very powerful hold on it and we are gogoing to say. amy: as a confirmed cases of coronavirus surpassssed 2 mililn araround the world, donald trump says he is cutting u.s. support for the world health organization.
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one sense leader called itit a


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