tv France 24 LINKTV April 21, 2020 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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>> u.s. oil prices back in negative territory, crippling demand during the coronavirus pandemic pushing prices lower than they've ever been before. normal,e turns to a new spain sees a slight hike in the death toll in the last 24 hours. in india, economic activity in spots of the couountry, new deli and mumbai rememain in luck down
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-- in lockdown. thank you for joining us. crude oil prices have fallelen below zero o once again after te price per barrel in the united states slipped into negative territory for the first time ever on monday. crippling demand and a storage glut during the pandemic means payingrs are buyers to take their oil. i asked our businessss editor wt the impact is for industry and consumers. >> for consumers it dodoesn't mn you will be e able to fill up yr car for free. the price at the pump is only a small portion linked to the price of crude oil. it has already fallen and is unlikely to fall further. the majojority at the pump is taxes and the price of transporting and refining the oil.l. for producers this will mean a difficult time for countries and
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cocompanies thatat produce oil. they''re hoping this willl be a short timime thing, but we won't see a recovery until demand picks up and when the economy gets back to work. to suspependmp plans alall immigration into the unitd states. the u.s. president promising an executive order c citing the ned to protect a american jobs amidt an a attack from the invisible enemy. tos is a long series of bids reststrict foreigners' access to the united states as his administration faces criticism for its haphazard response to the coronavirus outbreak at home. >> donald trump, once again setting his sights on emigrants as the coronavirus batters the u.s. late monday in a tweet citing the invisible enemy and protection of american jobs, the president pledged to temporarily suspend all immigration to the country.
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the full details of his plan remains unknown, as does his legal basis. says inyork times order to stop issuing green cards and visas will be in a couple of days marking a reversal to restrict non-work related travel. trump has been blasted by governors from both parties for his handling of the outbreak. the prpresident initially y dowy virus, andity of thee has overstated america's capacity to test for it while touting unproven and potentially dangerous remedies. immigrant rights groups say the presidenent's latest move is taking advantage of a health crisis depresses nfo break agenda. with 780,000 cases in the u.s. covid-19 has claimed over 42,000 american lives. lockdown measures have ground the economy to a near halt with
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22 million citizens filing for unemployment benefits in recent weeks. that unprecedented level of job losses, is particularly grating to trump as his bid for reelection in november gets underway. >> to the latest on the coronavirus pandemic in europe. spain hass seen a slight hike in death toll's. on monday.,000 mark france's public health chief is warning the worst is far from over. in italy, the prime minister is set to lay out plans for gradually reopening the economy in early may. positive milestones for europe's worst hit country. italy recorded its first drop in the number of people currently suffering from covid-19. the number of intensive care patients fell to its lowest in a month. it's daily death toll rose .lightly to 454
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covid-19 deaths and france have surpassed the 20,000 mark, but the number of new deaths have for the 12th day in a row the number of intensive care patients fell slightly.the government warned people not to get complacent. [speaking french] u.k., 440 nine more lives were lost to coronavirus in the past 24 hours. the lowest increase in a fortnight. health offfficials say thehe raf infection is slowing. more than 16,000 patients have far, but because most of the u.k. does not count deaths in care homes, the total is higher. to be much the world health organization has called for sustained vigilance to prevent a second wave of infections. epidemic will
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require a sustained effort on the part of individuals, communitities, and governments o continue pressing and controlling this deadly virus. country to european launch widescale testing, germany has begun lifting its lockdown. more shops have started to open, but the chancellor is cautioning that germany and europe are not out of the woods yet. tothe coronavirus continues impact global events. the 2020 addition of oktoberfest in munich has been scrapped. it's the first time the event has been canceled since world war ii and will deal a fresh blow to the local economy as an estimated 26 million people attend every year. the annual bull running festival in pamplona, spain for this july has been scrapped due to covid-19. the lockdown in india has been eased in certain parts of the
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country as it moves away from on marchk down in places 25. it has resulted in millions of people out of work and basic necessities, like fofood. farming and some industrial activity has been allowed to resume while the number of coronavirus infections and some pockets of the country continue to rise. here's our correspondent reporting from new delhi. >> india h has been under r a fy s since marchch 25. only essenential servicess. a rise in c covert cases, prime minister modi has decided to read some rerestrictions a and l for some economic activity. regions thatrural are less populateted. some resestrictions that could e eased including opening the agriculture sector, allowing t e deliveryry of nonessential item,
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and openining public works programsms, for example building roads, waterways, things like that. these sectors are a huge source of employment for daily wage workers across india. activivity in more populous regions is still restricted. >> for more on the coronavirus we can go speak to a molecular virologist.lla you have developed a test to test for covid-19. can you tell us how it works? >> the technology is fairly simple. au can't have a test without samplele collector. what will happen is people will , and a lalarge swab with a piece of cotton will be i inserted.
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this is painful and invasive. aat we have developed is bottle-shaped device you press your lips over and breathe into. that device collects the vapor in your breatath. that vapapor we suspect contains the virus as well as the genome of the virusus, and therereforet vapor can be analyzed for the presence of the virus.wee are condnducting these studies presently and hope to have results published as soon as possible if it's useful to replace the nasal test. worldeconomies around the have their population slowly get back to work, one thing people are toying with our antibody tests. would your method d work for th? >> no. at this point in time we don't have any data to suggest we can
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detetect anybody's in the vapor- antibodies in the vapor in your breath. we have proteins, but we can't say if antibodies are among those proteins. the antibody tests, we need to approach this with a lot of caution. they are not necessaririly going to w work on everybody, and are not necessarily able to tell apart one of t the other fr coronavirus circulating in the united states and europe, the common cold. it could be a false positive and give you a false sense of security.we have to be careful in how we interpret this data. >> given that antibody tests are not reliable for now, what about sending people back to work? should countries be more cautious? like the french president emmanuel macron said, things cannot go back to normal until you have a vaccine in place. > thahat is onene option.
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the truth is we do not know with we will ever have a vaccine in place. mers, twos in 2002, outbreaks of murderers, to outbreaks of sars, we still haven't got a vaccine. we know with highly infectious and dangerous diseases what we can do is s put containmenent measures i in place to stop transmission. .bola, which is devastatingng, transmits through is devastating, transmits through bodily fluids. this transmits through talking to each other. we can sustain the lockdown until there is no evidence off mutations for at least two weeks . and then open up slowly and carefully, allowing only the countries who have reached this milestone to have international travel so that we can really
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contain this virus. if we start too early it is going to open the door for a possible second wave. >> what about possible treatments for covid-19? we did have a lot of buzz around hydroxychloroquine. for the past few days we haven't heard a whole lot. have you heard of that as a possible treatment? the last time i was talking to your program, hydroxychloroquine was indndeed being presented as a potential treatment for the disease. unfortunately the news since is there are several cases of patients who suffer under the treatment of hydroxychloroquine. positive outcomes are ambiguous. at this point in time this is not something that i would certainly consider for myself if i was in that state. there are a number of other antiviral treatments from
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companies being attempted. the resusults are not as conclusiveve yet. we are seeing patients seem to be exiting intensive care sooner, but it could be because of what we call bias. because the patients think they are responding, they are rallying up. it could be the doctors are trying to get them out of bed. we know this is a classical problem when we are doing studies like this. we need to get objective data. anchor: thank you for joining us on the program. each day france 24 takes a look at a different pandemic and history. in the 14th century the bubonic plague from the east traveled along the silk road to the mediterranean. in five years it killed one third d of the popululation of e european continent andnd fundamentally changed d the coue of history. painful swellings in the groin,
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armpits, neck full of bacteria which quickly spreads through the blood around the whole body. this is the plague that ravaged europe in the middle ages. once infected nearly all victims could be assured of i impending deatath and atrocious sufferini. at the timime they didn't know that fleas carried by rodents could infect humans and that the humans could also spread the disease. plague can be the transmitted between humans by saliva droplets. this is a lot more serious because in fact it infects the lungs very quickly and is a lot more contagious. it was transmitted very easily at weeks where the family was together around d the body of te deceased -- at wakes where the family was together around the body of the deceased. >> this was not the first time the plague had struck. in the sixth cenentury i it broe
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out around the mediterranean, considerably weakening the roman empire. less than 1000 years later it crossed continents aboard the ships and caravans of traders. >> in the middle ages, it began in central asia, but spread very quickly to constantinople, across the black sea, and spread by boat mediterranean countries because merchants and travelers voyage to the lot by sea. it affected the areas around ports more than inlanand. >> in around five years, the disease killed tens of millions and wiped out 30% to 60% of europe's population. it had a profound effect on the psyche of generations to follow,
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causing terror when it researched in marseille and is still frightening and parts of d inca today -- resurge marseille and is still frightening in parts of africa today. >> that's it for me, thanks for watching. > keep up-to-date with the latest on the middle east. wewe bring you political, econonomic, and cultural eventsn this middle eastern program. on franceeast matters 24 and france ♪ >> go, go, go.
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>> appearances can be misleading. they may have male military crew cuts, but this is a group of female rangers and training. one of them plays the role of the poacher who is captured by fellow trainees. that's good, very good. well done. by the playful atmosphere. the exercise is a serious matter. over the past year these women intensivepated in an training program taking orders from a former sniper in the australian military. >> we have a potentially deadly situation. there have been 8000 elephants killed in 600000 years, that is teams of armed men.lots of bullets flying around. >> damien commands and man's this brigade dubbed the gray
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ones. femalee zimbabwe's firstt rangers, able to detect the slightest unusual movement. this route is particularly dangerous. >> we check to see whether it is clear. nothing outfor now of the ordinary, so they continue their patrol. protecting wildlife makes them a constant target. undeterred by the risks, she was one of the first women to join the brigade. >> we don't know what sort of , we carry a gun to protect ourselves, and to protect animals so the next generation will know how an elephant looks like, not to see an elephant in a p picture, buta real elephphant.
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>> since 2001 nearly half of the region's elephants have disappeared. intensive hunting in the part caused much of the wildlife to migrate elsewhere. since the bririgade's arrival te animimals have gradually started toto return. to carry out patrols the women must keep track of the ththreatened species and learn o recognize their tracks. >> i it is important to note how if weess is done, because have to be careful. this is a buffalo track. >> identified with the ease of an expert, the result of an ongoing learning process. , so weooks like a cow didn't know the difference between a buffalo and cow track. it was quite difficult for us, but now we are getting use to the tracks.
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>> in less than a year the brave ones have arrested 91 poachers, much more than other mass killing units. -- masculine units. >> as you can see we are quitete busy.. rangers arewewe most men, recruited from all over the country. but damien put his bets on the women's brigade drafted from neighboring villages. >> about 3% of crimes caused our -- are solved are by catching them in the act. the others are by collecting information. women the way that they interact with communities and de-escalate tension means we can get more information, act on the information, and that is the result here. instead of bullying our way i io making arrests we are working with the community. >> she grow up a few kilometers
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from the camp. she observed the work of forest rangers since she was a child. she is crititical of their approach. >> the male is more violent than more, you have to explain other than being violent to them. they must have knowledge of rather than to be violent. , not knknowing whatat is the offense, whwhat is the matter. >> in addition, 31 other women are enrolled in the brigade. they live in this camp privately funded by the international anti-poaching foundation. they must get accustomed to new rules, even in the kitchen. it is important to have
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isan meals, because it hypocritical for the rangers to protect animals and then come back and eat meat. in one year these women have gotten used to communal living, so much so they are often able to put the military aspect on hold. >> are you happy? >> yeah, i'm winning! trainingare no ranger sessions this afternoon. their focus is on volleyball. >> they do a tough job. it's good to have time to relax.
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between 19 and 31 years old, but they all share similarly difficult tasks. single, widows, mothers, often unemployed. the program is only open to the most vulnerable women. young..married after shshe left her abusive husband the brigade brought her the chance for new start. 1 19 at the time. it w was too early for m marria. i was subjected to abuse by my husband. me, he used to exploit me, he didn't want me to have a job or do something that was admirable. others being here
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is my touching point to get my life better. to one-day study ecology at university and continue defending animal-rights. once a month the women take turns returning to their villages to visit their families. today it is her turn. this is my lovely mom, and my lovely daughter. sheike most zimbabweans, was once unemployed. she lived here with her mother and two daughters.
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>> she didn't care. saying it didn't come to your mind that one day i would be a ranger. just passed awaway and she thought nothing m more would happen. before i became a ranger my life was so difficult. it was difficult to fend for my daughter, to buy clothing. earn my ownn salary. i can fend for my family, my daughters. they are now in better schools. i am proud of myself that i can supppport my family.
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>> the brave ones make around $400 a month, more than four times the average salary. she supports not only her children, but her mother and her brother's family as he has been unable to find work. in these communities rife with unemployment and poverty, poaching is often the only source of revenue. in giving women work, the foundation hopes this will sway the inhabitants from hunting. in one month, the brave ones are able to bring home the equivalent to what they would have made in one year of poaching. program is ane immense success. >> from where they come from to where they are, the brave ones is perfect. it symbolizes their past and what they are doing now. were unbreakable. together, they are unstoppable.
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