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tv   France 24  LINKTV  April 21, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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announces he's suspending immigration into the united states this ahead of a crisis meeting the governor of new york andrew cuomo says he's concentrating on the issue of testing for the covered nineteen virus in his white house. head to head with the president. the start for the price of oil continues june of oil futures contracts have dropped more than forty percent. as crew continues on unprecededented selloff. committee business editor of the study by the this. the world condom shortage could spell disaster for the spread of sexually transmitted
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diseases and unwanted pregnancies the world's biggest producers in malaysia shut downn due to a coronavirus pandemic. thank you very much for being with us the u. s. prpresident ad the governor of new york state sitting down right now to discuss the response the covered nineteen crisis there is no love lost politically between the two men stand up. it's as if request number awaiting word. sing donald trump says he will suspend all immigration into the united states he says this will be on a temporary basis by executive order says it's all about protecting american jobs. through governor cuomo's remarks donald trump once again setting his sights on immigrants as the coronavirus batters the u. s. late monday in a tweet citing the invisible enemy and the protection of american jobs. the president pledged to temporarily suspend all immigration to the country. the full details of his plan remain unknown as does its
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legal basis the new york times however reportsts that an official order to stop issuing new green cards and work visas is expected within days. that would mark a policy reversasal despite restricting non work related travel amid the pandemic washington has actually eased entry for some immigrant workers in recent weeks. but trump has been blasted by governors from both parties for his handling of the outbreak the president initially downplayed the severity of the virus into since frequently overstated america's capacity to test for it while touting unproven and potentially dangerous remedies. immigrant rights groups say the president's latest move is taking advantage of a health crisis depresses enough public agenda with o over seven hundred eighty thousand can arms cases u. s. covert nineteen has claimed over forty two thousand american lives locked down measures have ground via. me to
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a near halt some twenty two million citizens filing on. benefits and weeks on dissident level job losss particularly great today as he bid for re up. over to get some way. on the way to for a response from that why house b. . two b. in n a trp and untrue a quouote pressss. of the e us and got of new york's will bring you more on that as it happens. meanwhile back here in europe another five hundred and thirty one people have died because it covered nineteen here in france. over the past twenty four hours the health officer overall the chief health officer of the country jones along with the latest. of the death told him fronts is now up. to twenty thousand seven hundred and ninety six. talk to me the sociopath seven thirty thousand one hundred and six patients are currently hospitalized for kind of infection. one thousand one hundred and eighty five new patients were hospitalized over the last twenty four hours. but
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given those who had left the total is still negative and four hundred and seventy eight fewer people hospitalized on monday. apple are you. recorded on you haven't get there the last twenty four hours. a hundred nineteen eighty patients were admitted to intensive care. would then you miss you the total is still negative for the thirteenth consecutive day record initial consecutive there are two hundred and fifty fewer patients in need of life support. again you miss. so the death toll here fronts pushing towards twenty one thousand that scientists here warning their arms enough people infected with code nineteen to prevent a s secondd wave of thee virus. a report carried out by the end since you passed us says three point seven million french people or five point 7% of the population live in fact by may the eleventh. the date when president macron is promising to stop lifting the lockdown all the instant pasta is warning that efficient control measures need to be maintained. b be owned by the
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eleventh. with many people counting down the days to o the end of t the lockdown in france questions are still being asked about the safety. of easing restrictions. a study by the poster institute estimates that by the eleventh of may five point 7% of the population will have been infected.. n nine poit seseven millionn people. on the young plusus on if you knonock n affectct hasas ample shuttles michelin is difficult you might get me to. a dealer to cost mimission to o catalan personale number of bececause you're not gettining stupid level- let me o pop i guess when you was on a previous offices. before the knock down eachh infnfected pern on average gave the virus to more than three people nuts. now down to fewer than one pass and- with the advent slowly some of the stray has been taken off hospitals. burke this low infection rate means the majority of people remain at risk of catctching the virirus.r
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decoction malall you v vocalize extra mall we don't. earn the subgbgroup y yeah- my neurologit also yesteterday sir sarla supersede g group s support d. . d. mask your stock picking songs for n nuclearar or multi r we'll talk with cedar reject nurse teacher in the classroom r. zero d. detail. the pasta rinse researchh estimates that two points percent of info p. in france risk being hospitalized. with a mortality rate of nine point 5% situation the hem francaise the echo of it nineteeeen crisis continues- the historic foil full rather in the price of oil is also contininuing june oil fututures contracts have dropped more than forty percent. as crude continues an unprecedented selloff this of course or
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because of public nineteen cororonaviruss locked. and a chronic drop in demand capability is our business editor i'm not pleased to announce she is standing by kate a very good evening to you tellll us how toto the market saturday. well perhaps less shocking than yesterday's close mark a u. s. wti prices have come out off that negative territory i was the unprecedented momentt when we sasaw a buyers. traders actually paying buyers to take thatt montnth oil off their hands on mondnday would briefly dropped o negative forty d dollars per barrel of oil that was going to be delivered in the month of may. that contrtract rolledd ovr today to focus on june deliveries it was all prices settling at about eleven dollars and fifty s seven cents per barrel for the international benchmamark brent crude.e. dropped below twentyy dollars per barrel for the first time in nearly t two decacades a analysts sayay thats actually more significant even
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in the u. s. prices. because it gives a better reflectionn of the state of dedemand acrcross e world- and demand is basically non e existent the international energy a agency says that g glol demand hasn't been n this low since nineteen ninety five. ananother plunge in oil prices also drive down stock markekets we saw the major europopean indices losing about 3%% lossess of between two point six andnd three and a half percent on wall street this change that. there's still a lot of uncertainty that where the oil market goes from here and all those negative prprices do s sem to have cauaught traders and analysts by surprise. they could be back in the short term while there's still too much oil. and essentially no where to put it. meanwhile k. donald pledged his support for t the ol and gas industrtry- what might this entailed. well it'ss probobably going to be somome kd of financial aid although we don'n't know quite what a speciaially a lot a lot of oil companies in the u. s. especially small ones are facing massive layoffs are possible bankruptcies. at one
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else's says that up to a thousand small u. s. oilil companies c could go bankrupt if oioil prices remain at theheir current lelevels o of us presidt tweeted that he will never let that great industry down he asked for a plan to make funds avaiailable to secure work quote these important companies and jobs long into the future. right now the government of course can't create d demand for oil which is what destry really needs but it can help with ststorage- some lawmwmakers and- the government. i to fill up its- petrololeum. other things that foreign oil imports should be banned for face very very steep tariffs. there's eveven ad suggestions that the government could pay oil companieses. to stop pumping oil all together. now the american petroleum institute which is the e largest oil and gas lobby in the country- says that it's not looking for a bailout but it does want access to the emergency landing f facilitieie. made available. kate a bipartisan agreement over india
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five hundred billion dollar relief bill tell us more on this. w well this is been in the works since that thrhree hundred and fifty billion dollar fund for emergency business loans went up ran out of money last week that was part of the two trillion dollars in his bill which was approved backk i in march. but we understand it's gonna be topped up with a further three hundred and twtwenty eight bilillion dollars with some e restrictions this time on what kind of companies can apply foror those emergency funds there's's been a lott o of criticism chainss and b been getting small business loans in rececent weeks. the bill also readad about seventy five billin dollars to hospitals twenty five billion dollars for corona virus testing- there could be still morere fininancial stimuls to come donald trump says he wants to get. more money y head out to the parties and state the separate bills and reminder these emergency l loans are reallyly into different bodies degree to keep paying g their staff it's not meant more layoffs within twenty two
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million americans filed for unemployment benefits in the past four weeks. this is an effort to try and keep a cap on those really staggering numbers k. moody as ever thank you very much indeed the office etcetera. joining issa from home as part of a social distancing at to try to prevent the spread of covert nineteen around the stuff here france twenty four kate. as ever thank you very much indeed. that's about is facing. of the main producers binge down by the- virus. cracks in malaysia makes one five condoms across the world. until now. there's already a one hundred million short full of condoms across the globe. before covered nineteen struck. let's bring in the ththalia account and who is from the u. n. population fund us for more on this one the tally getting to you- we know why this happened because the main produce is being closed down because of. the lockdown of a covert nineteen how concerned are you about the possible effects of this. but
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wewell thahank you mark what a crisisis like this p pandemic hs sesexuality humuman contact the ability for him that's in the city means a lot more than that so i am extremely alarmed about the possibility that. he right from the markett becauause you know who would suffer most. it was for the most vulnerable women. access to safe and affordable yeah. all the hype of modern. what would the impact be on the world- i think i know the answer but i need to hear from you all of a massive rise in sexually transmitted diseases a massive rise in a wanted pregnancies you just mention some of those vulnerable people of course will be the first victims. of the shortage. this. well your
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pa is extremely concerned as is the whole u. s. about those who otherwise would be left behind- the point about the shortage of condoms or any contraceptitive. ususe that you would see an increase on it. if you would sadden inmates. it is at this stage what is that yeah notot at all but for the next generation and of course the storage of modern contraceptive alliance with an increase in ununsafe but workss with deadly associated complications now you've managed. sexually transmitted infections including hiv thahat. are not. very yes yeah actually transfer into. i will that before that that. we already well. thirty one women may we have the it's the work acts.
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because we're so that number is this for. sportsts what it takes but it's- what is what. right all the women. i so it's v very concerning and- that's how they got him from the u. m. population from thank you very much and if your analysis of the jonas in france twenty four and- i'd like to apologize to people are watching about the s. sound quality- on a link up to what the topic not thalia a condom i hope you were able to get a message- that o of course it is impoportant that thee peoe are. able to get to barrier methods against of the passage of the infections such as hiv the course of condoms up possibly the at the prime yeah among those at stopping the spread of aids and hiv. next here on that france twenty four- we bring to you- the end
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of this bulletin this seems thank you very much that i got a little bit confused by running water. but to stay with us more complex. give it a little push. will c come to thte housee and got injured. m my gus is thahat this manager bob. mr gender inequality. because sure afternoon and thanks for being with us. really so the current environment is so locked out. for this. strain on. all government services. but. some are even worse. you been fighting because violence against women for very long time. this is one of the main issues you deal with but a lot of that has made this phenomenon. there's a lot of women are trapped. and what are the new me. and how effective are the new mailings then you have devised for women not to
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call the hotlines when. they're trapped wiwith abuse of us b bu- we should becausese you disagre. with us the hard p part. yeah whenen a woman is i in lockdown with the v violence pasassive partner t this message. is for themem to call for help. . users bebecause the r response back an answer mystical to acaccess onee because it's hard for women to call for h help while the perpetratorr is in t the same room. so it's's necessary to provide. multiplple possibibilis for seventeen. years and you cacan send a text to the one fourteen emergency number ththere's no need to o talk.. yu cacan also. you o on on an errad this is line e with commit by donis chrisistie castaner. . you can follow call for help throrough fromom and learnrn fi. center to thee- we have also set up his. where is women can
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assist as ear in shopping center that are still still in operational call to lewis in this is the only one we know text messages sent off to. the team and more women now i've talked to yoyou the pharmacist what happens. as quickly as the bus- do we show u up what is the procedure. absolutely mosost it. said s she wasas upset that t is definitely a posossibility heres the procededure when you call fr help v via text. to a special oe for teamam numberr is the s same prococedure as thehe governmnmet platform. okay to stop the violence dot gov d dot a far police officicers have rereceivd the specificics and sensitiviviy training. and they can change an intervention. case of an emergency. a twitter campaign please in. custstody withihin i know of users in. of oregon place to becaususe battle foror. after f for. sell dealeler. what
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about the next steps well not youu in the house to stand trial onon the couourse the currentlya standsdstill what t to do mess violence cases are in. metal the goal is to make sure thahat wowomen are n no longer forced o live under the same roof as their perpetrators. will hold yourur also violelence passes cn be evicted from the home this happens eveveryday. yeah these. men are. sent away for. yeah we're they held these at the- are these to a home. special so of shows how do deal l with. in the double no reading their just to jailil yes absololutely that all a accommodatition cent. another possible is a a summary triall in a prison sentence. the piece e of metal sent to o jail there are otherer possibilities to usese of spells can be provided with alternatitive
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accommodation so provisions have been set aside for financingg twenty thousand hotel nights working together with the justice ministryry and the . o. s. we have. . a platform that's fine he needed to alalternative acaccommodation. o as to provide a spells from ththeir homee during the locockn so thehere's different possibilities he thought the woman manages to g get away. moe and then just t put to the violencece between the co habiting couple but providing the spells with alternative housing. for there's another system. should have focuses on no man. users they can also call a special hotline and it will be dealt with- they can be either housed elsewhere have you had a surgeon calls to that line. we have three e most littletoton mass. and this is wy i decided to create this hotline. the lockdown is a
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collective plighght the compliance with everyone's personal and family history and this can generate fabrics avoidance in anger. come back. with these when i violence it's difffferent thihings much c cont can lead to violence. so the messagee we're t trying to get across is don't hit call for help instead some of users of course our purposese to o find e violence enjoyable. whereas others. i prefer call for help did you think have been vicictis of artists before and theyy prefer to call foror help before violenence at center home so we haveve received over a hundreded calls the first week expanded and so thehe colors are taught y psychologist to manage her anger so it won't't tip over ino violencece it's a commitment to managege your negative emotions. ten then this can of coursee memeans that they are provided withth out of home accommodation if a psychologist on the phone determines is necessary very often. women are very afraid of
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reporting. they usually live with the person and then they don't have. how can you actually help women who are suffering who were not. talking about it but you realize that she's being abused. good morning how do o you help a womn lilike that. thankk y you for mentioning t that it is just tht is t the most diffificult s sitn particularly during the lockdodown it is possible to hep abused women by letting them know that they a are n not alon. you can slip and put. into the door the mailbox. you can voice your supportrt from your window at eight pm every night whenn you chcheer for front t liners. calls will be f found in the ifa woman is a family member. make a call center. shop with us because thehey're doing this the first women. use funny easieier
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to open up if someone asks youou if you don't ask the question it's going to be hararder for them to take that t first step. lastly and mostt importantly in case o of emerergency law enforcement can intervene. you can heaear shohouting your scres if y you hear a differerence dot hesitatate. to get involved and also will be dispatched despite the low down i didn't press charges the opportunity to talk to your foreign counterparts. particularly those in italy who have longer experience with. lockdowns and we have. you chchange. ideas yes it i is and what did they say. what we exchange information on a regugular basis tomorrow i'll have a talk wiwith the swedidish minister yesterday and held didiscussionss with you and with the oecd. i'll be in touch with my i italian countnterpart so wt i'mm told all the time and that's got to franance because- it. is eight t to ten days ahead
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of france. when it comes too login issues so w we can compare their data with our data a and there arare lots of simililarits in terms of the surge e in domestic violelence. and alsoo when i it comes to response mechanisms so the- conversationons are very valuabe to exchahange b best pracacticet i. said earlier abobout the h hp spspots in supermarkets. this is an international best practicee that has been selected by the united natations andnd shared by other n nations which meansns tt women. all over the world can he should use this mechanism. this is a facility in supermarkets are going to retain it afteter lockdown iss stopped. also comeses to mind is out o of thahat that t the lockn is forcing us to work in innovative ways it's a also an opportunity for other stakeholders to get involvlved. but with examplee the olympic gymnast say soccer club hasas tremendous t training center ino an accommodadation facility for
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abusive spouses. it's an amazing show. well it is fun to conditionanal school between the soccerer world. and t the abused women been lovelely show of solilidarity all of these new players o or whetherr businesess such as crucial moment please they're getting involved for example hotline number anotheher emergency channels are found on supermararket purchase receipts. and i belelieve that these plplayers whoho want to maintain their involvemement a after thee lockdown. so we working together with the more ready to try. and make the mechanism a permanent one. and one last in the media the social media particular. whether germany new zealand does a lot of countries for. it is a woman and i have been managing the crisis better at least that's what you read in forbes and- apparently women have more embassy. integrity hohow do you reaeact to o all t. my cousin in motion to be
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perfectly h honest i am somewhat skeptical w when it comes t to t i believe thiss line of thinking has effective decenentralized in female heads of statate last month i was implememented and te prime ministeter said.. s she wd to be e judged onn the basis of her skills as opposed to her gender she is a she's in heher early thirtiess so if we start saying that t women are softer and have more empaththy and more other people slippers only cacan you feel because. yeah ththere'- okay well. then you should stay. and you should the unpaid work. you should because during ut and- raraise our childldren i io home schooling. i don't think we should disregard their own specific qualities and competencies i'm not gonna do that i belieieve personanally should take precedence over gender. also you do some of them have a lot of empathy a a lott of sensitivitity while womn are some women are very bossy. i'm happy because he's like i
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remember kissing like out when she was had a very. two thousand eight brother had been called says a banks would have been you a somewhat different. and differently treated and she's a woman as successful woman. i i remember that w whenu play good for herer for being successful. well missy bank thank you so much for all the- well maybe you can give. i plan numbers- bacack and easy go ahed it's all yours. we donon't call names not yes in nicole thihirty nine n nineteen to get a sympathetic ear dial onene for team to send a text. dial seventeen n for the emergency number and go online to stop the violence don't go dollar for a platform you can reach someone twenty four seven thank you a lot. for having been with us afternoon. and
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04/21/20 04/21/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amamy: from new york city, the epicenter of the pandemic, this is democracy now! administration continues to press congress to replenish the enormously successful paycheck protection program, which has impacted 30 million american jobs. we hope to have an agreement very soon. amy: as the white house and $450rats near ideal on a billion


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