tv France 24 LINKTV April 23, 2020 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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♪ >> decisions continue on europe on how to make an economic recovery from the pandemic. e.u. leaders are said to me to find common ground. also, the pressure to find a vaccine to the virus that the u.k. and germany being among the countries to be giving the go-ahead to hold trials. in france, the death toll rises to more than 21,300, but the number of new patients being admitted to hospitals continues to drop. the french academy of medicine calls on the government to make
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it m mandatory for people to wer masks on publicc transpoport. hello. welcome back to the france 24 newsroom. firsrst to our top story. e.u. leaders will meet later thursday to examinine financinga recovery fund for the bloc, a package of anywhere from one trillion euros to 7 trillion euros. there are divisions over how the money should be handed out, as loans or as grants. the commission says it could borrow against the security of the future e.u. long-term budget. >> bringing e.u. economies out of the covid-19 pandemic will require a stimulus package of hundreds of billions of euros. no one is questioning that, but how it should be funded is a different matter. southern countries like spain and italy demand solidarity, financial help from the richer
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north. pushing for corona bonds, a mutual icu debt. [speaking foreign language] >> other countries, including germany and the netherlands, argue any, debt instrument would end up punishing countries that have the foresight to save in anticipation of such a crisis. the dutch prime minister said he could not see any circumstances in which the netherlands would accept euro bonds. for his part, the french president has come down firmly on t the side of collective responsibilityty, warning of the threat of rising populism in poor countries if they are left to fend for themselves. [speaking foreign language]
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>> suggested figures for the recovery fund have ranged to 25 trillion euros. officials across the block say they d do not expectct any dealo emerge before the summer. the world,ounund scientists are effectively -- franticacally seeking a vaccine for covid-19. britain and germany are among the countries leleading the rac, with vaccine trials being givevn the go-ahehead. t the global sesearch for a cocoronavirus vavaccine is makig theway in the u.k., were first round critical trials on humans are set to begin. vaccine from the oxford project will be trialed in
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people from this thursday. in normal times, reaching this stage would take years, and i am very proud of the work done so far. meanwhile, germany has given the green light for its first trials on humans for a vaccine develoloped by one of its countries with u.s. pharmaceutical giant pfizer. [speaking foreign language] >> in both countries, the first round clinical trials will be carried out on healthy volunteers age 18 to 55. researchers hope to determine whether the vaccines can sasafey train ththe immune system to fit covid-19. the process will require several
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phases of testing. experts estimate it will take 12 to 18 months to develop a new vaccine. other vaccine candidates for clinical trials on humans have been approved since mid-march. three in china and two in the u.s.. annette: in france, the death toll has increased by 540 four, taking it to more than 21,300. the for tally -- the fatality figures have increased worldwide. the french academy of medicine is waiting on the government's announcement t that it could become mandatory for people to wear masks on public transport. police say there is no reason to wait and delaying the move will only lead to more infections. weekend, the french government warned citizens that they might be ordered to wear
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masks when what -- using public toosport, too little and late according to the french academy of medicine. they publish a communique saying waiting so long to impmplement e measure would d give thehe virus three weeks to continue its spread. makingolution -- evereryone wear masksks as soons they leave the house, startrting as soon as possisible. [s[speaking foreign languagege] >> there has been much conflicting advice regarding masks in france, with authorities initially saying that only the sick and health workers needed to wear them. later, all citizens were advised to wear them while some tried to
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introduce their own mask wearing rules only to be shut down by the french council estate. with little clarity on whether or not masks will become mandatory and under which circumstances, france is ramping up production. and urging the public to get creative in the meantime. u.s. president donald trump assigneded an executive order to temporarily suspend the approval of some green cards. the measure, which contains exemptions, is planned for 60 days and could be extetended again. trump sasays he wants to protect american workers and jobs. some c critics see hisis move as taking advantage of the crisisis to implement a long-sought all -- in line with his america first platform. many around the world are entering their second month of lockdown, but what impact is it having on our psychological
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health? a consultant psychologist in the u.k. and published author on the subject joins me now from liverpool. how difficult is it mentally for people to live in lockdown conditions? >> i think we do not know yet. many of my colleagues are working hard to develop ways of assessing the psychological and social impacts of lockdown. we can predict that it will be very difficult. we are seeing the psychological pressures of a global pandemic with threats to our health and threats to the health of people you love. we are seeing the pressure on living in confined spaces. we are really seeing some of men beings violence toward women they live with and strands on relationships and other psychological impacts.
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most important link, i think the consequence on our emotional and psychological well-being and the economic consequent as of this. the longer the lockdown contntinues, the bigger the hito our economy. we know when there are economic downturns, there are questions -- consequences for our psychological and emotional health. it is going to be seen if forget time for us. what sort of consequent is will it have? higher levels s of stress? how does it t play out with people? froromave some evidence the influenznza pandemic in 1920 in the epidemic of polio early years of the 20th century. there were psychchological consequences. we knonow from earlier studies that when disasterers hit communities, i it tends to bee human that if -- cucumulative.
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as long as we bond together as commmmunities and look after our neighbors, possibly psychological consequences for the community y could bebe mitigated, but it is going to be difficult. we need to focus on some of the people who are highest risk. already socially isolated, people witith beforeities and problems the covid pandedemic, we e needo think about women who are at risk of abuse or violence whose partners, especially men. we need to think about children in abusive relationships. the most important area is to think of the impact on our psychological health from economomic downtnturn. we know inin the 2008 economic crash that, because the economic consequences of that disaster, as an economic disaster, because people lost their jobs, their livelihoods, and career
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opportunities, it was an upturn in self-harm and mental health problems, especially in suicides following the 2008 economic crash. theink we can expect greater the economic damage of this, the greater the psychological damage following that. >> if you were talking to an individual or 20 of us, what would you suggest in terms of maintaining our mental world being during this period? >> we need to divide it into two areas. there are practical issues, so i would urge political leaders to provide all of the necessary information for things like job furloughing or income support, protection of rent, protection against eviction. i think the practicalities are important. we need to not just worry about the future but take steps to protect ourselveves. so the practical things we can do. i would urge people t to contine to stay in contact withh the
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health services and social services and even the police. for individual psychological well-being, there are some pieces of advice. i think we need to make sure we continue with our routines. as our personal life becomes disrupted by the consequences of the lockdown, we need to make sure that we look after ourselves. we need to get up.. we need to dress. i made a point of putting on a suit and tie.. we need to continue with our routines and recognize many of us are working and that work-life balance should continue. relax in the evening. get proper sleep. we need to think about mainintaining our physical exercise and physical health. if we can continue to keep physically active, and that means putting effort into thinking about the exercise routines we can do at home without putting ourselves at risk. we need to stay in contatact wih other people. we n need to usese the media wee
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the 21st -- in the 21st century to keep contact with friends and loved ones. we need to keep our friends active. learning, reading , things that interest us. i am afraid we are going to have to leave it there. thank you so much and thank yoyu for wearing a tie for us. lockdown, itng in seems like a perfect opportunity to w welcome a new, furry frfrid into our lives. beenance, that has not eaeasy. animal welfare organizations have faced ager challenges as they try to find homes for the country's four-legged orphans. >> the society for the protection of animals is france's largest rescue organization for straight paths. when the country went into lockdown and shelters could no longer welcome potential adopters to meet dogs and cats,
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andd a wave e of fake news poing to petets as a vector for coronavirus transmission, the organization feared an increase in abandonment. that has not happened so far, but with adoption at a standstill and as new arrivals cocontinue, shelters quickly hit capacity. have reactedzens responsibly. we have not seen a a rise in abandonments.. otherwise, neither the government nor associations would have been able to keep up. >> the interior ministry responded with a special exception to confinement rules. now hopefully masters can pick their favoritite from the websi, set up a one-on-one meeting, and take home their new best friend without ever coming into physical contact with staff. within three days of the announcement, 5800 people have in requests. -- have put in requests. the spike in demand means adopters will need to be patient.
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many have found other ways to make a new furry friend. for "borrow my doggy" is a website to connect dog owners short on time with dog lovers short on dogs. what began as helping out with walks became a foster situation elderly owner was admitted to the hospital. it is a chance to help with a bonus. >> it is nice. with a dog in the house, you get excited in the morning. >> the owner is in recovery and will go home soon. as france's confinement dragsgs on, the number of animals seeking new homes is likely t to contntinue to mount. annette: that is it for this addition. stay with us here on france 24. ♪
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see thehave traveled to bears up close. it is so lovely. i only saw bears in the z zoo, t in a live area.. -- wild area. >> to see the bears in the wilds, thehey paid 600 eururos h for r the one day y helicopter . centy say it was wortrth everey . we posted a lot of pictures and a lot are friends saw the pictures and want to try to come here next summer. more and more chinese tourists will come. i think a lot of markets should be prepared >> could kamchatka be the world's next taurus hotspot? touristt hotspot --
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hotspot? that i is part of f lenny putin- president putin's plan. the federal district said the russian president has expanded to include two additional regions while moving its capital to vladivostok. since 2015, 1 of the highlights of the year here has been the annualal economic foforum. the deputy director of the far east investment agency is a busy man. right now, in a short space of time, he has signatures on 50 important contracts. present state officials
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, chasing investors is his team's drop. make sure every ruble of public money brings in private investment. we have been preparing for this all year, hence a good deal. [speaking foreign language] >> there is a certain kind of investor in russia and the world prepared to work under the conditions we have in the far east and deal with the difficulties. low population density, insufficient roads and infrastructure, but projects can pay off. investors of this catetegory are acactive in russssia, canada, ad new zealand and feel good in these kinds of places.s. [speaking foreign langnguage] [applaususe]
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contracts with a total value of -- it a success. is a success. a signature on a piece of paper does not necessarilyly mean investment will materialize. these are framework, nonbinding. the form is about prorojecting n image more than anything else. >> ladies and gentlemen, we have set grand goals for the development of the far east, and these important goalss can only be achieved through parartnershs and collective efforts. > the businesses still have o be persuaded to follow through. this is what he has come to kamchatka for and he is on his way to meet the representative of a chinese investor who wants to build a resort here. >> i have come here to discuss
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the next steps with the project's director. our aim is to increase the share of tourism and gdp and the income up toion's a respectable level. look at this place. >> this is part of your land. >> how beautiful. it is magnificent, really beautiful. kong-basedg businessman is in an 800 hectare eyeing an 800-- hectare area. >> the chinese need an area that allows them to have fun, spend money come and buy souvenirs as well as food and drink. >> the price t tag, more t thane billllion euros. >> thiss will be the largest scale project in the history of kamchatktka or anywhere in thehr east. the stakes for u us are high.
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crucial in terms of importance to the sector's development. >> the hope is this project will attract other investors in turn. the lack of interest hahas so fr been a turnoff, but the russian state is offering mouthwatering incentives, near-total tax-exempt and for five years, and not only that -- tax exemption for five years, and not only t that. >> the farar east developopment organizazation will connnnect tm to r resources. [speaking foreign language] still, the investors hesitating -- investor is hesitating. euros ofbillion investment announced, only 16% has soso far beeeen carried d o. losing 17,000
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inhabitants eaeach year on average. .nanother statee plan >> this is my trusty steeded. i hahave driven more than 10,000 kilometers in this car come all the way from moscow -- this car, all the way from moscow. i had a trailer with my things in it. when i g got here, therere was nothing, j just nature. maxime is a geographer.r. to takeke left his job advantage of a program o offerig one e free hectare of land to ay russian cititizen. >> this is where e my first buililding will bebe. i am plannnning to build a building for guests. first, i have to clear the forest. to cut down ththese trees, i i e to pay a huge sum o of money, as much as 30 euros per tree, the
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rate set by the muninicipal authorities in accordance with established forestry laws. there are no exceptions for maxime, nor other participants in the area. >> i asked the officials in charge of the land distribututin program about the site. everyone told me, no problem, cucut the trees s down, use the land. whenen i arrived, , i found d mf having to pay 2000 rubles to 4000 rubles per tree. i do not plan to make money by chopping wood, but i cannot start my project while this forest is in the way. while the state hands out ,nusable land by the hectare others are m making g big profis frfrom deforestation. 4,500,000 cubic meters of wood
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are chopped down each year in vladivostok region alone. it is an obstacle to development. loaded with wood is going to china. the logs arere on open carriage, but the precut planks are enclosed. -- in closed ones. leg is a lawyer protestingng that 90% of the cut wood from this region is exported to china. >> on paper, this would belongs to russisian companies, but it s already been bought by the chinese. if we used this would to make furniture, paper, or all kinds of other things, its value e wod be multiplied tenfold. we just sell it as raw material, thereby y serving chininese induststry. why would t the chinesese invesn rurussia when they are doing jut fine milking us for our r raw
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materials? there are barely any wood treatment plants in the far east. among oleg's clients is one about to open. it will be the area's first wooden slats factory. [speaking foreign language] >> the least we can say is the government's attempts too popularizeze the far east have boosted p property prices and investor appetites in this sector. the lack o of competitition meas ththere are gooood prospects for those who are not afraid to try to develop something here. [speaking foreign n language]] >> there is a prproblem. he cannot get the state to give him the 120,000 cubic meters of what he needs for production.
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- hey i'm darius rucker, coming up onreel south. - [m[marlise] anand boom! yeah peoeople, checkck me out. - [d[darius] whehen a prpregnant texas woman collapses brain-dead, it's state law that keeps her alive. - the pain of watching what wasas going on to our daughteter's body. - shshe's passed away, she's de. - [darius]s] a familyy fights for this yoyoung mother's rigight to . this time in "62 days," onreel south. - [female narrator] support for this program is provided by south arts, sponsors of the southern circuit t tour of independent filmmakers, with funding from the national endowmwment for ththe arts. [bluesy guitar rock] ♪
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