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tv   DW News  LINKTV  April 24, 2020 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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>> this is dw news live from berlin. donald trump does damage control after his medical musings trigger a backlash. u.s. president is on the defensive after appearing to promote uv light and bleach as a potential weapons against coronavirus. doctors warn these unproven treatments could put lives at risk. also coming up, brazil's political turmoil deepens. a powerful justice minister who was the face of the
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anticorruption crackdown resigns. president bolsonaro asserting improper control over the police. and a hong kong boxer once -- he tries to start a new life in democratic taiwan. he is under attack there also. thank you for joining us. we start in the united states were president donald trump has caused alarm by suggesting people infected with the coronavirus could be treated with ultra violet light and disinfectant. trump made those remarks during a white house press briefing. after a presentation by a government official suggesting heat and sunlight could weaken the virus. trump has since said he was not encouraging people to ingest
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disinfectants, but his comments were made as doctors were present at the briefing. >> donald trump's claims left health experts speechless and the president's own advisor scrambled to undo any potential damage before it's too late. during the white house press briefing, he suggested disinfectant ingesting and uv light could used -- be used to treat patients with coronavirus. president trump: supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it is ultraviolet or just area powerful light, and i think you said you are going to test it and supposing you bought the light inside the body, which you can do through the skin or in some other way. i think you said you are going to test that? it sounds interesting. then i see the disinfectant it knocks it out in a minute. is there a way we can do something like that?
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by injection inside or almost a cleaning? >> the remarks were criticized by health experts who say in fact -- disinfectants like bleach are dangerous when ingested. it's not the first time trump has made claims even scientists in his own administration have had to debunk. only a month ago, trump promoted the use of hydroxychloroquine, a drug used to treat illyria as a potential cure for covid-19. the next day, the governor's top infectious degree expert rebuked his claim in a press conference. >> is there any evidence to suggest as with malaria, it might be use as a a prophylactis against covid-19? >> the answer is no and the evidence you are talking about is anecdotal evidence. >> trump's recent remarks and his handling of the coronavirus papandemic have bebeen widely criticized. since e the pandemic spread to e
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u.s., his approval ratings have been dropping. a recentt poll showed d less thn half of americans trust the information they are getting from the president on the coronavirus will stop but for some, it's not only a question of mistrust. for this group of protesters, trump statements are causing people in the u.s. to die. they laid out dozens of fake body bags, a symbol of the lives lost to coronavirus and of the many more expected to suffer from the virus in the united states. >> now a viral infection and vaccine expert at lancaster university joins us. welcome. what did you make of the suggested in of injecting disinfectant to clean the body of coronavirus? >> i think it is completely disappointing statement, especialally at this criripple .
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everyoyone is tryingg to followe rules and regulatations required to contain the infection at this criticical time. it could lead to more damage than we are already having. >> he also suggested treating patients with uv light. what is the science behind that and could that actually work? >> not even that, hee was suggesting to ararby doctorsrs o testss that. bubut we do knoww is there i ist of informationhahat needs toto e gathered for the coronavirus a d covid-1919. there are other questitions we know the answewer, for example using didisinfectant or uv light to inanactivate the virus. onee thing i wld likike to c clr up iss the virirus outside the living body is dififferent from what is insnside the living bod.
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disinfectant, uv light, these are proven ways of disinfecting atat the surfaceces come a wasag hands and cleaning hanands. but once the virus is s inside e body, these things donon't work because they work on the same mechanismm that they will damage the body organs, for example. if someone drinks blblch or injejects bleach itstself, it's going to d dissolvlve all the cs and would be similar toto suicie thee same is apppplicable for uv light. uv light is s very effffective n stererilizing vices in the medil field in the laboratory. we use uv light to disinfect, but not once the virus is inside the body. pablo: most experts say a vaccine is a year out. as in the president right thatt desperate titimes calforr despate meaeasures? >> it is cerertainly true that e don't havave aaccine to immunize peopople for t this deadlyly die
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yet. yeyet there is n no roooom for s kind of falsified statement because these certainly don't have any advantage into o the situatioion. but what ththey are proposingnga lolomore confufusion and some of the followers might try to ingegest that and whwho would be responsible for this? this is a crititical time to condemn n and ensure politician, all concerneded, , that they demonstrate any kind of these suggestions because these are otherwise very critical. pablo: thank you for joining us. the white house is claiming the president's remarks are being misrepresented. a short while ago, trump said his comments were not meant to be taken seriously. president trump: i was asking a
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very sarcastic western to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside. but it does kill it and it would kill it on the hands and i would -- that was done in the form of a sarcastic question. pablo: for more, let's bring in stefan simons in washington. the president was only joking -- how credible is that? >> if you ask political observers here and lots of experts and a lot of colleagues, actually, journalists were in the room at the briefing who are now watching that footage we just showed, they are saying there's nothing sarcastic about it and that is the president peddling back. pedal back his comments and there is where we are now. yesterday, it did not sound like sarcasm at all. if you would have the chance to
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see how dr. deborah birx, one of the experts in this region reacted when the president looked at her and made those comments, she was really clearly uncomfortable and that is exactly what not only a lot of journalists, networks here, the public, the press, but many experts are very uncomfortable with what the president has done, promoting to ingest or inject disinfectants or cleaning solutions or uv light inside the body to fight covid-19 and the coronavirus, that is clearly not sitting well with many or all experts, maybe. it is also not conducive to getting more trust, getting the president to be taken more serious by may be experts and probably also the public. pablo: plenty of reaction across
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the board. for trump, it does seem to be all about the campaign trail. i think it is safe to say that. but what are the polls showing us about his approval ratings at the moment? >> you are absolutely right. that seems to be the case. this daily occurrence of the president and the coronavirus white house task force presser is a campaign stop. it is to indicate to his base, his supporters, and he is in dire need to do this because his approval ratings are down. and i just mentioned, there is a decrease in trust within the public and across all lines of the political spectrum and how he handles the coronavirus crisis and what he says as he proved yesterday. the problem for the republican party and for trump is the
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independence -- the independents , the undecided voters, if they don't believe the president, he cannot win in november. pablo: thank you. here is a look at some of the latest elements in the coronavirus pandemic. global death toll from covid-19 has surpassed 193,000 according to johns hopkins university. the death toll in the united states alone has now risen above 50,000. the u.s. has the world's biggest outbreak of covid. the u.k. has announced it will host a virtual international summit on june 4 for accelerating the development of a vaccine. and amazon is extended temporary pay raises for its warehouse workers in the u.s. and canada until the middle of may. the online retail giant raised wages last month in recognition of the additional work that pandemic generated in its delivery centers.
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after being shut down for weeks and losing out on sales, many companies cannot wait to get back to business, but it won't be business as usual as long as the pandemic is still ongoing. many businesses are getting creative, finding new ways to keep workers safe while on the job, like one italian company that has installed indoor traffic lights. >> after a six-week rake, workerss at ththis fridgdge facy in italy are desperatete to get going again. but there now transformed plant may offer an uncomfortable glimpse into the post coronavirus future. >> we have developed a hardware and software system that could help people live a and work in a safe manner and keep to social distancing. >> as well as run-of-the-mill measures l like face masks and disinfectants, a traffic light system has been installed in the canteen and in toilets to limit
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ovovercrowding. but one of the more innovative solutions is also one of the most eyebrow-raising. workers wear a tagging device that sends a -- sends an alert to their mobile phones whenever they are too close to each other. >> and other interesting element is that it allows the company and t trade union organizationso track the interaction of each time within the company. >> in normal times, and employee tracking system m would spark protests. not here. >> we are sure this is not a spying device. it's not a tool to spy on us. it's ononly a device to increase the safety distance and report close contact, not to spy on people. >> as companies and countries around the world debate how and when to get their economy running safely again, this is one factory that shows the future of commerce near a quiet
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compromise along the way. pablo: here's a look at other stories making headlines around the world. government official says suspected hutu militiamen have killed at least 16 people in the democratic republic of congo. the attack took place in the veronica national park. most victims were park rangers protecting a convoy y of civilis stop russian emergency services are battling wildfires in at least three regions of siberia. no casualties have been reported, but the fires have destroyed dozens of buildings. temperatures have been about 15 degrees celsius higher than usual. last year, fires in siberia burned huge swaths of land. seveveral thousand people have attended prayer services at the biggest mosque in indonesia's at j providence. the crowds ignored advice from the national government and health officials who urged worshipers to pray at home to
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seseveral beachches in australia possibly largest city, sydney, have been closed again after crowds ignored coronavirus restrictions. local officials had to reopen the beaches for exercise just a few days earlier, while at the same time warning people to adhere to social distancing guidelines. brazil's justice minister has resigned after accusing the president of meddling in law enforcement for political reasons stop in a live television address, he said bolsonaro fired a federal police chief to have more access to intelligence. mauro is known as an anticorruption crusader, popular in conservative circles. his departure deals a blow to bolsonaro who faces sharp criticism for his handling of the coronavirus crisis.
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for more on this, let's ring in our correspondent from rio de janeiro. brazil's former justice miniature -- minister was famed as an anticorruption crusader. what do we know about his motives? >> mauro and bolsonaro are conservatives and both were known as wanting to fight corruption. but it turned out to be a misunderstanding because morrow complained in public today about interferences by bolsonaro, especially regarding an appointment by the head of the federal police stop so it is likely bolsonaro extended his power and did something against his responsibilities. we suppose it was in order to protect his sons from investigation by the federal police.
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pablo: all of this is happening in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, something bolsonaro does not appear to be taking seriously. tell us about that. >> recently, bolsonaro replaces health minister, merely on the discussion of how to combat the corona crisis. bolsonaro is now more and more alone and the question is how his ministers react who are still in place. overerall, therere are many militaries in his government and the question is how will they react now? pablo: how is brazil's health system coping with the situation? >> in rio and sao paulo, it's almost collalapsing. in othther places, it has collapsed. we see mass graves and the numbers are rising from day toto day. we expect the worst two weeks to come from now on.
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pablo: thank you. a high profile pro-democracy activists who left -- you fled hong kong is being attacked with red paint in taiwan where he was set to launch a new bookstore. he's the former omer that former owner of causeway bay books, known for carrying books banned by china. phoebe kong reports. >> the causeway bay bookstore used to be an iconic location in hong kong, famed for selling books critical of chinese leaders. now its founder's about to bring it to taiwan. in 2015, he was one of five books dollars detained by booksellers and forced to confess on tv. he says his calling in life h hs much more meaning than fifive years ago. > b books a are my weapons of
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resistanance. reopenining a store is a revolt against the authoritarian regime. why are they so afraid of unarmed booksellers? >> he could only realize is plan after he fled in april of last year after the hong kong government was pushing ahead with an extradition bill that could send him back to china for trial. soon after he left, hong kong descended into mass protests. the unrest is far from over. 15 million opposition figures were arrested just last weekend. this week, he was attacked with paint in taipei. in what he called an attempt by china to intimidate him. but he is not backing down. slogans and books about the hong kong protests are prominent in his store.
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>> i am pessimistic about hong kong because it is ruled by a country that b breaches its promises to ththe people. china tightened honong kong's freedoms over the pasast 20 yea, but my bookstore says no to totalitarianism. we call for liberties just as it is wriritten on the e flag. >> many people around the world echo his beliefs. he raised $200,0,0 to realilize the project. >> he is the only one free to speak his mind. one was just sentenced to 10 years in prison in china while the rest have been silenced. he may be on a pathh of no return. after leaving his homeland and family behind in hong kong, the bookstore in taipei has become his home. >> i don't expect the situation to improve soon.
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maybe in a decade or more. nevertheless, we should not give up. i boycotott all chinese product. revolt does not necessarily mean throrong a petrorol bomb. it's all the little things in our everyday lives. >> the liberties have had their price. he believes he made the best decision he could have. pablo: the pandemic poses a particular challenge in africa where many countries lack critical health care infrastructure. sudan was already facing a health care crisis before the covid-19 outbreak. many medical workers left the country under the previous dictatorship. that has left mostly young doctors to handle the coronavirus outbreak and some say they have been attacked by patients families who blame them for the health systems failures. >> a moment of rest before the eaearly shift b begins. doctctors and nurses board a
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shuttle bus to the nearby clinic. they cannot keep a safe distance apart and they are not allowed to see their own families. these health workers have to get by on one meal a day. khartoum's clinic is the center for coronavirus patients. it has 16 intensive care beds and 15 ventilators, but there are nearly 40 patients being treated already. every day brings new arrivals. doctors work 12 hour days, often, much longer. they are poorly paid and at high risksk of infecection, but feela strong sense of duty. >> the moneyey we m make isn't enenough to live on.n. wewe alslso work in other clinis and havee otherer obligations, t it is ok. we are not here for the money. >> crisis-torn sudan is
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struggling after decades of dictatorship and economic mismanagement. a unity government made up of the army and opposition leaders took over after mass protests last year the economy is in ruins. food and fuel are in short supply. economic prospects are bleak. >> things are very difficult, evenen for doctors because our country is going through hard times. i can only hope the economic situation will improve soon. in the meantime, we will stay here and try to help people as best we can. >> not all sudanese doctors take that view. because of the low pay and poor facilities, many highly qualified professionals want to move away to europe or the u.s. hundreds have already left and now, there are not enough dodoctors.
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with feelingngs running high, se have been attacked as people blame them for the pandemic. >> attacking doctors is completely unacceptable. this type of behavior should be severely punished. >> sudan is now under lockdown. authorities are hoping to avoid a sharp increase in coronavirus cases which would overwhelm the health care system. pablo: lockdowns have taken hold across the world. cities usually bustling with people have fallen silent and that has enabled wildlife to thrive. in paris, birds not normally seen in the city have returned, to the delight of birdwatchers young and old. >> it's almost romantic -- starlings and wood pigeons joined in paris by strangers. >> i certainly didn't expect to see him, but when i did, i
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didn't hesitate. i went and got the camera. it's a migrants that comes back in march, but to see him in the garden in town, that's not normal. >> in the new quiet of the city, songs usually drowned out by traffic have become audible. >> far, far away, there's a robin's nest over there. >> what does it sound like? >> it is a melancholy little song. >> since the lockdown, i'm much more sensitive because there's less noise. others are recording the songs. this researcher says the birds sound less stressed with all the people inside. >> noise disturbs the animals, just like us. it has many effects. it masks their own communications and scrambles their information systems. >> while t the lockdownn contin,
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the birds in paris can unscramble their systems and seeing as loud as they like. pablo: a global pandemic is a lot to worry about when you are a kid, but that but -- but if that is not enough to turn your world upside down, one australian child has got you beat. his name is corona. he's to love it until bullies started making fun of it. but a friend has helped him bounceback. >> the kids at school have been cruel l to corona. >> virus. they just kept on saying that and i would get ellie mad. >> but corona reached out for help from the voice of the actor he knew as woody. tom hanks and his wife were quarantined in australia after testing positive for covid-19. >> mr. and misisses hanks, my ne is c corona. i heard on the n news you and yr wife have caught the coronavirus. are e you ok? x hanks sent corona a letter in
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return. >> over the moon i think is an understatetement. he w was ecstatic. lex veryry special because h hed i'm a friend of him. >> hanks also gifted a corona typewriter to his young fan. >> i'm going t to write back s . >> a memory sure to last to infinity and beyond. pablo: this is dw news in berlin. a quick reminder you can get news and features around the clock at and on the dw app, twitter and instagram. for me and the rest of the team, do stay tuned. i will be back shortly with "the day."
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the french and dutch governments back in historic multi billion euro leading to help align efron's klm whether the turbulence of the coronavirus crisis. i was only being sarcastic president trump backtracks after suggesting disinfectant could be used inside the body of coronavirus patients to beat the illness. it is the holy month of ramadan begins this friday for the area ththe world population will be tatang a look k at how. transformed the way it's being a- welcome to the front twenty four news r


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