tv France 24 LINKTV April 30, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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solution is on the v. live. let's find out. his wawashington's another's concur is only about. a total of two point two million reusable masksks are due to go on sale in newsagents across france. meanwhile one use masks are being handed out for free to those using public transport in paris and its suburbs and regional authorities plan to give a reusable cloth masks to all those subscribed to the city of travel. france's formally entered recession in the west slump since world war two now there is an economy as a whole has also contracted at its fastest pace on record. because of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown which try to support r recovery across the bloc european central bank has now announced it will ramp up its stimulus measures a a business editor kate. he is standing by kate the slowdown was not unexpected and i'm not analysts say it could still get
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worse. absolululy because the lockdowns were only in effect for a few weeks of that first three momonth period of the yea- it meansns that the greatatest dadage is likely to come in the current second quarter. let's take a look at some of the figures the eurozone as a whole contracted three point 8% for the first quarter that's deeper than during the worst of the financial crisis a decade ago. a friend has plunged into recession after shrinking zero point 1% at the end of twenty nineteen-- it was downn five point 8% for this first quarter. italy's economymy has fallen four point 7% alsoo into recession spainin it down five point 2% germany y has public. data but it's for casting a negative groroh off aroround six point 3% for the year as a whole. the europopean centntral bank has warned that t the bloc. by anywhere betweenn five anand 12% and t twenty. that'll depend onon the conontainer s structurd itit's- how that. is to be h hed
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there. he did keep its main into rate s steady atat. how a percentage point but it we do lend rates for customers banks. the wave is actually y paying them to borrow my- and encouraging them to pass on low and to struggggle house. and be. the bank is also continue its huhundred andd fifty. . euro prm of buying government bonds the cd had christina god saying she was ready to increase those emergency support measureres. by as much as necessasary and for s long as needed. troubling times here in europe is not much better across the atlantic i is itit three pointnt eight million americans. lost their jobs last week alone the economic toll of the virus becomes clearer. absolutely it brings the total up for the last six weeks or so since mid march to thirty eight million americans were out of a job. at the three point eight million who applied for jobless benefits last week represents the fourth consecutive week declining applications they're still really staggering numbers and much more than had been predicted by most analysts-
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data suggesting that layoffs are now extending. to all sectors of the economy not just those that are directly affected. by the virus implilies overall unemployment rate of araround fifteen percent- for nw anyway m many of thosose people hoping to be re hired o of course. viruses brorought under. what shohould consumer spending in plunged and a half percent in march of the largely monthly dropop on record. averagege disposable income dropped around 2% a as well and once agagain analysts believeve that apapril will be even worse oxfod economics describing this as merely the tip of the iceberg. because even if people do g get back t to work fairly quickly- that manany will seeeem to deepn their income and theheir savings and their confidence. up with all that gloomy news was a wall street closing down a slightly this thursrsday evening but we'e seen the dow jones rising aroundnd 10% in april of the s. and p. is up. is about 12% for the month- making up nearly all of the stark losses that we saw back in march. it was a similar
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story to major european indices asas well earlier on mararkets n the sides ofof the- law. their best. rally since the nineteen eighties. some she that and good thank you for that much for the update kate moody from business desk well moving on to britain where prime minister boris johnson to catch. the country is nowow pastt its peakf its coronaa virus outbreak and- now on a downward slope. they said it was the first press confererence the conservative leader since he was hospitalized with covered nineteen. statement that comes as the uk government is set to miss its own target of conducting a hundred thousand tests. by the end of april and that this death toll rose. to twenty six thousand seven hundred seventy. that that highest in the- after the. date and it they are okay tells us more. in his for day we bring and recover from the of him. boris johnson delivered good news suggesting the worst of
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the outbreak has passed and so i can. confirmed today for the first time we all post the peak of this disease. what part of the peak and we're on the downward slide but johnson stopped short of announcing precisely when the lockdown will be lifted emphasizing the government must first meet five conditions including a sustained fall in debt send infection rates ensuring the nhs can cope withh patient l los and guaranteeing sufficient supplies of tests and protective equipment f for healh workers. and while the prime minister insisted the uk is massively ramping up testing the government has acknowledged it is stilll behind its target of one hundred thousand tests daily by the end of april. as for the next steps johnson will lay out a comprehensive plan next week in both at reopening the economy andnd avoididing a w spike in infections. that's why
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we've got to calibrate all measures so kathy and make sure the tweet- not only unlock economy gradually also find ways of teaming to suppress the videos it disease and possibly a new ways more ingenious ways of suppressing the disease as well. the prime minister vowed to present a quote you have options onon easing the lockdown though he said the exact dates of any changes will be driven by upcoming. advice from scientists. mistrust one of the countries to guide lockdown president emmanuel macron declared that the countrtry is quite at war with the coronavirus medicines than an international effort has been ongoing to find the secret weapon to beat it to either drugs or even a vaccine. the pharmaceutical companies and medical expense and now reporting good results in studies on new and existing drug treatments nick rushworth tells a small. the chinese
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company sinovac biotech is conducting one of four clinical trials authorized in china. it says it has had promising resultss in tests on macaque monkeys human trials have just begun. i'm thousands of shots of the vaccine have been produced the drug has a long way to go before it is approved. well construction. facilitiess in talking to a lady and target- still for a year. in the united states one drug produced by the pharmaceutical possib help aercience could sappointg dat i one tri eay resul fronother on instgram does if i showed it cut recovery time for patients from fifteen to eleven days. the data shows that run the city has a clear cut significant positive effect the
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mortalityy rate trended towards being. better in the sense of less deaths in the room that's a big group. 8% this is 11% in the placebo group. one study in france meanwhile mission that's enough right his drug facilities a mob fashion thirty promise in preventing extreme inflammation in seriously ill coded nineteen patients. this is my manager more. connection to have disabilities that issue because youou're on the call could proceed on organism or similar in n particular to the committee to stroll. hopefully soon after mr. and in u. k. the phone company. says he will know by june or july whether a vaccine it's working on with the university of oxford will be effective. or not. many are now to lebanon where the government has approved a debt to plan to try to pull the country's economy back from its worst problems. in decades the
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card of ours pandemic has added to the difficulties in the country that was already in an economic crisis befefore it had to go into lockdown. thehe worsening condititions are fueling protests across several cities. defying lockdown rules. in the northern city of tripoli. protesters threw fireworks and stones at soldiers. who retaliated with rubber bullets. as small crowds across several lebanese cities vented their fury at soaring inflation. and an unprecedented. of the currency. banks were prime targets after some looks a result of the us dollar accounts what's that all about how the mafia the prominent short the balancee. come on come on the set to do well laid down on the heads on it in the city on the shot can you had all the beethoven honestly what i can do when i get the i said hello when i b. c. a. seven and has seen its currency lose more than half its value since october. and the government
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defaulted on its sovereign debts for the first time in march. some 45% of the population is currently. living below the poverty line. the cobit. and locked has photo. the situation. bringing the economy to a standstill after authorities closed and nonessential shops. the governor of the central bank has been accused of failing to prevent the lebanese pound sliding to an all time low against the us dollar. . he blamed the country's recent political crisis in which mass protests unseated the previous governments in october what does the met the as we have so you see. only can allow it to call for you for all the w. b. said that they hope woman. fought off the leaders of the trusted vision what do you. can frequent doctor didn't la- i'm in my position with. what my body is a freakin it all do fallon. okay the government
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finalized its economicc reform plan aimed at restructuring the country's debt. that's the end of this edition stay tuned to france twenty four. hello and welcome to the front twenty four interview in this edition we hope to answer some of your questions on how best to cope mentallyly with the effects of the corona virus pandemic joining me from washington dc. is you llena cake man of it a junked professor at georgetown university's psychology department thank you very much indeed for your time today now the spread of corona virus is making people around the world anxious. the festival is feeling anxious at a time like this perfectly normamal. absolutely and that's really a good point to remember- this is
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a certain time it's a time that's very ambiguous it's time that- we are presented with a normal situation that- and you knowow nobody has the i hadad te chance to deal with before. andd all of thehese aspects of the situation really make us very anxious and we respond with you know anxious and wororried full it's- his ical positions of anxiety and you know in my practice also among the patients we hear. a lot of anxiety coming on absolutely and it's so important to remember that doesn't mean that something is wrong with you because you experiencing these feelings thoughts and sensations but this is this is.. cecertain is s that a a provovog time. so what are your top tips than for dealing with the ananxiety. sure so- so we definitely have some good tips- that c could b be developed o or decades o of reseaearch and practice- in terms of how to deal with anxiety in general so- your first one is really to
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date- tackle as i call it ththis paradox of anxiety and- the presence of anxiety- g goes back to something that the swiss. psychiatrist carl you'u'll call coal that. what you resist persists w which really m means that the more you try to. struggle against fightss againit push away a lawyer this feelings and floyd's anxious fefeeling hopeful it's the more they're going to come back with a vengeance later. so that the idea is to really notice acknowledge that these anxious thoughts and f feelings a are showowing up and you know describe themm the best you can to yourself t to others- and thn let them go the best you can sosort of noticed that these waves of anxiety can come uponon you. and yet if you don't really have trouble with them and engage with them and can you can just let them go that to kind of roll over they'll- back again. you can again mindfully noted them acknowledge them observe them without judgment and let them
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go and not and that the you know that's part of remember. that we really cannot do. controll our feelings those who like to think ththat we- but we really cannonot than what we- control. is how we react behavior early to these feelings thoughts so while noticing a leading glow these anxious feelings what you can do is you can. be hehere early you know in the moment. focus your attention on something that matters you know this is something that still even in this really difficult times when you know our our lives are- you know. very kind ofof narrowed. there are still things that you know can bring us meaning and purpose enjoy. and the many that many things like that- the most important thing so does that that's a relate to basic human needs all of. to offer- youou know cook connecting with other peoplee as well as a sense of competence. all of you know purpose in the world so it could b be really yu know the way you take time with
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your kids or your spas that's you know s slow work different than you normally- youounow. i wowould in a heartbeat tie ins normal hard times it could be you know picking up the guitar. from a corner if you will please want fuller. the store. until really geget a online wiwh us to and- you know really y you knowow. something feelining abo. that always to do i itxpress. often know we want to be in the world so you can take you know many. yes whahat about specific advice people who read get to lay their home these days here on a lot for example just how important is exercise for mental health. extremely important i cannot over emphasize the importance of exercise. a as well a as other f care strategies you know the main health self care strategies that the help us both psychologically and physically our exercise sleeping enough and having good quality of sleep- it's
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practicing mindfulness whenever possible practicing relelaxation techniques and spending time in it in nature if possible during this time for some people it's possible for some people it's not. and in terms of exercise you know- we are limited in what we can do well giveven the gym so close yoga studios are closed- up i sprinkle such laws- t that said we can get creative we can get creative you know there are. things that youu can do at homome find a youtube videos of cut you know how to d do your guidance at the little you'll get mad at you know how you can do. jumping rope exercises you can put in play it right you can connect to our online- uniphase groups or you know google hang out with your friends in new york together so you know so that yoyou kind off a you know doing exercise in connecting with other people. we don't are way to do it and this is no time to stop. our goal you know. he
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it's time to be in the tenth if you've never. this is the to start it because people little more and that you know letet let's more f for. on to o get through this time so this is the this is a great to start your exercise routine. you mentioned virtual interactions because of course so many people in lockdown- don't have friends and family with the my home. cannot be just as effective to staying healthy mentally interacting with people using facetime daily. absolutely absolutely i mean that of coursesehere are certain specific advantages to face to face interactions. but we know we know from psychological disorders that actually as- either interactions can be very usesefl from from my field- you know feel the therapy of psychotherapy for example i've been just reviewing. older research that suggests the tele therapy via video is as effective as in person therapy so that the you know gives us an idea that this really can. be an effectivee way off- connecting with other p people envy you know be though is always better than just all the
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all all the is better than just texting right. so you know i recommend the actually you knoww putttting your in a a phased. fe time or or what's up or any other video application you know maybe on the floor on thee table and kind of going. about your life may be having a meal of preparing a meal playing with the children and the connecting with relatives with friends so that you kind of have a sense that you up that part of your life. it's not just old this that that made a phone call y you know but you kind of integrating them around your- around your- your regular life i mean my yeah you know i am from europe originally and i live i in the united states. and my family scattered all over the world so we've been practicing this. you know for decades now and i feel that i've really been able to connect with my family in austria and in europe. in this way sometimes we just got a bowl to be on on or both. sitting. in in a minute i'm-
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having a- now here in hello of us live. in small space. is there any correlation between the size of the space that you'll look down in and your well being. is it about how much space you have a mold the minds that you have. it is really more about my answsw to that mindset we really don't have any- reason to believe that a smaller space- w would have anyny. worse effects on people than havining a bigger space it's more about your mindset and beingng creative you know because you can in a very small space you can- you know. use this time again to actually saver- the more slower. pace of life and maybe rearrange some things in your apartment to actually feel- more relaxing and more welcoming- youou knonoo be kind of an old elise is at at you know during the stressful. you u can. get put in the two real people. sharing home if you live with other people to you know to o have
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coconversations that you have on hand usualally you know that tht this again this is this. is a time that gives us a chance to actualally. startrt relating to each other in a different way and possibly also to re examine some priorities you know again you know i'm all their lives are so. hurry then it's all about getting things done and *-*- y you know chehecking off u knknow i you know a list of things to do. and you know to some extent chasing the youou know a paycheckk and status and power and so forth and you know when a lot of external things are kind of very restricted these days. it's an opopportuniy it's a really an opportunity for us to you knoww slow dowown step back and kind of re examine you know all my life and an upper. is and maybe be this is. will pop and. but do you think that people should
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limit at thehe moment in the circumstances just how much news that they watch. absolutely absolutely and that you know again talking about what we have control over right we h have control over our behaviors and you know if we behave in such a way that we allow ourselves to be so bombarded with a stream of negative news for hours daily- that is absolutely going to have affecect on a psysychologil and possibly even a- physical health. and because of the stress reaction big evolutionary we are just not prepared to call it says netet mind open negative a certain information so you know it's it is important to limit time you know it's you know. some recommendations have been put forth on but the two half an hour a day i would say up to an hour it's probably okay not more than that that's a cool. social which is flooded of course also with a corona virus news. so you know we- ten
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limits how much of that input. in the work that they the rest that you know is the input to that is actually in the calming or more meaningful and purposeful. you mentioned virtual therapy sessions early as far as you know all that more more therapists offering that and- should people if they want to talk to a professional reach out to that perhaps regular therapist and ask for a skype session. absolutely i meanan and you know i live in washington dc herere in the united states and i would say that- majority not all but majority all therapists have been moving to- virtual telehealth usually video telelehealth and in my practicei at the at nine o'clock- we could hold more than we did last week. and i can tell you from a couple days of experience that it's actually gogoing really w well that it tt i might say even better than i had expected. and so i would absolutely encourage their of the people to reach out to the
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regular therapist and see if they have a transition but also you know they will be people behold this stress we'll just be enough of a trigger. to feel you know anxiety or depression- you know depression is also a problem during this very isolated times also the times where we have. losses we're dealing with you know things that we you know fill out that regular life. both questionings betty and other problems cann we come to a point where you need to seek a professional help if that you're noticing that you'll really sleeeeping that you'll you'll eat the patterns the know. this call be did you. that you'll you'll you'll cannot find join anything that you know you really struggling on having you know reaeally prolongg
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04/30/20 04/30/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new yoyork city, thehe epicenter of the pandemic, this is democracy now! the number of u.s. confirmed coronavirus cases has surpassedd one million. the death toll has passed 61,000 in the united steses, though both nbers arerorobablfar,r, far r hier. the numbmber of ses worldwide is alalmost 2 millilion. today we look at t g global economicatastrophe triggered byby the pandemic and d its im
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