tv France 24 LINKTV May 4, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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france boss is twenty five thousand the senate. votes against. wants to come out of lockdown still showed you for may the eleventh the head teachers across the paris region raising safety concerns. over the rear of the schools. seven point five billion euros pledged to fight code nineteen the special donors conference french president emmanuel macron says any vaccine developed. has to become the property of everyone but its inventorss should be well rewarded. the event was hosted online by the age you don't is included the pop star madonna.
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france is refusing to pay amazon workers under its partial unemployment will pay for the ski. i'i'm s shocked atx warehouses across france is fighting a legal battle with unions over working conditions. virus. thank you very much for being with us the death toll now atwenty fiveve thousand fronts the senate has rejected the government's plans for the stage lifting the lockdown it's tough to start to make that move today the book to symbolic it won't delay the start of lifting the lockdown but it the difference of opinion in the high speed is a french government over the issue isn't about republicans abstaineded. social again. we will have teachers across the paris. known as gilda falls. raising safety concerns over the plan to reopen next week many fear the classrooms could quickly become places were covered nineteen is transferred to an affected p pupils and teachers. up to three hundred a teacher to that case to the- mat and it
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all go. overruled transliterated is. october twenty five thousand now across the phones it is actually doubled during the pandemic. in this man's office in a prisonon suburb this one pressing matter underbelly cole has gathered his team to o discuss the re openening of schools in the district it's monday. this is aa whole different he said to me for. due to deliver a cell phone thanank youu the man has signed a petition calling on the government to keep schools closed in regions cost is red or high r risk because in. eighties board of f health and safefety measures. he's been given regulationso follow b by the e government but it's not clear who will be held responsible if a child conscious coronavirus. chris christie system sometimes donated to know there will be a
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new deal he's got character when the august heat is considered complete also allows us to be concluded that. would happen but also a lot of possibility declaring. this matter in the north of paris. has the same doubts. the bodydy for me to be t to have you moses he was he put the eleven. april so the business with on them talk. a good just give me of the two mass at club of british. the government has been in its first. as to what the response. lies it was all could do you also used people victim doesn't a class eight d. yeah the v. motif was to hold this what is it due to the mail. deaconess mute but so does. just looking for the cutting. yeah tool is also because on the bench says yet. nez outside o of that you phones for. of los query whether they school should re on monday. well the special that you don't justt confererens and taking place today has
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raised- around seven point five billion eurosos to combatat codd nineteen all pledges of course my concert pardon the events which- was hosted on. but the issue. some don't is famous in their own right such as a single madonna she's getting over a millionon euros out of hr own pocket. it's the biggest fundraising event to take place since the onset of ththe corona viruss pandemic. were leaders pledged to raise at least seven and a half billion euros for research into a possible scene treatments and testing for corporate nineteen. the eu council presidedent said the sum was just the start. this i is te funding that is needed right now. to ramp up work on vaccines diagnosostics and treatmentsts. but more will be needed monday's pledging event was organized by the european union as well as non e evening statates the uk and norway. the aim was to builild on efforts started by the world bank and
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the gates foundation the french president pleledged five hundred million euros instead of vaccination would be considered public property. so that. . this scenee o once it is discovered will be public globabal propertieses. that means it will not allow anyone but to a soull so invented will obviously have that just rolled. through to win the spot we must work together to build an impregnable shield aroundd. our people. and d that can only be achieved by developing and mass producing a vaccine the head of the worldd health organization said the amounts played so far demonstrated powerful glolobal solidarity while leaders from host countrieses around the word the trust confidante notable absence from the united states since the pandemic broke the us president donald trump has withheld funding to the who's- using it. to china. the thanks
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to tell me to thirties a call to get phased t to the gradual lifting off the c coronavirus lockdown nonetheless of a four million people come back to work after almost two months at home almost twenty nine thousand people lost their lives after contracting the virus after the pandemic's technol initially and then spread further afield. what's the death toll that's a much higher. emerged from a two month lockdown. cities across italy are breaking their eerie silence. as italians venture back out onto the streets after two months at home. on the streets of the capital some were apprehensive where caliber so not gonna win since always onon ma. he's going to counter susuch as a possisible spot if e cocould u use on your home or st up within the akp. not a set it and pullll soggy opensignal dont need this today bob. the government has ordered only a partial lifting of lockdown. gigiving construction sites and factories the g green light too
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resume. and sendd them four point five million people to work across the country. residents are allowed to wander freely as they were masked. they were. seen. as long. members were. unites alleyn's must still re from eating with friends. citizens are advised to avoid transport were post. those who do take it are being with heat sky. morneau's finally able to attend. with services limited to fifteen people well cemetereries and florists also reopens by the american quality picture one will. detail global thought that i'm a contractor i. one minute you when to put that on field and i was like eighteen three shankar you kathy and restaurants can now provide take away services though city meals i still love the cards for now. while bars schools commercial shohops andnd cinemas remain closed. ststaying with te
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pandemic contact tracing app is bebeing tested out in the united kingdom. it'll be open to health workers on the i love white from tomorrow before a wider availability to the rest of the island is from thursday the death toll across the uk as a whole. has not reached n neary twenty nine thousand on the italy and united states cold light have more deaths. the queen of ice pandemic is stoking unrest across the middle east. especially in lebanon protesters that are on the streets of the poorest city in the country 80% off the people in tripoli. already living in poverty before the virus struck. the authorities the thieves they cry after months of silence you covered nineteen lebanon's protest as a back and the second largest city tripoli has become the epicenter. of the flowers and slogans of how. people are furious increasingly desperate. but they could. opposite on the side of the line up what is it no no do you miss it on the-
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this it. an auto. mall dot. did you find isolation or but say the situation is so bad they draw dive than hunger lobby finnjet organizes grassroots eight and sees the biting poverty republicans face who's in the restroom complaints he told me that and calls on the phone with these images only exposes offices throughout the forty c. let me please also the result in the phone book with his only tripoli is just one of the poorest cities in the country but in the whole region. levin implements i have a deep into the station on the crisis the people here have been some of the hardest hit they feel neglected and abandoned by their leaders and now that rage is. spilling out onto the streets. of the young. for the life for him so and his month old daughter was for was for the a man. he was kill by an a bullet last week while pro. what they are getting their by day and long by night to get through his life. for what he
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says family okay what's the best thing in this but then the army went down and start to be thought is acting killing the three the seat processing the only there was killed an errant driver but not live five but wouldn't release a full autopsy reports family. is it best to gate. is more young could lose their life they were back on this this week. according to justice before was dignity for tripoli on the charts in the back to life for that generation. i'm watching apple developments on the situation back in lebanon. the french government is refused to pay amazon workers under its partial unemployment- paid phillips gave the online giant is closed at six warehouses across france as it continues a legal battle with unions of working conditions during the corona virus on deck. let's bring out capability by kate a very good evening to you amazon scene huge surge in orders
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during the pandemic and the lockdown but it's also facing aa lot of criticism i i'm w withins own raranks. absolutely demand for all and shot market m. ways are really on the fourthh of this pandemic there are no growing complaints from workers around the world under the conditions in work houses are in warehouses rather. are just not acceptable their risk because they don't have enough personal space or enough disinfecting materials- amazon for export claims that it's doing everything it can to protect its staff around the world. okay here in france. the come stock is known it good i it prove that health and safety prototocols werere being i imprd amamazon said that c compliances impossible and it shshut down is six french facilitieie it said today that t it will be closed throughout the resest of the week. not lastt thursday to asak the govevernment t to pay the salaries o of those ten thousand french workers. under the program's current currently covering at least half of the frenchch private sector at the
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moment. but government refused that request this monday a spokesman for the ministry telling france twenty four the program is designed to protect workers and bridge and- use layoffs. i there's a reduced to not. these that are affected by legal to say as- is. french you increase that were as apps scandalous they say that amazon is getting around the court decreed by filling french online orders from warehouses elsewhere in europe. right n now in the us of course u unions don't have quite the same bargaining power but they have organized a smaller scale walkouts from warehouses i in te lastewew weeks s some of the organizers of since. fired and now you're in here at vice esident for amazon web protes i known a blblogost tim ay said wasuittinin duced. m.ecisisio to re we solo. heaid he bieveddhe cocoany tryg i improve conditions but the workers were also right to say if they felt
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unsafe he said the remaining an amazon vpc what it meant in effect signing off on actions i despised so i resigned. now i in the grand scheme of things his resignation remains largely symbolic- but it does put in evenenore negative spotlight on the world's most valuable company. kate moving on the stock markets have they been very. . wall street closed slightly higher- this monday we start so tetech stocks outperforming. pushing the nasdaq up over one p percent.. e dow jones and sand p. five hundred up just slightly above the following too close airline stocks however tumbled american airlines united and delta has lost over 60% of their market value. since the beginning of this year. general life. dropped around 5% as the giants it would. five this work. eighty h. unit will be about thirteen. jobs it has already laid off around two and a half thousand people from that unit in the united states- so many
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european indices closing lower at london only slightly below the flat line. paris losing about four and a quarter percent off the cat cat homes investors here reacting to new data showing a stark on surprising drop in manufacturing. the eurozone the ihs markit pmi index hitting its lowest level ever- in france greece and italy unlike otother areas of the e economy analalysts to think it. will rebound. quicickly once rerestrictions ease i don't coce up of course at nightt and a couple months but of course for now those numbers still very very stark indeed. to this to the government wait and see is never the less kate thank y you as it very. much k. made. the at. the washington it's more. thank you for sorry for. hello and welcome to the friends
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twenty four interview our guest today is supper akshar try these a day she's in that ring in activist she's the author of a book that was just published here in france i'll tralate the title deeds of freedom is not a crime it's written with the remote. corner it's published by. and in its your account you're a journey from an upper middle class. woman living in tehran to an activist against- he job- the islamic veil which is mandatory. in iran obviously- you were arrested and then you were sentenced to two years. in prison however before the verdict was handed down you decided to secretly fleet iran through turkey and you now live in exile in canada. i just have a very simple question how does one go from being an upper middle class women to an activist against. the i islamic veil. i'm i was just so fed upp
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withth- living this dououble lia living lie and pretend everything is okakay for many years- v. fair refaced why less people are facing wireless because of compulsory job and the other thing is i need to add led box and women's movement in west of the suffragette movement i was very fascinated by does. post a and now remain n in can i use it- ad they have almost at the s same rights as men and equality a and i r realized that i had what dos the man were successfsful in th. because betty at m. eventually they had the support of normal ordinary men i would be a war cares and- in iran women's rights activist did their best for forty years by date and- go
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anywhere. they've been have the support us. so when disk campaign came i realize this is the moment for me to assign the so called white twins like campaigns and the principal if i just for our viewers was to where- what it's and fill yourself to wear white to or to be on ways i in and- send your message to the journalists who started the campaign. and the campaign was the asking normal women and men to come forward and be their voice so that was the moment for me- to join thehe campaign and- civil disobebedience and- nonviolence- okay right there was a- turning point and so. whatever it's sambar two thousand seventeen- woman- by the name of the da move i'd go in a very well known in the place in the center of. bond this is to
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prevail off put it on a. stick ugh. this and this was a pink one this will only be wearing white it was taking the job and- put it on this. sure for me before a few months everybody but about. composer whose job at producing come he but that's lady. had like. she perform. like an should just standing there quietly and sending a message to government to the government to the authorities that's i'm peacefully protesting the saw and it was very beautiful for me because the most beautiful and peaceful see. disobedience it wore at once is. one of their first in. the same the same young i feel days after her because she days quite a few times and eventually what was bound to happen happened you were
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arrested by the police to recounted in the book- several. of those arrests- and also the humiliation of the violence- in prison also accusations of spying yeah.h. y yeah i'm you kw i never went into that spot in the center off t the city i didt want to get arrested at the same time i was. i was i want. other women and men join campaign to see me at madden eighteen in my neighborhood and join us but during interrogation. i faced. oh sorry things in ford and then the from demo e escape yes inded that you rely that t they do anythingng with you when and thy capture you you were lucky if i miss it because you were able to be defended by a well known a lawyer or not and so today- who defended too you and- is
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now herself in jail for very long time or shortly after actually defend but despite all you. to a some on your side telling you what to o do because i imagine there's a lot of intimidation and you don't know what to do when your face those. situauations she was my only hope although i am i wasnsn't ablble to lilike talkkr or contact her d during the time i was detained by the- she- i'm- betting that she- had done for me what. to what's the job please public eyes on told people about the disease that that happened to me. and two other women also d. nyada remain and i'm and- my old. my life to her my family's safety and myself right- so you were arrested the three times and at some point you decide because you have. a husband obviously you have a young son and you say in the book that you
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realize that. if i stayed i'm going to do hi and so you decide. to flee the country both us to into turkey. are you. income docks you're- leaving. the country. was it the best decision you made. it's very complicated for me at the same time i'm able to advocate for women's rights and my for my friends and my lawyer which is great and but i'm i'm not happy i cannot enjoy freedom as much as i want because all the all the- m. but my mind is in iran and my heart is with my friends and my yeah right because i mean the sentences. made after a few. harsher and harsher there is this a group of women those three women who decide on women's day last year to hand out flowers in the subway in tehran bear head it's- a door arrested and now they have very long sentences. is it maybe a
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consequences of what you did. i they were my friends my close friend of ours who was advocatingng for me during that time i was o out of ststate. was one of them was goioing to shove hours- but they all can do is- would remain are getting braver even though. they see that but there they had done to me or are there o other agrgreement ad matt and government wanted i wanted to send a message to all the remand remand remand- but at the same time if youou see te news if you see the videos you see. even though we do twenty four twenty three your extended arm m. b. men are getting what. and braverr and i did w want to obeyey composer he job youou wouldndn't know that even that police offfficers asksk themm ad they a are- t telling to ththeie ththat. i don't b believe in ths line i'm not obeying these- as sex all. discriminationn you
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belilieve the is still going on or that the move has been stopped. of the into. bebecause of things l like ththat now so i can. it's not i like to get up and grab and below the street but- but they are- they're doing another campaign just to. see and- just to make a record that off a prisoner's record the popolice officers who- who wants to- irish stamp and they are brave enough. you're free to you voted for us and ronnie in two thousand and. thirteenn you can do t the same e today. f coursese not why not. the time i thinink i wanted to- two years ago i didn't believe in any reform even back then it was just because i was an animal supporort there and they promisd to have the strikes animals but i was billy i had believed in.
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i'm and before two thousand and nine and i was one of the people who hope that there are some- changes there's gonna be some changes in the government but after two thousand and nine and the demonstration i would realize there's not gonna be any reform in my country but and there are people who are just- war teams i like to see him back at the end the ba'ath party and the wororst. but after and a demonstration in- in december two thousand and seventeen n when we is poppy kep people of innocent protesterss m. and after that in two thousand seventeen day and they saw chris all day- like you act in movements labor movements teachers more comments and women's movements and also last november if youou if you saw ths ad in this hot was from iran thank. basased on based on a
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retuturn every more than fifteen ha. and mad mmhm i undererstand ththousands peoplple in just das so you see there's no difference between the reformist or death. in ordeder o find the mentalities. i understand that just last question was running out of time- obviously- you're not advocating regime change and summer saying- that you're being used or- allowing yourself to be used by those especialally in the u. s. pushig for regime change are you. being used to think i haven't been in touch. with anyonone frm usus and this is the mindset of people that. are taking care of our women don't have a voicee this is me i was always. believing change and we need to my country we are the hearing yes but i didn't have the chance now i have chance and you see this the human rights. by late human. our. activist
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and i'm goioing to ususe that to just tell the board. that these are happening in iran and open your eyes to the violation of human rights in iran and- i missed a court date iranian people and not the government. thank you very much- supper auctions- these are the for coming on the friends twenty four- interview your book is published in the french right now. it will be- probably- published in english at some point thank you very much for watching this interview stay
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05/04/20 05/04/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: frorom new york city, thehe epicenter of thehe pandemimic, s is democracy now! >> there was a young man that i know was still going to work even though he said he had been sick for two weeks. i don't know why tyson did not detect that. the people who were sick were still going to work. this only made things worse. later i realized a lot of people at that plant were infected. but man who worked there died. amy: at
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