tv France 24 LINKTV May 6, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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french cultural icon speak out for help to sustain the arts and entertainment secector monumental replies with a raft of measures to help prevent closures and loss of jobs. ththe metal says the first phase of the curve it nineteen pandemic is over. german chancellor has announced a widespread lifting of restrictions but with a warning. she says that is a long fight ahead of us. special reports from our correspondents in afghanistan health workers that are struggling in the system already battered by decades of conflict. without the basics to even protect themselves. thank you very much
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for being with us emmanuel macron says he wants to include workers from the arts and culture sector and the government's income support scheme screen actors captained another jump shot on it- masi. among the sick the trees of the column in the newspaper le monde calling on the president to act to prevent job losses and definitive closure is s due to the covered ninety lockdown over a million people are directly employed.d. in the sector across france millions more visit the country for the cultural experience these workers help create and sustain. showing support for the arts and culture indndustry. during a video conference with french artists. president emmanuel macron said the country would allow certain c cultural places to re open from may eleventh such as independent bookshops small museums and galleries. and that the government would start looking at ways to re open theaters with reduced audiences in coming months. could you place is a creative
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expression must be revived. artist must create again and be together. and they must be able to engage with an audience again. in this intermediary parents they mustt invent another way of relating to the audience a small audience screens different interactions. some one point three million people are employed within france's arts and culture industry. many have seen their work for the year white towns as a lockdown has forced the closure of theatres cinemas and concert halls. as well as the cancellation of festivals the president also said he wants the state to extend the income support to workers from this industry. in france temporary show business workers have a special status. i'm to meet on the spectacular. t they include the likes of dancers techniciansctors set designers and filmmakers who benefit from a mononthly payment from the state providing they work five hundred and seven hours over the course of the year. macron said he wanted the
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government to commit to a twelve month extension to the current payments from the end of august. the president also mentioned he's keen to put i in place temporary compensation funding for filmmakers. he should have been canceled on a case by case basis. and he's launching a program which will see the state commission work from. artists under thirty. they're onon twenty five eight hundrered and people dead in france two hundred and seventy eight- over the past twenty four hours it's against this context. that's a growing row of the reopening of schools in france the french scientific advisory council. says it's too early parents and teachers are divided but some three hundred had teachers in the paris region have already protested against reopening in a letter they sent to the paris match and he dug up may the eleventh. is the date set by the government the start of lifting the lockdown of primary and middle schooools to restart. fairly advanced all have barely had a moment to rest during the
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lockdown. but even witith the to young children at home twenty four seven the parents are going to be sending their athletic son back to school just yet. you need to do that. i'm so sad and that he did i think thatat i am here it's only going to find. some common gather support from the local easily. the best fuel. cool. is that a reason mostt and reps as the hand that social distancing for school children is an impossible task the way i have been made for the cats- eleven- doesn't doesn't don't know if it jibes volvo indycar this young woman- inom does anymore just lost his bid is available for failing to show that the for i almost do it awfully solutions was via it being someone who holds a simple click the whole. clean foods
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one zero. since the locked and my and energy wake up dawn to get some work done it before they kids wake up. there wewe go fofor glasses start. the honda for a full full info. the deal clinton pd can mean the descent into what's called i. usually get a consul. mutual struggle. to a political excuse. the point of view she has said national pdf is a- in a joint statement today underlines that children are less likely to catch and spread because of it nineteen. the now a sending kids back to cloth in france remains optional. letter from singapore by jenna lee and millimeter rush. lockdown in germany to be relaxed further a clinical made the announcement early and building she said first phase is over but there is a long fight ahead. germamany has a death toll of under seven
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thousand merkel said she satisfied the worst is not o ovr but the chancellor is urging caution and a continued respect of social distancing. new disdaiain a any contactct only i thought the to hear these if we bombs on others in. between a mosque on the- option orphans donna hylton- done but that's all- i c could decide ththat. fr new figures also this a blood. those will medicines for the and tried help because all you need for about- the- the home does viaia mid didn't want to be doing what they're doing the last weeeek doesn't understanand some. other things mostly done numbers are using feel fast no medium of. t. smith my home dimension on movies. chance of germany angela. boris john is giving a tough time by mps in the british house of commons on his return to the prime minister questions earlier today the u. k. is n not thehe worst affected country in
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europe witith o over t thirty thousand deaths due to the coveted nineteen pandemic with johnhnson's been enjoyoying- positive headlines especially from the largely right wing british tabloids after his recovery from covered nineteen affection and then the birth of the son. but the rise in c cases especially the rise in the death toll as well as the feeling that the government was in some way sleep walking into this fatal crisis is now beginning to weigh heavy on the conservative government. facing the music a day after the u. k. coronavirus death toll overtook it cities to become the worst in europe. as british prime minister boris johnson made his return to o parliament aftfter recovering from the virus himself. the leader of the opposition suggested that the government had neglected to protecect have homes. as it focused on the wide outbreak. more than six thohousand deaths have been recorded in cat homes in england alone. he's not writing what he just said about- the state of the epidemic in calves on because
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he looks at the figures. in the most few days- there's been a palplpable improvement- we m mut hope. that continues and we will ensure the dogs. the government has faced criticism by opposition parties and some scientists for their response to the outbreak. with questions raised over the testing strategy protective equipment. and the timing of a lockdown. the public remains divided over the government's handling. we knewew this was comoming and the government did not say nothing about. that those. people said so i in a couple o of times the company b by the governmenent ty describebe me didd it cut they could only so don't't look. at some of these the- these big in the gulf. this he's study could be done not against. johnson also told parliament the u. k. could begin to lift look dumb next week. but i think of wouldn't make annnnouncemement sunday. covered nineteen is beginning to take hold in afghanistan at the same time as the ongoing violence continues.
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health workers having to do their jobs in the system already worn down by years of conflict a yes there's also a chronic lack of personal protection equipment. such as face masks now officially afghanistan. has a code nineteen death toll of one hundred and full 430-003-0090 two cases not far below the likes of the us the uk itataly and frarance. the things could e set to change. this public hospital is deserted including its emergency walk. before hundreds of patients walking here every day but the vehicle and doctors tested positive for going away. so the hospital is largely closed. more enjoyable they couldn't muster fail. police c c. almost six weeks may call analysis confirmed my whole. what is name. exxonmobil how to fund the best legacy a
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so called data give total dropped out of school to give a hold of my school custom who know what is his will prevent you from for the county's healthcare system which is already being. tormented by forty years of four. where is it. it defeats the focus. the chalallenges our logistics and operations we are concernrned nt to fill in a gap where we forget the central heaeah services and focus on going nineteen only t the lettuce is expected nearly three hundred heads toward because in a five star and the keys five doctors have died the stock in this intensive care unit is ready what it. according to a recent survey one third of public assistance might already be infected by the virus i in the coming days my face. i'm case is an update. can travel because the number for increasing dave i day your- request but not really. because we are facing the shortage of
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the tests. we are waiting for the help of the different countries for the rest of the w. truth be codependent because expected in mid may. according to parties twenty five million of cuts could soon be infected by the white s. that's. 70% of the country's population. inside the home the situation facing health care workers in afghanistan. the ride sharing service uber has confirmed it will cut three thousand seven hundred jobs the corona virus pandemic has led to a collapse in ride bookings loads food delivery service has been in high demand a business advocate moody. john just not taken into you the current crisis has put a spotlight back on the relatively new business model that the bat and other start ups rely on them as they get the gig economy and the companany's relationshships with the employees. absosolutely mark the job cututs thatt uber a andt week i its rival liftt financedt target their corporate work force- so support staff
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management recruiters. not the people- that the public most associate with those brands which of course the drivers and platforms like uber and deliveroo tend to classify those workers. as independent contractors rather than employees it means they don't have to provide paid sick leave. vacation time or in the united states health insurance no it's not to questions about whether those people should be able to access. the benefits and financial support to governments around the world have been rolling out of the peoplele who've been put out of work by the corona virus pandemic. in the united states the two trillion dollar coronavirus stimulus bill expanded unemployment benefits. to include self employed and gig economy workers for the first time ever whether that will continue to be the case remains unclear. but after but on tuesday- so use your state of california filed a lawsuit against uber and lift saying that the companies were stripping and drivers of their rights pressing again for them to be classified. as employees
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robert. contractors meanwhile in the united kingdom to uber drivers and the independent workers union has filed a legal challenge against the governntnt. it provividing enou. independent worker and workers who are. by the fire. but now how do with she- or gig. out with was a tricky labor issue wong before the pandemic shut down businesses and economies around the world it's one that obviously has yet to be resolved. cater the european commission hasas warned that the e. u. is facing a recession of historic. proportions can you tell us more on this. absolutely this is thee european cocommission's first official forecast since europe was hit by the virus- it b backs up predictionons of from other bodies of the worst economic crisis since the great depression nearlrly a c centuryo so before the block itself was formrmed. the last- forecast frm the european commission was in february was preredicting one point 4% growth for t the block this year now the twenty sevenn
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member european union is projected to shrinknk by seven popoint four percent.t. of the contraractions said to be a bit sharperr for the nineteen member countries that sharare the euro- the bloc's largest economy germany is expected to shrink six and a half percent froronts eight popoint two percecent. i y anand greece the hardest hit wih over 9% contractition e each ofe commission also predicts the unemployment rate will jump to around 9% for the eu as a whole and the government debt acrcross the block will store. the u. k. is known for a member of the europepean union iss addeded hes a technicality for other. options it for. it 3% this year upper. predictions of economomic recovery. for the two twenty one. in six. three issues between the u. k. under the- upwards talks taking. this but not for. okay let's to the stock markets on the closing bell on wall street. ababsolutey
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wewe saw- wall street closing sligightly further down the d dw jones losing about two hundred points at the close down about 1% there-- jusust under 1% ratar ththe nasdaq- onlyy managing a slightlyly positive close aboutt half a percentage point- it's very mixed picture here as we head intoo a another. week we're expecting more jobs to the united states- weekly unemployment c claimss expecteto come out tomorrow and on friday-- thehe government is expepected from thehe u. s. unemployment rate has officially hit 1 15% for the monthhf april couourse will have all that and m more. as a a business coverage continues throughout the week a movie abbas added thank you so much and it was up to the sea. thanks a lot what's this bulletin states though this outlook become your. twenty
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four. hello and welcome to the france twenty four interview our guest today is madonna thunder hawk she's a legendary american indian activists. she is the co founder of women of old red nations thank you very much for being on the france twenty four sets thank you. so you were born on an indian reservation in south dakota you become. you became an activist in the nineteen sixties your participatated in- some of the famousus- moments- the occupatin of. alcatraz jailed in california i can see in sixty nine and that was the helmet of wounded knee. in nineteen. seventy three- but you became an activist essentially because you were confronted. as a very young. child with. the issue of being an american indian in a country. where there were tensions are on the issue. well
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yeah i. it started i guess when i was young. because on the federal u. s. federal government had- they had american indian policies through the decadades it depends on what what. he is in control of the government at the time whatever. so they had a boarding school system. for our people nationwide on different reservations and they were boarding schools to take the chilildren. away from t the families. and put them in t thee boardingng schools where they're taught- basically to be a non native. right and- me you your recounts- old old those years- documentary we see the t. shirt the warrior women that's the title of- the documentary and- your front and center- witith- your daughter and the documentary is by. christina king and elizabeth- castle and
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deming in theaters here in france this week. this notion that as a child who were already ostracized and forced- to move then led you to the nineteen sixties those. movements where- you felt that you had. to say something and not only to say something but to act. yes it was a progression. learning along the way because you have to remember our ancncestors d didnt have a a written language so anything that was written over the- decades was written by others other than our people so. for a long time no one really knew our history. until basically the sixties and then- all over the country in the united states was a collector's cultural upheaval so we had a chance to start learning. what really happened to our
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ancestors to our people and why we were in the state we are today you know- and why. do we still have reservations diminish the land based but we still have a land base in the united states that's important. right and that this- led to some actions i mention all good draws the wounded kneee i mean wouldn't you weree several weweeks- seventyty two days sevy two days of a sometimes filing fees- for with the f. b. i. with the with the police- how did you live that time and- you realize that this could be. a dangerouous but felt that this thing that to be done to your show on the map if i may use fresh we were of the core group of the american indian movement we were on- invited. of trips on the reservation the pine ridge indian nation. and we were going from one community
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to the next we were invited to go and listen to their troubles or problems- and you know just to make contact because we were invited to go so i had my ten year old son with me and we were gonna make our rounds o on the reseservation visit the communities and then go back to where we were in rapid city off the reservation were. gathered there. and basically we were confronted. in the hamlet of wounded knee which is a very symbolic place on this very symbolic because there was a massacre in eighteen ninety there. and it's kind of like it it was not so much now but i it was a major tourist attraction. because many of the us soldiers back in eighteen ninety or given up medals of honor. for the massacre i mean that's the kind of history that we know the other side. of the histotory so-- but the fact that w we were
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literally surrounded. and helelo there i mean when we were on our way to anothther village. bt gugunfire you know opepened up n and we were we all had to runun for cover. at that hammond lasted for seventy two days right i mean do you think it was a seminal moment would you say- that in the ensuing years- progress was made in terms of- the us recognizing- what happened to the american indians would you say that today- your cause is a more respected more listen to or it's still. a struggle that you still feel that american indians- may have less fear of the government and other minorities for instance. well i say we because mostly it's people are activist. and of our people that that i'd you know involved with mainly we do have
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tribal governments that are recognized by the federal government and that's how the nation to nation. relationship is today but no the united states government has never ever. are honored any of the treaties that were ratified by congress. which makes it a lot of the land- just by totally ignoring theherovisionss and then violating many of the provisions by just stepping in and taking land. occupying land that'sndnder thehe trereaty. so yeah it it is. whatever comes. in america of recognition of anything for our people comes from. are doing to make it an issue like standing out for example. that was a treaty rights issue of land and water. so we have to we have to. you know make the noise so that they look and it's the people and organinizations in in ameria that make the government. notice right- the way what's
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interesting and we've seen this through- move more recent- protests against- oil or gas pipelines the dakota access pipeline- for instance there's ththe keystone xl pipeline- we seen the kind of. meeting of minds between- environmental activist and american indian. activist we even saw- the now. famous young swedish activist greta sooner go very recently- to an indian a american- reservation to really say okay this is an important issue could this. get a new life maybe to europe because you think it's important to join hands with them we've always had allies we've always made allies in my day in younger years in the sixties and seventies we it was uraninium. mining that was a threat in fact is still waiting in the wings waiting to come in the
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uranium mining corporations. but back in that- seventies. that that was the issue then so it's always becausese weree l ld based we're always as a people concerned about the environment and- and extracting. corporation but others are more involved as well. especially the youth so i mean this give this give you hope you know that this could also help your cause. well it's- you look at it in teterms of- i've been it for the long haul since i was young but now i'm an elder. so our- our generation of activists we step back and we are there to support and advice it's a young people's time now it's their era. their their future so we look to them to step up. right it's also the era of donald trump and- chili in terms of- backing corporate interests including- those pipelines you know the administration has been pushing
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but more broadly- what do you make of him the way he- he talks about others about minorities. the bottom merican indians would you describe him well from our point of view. american policy. it's always been a policy of taking. so just the fact that town donald trump. it has a bigger miles. and doesn't know issues is beside the point point for us as a people because we are concerned always about federal american indian policy whihich changes with politics rightht so for you-u- d drawing new t trums like obamama there's no difference except the big mouth. big mouth and policy because the ones that are backing him up and putting in their control the senate of the united statess governmement that'ss where the real danger i is it's not trump he's just a big mouth. that's all but he's been considered- as a racist- by may course. but
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again we aren't we know politics and how it affects us. so you know we it's always been like i said the politics of taking. so the fact that he brings obama. don't stop dapple pipeline and trump is it back and he brings backs kicks out that's the politics and talking about the politics of taking we understand that for decades you know rights so it's nothing new just as a last question- you've been an activist of for the long haul as youths are you more optimistic today than you were. when you started. no why why because again we are land based this is a continuing. continuing up up politics of taking. so it really doesn't matter each generation of my people are responsible you're responsible. for your time.
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that you're here to do what you can and then you. mentor and hand off to the next generation it's a very time their future and you're there to support. okay madonna thunder hawk thank you so much for coming on the france twenty four- sets the if you want to learn more. about the issue we've been talking about warrior women is- coming out in theaters- inference thank you for watching this interview.
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05/06/20 05/06/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york city, the epicenter of the pandemic, this is democracy now! >> time after time i was pressure to ignore or dismiss expert and scientific recommendations. trumka reopening our country. whoever thought we would be saying that? reopening. amy: as president trump says he is winding down the coronavirus task force and re-opening the country, a top government vaccine specialist says he was
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