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tv   France 24  LINKTV  May 8, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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anniversary old v. e. day the day when will fall to officially end days veterans- join the us president the ceremony to commemorate the event. and i will give you tuned into you felt sorry for herself i guess and be okay with headlines for you this hour. we first silly where the death toll from the crying of ours has now surpassed the thirty thousand mark could making a silly the first year you should choose to sell. three this fromm that recording at two option forty three new deaths which was a decrease from t the two hundred seventy four the day prior. malik and such you without putting now been recorded i was dying from a. cave in nineteen. those the two hundred eighty one day in the- when four hours bringing the telell you still. to almost twenty five thousand deaths though confirming a slowdown in the pandemic. well the country- began easing lockdown last monday since then many small
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businesses that nation wide open theheir doors. of correspondentsts on the ground synthesis report. once the hands of the- issues. since the beginning of the week the entrance to this headdresses has become a disinfection so. after forty eight days to the strip club down there in new rules for small businesses to re opening available is a tablet control a laptop. what about. to improve your cholesterol i guess. but when they don't give. a *-*- about the they business sector in the model. i that as the bin men. the sanitary measures racial. after a month and a h half of screen the appointment book is completely full. a number of them have. okay yeah. that's the only on after the even if things are more for the restaurants in the capital
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although they're allowed to serve food to take away their affected by a fool in the number of clients chan style. as specimen id that. the outcome but i you know a big way so. they do okay. in the metro some of madrid's inhabitants going back to work for the first time in several weeks. yeah the rules have changed too and wearing a a mask isis obligigatory. noncompliance will result in a six hundred euro fine what is the zip. code what is the- and as a result the command was only. to facilitate this new measure the madrid council has announced that as of next monday fourteen million masks will be distributed for free in the local pharmacies. no way from spain a phones reported another two hundred forty three to read of our status on friday raising its total then to twenty six
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thousand two hundred im flashy. now falls gives up to ease lockdown measures on monday the daily death rate has been steadily falling house house the number of patients in intensive care. only one on the front line volunteers have been supporting health officials throughout the pandemic falsely fulls and she also that jai catherine vs that reports on. how the volununteers have e en helping out at the telelephone tablee s special in the purse in suburbs. beatrice where's doctors ropes but she's never practiced medicine she's a volunteer at a hospital and sending me and she knows the whole ways like the back of her hand. disinterested one person. phone and if any mischief the question visitors aren't allowed at this hospital which is dealing with an influx of coronavirus patience beatrice acts as a bridge between the hospital and the oututside world mt regulation bill. middleton
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conducting twenty. the hill that the question because- and the stench link that helps relieve the pressure on the security and medical teams. volunteers very phones chargers and even food. read one. it is one of the most critical for mine nicole is a production manager but with no work because of the lockdown she decided to volunteer considerining of a lot better this is enougugh for convictiti. eleven thirty or two. thirty under. fifth one school filling out this get. that little mix. dozens of down reaeady do what's requested is about marijuana is a retired doctor who's come back to her old workplace she's the one who set up the volunteer program. this is really similar to the sofa the it the process of trying to
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protect themselves good typical for the school to benefifit that mamany civivics polluluted witha bottle to show t the plot can care to people with the lockdown lifting thehe hospitals financiaial planning up visit. subject to some this as- patients and family find be able to see other in person for the first time. now meet the relentless kind nineteen. q. unemployment has risen to its highest since the nineteen thirties hitting up fourteen point 7% last month twenty point five million jobs that vanished in the west monthly at records on that rankled. well those l losses are reported to t by the labor department this friday reflect this the recession triggered by the student shot down. almost all industries. let's say the very latest on this several swimming pools a brian quinn is office is that is that he's standing by. brian what we make of ththoe latetest numbers. what actually
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it is absolutely devastating number i'm not and on a- one though and in fact. even as bad as most economistss hadad been expecting which are twenty and a half million jobs lost in the month of april previous estimates had been calling for around twenty two million to be lost. thosese bring the official u. s. unemployment rate to fourteen point 7% that is less thanan the 1 16% that had been forecast. still though it must be said today's report is easily the worst picture for american jobs since world war two. if we break it down by sector- noo sururprise the leise and hospitalitity industries are things like restaurarants and travel at the hardest hit losing over seven point. two million jobs that. education and health services business services and r retail sectotorsl was losing more e than two million jobs eachh. . base lookg at more than decade's worth of. the group. out in is a blast in two months. braeside he i isn't the u. s. labor. says the vast. of these losses in the latest rereport fulll three quarters of
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them are described as quote temporary layoffs. they are expected to come back with lockdown he. reason stop it's a- taking gordon. in major european score higher least one. bigger game on us stock in at the end of their set seem to be that the of the you can day it may be as long down so to be able but this kind of that really isn't guarantee of a recovery. and brian just briefly then another thing this line to be bringing some cheer to investors is trying his ultimately the apparent easing of trade tensions between. the us and china. yeah thahat's rigt so- top american and chinese negotiator spoke via phone friday both sides agreeing t to imimprove the atmosphere. for implementing the so calllled phasee one trade deal between the two sign this january. and that agreement included things like prorotections for u. s. intetellectual propeperty and to force technology transfers. and crucially an agreement from china to boost itsts purchases f u. s. goods and serervices by around two hundred billion
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dollars overr the past two years. hasas been called intnto question by a a lot of blininkig bebeing t thrown backk a and foh betweeeen t the two sides. overe pirarates crisis in recent week. and it ends up in addition to that china's ability to even live up to that two hundred billion number has been called into question given. the damage to t their economy- butut- itt s like e everyone is kekeen to kep trade e deal. o on track. people expepecting their obligations in a timely manner that's good news for the markets to. all right brian- thahank you without a doubt. the best this evening. now greece is amamong. that from a surgical of our slow down but there is. things an outbreak. a massively overcrowded migrant camp the only islanand if less bills. the government has begun that shipping some of the migrants to the mainland but the risk remains high his that falsely fools derek thompson. from all existing. there are more than eighteen thousand migrants on lesbos crammed into a camp designed for just three thousand. afraid of the coronavirus thinking demonstrating demanding to be
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evacuated we spoke to one of the migrants who asked to remain anonymous he told us that social distancing. is just impossible. we're markley. the man for the homies. well. if you're someone you know i'm forty. profits ourur- thanks fo. subscribing president donald the segments part only outdoors the company get double the speed on which is a complete your suit for the premiere welcome one member left you will follolow up with your new ones yes you are very. september three just over here the super. or not email dot. when i got there i found. the computer posted a vendor may mugglenet and said moscow yup loss meant again said. what street bear she was got thehe oe of thehe reasons. urgent to prom
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solve. it's almost so. many of the that were helping the migrants at your the lockdown so the maker had to organize themselves a group calling themselves a wave of hope for the future has been distributing soap and hand sanitizer if there is a reminder of the importance. of. adult needs a woman he's accused t the democratic presidential hopeful joe bala did a s sexual assaulter said she's at sticking by her allegations. in an interview- not us television this way tolerate as fifty six year old former senate staffer to bite and gave. further details of the alleged assault. falsely fools errand again k. house details. not because they've been a r rare on camera inteterw about her allegations against joe biden tara reid was unequivocal. the former vice president and current presidential candidates sexually assaulted her when he was senator in nineteen ninety three. a accusining him of puttg his hands down heher skirt and violate her. did he drop out of the presidentiaial race i wanna
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say. you and i were e there joe biden. please step forward and be held accountablee you should not be running a character for the present in the unitited states you want him to dropop i wish i would. but he won't but i wish shehe would that's how i feel emotionally do you want an apology. i think it's a little late. read added that she is willing to recount the allegations under oath and would sububmit to a polygraph tetest only if joe biden also agreed to do so the presidential candidate has publicly denied her claims no it's not true. i'm saying unequivocally it never never happened after thursday's interview his campaign communications director also issued a statement again rejected the allegations and highlighting inconsistencies in reduced. into m. as new information surfaced however d. ninety six core document linked to divorce proceeding. read
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told ex husband that she was sexually harassed while working for britain though it does notot mention him by name. engine for research use it t enough we'll all. the ononly do youu have rattled robot c campaign. which is largely on inn light o of the corona virus pandemic. but r red story is likely to be a major talking point ahead of the november election with a growing number of republican seat d. occasion to. democrats only to the degree such was solved when ththey involve conservativess to. i'm sorry for your possible that friday commemorating the seventy fifth anniversary of that v. day the day when willful to socially ended here in europe l. seven world war two veterans- aged between six and a hundred joined president donald trump. and a wreath laying ceremony. event types is marking the occasion in moscow would dash into the corona virus pandemic falsely full coloror rush repor.
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the french national anthem rings out at the detaiailed impact. dingng streets deserted as president emmanuel maccoll laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldidier marking te day *-*- germany surrendered to the allies at the end of world war two. it's been seveventy five. since vicictory in europe and it comes a as the contitinet weathehers one of its worst crises. the corona virurus pandemic. what should have been major events across europe on friday have been scaled down canceled. most veterans particularly vulnerable to cope at nineteen due to their advanced age were absent from commemorations. what are you gauging and you strtruggle against the current of ourss which demands the same spirit ofof national endeavor and that means we called hold the parades and street
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celebrations. we enjoyed in the past. events were also muted in berlin despite the fact that the city made the day a public holiday for the first time this year. this is german or seek to remember may eighth not as a day of defeat but as a day of liberation. finished to listen does the user friedan's altman quota phones when all consistent. they do not sneak up fenton. mr friend from dean and easy and the top. we have our may only be me of ththe my *-*- have to that. all of them come from. big depending me. events will also be toned down in russia which celebrates its victory day on may ninth moscow had initially planned a large parade but now only a fly past will take place over the red square. as the country becomes one of europe's emerging coronavirus hot spots. they have a europe stable
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international headlines on france twenty four about fifty minutes tom jonas and. hello and welcome to the france twenty four interview our guest todayy is the executive director of the world food program david beasley he joins us from south carolina thank you very much for being with us today. thank you mark so the world food program- is helping lots of people around the world and you recently- worn the united nations security council that unless we continue. operator all of it pandemic will soon be followed by a quote unquote hunger pandemic of biblical proportions aren't you exaggeratingng oh gosh mark i really really wish i w were but here's the situation in fact
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before kobee hit the scene i haveve been warning leadersrs- particularly in the european area that we were facing she in the year the twenty y first minute terry crisis since w war war. she when you look this s up tetell the truth thus and yeah. she e eiopia d. all f flood the drought the conflict the w wars we were already facing a very bleakk situation and thenn deset lolocust yeah it is devastating it for five countries as we speak enen came code inside two weeks ago we just came out when i was speaking to the united nations security councilil i jut produced the new numbebers ofhe pepeople around the world that were marching to. they should. hunger is there a hundred and eighty one people around the world today to go to bed chronically hungry a hundred and thirty five additional
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million people are on the brink ofof starvation nowow out off tt hundred and thirty five million mark we at the world food program we supported last year about a hundred million people out of that hundred and thirty. i don't know 1100% that's the only food gifts now w would cove it our numbers are anticipatingg an additional a hundred and thirty eight million people on top of a hundred and thirty five million bring in almost a quarter of a billion people will be marching toward starvation because of the i could not get your creation from. whwhat legs it perfect i. lookoking at what could bee faminess of biblical proportions in mululple countntries many spspecially in africa- we're talking- according- two jurors this means of about three dozen countries- that's a lot. yes in
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fact- right now i i wouldlday five to six maybe more coununies would be e faminee now if we were not there we have ten countries right off the top they have a million people that would be an exam. if in fact t things deteriorate and we don't have the funds nor if or if the supply chain breaks down so this is. an incredible dynamic here yeah one war war t to hit the supply chain worldwide did not break down you had supply chain break down in the war so. but the- now the supply chain is breaking down a thehe- and this is creatating havoc. in many places price spiking the movemement of who's the movement of supplies economic deterioration is so it is a it is really a disastrous situation we've got to get the economy rolling we've got to thread that needle. in resolved in both of these issues at the
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sameme time othererwise. yes i think tony blairir saidhe cures will be worse than the disease right- you another unit in skis haveve just issued a new appeal for. work whenen seven billion. dollars in funding this is. to an earlier call. the billion but when you at the economies of. powerful rich western countries in europe in the us there into a big recesession how are good if they go to give money- for humanitarian aid when the need to tend t to their own people-- mark this is. a very big question in fact. i was i in washihington dcc in the last three days meeting that is they s sleepers end up first you know you you don't want to shoot the goose that lays the golden egg i got bylaws arere only gonna b be so weak. keep receiving the support they received from the nation a and the world that are prospective
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and successful and happy faces so that's understand that. however happens that every leader. in the last weeks. okay clear understand the need of security because it it does have secure you'll have destabilization mass migration war and conflict and the cost will be so much more they show what we're doing is analyzing out the h hot spot where we see they'll be deterioration that will implicacate a disaster and not just the african region or in the middle east but also have national security interest in european nations and nations around the world so what i've been hearing from leaeaders in europe and look for any and in not bacacking down we'll do what we can. to help it's very hot in time number or- reallyly here's we stilill continue to
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make money it's time for you to step up in a way you never stepped before people are in need. it is not that this is a one time thing naman na i i we need your help i needed right because i mean you talk about- the- ministration obviously the us is the largest donoror to. your agency but we just learned that twenty million jobs were destroyed if the u. s. within the month of april alone so how can dodonald wants to. turn and well i'm g gonna give moneyy to the world odod on. . hello for sure. well this departmtment ths is happening because you know yoyou if you watch thehe news you've got democrats republicans in washington dc fighting on n everything yeah that's what it comes your international foreign aid to food security a and i mean literally literally in the last few days i've talked with several of the key democrat and republican senatorors they gathr
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all your- initial eight t that we're tatalking about a a substantial increase in funding because prices but there's a a lot. to do w walk this group whn i was with president trump or pompey go they cool really undederstand the fact that destabilization will travel europe and the world in the united states so thehey get thee to work with. but i do believe come. and i'm very concerned about the people losing their jobs because then yoyou've got remittances- we're looking at about. 20%% of glolobal remittances and that's about fifi hundred b billion dollars. literally falliling away from those people who are in a country like ethiopia lebanon syria eight. but putut the monoy aside if the supplply chain
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breaks downn you can't g get fod into the market place you can get through to the benefificiary the peoplele thatt drugg et. thy have famines anynything we've evever seen before and that's what we're very concerned about because you do get border restrictions or closing down farmers can get to the market it is. it's a bad situatition that we'veve got to act yeah we got it quickly right- on africa clearly- you're seeing- those things but- up until now- the- has. much it's done in check i'm nott in- western europe and of course- in the us do you think- some mothers have been staying in the line or outside the u. n. that the worst is still to come or that maybe- there in africa there's better. protection and-- wasas acting or do you think our system has been down. loolike you. yes
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but frankly i thihink it's a because got the war is yet to come i think this will be terrible we're doing the analysis now we're already looking at me just give you an example in in syria hello. okay we are yes i in addition to me people because a brereak down te supply chain and an economic deteririoration what what for example the 50% of their export is terrorism well that's grown 98% export review is far south today and is also on his christ not not yet but i can go frfrom to country and show. you twenty. code is exposed you know impact in terms of disease spreading throughout africa is so will work with the league making that we minimize the
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block down. the shut down was in the blacked the whole thing so that we can keep the supply ain goioing if that supply chain breaks downwn. it would be catastrophic you already see is a protester riots and in certain celebrities now around the world any special in africa nairobi so we're- the leaders if you do it. your a black area. got safety net program it is people get food if young people lose theheir jobs it cacan get d there for. you all right you could have destabilisation i just- very quickly- more personal questions you can do the- if you go. how are you doing and how we're this experienen. well you know you young people or yououng people just go ththrough it like it's nothing i'm a littltle over and it didn't hitit me so bad you know it but it lingered with me for about three weeks i had a little fever and pain not bad.
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sh but i'm 100% let me repeat my god anywaway it's all hands n deck let me. when most. total countrtries during of war the murder like people that's what the world food program really goes in hard 97% of our goal of putting theheir lives on the lie and doing what they do to stabilize the because that's what we do best if we the money is t the excess supplply chain e right now. we will save millions of lives in a burke faminene c countries all over te world. dadavid thank you very much sir for being with us on the friends twenty four interview from south carolina and thank you for watching it here on france twenty four
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05/08/20 05/08/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from thehe epicenter of the pandemic in new york city, this is democracy now! >> he was killed. and he was killed in the streetets. after hehe was chased down and t and nobodyvehicless went to jajail. nody went to jail.l. theyeyere able to go h home. thbababy was placed in a body bag. that is not. amy: today would have


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