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tv   France 24  LINKTV  May 13, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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europe's rich risk leaving the pole behind t the warning from the european commission president was love on the line comes she says which is state to set to buy their way out of the code nineteen prices. the head of america's central bank is set to double the leftist more money to protect the u. s. economy from the effects of the- corona virus pandemic. that was just one of the issues discussed- by mike von pale on his satellite you visit to israel visit this broad by binion netanyahu is a testament. to the strength. of that alliance coronavirus iran.
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trouble ministrations controversial middle east peace plan. and of course this was a coalition government. on the agenda for that meeting. thank you very much being us. live on the line is one of the scene market is on the- of imply. because of the wide. now in the system european president says the rich member states who is set to as she put it by the way out of the covered nineteen crisis. leaving the others behind me mother moves to reopen tourism across the e. u. a trade off between an increased risk of a second wave of actionable deaths. of thousands of hers in jobs. it's you use e big can. towards each. i and a- - among the- - t by the current virus pandemicc. beforee the crisis tourism employee twelve million people across the e. u. the commission estimates some six point four million of them could be lost.
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that is why the e. u. executive has laid out a plan to restart terrorism albeit in limited proportions ahead of the summer travel season. it is urging countries to lift border restrictions and to allow travel to restart. we need to carefully- we open borders. within europe. so we have adopted guidance for member states on a gradual co ordinated lifting of restrictions on the free momovement in europe. it is unclear for the time being whether non europeans will be allowed to visit the continent with the commission putting the emphasis on domestic and intntra e. u. tourism in the short term. if you executive is also doubling down on its push for travel companies and agencies to reimburse passengers whose travel has been canceled in cash several major european airlines have so far refused to issue cash compensation. being passengers vouchers instead. this is your rite full stop what is starting now is the first step and in the
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infringement procedure alexis will send. to the member states who aren't rich of these. until a principal. the commission also in error pass were masked at all to. but has said do not need to keep seats empty on play. the e. u. warned that he airlines could see red losses of up 290% in twenty y twenty cocompared to the previoious ye. that's a get more analysis and breaking out correspondent in brussels yeah that is a who's standing by pia good evening to you. much to talk about- in the wake of the set meeting a reporter because focused- more on tourism and like to stop thatat that's the case with you- this is v. like a kind of. tradable gamble between apps risking. a rising second wave of infection all. in definitely definitely losing- those tourism jobs that we spoke about some six. that. d day perhaps. yes but i'l'll be theh-
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terrorism ease about 10% o off the a yeaear off europe's internal revenue that needs about 12%2% o off that-t- jobs e u.u. so obviously. that would be a tremendous loss if terrororism and vacation well not to restart- during the summer so the- commission once in a a way to- restarts dissect-- not not to kick started biggest job very where else- taking measasures all r recommending rather- manages dotot woooods- create. your risisk so thatat ws to havave h he's in. the openenf the boldest want to phase in a re opening also- reference.. being sides. w what we heard about the middle seats i in blaine spots are the they all i may that are. for ininstance hotels and sitites havave to install a lot of. diff time
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frframe for the guests to x. all of that brs all the swimmingg b. he's- a lot all fun s sinus. recommmmendation f forget seen w alall but also in n trends in t. and o obviously i've s strong as well a very strtrong i. beingg bootots on ththe graduaual reopg of this although the c commissin seems not to really- muster dot also. quit. all certain great is about so it's being someone o was morere than about was the east press of us von delay. with her remarks that the riches statates in the poorer states behind and it achieve pose so of a existential risk to the same market of the very. of the e. was a- it save you think in in threat she's's told about two the single mom. well
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she's pro trying to who said the- a no way because we- heard. we've will y your april and the stopopped my d do very. just diffididence offff a northern european states does t the arm all of whwhich is donene all isn the- mustering all t that public fifinanceses saying that they didn't wantt t tpay out full the sob. states that- obviously this iss a way falalse life on e line. to callll for reieinforce- multii. financial framework which we treat w which is acactually. a light turns the european budget for the coming sat is. she will. still be. also blalack plalayed the b.b. . mall the ship full all t the in thee- that will l come frorom yr and d all t two well the t two i
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leave yeah day y you and i the bay in all different sidee. to resume if one that's to be a call. by you'r're going to why. to that. kevin is a across brush thank you as i thought much in. it was a pre your presence if you're not say. france twenty thank you so very much. seven thousand a report from a mobile testing unit involved. key to the e french government's post locked out strategy testing everyone who shows symptoms of copd nineteen. some of the new and old enough when i need a new military funny af local tech did not get that off of melvin could process so if you need to fix on the roof. samples are taken using a nose swab a process that's quick but not pleasant.
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the fifth. middle well my- the fed i don't put as republicans camp of. these die. pcr tests can tell if a person actively has the virus results are available within twenty four hours after being analyzed by a lab. to speed up the process the french government bought twenty automatic machines each able to analyze two thousand samples today but they haven't had to run at full capacity just yet. the value of what moment okay let themm show with a twelve foot to. easily defensible sees that i deal with soo symptomatic it up through the contacts journalists completely paris is ready to perform two hundred and eighty thousand t tests the week over. . the nation wide gol of. seveven hundrdred thousand.e head of america's bank has said the government will to more money to put the u. s. economy from the effects of the corona virus pandemic. jerome powell warned that the looming
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rerecession was withoutut pcedet in mododern history.y. and thate outlook remains highly uncertain. another set of capabilities more on this case getting to you powers clashed repeatedly with donald trump in the past. they did so again on the question of negegative interest ratates talisman. markt the presidenent has long advocated cutting interest rates as a way of boosting economic growth earlier thiss week he tweeted that the u. s. should folollow other countries example in tataking rates negative. tryining t tcombat the corona virus infects roomm powell repeated his stance that thatat move wouldd not be appropriate for the uninited states and he said it's not currrrently beieing c considere. many other options or however the fed chief said that while the governrnment's response had been lararge and appppropriate-t needed to o be youou need to go eveven fururther this may not be the final chapter or export.t. but he said the cost of the new listeners be but what if think it is fact of the pat. on the
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media longer term and lead to aa stronger workup use congress already approves s some three trillion d dollars worth of stimulus measures democrats forward another round this week. apple didn't directctly weweigh in on t this ongoing d e about whether states should begin with the open for business t the debate. broadly okay. namik come. at his remark to washh think tank do t though. much gloomier. the most ececonomists had in new. prededicted the world's largest economy now on trarack for a log and d deep recessision that coud ststart productivivity and incoe growth in the medium to long term. how also how it highlighted the greater strain on lower income households he said a recentt venture right survey showewed that fororty percent. of households e earning less than forty t thousand dollars per year i had seen a dog lost. sincnce for a rothh. u fifteen that was the first level for a powell says the non
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is like to remain elevated for sometime to come so kate how have the stock markets reacted tell us. not well downbeat assessment- really did nothing to reassure investors who are hopingng for a quick recovery. t cell for a sececond day in a r w the dow jones losing over fivee hundred pointsts at the closisig bebell. airliline stockss contie to tumble as well is a major u. s. carriers losing between five and 10% w which- companies lost around 10% of banks dropped sharply as well. earlier we saw the major european indices closed lower as well losses between about two and 3% in the paris frankfurt and milan about one and a half percent in london. this is data showed the uk economy contracted five point 8% in march that's the sharpest decline on record for the u. k. comers. should drop 7% is it recorded for. german muller. nearly. 6% of the
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world. we that it's over global value was ten. because to make. kate i ever thank you much indeed cavity of business without all the latest that thanks againwe move on n now to-- the visit of mike pompey- to- israel his- visit hailed by benjamin netanyahu as a testament to the strength of our alliance that's the us israel alliance the two men discuss the corona virus pandemic is rescue coalition government iran. and the trump administration's controversial middle east peace plan this report by alison sergeant. it's a rare face to face diplomacy in the time of corona virus. u. s. secretary of state mike pompeii- got to skip israel's two week quarantine for arrivals heading straight to meet benjamin netanyahu and bond over common enemies. we'd like to talk about. strengthening our cooperation our partnerships in the
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battling the corona virus placement or something else plaguing our region. which is a- on the unremitting iranian aggression a and terror. the two men a ao s said t they wouldld discuss the conontroversial u. . peace plan which would annex parts of the west bank including a legal settlements and the jordan valley. tension in the west bank has flared in recent days just hours before pompey arrived palestinian officials reported that a fifteen year old boy was killed in clashes with israeli forces. and just a day before an israeli soldier was killed by a rock that was thrown from a rooster in a raid. i want to stress my condolences to for the soldiers- yesterday- that was killed reminds us all of the importance of making sure that- people all across the world know that israel has the right to defend itself in america will. consisistently support you in that effort. pompey also met with
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netanyahu's new coalition partner more centrist blue and white party leader benny gantz. after three inconclusive elections the two rivals formed a unity government that set to be sworn in on thursday a ceremony that was postponed to accommodate pompey was visit. sergeant withh that report from one used to stay with us you're watching france twenty four. really do have news hello a and welcome to frfrance twenty four. here with an exclusive interview with the prime minister of tennis here l. s. fox. who is joining us live from tunis. prime minister thank you for being with us. well sure good morning and- a very warm welcome to all of you this. mr let's start talking about coronavirus the health minister announced on the
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eleventh of may that they would use. no new cases or knowing your debts does this matter that's true she has overcome the virus. but if you want to tell you the truth i don't think you can say things quite so. clearly but never the less we are very happy on the progress we've achieved in the last two days with the number of recovery is. is of the seventy percent. and we had no new cases for the last two days but we remain vigilant. seeing what's been going on in other countries. so we remain vigilant massively we offer mentoring with targeting- using little conley remaining quite attentive to the situation but the curve is quite good and i hope they will continue down this path and tradition and everywhere else in the world. at and- started to ease lockdown in tunisia. on monday
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we saw somee shops and businesses were starting to open the doors so what do all of those thoughts and what feedback to getting from the feel about how things panning out. or are you seeing signs of concern. no to tell you the truth as always a period of uncertainty at the beginning of each phase. the first three days of- last week. we have the time to re adapt ourselves to organize ourselves between the different authorizations to open up and the things. as to where we can start working in order from last thursday but we remain. vigilant for the time being there's no real rush to war the results are good. when it comes to recoveries and junior cases. we've been repeating the same message to offer the citizens to keep the right mind set to remain vigilant which has worked and we can see that everything has been done for over two months now- with this contract of mutual trust between- the
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authorities and civil society and the tradition people we still we've managed to keep. this outbreak under the law and i hope that we can continue on the same path and with this same contract of mutual trust i don't suit his contract is hopefully going to end up with the country getting back to normal which is currently planned for the fourteenth of june is that still the plan is it realistic all are you thinking t that maybe it's a bit too soon to make that decision and you need more time. to see if you have really taken control because of it. well quite quickly clearly and we have plans and easing of the lockdown in three phases we all still in the first. and in the middle of the first phase which will last until the twenty fourth. of may for more. we will continue to follow- everything that. we've planned we're doing things gradually. and on this is what we've always said we've been very transparent if things get better we can even go faster
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you sought to if things take a turn for the worst. then there is no reason why we shouldn't backtrack we could even. impose a- total look down again but up until now our predictions reflect the situation on the ground. thanks we're going forward with continuing with the- going along the same path the same rhythm. the using the same. this division approach to anticipate and tossed the people and i've always had this i've said that the- authorities intrusion do 30% of the work but the rest of the work is done by the citizens. might traditions. who do this work by respecting the rules that have been set forth by the authorities. i know you know see that there are also economic issues to take into account and there is concerning reports coming out of a 4% recession for this year which would be the largest recession since independence. the m. s.
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has grown to a e emergency lelearned of seven hundred forty five million dollars but what about all the partners for tunisia are they ready to learn or even give you money. i mean this sends a clear message that may be the learn from the honest wasn't enough are you getting indications from you saying that t they will come to your. aid and how much do you need the food haaaas say this. economics in tunis. has been very difficult even before the corona virus epidemic these situation overseas become worse. yeah big fan just as it has been good for the global economy. everyone in the world we're going through recession right now and so we're working with numbers which is still not very not very fine tuned last fall- does this mean that the recession could actually be worse in tunis here than expected. could could be worse
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we're trying to find two in these these estimates for the last three weeks- trying to work on them it will just depend on to nisha you know that to nisha. to nisha is an open country it's an exporting coununtry. it's a country that has many partners especially in europe and it's the european situation which will have an impact. on the growth. at least when it comes to the- expxport dog- separate drivers the ball to the ball but it all depends on the global economic recovery right now. we're in the situation where working with the figures that you mentioned the tweet rooms are still trying to find tune these figures are working on different business sectors and we're preparing to relaunch the economy to- re launch. tool of business- lines. i'm we working on plans to finance- budgets to
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updated or trying to see what the sources of funding are available be it on a domestic level internationally and up until now. we're working with our partners be they financial institutions international institutions are bilateral partners we're working directly with them to see what's possible what solutions can be found. for this very difficult yeah how much money do you need ideally speaking how much money does time choosing data in international aid well. we already had a budget that anticipated to external funding of around eight billion dinars which is. around two and a half billion euros. that more trees and i think that this figure will have to be doubled at least when it. comes to the needs that will have to be met to be able to balance the twenty twenty budget. today we
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are in the process as i've already said we're in the process of trying to see all the solutions that are available when it comes to funding on the updated budget. sure it was a domestic level role. of the international thing he- we also send our goal. bond a mid june is to have a clear view of the situation i hope things will. themselves up of everywhere in the worldld but of course you know that all of this is very hypothetical very fragile because- until we found a queue of and you know very well that we haven't found a q. we haven't found a vaccination. not until we've we've done that we will not be shielded from a return of this epidemic after the summer or at the end of this year. also for the time being w we are trying to find
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june these figures and to find financing sources. in order to be able to re launch- economy. prime minister we don't have much time left i'd like to talk about polilitics there is a tension with the annual coalition and within the government they're a coles from berries have politicians on social media to change things up that do you really have to support of and now the- or do you have the feeling that you're a bit of a moving target introducing. the well to tell you the truth. i'm not. t that interested in movies. manic total stories i'm not looking at the big picture here. and what i see today is the judicial with- it's in that situation has. being able to remain very level headed. in this battle. in this battle against the virus. and this is borne fruit will when it comes to health we're working on the-
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economic support on social aspects and all the bottles all the institutions are working together but do not feel that things are a little shaky. yeah you know this is a coalition that isn't very well you have to follow the situation in this you have to see how this government came to power after the elections last october don this coalition is quite fragile while we're talking about different schools different political families who are working together back to the very first time. and this is a challenge that said scripps national unity and i knew very well even befofore the cororonavirus that they'll be battles to be fought i like i said the economic situation difficult into show last is a very difficult from an i'm a client of is its success when it comes to the trip transition we've had a fight ensues. which engine of that i've done is that i will take. all the- this
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this national unity code i'm going to becacause i really want to get told players on the- groups to fight to. battle search one last question do you foresee tunis as part of the coalition. but for the time being i've been very clear about this for the time being i'm already trying to create cohesion within a- coalition. which has a significant- majority- i'm trying to. create cohesion within the coalition turned full strength in it there's nothing could be done overnight it's something that has to be done gradually there's always attention's- and- once this is done then we might be able to open to all the parties in my goal today is to remain focused. can you to consult the taco pollution. in order to win this battle and then take up the next fight against p poverty and to revise the tunisian economy to transform the tunisian economy something that- we're- looking.
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on and we don't have t time to waste time. in party politics even though that is. out of the gate but we thankfull. what's essential
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05/13/20 05/13/20 [captioning made possiblble by democracy now!] amy: f from new york citity, the epicenter of the pandemic, this is democracy nowow! pres. trumump: t the numbers are comingng down rapidly. >> there is a a real risisk thau willll trigger an outbreak ththt you may not be a able to contro. it would s set you back. amy: a as top infectious disease expert dr. a anthony prachee testifies to the senate that needless deaeath and sufferingng could result from reopepening to quickly, some lawmakers a are calling for more surveillance. >> hopeful we won'


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