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tv   DW News  LINKTV  May 22, 2020 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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berlin. and jetline crashes in pakistan, leaving dozens dead. the airbus three down inn karaci -- 320 came down in karachi. also on the program, fears for hong kong's future as china prepares to impose a new security law. beijing says the new legislation will subvert separatism and acts of foreign interference.
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hong kong residents responded. the u.n. high commissioner for refugees tells dw more must be done to help greece and other european couountries resettle asylumum-seekers. >> it is difficult. grease is still very much left alone on the front lines of this crisis, just like malta, italy. there has to be a system to share this in europe. host: this comes a day after migrants told dw a border guard was using violence to force them to return to turkey. teaching children about the environment. we cruise to cura saw -- curacao to meet those standing up for wildlife conservation. ♪ i am phil gayle. welcome to the program. a passenger jet has crashed in
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karachi. there are two confirmed survivors. the rest of the passengers are feared dead. witnesses said the pilot tried to land the jetline two or three times before crashing. the plane destroyed s several homes before it went down. >> smoke arises from a dense neighborhood outside karachi. residents felt the explosion and heard the crash. soon, , word spread that the passenger jet had gone down. >> i saw lots of smoke in the sky from thehe rooftop of my house. i ran toward the scene and saw the wreckage of the cockpit and the body of the pilot inside. emergency personnel a arrived to search for bodies in the charred wreckage of the airbus a320, which h had c crushed housess as wedged in a narrowow street.
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the cause of the crash is being investigated. the pakistan international airlines flight reported engine failure upon n arrival. as the pilot attempted too land, he issued this last message. >> mayday, mayday. >> pakistan h had resumed domesc flights this year ahead of a muslim holiday marking the end of ramadan. the prime minister tweeted his condolences to the families, saying he was shocked and saddened by the crash and that he would initiate an inquiry into the disaster. local authorities say a small number of passengers survived, but they fear a high number of casualties as doctors report dozens of victims among
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neighborhood residents. host: let's take a look at this with a profefessor of aircraft systems from finland. welcome to dw. there are reports that the jet had flames shshootingng out of e of its engines. what mightht that mean? >> the presencnce of flames prir to impact, if that is the casas, woululd suggest there wawas a catastrophic failure within, probably in the aircraft engine. once you have a catastrophic failure, fuel is ejected, and that is what we would see burning. hostst: would you expect to the plane to be controllable with one engine down? >> very much so. if you have one engine out -- this is how planes are designed to take ofoff. if it was taking off along the
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runway, after a given time, that is known as the point of no return. it must be able to take off with all passengers and climb safely before it can do an emergency landining. thatat is normal sff.. host:: what happens now in terms of t thenvestigation? >> from here on in,, the crashsh invevestigation team willl bee lolooking to s secure as much physical evidence as possiblele. they will look t to removeve whs left of the aircraft and take it to a secure location where it can be properly inspected. they will also try to find the flight data recorders to see if any information can come from that. in addition, they will be taking a very close look at the maintenance schedule, and what has been done in the weeks and
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days before this particular event to try to identify if something happened that they are not quite sure about at this time. doesn't just affect just -- does it affect just this one particular aircraft or could it be more aircraft? that would be the biggest question, something that perhaps doesn't affect more than one aircraft. a's are throughout the world. -- a32320's are throughout the world. host: whahat sort of safety recd do they have? >> quiui good. therere have b been some lossest over the years, they have done remarkably well. they have been very popular. i have flown them extensively. they are the real bread and butter of an aircraft. host: thank you for talking to us and sharing your expertise.
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china has unveiled a plan to impose new national security laws on hong kong. the legislation was proposed at an annual meeting which began today. the law addresses would beijing says is subversion and separatism. protesters say this would make it easier for beijing to act against them. the proposals triggered protests. >> the new security law is being met with fierce resistance in hong kong. the autonomous region is fighting to keep special provisions. pro-democracy lawmamakers were removed from the city's legislative council on friday as an effort by beijing to force the bill through without their consent. chief executive carrie lam seemed to be part of the pro-beijing political establishment. she said she expects protests to
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continue but believes the new law will be necessary. >> the important thing is for the people of hong kong to realize that without protection of national security, many of the things we treasure will be lost. >> joshua long -- wonong, a promominent activist, says beijg is trying to silence crititical voices with force and fear. >> we must stand upp against it. beijing impoposed nationall securityty in law is not about secucurity o of the nation. it is about the security of the communist party of china. >> some 3000 delegates from across the country have gathered for china's political event of the year. the national congress in beijing. the law is the most
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controversial item on the agenda. beijing has vowed to uphold hong kong's special status but says the law is needed in the wake of protests and foreign interferencece. >> these activitieies have seriously challenged fundamental principles o of one country, two systems, have undermined the rule of law, and have threatened the sovereignty and interesestsf the country. strong measures have to be taken according to the law to prevent, stop, and punish them. >> hong kong has been semiautonomous since britainin returned t the territory to chia in 1997. special privileges including the right to assembly and free speech were promised under the one country, two systems agreement. but beijing has long wanted more control over hong kong. a similar law was scrapped in 2003 after fierce opposition, as
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was an exextradition bill that sparked last year's pro-democracy protests and plunged hong kong into crisis. many fear the new bill could spell the end of autonomy in hong kong before the one country, two systems agreement is set to expire. phil: the five people convicted of the murder of saudi journalist jamal khashoggi are likely to receive a reprieve. because shoji's -- jamal khashoggi's son said he e for ge them, -- fogave them. -- forgave them. the u.k. has imposed a 14 day
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quarantine to anyone traveling to the country. the u.k. has the second-highest death toll death toll in the world. the world health organization says the pandemic has interrupted vaccination programs, putting 80 million children at risk. many countries have been forced to suspend vaccinations for measles, polio, and cholera. there are media reports saying chechnya's leader has been hospitalized in moscow with suspected covid-19. he is a key ally of vladimir putin. this is the latest case of a senior official in the russian federation infected with coronavirus. here is a look at some of today's pandemic developments. we will start in india, which has reported its biggest single day increase in cases, nearly 6000 infections. indonesia has also seen its highest one-day increased, just -- increase, just ahead of this
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weekends celebrations to mark the end of ramadan. president trump has ordered churches, synagogues, and mosques to reopen. people in the german capital have been venturing outdoors as temperatures climb and the government continues to roll back lockdown restrictions. >> spring and son in berlin. restaurants are open again. -- sunshine in berlin. restaurants are open again. germans young and old are making the most of it. the country continues to ease restrictions, and there is a sense that public life here has almost returned to normal. when you walk around parks like this one here in berlin, or around neighborhoods where people are enjoying themselves, having lunch outdoors or drinking coffee, you may easily forget that only a few weeks ago, t the situatition here in germany was very different. back then, people had been asked to remain mostly indoors.
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you do get the impression the people here are much more relaxed now, and that is, for manning, a matter of concern. berliners are clearly enjoying their regained freedoms, but they are also skeptical. >> i think it is going too fast. i think there might be a second wave. >> i have mixed feelings. >> all in all, i have to say it is a bit too early with all that has happened. >> despite these concerns, germany seems to have the outbreak mostly under control, and a vast majority of those who have tested positive for the coronavirus have since recovered. nevertheless, chancellor merkel has said people should remain vigilant. >> it would be depressing if we had to go back to restrictions that we all want to leave behind because we wanted too much, too
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fast. >> a clear warning as the country reopens and germans leave their homes to enjoy the warm weather. >> for many people, the greatest challenge posed by the pandemic is not to the virus itself, but the threat to food security. people in kenya were facing poverty and food shortages before the outbreak. coronavirus lockdowns have made it even more difficult for people. we report on a nonprofit using technology to deliver a lifeline. >> five kilograms of beans, five kilograms of rice, and 10 kilograms of flour. this is a dry foods package from a nonprofit organization in kenya, provided to over 1000 families since the covid-19 outbreak. the organization has had to adapt from feeding small
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children to their entire families. the need has been growing steadily. >> at the beginning of creating this response, we called parents to ask what the situation was, ask about their previous income, their current income. we found 80%-90% had lost their income. we thought we had to do something. some have received cash transfers. around 500. we are anticipating to spend -- send to 500 more. >> but handing out food parcels to hundreds of people during a pandemic has not been easy. a solution? technology. these wristbands, originally used as electronic meal tickets for small children -- for schoolchildren, are now being used by their parents to collect food parcels. >> once they register, they come to school with the parents mobile number and they get a
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wristband. this helps us know exactly who we are distributing to, plan ahead in terms of quantities, and be able to gauge who is coming into receive meals, and also make sure they do not come more than once so we are able to limit this and practice social distancing. >> she is depending on donations to feed her six children. she lost her laundry business during the pandemic. with her kids now home, the regular packet guarantees that her family will get hot meals even when everything else remains uncertain. >> two kilograms of flower is one dollar $.30. if i were $1.50 -- if i earn one dollar and $.50, i can still not afford vegetables. if i have these dry foods, i can use the money to buy other ingredients, so these parcels go
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a long way. >> the mother of six has learned how to stretch the dry foods to last as long as possible. the donations are her only lifeline. the community here understand that, and everyone seems to be pulling their weight despite the pandemic to help those most in need. phil: to argentina, which is expected to default on 500 million dollars in debt repayment today. a group of creditors has urged poorness errors -- has urged buenos aires to engage in immediate discussions. argentina says it needs more time to reactivate its economy. >> in the midst of a recession, south america's second largest economy now has to tackle the economic effects of the coronavirus outbreak. the pandemic has left many people without work, and poverty is on the rise. the international monetary fund expects the economy to contract by almost 6% this year.
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the government has asked creditors to suspend all bond payments for three years and reduce interest by 62%. president alberto fernandez says his country needs time to reactivate the economy, which has been in a recession for two years. >> we will not subject argentina to new commitments we cannot fulfill. i want to the world to see us as an honorable country that fulfills its commitment. -- commitments. >> despite being one of the world's leading food exporters, argentina has defaulted on its debt eight times before, the last time in 2001. debt restructuring would free up resources to deal with the pandemic and limit its impact. without a deal, the current crisis is certain to deepen, triggering even more job losses and poverty. phil: an exclusive report by dw investigative journalists. greek authorities have been
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reportedly beating migrants and illegally deporting them back to turkey. this year, thousands of migrants gathered at the border after turkish authorities encouraged them to travel to europe. many accuse greek police of arresting them without warrants. here is how the united nations high commissioner for refugees reacacted to the r revelations.. >> we have been in constant dialogue with the greek authorities, both b back t thenn the conontext of a lot of people from turkey pililing up at the greek border. then there was a strong reaction on the part of greece, aspects of which we thought w were excessive. we raised the issue withhe greek government.t. the pressure has subsided for now. we have received reports recently of a pushback of boats, of people e arriving across the aegean sea. there have been very f few
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arrivals during the lockdown, but there are reports of pushback. the latest report that you are mentioning, we have not gotten confirmation yet. we have e received the reports. we have no confirmation. but this is not our respononsibility. our responsibility is to flag this, see what is wrong, and find out the right thing to do -- and apply the right t thing o do. we have been working hard d for the past five years with greek authorities to ensure the best is done for refugees. the european states finally, after years of negotiation, have agreed to take a number of minors. greece is still very much alone on the front line of this crisis, just like malta, italy, another frontline. countries have t to create a
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system to share this in europe. we have been working on this for how long? fofour o or five years. still, it is subject to negotiation almost case-by-case. these problems will continue to occur if we don't have these systems. >> you can find the full report about alleged abuse and illegal deportation of migrants on our website, covid-19 has forced teams to play games in empty stadiums without fans. so, can a mental coach help them get used to this new normal? >> they hired a sports psychologist to head up the bundesliga's return behind closed doors last weekend. he touched on the importance of being mentally ready without the
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fans. >> what is special l is the fact there are no fans. it's extremely weird. for that, we need to be prepared. itit's a question of mentality. it'very imporortant. yomamake a pass oror shoot and o one cheers.. we must deal with that and be well prepared. that is key. they went on to dominate their arrival in their return to action. he is a sports psychologist who has worked with footballers. >> we try to get the mind out of the body's way. that is how we put it. sometimes, it is just dealing with some of the anxieties that keep the level of performance down. it's a motivation you need to push a little harder. we have different techniques.
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>> he concurs with that forward thinking. >> the new psychologist should get some credit. he was very aware of the situation. you cannot deny that the fans and crowd create an atmosphere that has an impact on your emotions. you feel the difference. the atmosphere they create makes the game more valuable. i think it was very important for them to have a sport psychologist. >> even in berlin, the only german city with two bundesliga clubs, neither have a sports psychologist on staff. >> in some clubs, it is more of a cultural issue, that sport psychology did not play a role in the past. they don't think it necessary to be a big part of the future as well. but times are changing. other teams are already applying sport psychology.
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they are a step ahead. >> the german football league through its union offers the services of a sport psychologist, but having one on the club payroll doesn't compare. are some bundesliga teams neglecting the mental side of the game? >> they are missing out on the team part of sport psychology. you need to build a team, build a relationship. teams that already have a sport psychologist, they are prepared. >> games without fans are planned for the rest of the season, and maybe beyond. the time could be right for the bundesliga to embrace a new way of thinking. phil: today is the united nations international day for biological diversity. i would like to introduce you to flamingo bob. bob survived getting trapped in plastic in the caribbean. he teaches children about the
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role they can play in keeping wildlife safe. >> bought the flamingo is on a special mission. he is famous in curacao and around the world. a veterinarian saved his life after he got tangled in plastic waste. he can no longer fly and has difficulty walking. she has taken him in. >> his name is flamingo bob. he looks like a bob. >> about once a week, odette takes him to schools to raise awareness about protection of marine life. >> the message is to make children fall in love with wildlife. >> odette talks to the kids about how trash left lying on the beach can be deadly for wild animals. she explains that even big, beautiful flamingos like bob can get trapped in the garbage and never get out.
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the kids are thrilled with bob and they internalized the message. plastic and wildlife don't mix. odette's work schedule is full, even without bob. on top of that, she helps a lot of sick or injured wild birds. she relies on donations to pay for treatment. bob's job is to keep another flamingo company so that she will retain her natural behavior. odette will release her back into the wild after eight months. >> you put them back as soon as you can. >> the time has come for her to be released into the wild. odette invites some kids from the neighborhood to accompany her. they keep their distance and say farewell. the female flamingo knows exactly where she belongsgs, and soon disappears into her flock. and bob? he will be swimming in the pool
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until it's time to get out and be a wildlife ambassador once again. phil: just time to remind you of our top story. a passenger jet with about 100 people on board has crashed in a residential area of pakistan's southern city of karachi. at least one person survived. i will be back with "the day" in just a moment and we will have world news for you at the top of the hour. visit us at our website, have a good day. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit t]]
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feared dead in pockets on the softer pockets on the international airlines flight crashes in a crowded neighborhood of karachi seconds before landing. average in hong kong to china unveils plans to impose a new security law pro democracy activists it spells the end of the one country two systems pololicy in placece. and arrivals in cable need to quarantine for two weeks from the eighth of june the r rules limit the spread of the corona virus will apply to all countries except. irelaland. thank you very much for joining us here on a front twenty four fi


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