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tv   France 24  LINKTV  May 27, 2020 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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anchor: italy and spain are set to get the lion's share of the e.u.'s latest aid package, aimed at bolsterering thee bloloc afte papandemic. the european commission will ououtline h how it plans to usee total of 750 billion euros. we will have more from our correspondent in brussels. should frerench nationals be tracked and traced when it comes to covid-19? that is the issue being debated this wednesday in the national assembly. a new piece of government software standing by to be rolled out. brazil, reports of f the world's highest single day coronavirus death toll.
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exexperts fear t the actual l ty coululd be higher. we bring you a s special report from the country's poorest districts. i'm thomas waterhouse. this is the latest world news from paris. the president of the european commission is taking the lid off a huge recovery plan this wednesday,y, with the aiof strugglingthe e.u.'s economies. the 750 billion euro package will be detailed later at the 27opean parliament, with the member europe -- union set to enter its deepest-ever recession as a result of the covid-19 pandemic. according to sources in brussels, , two of the c countrs hardest t hit by the virus, itay and spain, are seset to get some of t the biggest handouts. the commissioner in charge of economic affairs is just tweeted that this is a "european turning point to face an unprecedented crisis."
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we had to brussels, where correspondent dave keating is standing by. what are we expecting the commission to say this wednesday? dadave: the amountnt of the fufs the closest-guardrded secret in brussels o over the papast weekt we had confirmation from the budget commissioner, who happens to be from italy, and it will be 750 billion. that was bigger than we w were expecting, eager than the franco-german plan that was drafted. it's a big political gamble for president personal of underlying urzula von der leyen. sweden does not want a large package funded by grants. that could be one of the more controversial elements of this package. the big question has bebeen the split between grants and l loan. 500 billion dollars in grants
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that do not have to be paid up inin 250 billion in loans that o have to be paid back. was firsty more than contemplated. i imagine this is a very agaggressive openingng salvo o f negotiatioions and they are targeting a figure more like 500. they want to negotiate i it dow. fear is if they started with 500 it would get negotiated down to 300, or 250. the problem is, there is very little time for negotiation. the other contentious element is how this is going to be paid for. i'm hearing that these loans would come due in 2027. the membership of e.u. countries may not have to pay back the money, but the commission does. thisis would come from the commission borrowing from the international market, usingng te credit of all 27 e.u. member states. this i is so-called d debt mutus asian, the cororona bond people have been talking about.
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it was discussed 1 10 years ago duringng the debt crisisis. the southern european countries were begging for this, germany was absolutely opposed and it never happened. this time, it is germany askinig for it. it is a franco-german plan. it is northern european countries opposed to it. they are probably going to put together a proposal for moree home resources, and e.u. tax people paid directly to the federal budget of the european union. what i'm hearing is this may be a tax not on people, the additional tax to pay for this, but on large corporations. large corporations would have to pay the tax directly to the e.u. in seven years to help pay back the loans and pay the interest. thomas: this is a huge pandemic and a huge amount of money. how likely is it that all the member states will reach some kind of agreement on this grand plan?
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dave: this is a tricky thing. it has to be proved by -- approved by a union of 27 countries, so any country can veto it, and it has to be approvoved past -- fast. the seven your budget had not been agreed before the crisis because of the normal contentious issues involved in the budget. january 1, the current long-term budget expires. there is already 500 billion dollars in short-term funding that has been n a great. that is going to run out. estimating that an agrereement would be neeeeded by july. we do not t en know ifif e.u. leadaders will be able to start meeting in person by then. it is hard to s see how such a contentious propoposal as t this could be agreed over a video
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conference. a lot of unknown there. it is difficult for a small country to veto something like this. they would take a big political hit with their neighbors, a diplomatic kit. but they will not be happy with the $750 billion fund. thomas: they keating in brussels, thank you very much. here in france, the coronavirus has already killed over 28,500 people, and as the path to lockdown easing continues, lawmakers havave a key decision this wednesday. the national assembly will soon be called to order to debate the nenew piece of f smartphone techlogygy. t thisets rubberstamped, application will alert usesers when they come closese to an infected person. for more on this imminent debate onon paris's left bank, we can head to switzerland and speak to
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an expert in viruses and a professor in public health at the university of geneva. think you for being with us. french mp's are gearing up for this difficult and divisive debate. are such phone tracking applications worth this headache? could they actually stem the spread of this deadly virus? w we can say that because the applications of this i in asia, particularly soh korea, and also hong kong has used thesese kinds of devices. the point, as you mentioned, is aa legal point, an ethical poin. should that keep all the confidenences they keep, or not? that is a good point. but to trace the contacts from may carrier of the virus
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break all of the chains of transmission at a very early state. thomas: those watching they say the money spent on such a tracking app could be better spentt helping struggling hospitals and clinics, for example. what you say to those kinds of critics? antoine: it is always critics we sesee between prevention and cu. i think prevention is very worthwhile. illenting cases to become may y help them not go into o te hospitalal. i don't think it needs to be a competition between the two. i think we should invest a lot in preventing, because we do not want a new lockdown. we need to prevent. we have to be prepared for that. testing, tracing,
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is probably very worthwhile. thomas: you have already mentioned asia, but the smart phone app being debated here is not unique in europe. how are other systems being developed and rolllled out elsewhere across the c continen? antoine: perfectly right. the gogoal is to really help wih the e contact tracingng. we don't needed to focus onlylyn us. we are trying to be respectful of european regulations for ensuring confidentiality. combine is have to this electronic tracing approach with the human approach.
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i know that the u.k. is hiring currently y lot of people also to help with the contact tracing throughh interviews as well. what we need to trace is all the contacts you have had, with all the people two days before your symptoms. thomas: anton in geneva, thank you for being with us on "france 24." next, for the fifth consecutive day, brazil has reported the world highest death toll from the strain of the coronavirus. on tuesday, 1039 people lost their lives in latitin erica's lalargest country. the total talally of fatalities stands now at overr 24,500, according to figures released by the health ministry. like elsewhere, the elderly are the most at risk, and those risks are the most visible in the country's poorest districts.
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our cameras have captured the situation and some of rio's favaelas. r rald entrepreneneur is barely recovovering from thee week he spspent in intensisive . portuguese] reporter: for the past few months, his family has actually been following strict quarantine instructions, but the virus is spreading rapidly through the neighborhood. >> [speaking portuguese] reporter: like his family, most a live in of the favel cramped conditions without good
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ventilation, ideal for the respiratory disease. in this hospital, doctors noticed a sizable increase in the number of serious cases among young patients, any of whom live in the favela. residents of these communities rararely havave medical checkup. respiratory illness has long been common. >> [speaking portuguese] reporter: people who live here are also more exposed to the virus because they are workers who must physically leave their homes in order to provide for their families. a group of artists is denouncing the total lack of government assistance.
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across social media. momore than half of all covid victims in brarazil are black or mixed race. eight of the 10 worst affected states by the oututbreak so far post thehe biggest number o of e las in the country. thomas: "liberate hong kong is one of the champs going through the city streets as fresh pro-democracy protests are held. thousands have taken part in these renewed rallies and over 300 arrests have already been made. in the financial district, right police have fired pepper pellets to try to break up angry crowds. there is also a heavy police presence. protesters are eager to disrupt debate on a new bill which would criminalize any disrespect for china's national anthem.
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as the sun shines brighter and summerfest approaches here in the northern hemisphere, people are looking forward to enjoying a d in their local pool once again, how dangerous is it to swim in a lake or a public bath in the wakake of covid-19. our health editor explains. julia:a: many pools are set to reopen. people may take comfort in knowing thatat taking a dipip sd not increase your chances of contracting covid-19. any other information related to covid-19, it is stillmportant to b be cautious. according to eight scientific institute in france that has studied the link between coronavirus and other viruses such as hiv, viruses of this sort have a hard time spreading within water. so far, there is no data to know how it interacts with chlorine. there is a chance of contamination at indoor pools,
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but that is related to crowds and poor air circulation, and contaminated surfaces such as handrails or lockers. there in france, they are starting to experiment with protocols to see if they can reopen public pools in the weeks to come. peopople will have to book their swimming lane ahead of time on the internet. locker rooms will be reorganized, with certain parts for people to gett u undresseded dressed. there will be e one lolocker peo available. ththe same t thing for showewer. hairdryers will be taken out of locker rooms. and only a a dozen people willle able to access thehe pool at on, make sure social distancing is respected and there is only one swimmer per every two square meters. jacuzzis and paddling pools will remain closed. that brings you up-to-date this hour. stay with us here on "france >> hello and welcome to the
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"france 24" interview. our guest is a special advisor and spokesperson for turkey's president. he joins us from the turkish capital, and kara. thank you for being with us today. abraham: nice to be here. has someer: turkey 4300 30 deaths from covid-19. do you believe the epidemic is under control in your country? i want to add that the authorities have declared a nationwide curfefeduring thehe d celebration. guest:t: the numbe a are going downwn. we have the e situation under control, but we are being verery careful because we do not know the exact pattern of behavior thisis inspipires. -- this requirires. you have to be ready for a
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second wave. ththat is why we are emphasizing measures to bebe implement i it carefully. compared to other countries, i think we have done extxtremely well in terms of taking those measures early on, implementing them. people are abiding by these measures. we are of course going into a gradual phase of easing up some of the restrictions, we are going to be careful, because i think the common trait of this covid-19 period in which we live is that we will have to learn to live with it for some time. host: i want to turn to libya. clearly, turkeys intervention has upended the situation on the ground. it has given the upper hand to one government against his archrival have car. he had been holed up in the capital, tripoli. it seems now that have to's
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troops and allies are fleleeing, and ththis is h happening as s e speak in l libya. guest: the situation remains very critical l and fragile. we signed d an agreemement withe libyan governmnment, which is recognized by the um as the representative of the libyan people, back in dececember of 2019. uponon the request of the libyan government's national court, we are being provided with some advice, and we havave s sent soe advisors to help them bring a degree of balance. when it comes to our intervention enter agreement, the national government has indeed brorought a degree o of balance toto the conflict there. if you look after's behavavior ovover the last twtwo years, hes broken every single agreement, every single cease-fire put together and implemented by the internationall community, and hs
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not recognizeded any of the u.n. mandates. he broke the cease-f-fire agreed in the berlin conference, and continues to attack his own people. we believe it t is time for the international communinity to recognize that he is not a legitimate representative of the libyan people. he has brought more sufferiring and accelerating thehe violencnn libya, with the support of a number of countries from the gulf region and presumably from russia. we believe that the military solution is not a solution in libya. the u.n. lay down a number of principles. ththe berlin conference puput together a a number of pririnci, anand we all supported. this government has implemented the cease-fire. they have worked with the international community. our'stime for haft backers to understand that haft are is not a reliable partner in
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libya. host: it seems like a military solution being pushed. there are reports of russian and syrian mercenaries fleeing from tripoli, and russia sending warplanes. it seems the government is pushing for a military victory against taft or. their they are defending popositions. they are in tripoli, in libya's capital. they are responding to have dark's aggreressive behavivior. the memercenaries ththat were brought to libya from sudan, from syria, , the russian mility compmpany -- they a all thoughtn the side of hahaft are, and now they are realizing, haft our's backerers, that that is not t a solution. itit is not woworking. the legitimate government has said many times that they want a political solution,n, not a military solution, obviously,
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they have a right to defend themselves. guest: are they ready to push in t territory c controlled by haft are, maybe his stronghold, bebenghazi? guest:t: there needs to be a a political solutioion that will apply to a all libya,, not just certain parts of libyan territories, that is, not only in tripoli, bubut in benghazi ad other places. after forces have turned people in benghazi and otother s sourcs against hahaft are. i i do not know whwhat the miliy plans are, but i see them determined to defend themselves against haft are, if needed militarily. host: you arere encouraging the government to defeat haft are militarily if he does not wantt to listen to conciliation, correct? guest: we hahave been encouragig themem to apply the principles f the berlin conference as well as the um plan.
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>> which involves military force? guest: the berlin conferencece calls for a cease-fire, a politicacal resolution.. if you rememember, it was out of the berlin conference thatat a mimilitary cououncil dececisions withen to be eststablished haft our's side to talk about ending conflict. after has refused to send her present gives to the military cocouncil. instead, they increase t their attacks. the government is responding to them. host: some news just came out from a u.n. expert't's report, talking about private western forces that have been sent to libya a few months ago to prevent turkey from giving some military help to the government. it said it was coordinate needed from companies based in the
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united set -- united arab emirates. what is your reaction to this report? guest: that government has been providing a lot of military support, and it is not a secret they are financicing this war, probably by using the oil money coming from the libyan oil fifields, which h was confiscacy haft arere, and providing monony fofor probably t the russian memercenaries as well as other mercenaries coming from chad, from niger, from sudan, and other places. host: and in this case it is western mercenaries, it appears. guest: it shows who is really escalating the violence there. guest: there have been some tensions with france over libya, inr syria, and a statement which the foreign ministry of turkey accused france of being the patron of the axis of malice.
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what is the situation with france and this still vevery tee relationship with syria and libya and d other things? guesest: in libibya, we had extensive discussions in the berlin conference and our president had discussions with macron about finding a political solution to ththe libyan problb. ununfortunately, that would turn out to be not relilele. host: france was wrong to susupport him isis what you are sayi.. guest: we believe anyone supporting haft are is in the wrong side of t t conflict. in syria w we have disagreements not only with frfrance, but wiwh the united states, because both are supporting the peeps -- the pkk syria branch, whihich is listed as a terrorist organizazation in the e.e.u. ann france. we believe supporting them in the name of fighting daesh was a jujustification years ago, but w
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the threat has been mostly eleliminateded, as declareded bt onlyly t united d states, but a number of allies. continue to support the grgroup. ydypg wants to createe enclalave in syria, and that goes against unity. we believe that the kurdsds and christians need to be at the in stead oftabable, enengaging inn an aggressive and brutal warar. yoyou cannot pick and choose one particularar ethnic o or ideolol group andd give them some privileges. it undermines all ththe effortse are putting together r to keep syriria together, and make the transition impossible.e. agenda in syria is to create their own state, ththere enclave, but we will not alloww that because that poseses a thrt
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to our national security. it also undermines the basic 2254, of u.n. resolution which calls for syrian political coal unity and territorial integrity. host: president trump and .resident erdogan spoke the relationship had become quite tense because of russian air defenses that were supposed to be activated in april. that did not happen. is this a sign thehe relationshp might be on t the mend wiwith washington? host: our prisonss have a good relalationship, a good convsasation about libya, sysyr, r relations,ilateral reacaching a trade goal. we are working on alall of these areas. we h have disagagreements witite united states in syria. as/400, this came as a resusu of many y years of effors to acquire a missisile defense sysystem. unfortunately, since t the obama
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presidenency, it did not h happ. we had no choice b b to look for alternrnatives. our presesident made this s cler and has bebeen transparent throh the e entire process. he has notot blackmailed anybody or anything. he has been very clear that if we c could not get a missile
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donald d trump: i'm establilishg new vettining measures to keep radical islamamic terrorists out of the united states of america. we don't want 'em here. larara kiswani:i: there's a stia of ararab people, , muslim peoee in ththis country designed to perprpetuate andnd justify t thr on teterror, and that's what a lot of arabs and muslims are facing today, sort of a really undignified struggle to just live. dr. raramzi salti: it takess courage e to be able to stand dp to racisism, turn itit into a positive moment a momoment of learning g where you u actually use that momement to educate, to let people know about the rich diversity of your culturere. lamees dahbour: we e want our community,y, like, sanan francio


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