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tv   France 24  LINKTV  May 28, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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france says it will re open its famed balls restaurants and public parks the with restrictions. it comes in the day france records of the three thousand more covered nineteen cases. record unemployment in france twenty two point 6% on a pro that's a further eight hundred and forty three thousand people signing on that in march. and there's more to come with major job losses to be announced french comic at little. china's problem is approved plans to impose a new security long hong kong the measure would punish secession.
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treason terrorism and foreign interference the move has provoked outrage in hong kong. composed of global. i'll cry to. thank you very much for being with us to cover ninety lockdown is being relaxed the french prime minister has said that the country's lockdown rules s so it will b be easast m next week the capital and the greater paris region have not been tabled as an orange zone promised at roughly announced from the second of june. the one hundred columbia travel restriction will also be lifted because all cutting freedoms will become the rules on the band's the exception that's here from edward philippe. you're the cuts you should of a as you may i had to sum up all the day. i would say. the there is. are good on health front shoulder blossomed the- mention was that even if we are staying careful. even if we can't risk letting our guard down the news is fairly good- but- let me be
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a day off on freedom will once again become the rule. and bands the exception. we set the you but this renewed for. will call with own limits. the limit on public at ten people is to be maintained the principle of being able to work from home it must still be prioritized of course. and the respecting of social distancing measures above all must remain rigorously sticker he will. the french chef prime minister edouard philippe. unemployment in france has jumped by 22% in april. that amounts to eight hundred and forty three thousand more people seeking work. the virus lockdown preventing companies from hiring. the national deployment office announced the historic rise this this day saying it's because the current context companies are hiring him because they are conducting massive layoffs jobless. franks in france- do not include eight million people have received government funded temporary unemployment during april of
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gradually returning to work. but this more r rental the comic is expected to announce fifteen thousand job cuts tomorrow. there's already a program tabled president matt collins announced his opposition to the plan which would see for renault factories closed across franance. let's get more from or business reported catherine bennett to joins us said catherine starting with those jobless vegas- how should we interpret them. well what if one of the main things that as well phillips saidd in his speech ideasas that he coconsids that this on him this new unemplployment data the new frot inin the war against kuwait neteen soo you can really see that the government is shifting its focus hit from. health which was his previous priorityy to an economic recovery and that is now the priority of t te government- i'm because of that they've announceded these newew measasures as you said the reopening old. phones at cafes
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andd roof comes is we actually heard from these statistics agency in france earlier this week who are s s. ten of ththe second quarter of the year will see a contraction of 20% in the economy. as a- from the five point 2% in the quarter of the year of the country's gdp. the government really wantsts to mae sure that that companies start hiring again on the main sources of that boost to it it's going to be coming from sentence to such as tourism hospitality and as you say restauaurants bebecause it's th. so basically in to reserve as well tourism. represents 7%% off the country's gdp that's i'm to me me and offffice until has. that caps road wheels at tri. will be able to putting three
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from this j. about. of all be a lot. decision on the external borders of t the e. u. now u. member states are going to decide on that before june fifteenth whether they will allow travel touourists to. othr pulse of the church. but even if the tourists cannot come from other parts of the world that's not actually necessarily a bad thing for france's tourism sector because 90% of tourists in france come from abroad. but the launch both of that 70% of that number actually come from within europe. as long as there's internal borders within europe all still quite porous and of course i think that internal- totourism will be will be very popular this year going to see a lot more french people staying put within from. i think that she both news fought was inspector hit in the country. the campus we won't see the- answer reno is expectcted to fifteen thousand.
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jobs. well why. back to him for. yes sir notot fifteen thousand number actually represents 8% of the company's worldwide work force and there's going to o be arou four thousand six hundred jobs cut here in france the company has said that they want to do that. if t they want they- one tree witith undersea froom moving people around internally r re training and thy don't want to just five people straight off now they're presenting thihis to be in a cot cutting plan which will take placee over ththe next three yes thee two unionss this evening i will get a bit more information about that tomorrow when the plan will be to just leave off. of course discussed it with it do you need the evening out this oldld song the problems tht now w exist on. and eight to euo plan to save the country's call industry an industry of which
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promises to o take prompt and this is of course the office of plunged it the. thirty nine. sales plus 90% full but 90% that is in april bay on sales the year. really the old industry in from is being. affect by the cove in nineteeeen pandndemic andnd i think the gogovernment will be doing well candid to shore up its car industry. catherine benefit now thank you very much indeed. next on limitless taking an uncharacteristic political and financial gamble should agreree to a mululti billion euro boosta plan to try to kickstart the german economy post code nineteen germany's traditional images of penny pinching countries about changed utterly teams from twenty fourth berlin team sent us this. despite the restrictions it's still businessss as usual for matisse mental the order books are full the company boss worries about
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clients hit by the pandemic them. motor is going to be part of staten in poland says we keep exporting pretty much everywhere but we've noticed thingsgs have really slowed down in countries struggling with the virus like france. tired remains- all the big change in economic policy comes at the perfectt moment facing a crisis germany is g getting out the heavy artillery for its own economy but also that of the whole european union by supporting a recovery plan worth seven hundrdred and fifty billion euros i show support there but maybe not entirely disinterested the with the biggestt enemy do you want to speak expect says. there's no money. to sell german cars to. so yeah they got is out in its own interest that's a good thing it shows they're lookiking ahead. so good economic orthodoxy for the first time chancellor angela merkel has even accepted mutual leising european debt. spectacular about face if not entirely
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surprising. if they can get on after it got rid of mescal as shown in the past that she's able to go against previous coleman decisions taken three years even for decadades. that's always been the case in times of crisis. and now we are in a crisis without precedent connect to someplace i don't. it's a big risk for the chancellor but for now a slim majority of germans approves of the recovery plan something unthinkable a few yearars ago. i have a full team in the german capital. next violent protests over the death of a black man in police custody rocked u. s. city of minneapolis for a second night in a row the city man has asked the government to take the match god. the angles of the death of. george floor. i'm david okay. it's going viral. a police officer kneeling on his neck as he is handcuffed on the ground gasping i can't breathe.
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frustration and anger boil over in minneapolis as protesters turned violent. their outrage that yet another black man has died while in police custody this video shows george floyd gasping for air while police officer kneels on his neck pinnining him to ththe ground fd says repeatedly that he can't breathe he was taken to the hospital w where he was pronounced dead a short time later this happened on monday. three months did fire and looted stories leaving a destructive wake. sure we've had we had a number of fires said we've got a good deal a good amount of being there about a model leaving actually- and- and would just widespread. civil disobedience and- it's unfortunate. and social media
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minneapolis mayor jacob frye has appealed for calm the four officers involved have all been fired and fry has called for criminal charges to be brought to the officer could have turned b back every second of which he could have it removed his knee. from floyd. floyd's family is h hoping for a murder conviction thehey w want to o to prevent this from hapappening to anybody else they want this to be the tipping p point. thatt finally stops this openn season are legalized g genocidee of c r peopople by police who are supposed to protect and serve. the fbi has opened a federal righghts investigatition into floyd's death. two nights about riding in a row we're watching to see what happens that this evening and that minneapolis. china's parliament has approved plans to impose a new security
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law in hong kong. the measure would punish secession treason terrorism and foreign interference the move was provoked outrage in hong k kong as welell as causing a global outcry here france twenty four catherine via the test. loading two thousand eight hundred and seventy eight to one chinese lawmakers overwhelmingly endorsed a controversial security law for hong kong. which would ban any actions that seriously threaten national security including secession subversion or terrorism. what he thought would look at this session the decision was made to establish a legal system and the national security enforcement mechanism for the hong kong special administrative region gentran this measure will uphold and improve the so called one country two systems policy. despite beijing's assurances many in hong kong say the new law will effectively end the
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city's relative autonomy. the new measure would allow china to set up intelligence agencies on the island sparking fears the government could arbitrarily arrest people for so called pro democracy activities. coach i'll tell go okay how how how guns and i've got some good evidence and all that i thought. you hung on to solve the sun going on monday yeah although. that's the troubling. lido song and try that time is. the proposed law has also. fears from the international community with the u. s. revoking the special status it's given hong kong. after declaring the territory no longer had a high degree of autonomy from mainland china. a professional footbtball's been stopped until september here in france meanwhile in sports richest league the english premiership it's the start up again on june seventeenth top flight clubs are back in training it was awesome let the
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way on april twenty seventh. and the gun is. justice he is to be one of the best games played well this is still subject to government approval so boris johnson may yet have his say. that was already said he wants people to be up once again. give people something else to talk about. some against stop these include the french midfielder n'golo take of chelsea and detroit eighty wofford apparently fearful over susceptibilityty. apparently among black people over the corona virus. i would have thought more on thahat coming up in the next hour. one hundred and thirty one thousand euros a bottle of cognac a soul for this price at auction in london. it's a red bottle of mazen go che from the eighteenth century it's two hundred and fifty eight years old thanks bye. seventeen sixty two to give you some context that's pre french revolution times it's in the reign of louis the fifteenth. auctioneers sotheby say it's an
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asian investor who's acquired the bottle known as the caulfeild big brother. it's one of three go check cognacs seven sixty to seventy since. and that a- the three they've been the same and since then the team. send imagine what itt takes expect. two hundred and fifty eight years old amazing stuff- that sold for that massive amounts of money a one hundred and. thirty one thousand years absolutely phenomenal. not tried to reach it at a special permit coming up it's called africa and the corona virus challenge from city was correspondence- from cameroon south africa kenya tunisia and madagascar reports on how africans are coping with and handling the call. ninety that makes a step fururther and of course someone is coming up
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you're watching from twenty four. hello and welcome to this special program africa and the corona virus challenge i am the front twenty four correspondent in cameroon in zero. in the course of this program will be bringing to you a glimpse of how africa is combating colby nineteen you will have reports and interviews from south africa from kenya from my desk at. from today yeah. but first let's begin any yeah one day the company sell off cameroon we ought to be easy bus station here people but buses every day to the outskirts of the city. beyond the hearts of young d. this eighteen seater bus transports mostly students from the center of the town to the outskirts of your one day most of them have no choice. but to get on board this post season. if the more more self
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disclosing doesn't to los lotto goose is it is easy to plan attacks you've given due thought that c. update me phone it's very difficult service it this does. read just put an office and this will let's take a- because he's very difficult even window if not having many passengers examples let's see up to one meter like driver's this route i live complete the difficulties he faced in his business. the outbreak. some s. did you see. on the subject just about. welcome to the jungle will provide customer police said you needed to talk you. me come to the family and this is what it feels like to travel in cameroon's capital yeah one day now what taking
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you to south africa to discuss with us the situatition awful bg nineteen in that parts of africa. . i see a small and i'm onone of france twenty fours correspondents in south africa. this is the country was hit by covert nineteen on the entire african continent. and cape town where i live is the epicenenter of the pandemic whyy well some say this is it cape town is the- make a debate. t. for example the almost shopping malls here then open air markets and supermarkets are among the city's west hot spots. adding weight to this t theory a reportrt produduced by calenenry stephan constance and sam brad piece. okay another protest these workers like others across cape town- furious with
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that process. what london. anything that they can. the managers finally closed the doors without explanation the death toll among supermarket workers has many worried. also staff members from chicken and this. a also you know the waway. supermarkets across thehe westen cacape are closing one after another the authorities are taking note in an online press conference the provincial government said supermamarkets have becomome coronavirus hot spot in the early days of those detections i think it was a lot of learning going on but itt sounds to meme as meeting procedures thahat from small to big they y really havave reachea new. call the old rules in
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placee enforcing them has been difficult employees at the shop tested positive the establishment was temporarily closed and disinfected today the surfaces are cleaned every hour and the managers are required to o report to help authorities with gradients of cooked dishes come from the process is a headache for the owner and his hundred employees set we've got all the sides of the dedicated site with. and then we have another end of the direct some of our normal. prices aroundd here. and then we have another. his sole job is to keep the list of all the people that we fight every florentine and the five close to them and then i said that fifirst issue three peoplee not. involved in the health and safety in this area. south african still try to maintain social distancing when entering the supermarket risking life and death every timee they pass through the door. and now we go to not roby. i am okay a and i
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said j. o. andnd i'm from the city for his correspondence saying kenyans. we look at how the e kind of virus pandemic is affecting neighboring somalia. this is because the case was identified in much and since then the numbers have e been rising steteadily. n now they he over fifteen hundred cases with me cinema tiny he is the deputy director of the international crisis group africa program. now do you know i would like us to talk about the upcoming elections in somalia but first let's talk about public health care sysystem can it cope with thisis goioing on break somalias one of the most fragile. countries on the concept with- you know corresponding weakness in its in its- of services it's a country that's been wrwracked by war that still. partly under the care of. she has. since but you take two million people displaced from confer conflict stilll so in terms of. the state
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of the country's infrarastructue the access of the of civilians to. health care services when they displaced when now under the control of all violent armed groups it's very difficult for the populations how have the various leaders of the federal state and a position. funded the possible delay of the elections due to the pandemic. this is already hi- between the federal. government to get issue. and federal member states who have. all been paid. and reality de facto control of their own territory is-s- that cooperation the last eighteen months is really. the first thing. all parties need to do is come together to agree on how to handle them deming together. and then- that's all over and above. stop address the broader political issue about the election is not going to be the
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when there is you government that that agrees amongst itself how to the house of roll out the- so has the trip us a bad response. to nineteen house of. judah sort of ted guidede guidance to the to the population under its control att the samame time though that- group is asking for people to protect themselves. they also have been encouraging them to turn out to most to prayay you know i thinknk that the response was about as sort of contradictory warning the population to take care of themselves they don't want to be blamed. that's the same time during that's verery. people wh. are under risk and- you know still risk the sharia armed with. the government. thank you very do you know and now we over to. in north africa. all others are reporting from tunisia even though there weren't many cases approved nineteen here authorities imposed strict lockdown measures early on in an effort to head off a public health
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crisis. as there's restricictios are slowly being lifted to heading back to work trying to resusume normal lives we met soe tunisians who are saying that they h hope the economy. recover quickly. in the city of been sector turning to normal isn't easy aden has been managing his small business for twenty years during the coronavirus crisis yet to close down for the first time in his life. he shut his business for more than a month and a halalf. the recording room should surely have a mess at the- medicines the- macachine is screwed upup with the by. the numbers hello. most to be here at lockdown and early on change some routines on the beach some locacals are tentatitively going back to swimming. oh and motor. put it in on that day as s the late a mistake isn't so much where it's not at all this is different it this was your father's mistake a journalist. but the rest of the amount of indian blood would be shipped out of the office now do you need to have been preparing for the worst especially given the
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lack of resources in the health care system. in the city of sousse thanks to donations a covert unit with a special mandate was created in less than fifteen days in this hospital. our server it hasn't offered. full is see on acaccrud the show room three. a. on a- not other top. mobile japan's cooler thahat i a actually becae he- was a to me to do what it. says then the files. is posted it all will be built in very top. official at all donald to systemem or something. what a- repeat. that to make. another big challenges. the into new textile factories serves the export market. workers were shifted to making masks bound for europe so the factory wouldn't go under. you are. he gets in his address at. this for physical cz six pm football he has more room.. on a phone call to abbas and without a
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doubt. the people most of the difficult. how does the eighty th nine produce in this file each a portion will be given for free to tunisian students trying to pass their high school or university exams exam still scheduled despite the crisis. the liftining of the locked up. i hope the tourism season can be salvaged many jobs have already b been lost bt the pririme minister hasas issua decree f freezing publilic sectr recruitmenent as the state triri to cut some spendingg att the same timee t the governmenent hs identified four r million tutunisians out of a countryy jt twelve million. who it says are in need aftfter this crisis we turn nowow to mymy colleague i n madagascarar. i am get above jef holmes on cats correspondence in madagascar. here the crisis has a bubble being an economic one they have only been a few hundred confirmed cases. of curvy that nineteen but hundreds of thousands of people have been unemployed. because
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of the lockdown just hit in the capital alone they out one hundred and sixty thousand families. in serious financial trouble i'm according to official figures that is 49% of the population of anton and irene. we all in one of the biggest food markets of the capital. it is only open in the morning because the lockdown starts every day in the afternoon from one pm. here we can see the direct effects of the crisis transcendence all having a hard time selling the goods in half a day. the incomes have fallen. because of the ministry of finance you took your pin on the governmental political message. that was a- my lan you'll a- lot and i am twenty four aside sucking that's a little. anything yes i you know. she. seveveral large. sayy don't have to use some kind of a physical
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05/28/20 05/28/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amamy: frorom new york city, t e epicicenter of the pandemic, t s is democracy now! >> calling on him to charge the arresting ofofficer in thiss ca. we cannot turn a blind eye. it i is on us as leaders to see this for what it is and call it what it is. george floyd deserves justice. amy: minneapolis is on fire as peoplein


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