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tv   DW News  LINKTV  May 29, 2020 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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>> this is dww news live from berlin. a murder charge in minneapolis, the police officer has been charged with third-degree murder. the national guard calls for the -- called to the city after nights of protest. president trump says when the looting starts, the shooting starts. twitter says this horrifies violence. -- glorifies violence. the european uninion, britain ad
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the u.s. warning china against a new security law on hong kong but beijing says their efforts are doomed to failure. russia's lockdown hides a surge in domestic abuse cases. we meet in moscow hotel owner who is opening her doors to women in need of shelter. ♪ i am phil gayle. welcome to the program. one of the police officers involved in the death of a black man in minneapolis has been charged with murder. up video caught the white officer kneeling on his neck as he was being detained. national guard troops have been called to the city after a third night of protest. his death has left minneapolis in particular reeling. >> smoke rises from buildings
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set ablaze, the longest night of unrest yet. the police and national guard are on the street in force to keep the protest from flaring up again. it was alleged police must conduct that brought people out -- m miscondnduct thahat brought people o out onto the e streets. outrage and p police overreach - at police overreach did not stop officers from arresting a crew reporting at the scene. >> do you mind telling me why i am under arrest. >> the crew later arrest. the police officers involved -- the police station was sparked on fire. minneapolis resident floyd being pinned to the ground by an officer, dying moments later. >> what you want. >> i can't breathe.
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>>'s final words echoed by protesters in minneapolis and elsewhere. protests over police brutality have been gripping many u.s. cities. violence broke out in kentucky and elsewhere. officers have denied firing the shots that wounded people but the denial is unlikely to defuse the tension flat have the country at breaking point. phil: we join our minneapolis correspondent. charges of third-degree murder and manslaughter against one of the four officers involved. explain what that means. >> i hope you can understand me because there is a police car and fire truck moving by. it is a category of murder in only three states, in florida,
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in minnesota and in pennsylvania. what it means is the person charged is looking at 25 years in prison if found guilty. there was also manslaughter charge. one way or another, the reaction here when the news came that the officer who put his knee on mr. floyd's neck which led to his passing was arrested was quite joyous. people took note and were happy to hear this. and then the news broke he was charged with third-degree murder, the crowd was expressing their joy about this. yes finally, etc. phil: the scene looks rather grim. what is going on at the moment? it seems to have calmed down.
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>> it has gently -- significantly. we have real barriers here and a line of police officers behind that. in the back 500 meters down you see a fire truck spraying water on burned down buildings that was not just the precinct three police building that was burned to the ground. there was a number of buildings which were looted and put on fire. i have to say when i described that from last night, we spoke to many protesters who said this is still a protest, it is necessary to go to this length of action, to create that much havoc, to make elites and politicians and the american society understand they had enough, that they will not ever
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want to see something like they have seen in the video of mr. floyd's incident. that is why they are very strong-minded in emphasizing that this protest is not over and if it is going to be violent again, so be it because it is the result of what they had to go through what they say is systemic racism in this country and in this city. phil: this is what is fueling protest about this case across the united states. >> it is a fair assessment. african-american communities have had enough. there are too many cases and videos on the web who show white officers, white citizens hunting down, murder black people, they have had enough. they want to make sure this
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rings a bell and gets into the minds of everybody involved and everybody in the entire country. phil: thank you for that. twitter has covered up a tweet from president trump referring to the unrest in minneapolis. he said when the looting starts, the shooting starts, which the company decided promoted violence. the president believes twitter is biased against him, so he signed an executive order to check the power of social media. >> he calls it protecting free speech while the social media companies say it is a politicized approach to law. donald trump's latest executive order is to strip social media companies of existing community when it comes to content published on their platform. >> the choices twitter makes when it blacklists, shadows,
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bands our edit -- they are editorial decisions. in those moments twitter ceases to be a neutral public platform and become an editor with a viewpoint. we can say that about others also. >> this week twitter put fact checked labels on two of the president's tweets. twitter decided to do so because the content broke issues on voting. trump accused twitter of trying to interfere in the 2020 presidential election and stifle free speech. the business and technology sectors argue the order could curb freedom of speech across ththe internet and legal experts say it conflicts with existing law that only congress, not the president can change. >> i it is a completete misreadg of s section 230, takes a lawawt
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has bebeen intererpreted very broadldly by multiple federalal circuit courts and just sayss i am replacicing all of ththis wiy own interpretation that i have no rigight to give aboutut how o inteterpret this fedederal lawa. it wilill nohave any staying power in a court. it is a piece of rhetoric. >> that means the order will likely be challenged in court ahead of the november presidential election. phil: let's take a look at this with mattias in hamburg. welcome to dw. why does it matter whether twitter is a neutral platform or publishes the e stuff that appes on it? > it matters greaeatly becauf twitter is a platform, it is under this section not liable for content posted by users. the second part which gets forgotten is platforms chch as
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twitter also have the right to edit content if they act as a good samaritan, in good faith. that is what trump doesn't want to happen. >> when the president says trump -- twitter interferes with what he tweets, he is effectively an editor, he seems to have a point. >> they are protected in that role in section 213. what he wants the federal communications commission to do is reinterpret the law, by saying twitter is not allowed to comment on his tweets. in u u. law, platforms have an independent first amendment right to expression. they can edit, commentnt, fact-check. this has been confirmed by courts, up to the supreme court
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time and time again. he is wrong. this is political posturing. phil: if the experts are right and everybody seems to be against the president, do you think this is posturing or he is trying to achieve something else by doing this? >> he is trying to achieve something and he has achieved already something. talking about that as a legal question. it is not a legal question but a political act and attempt to divide the platforms, divide facebook from twitter as we have seen, to divide the democrats because e they have called for a stronger regulation of platforms. he is trying to rally his base. he is afraid of being confronted with his failures regarding fighting corona and he is trying to open a new front and has been
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successful as we see from media coverage that is focusing on this as a legal question when is a political attack against the most important law protecting internet freedom of expression. phil: it is interesting what you say because facebook has taken a different stance on this than twitter. >> they have even though they also use fact checking and they are proud of it. it is not understandable why they should choose to be more reluctant this time around. phil: david president trump tweets so extensively, could this backfire on him? >> it might. if there is one thing twitter can do, something even he has not tried to make them stop is delete tweets. if he is telling them you should not editorialize, not act under
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the 230 protection you have, they could delete his tweets and he could not do anything again -- against that. twitter decides what stays online and what does not. >> thank you. >> thank you. phil: president trump has said the u.s. will eliminate special treatment for hong kong because of new chinese security legislation that gives beijing more say in the running of its territory. president trump says this was in lane violation of china's treaty -- plane violation of china's treaty with the u.k. britain has raised concerns about the territory's autonomy
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at a meeting of the u.n. securityty council. ththe europe uninion said chinia was in breach of its international l commitmentnts. >> the view of hong kong from above is stunning. what is happening in the city is straining e.u. relationspolice. e.u. foreign ministers expressed concern but took no action at least for now. >> we will continue trying to put pressure on the chinese authorities. >> he said he did not think sanctions were the rightht way o solve the problems with china. the e.u. is being cautious. leaders hope delicate negotiations will give european companies more access to the huge chinese market. brussels would like to bring beijing on board in climate tatas. renewed d unrest in hongng kongs led to calls for the summit scheduled in germany to be canceled.
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berlin disagrees. >> you might also come to the opposite conclusion and say it is especially important for the european union to set unified and cohesive at the table and be able to discuss the uncomfortable topics. >> but it is not clear whether the e.u. has the clout to put pressure on china. beijing taking more control over hong kong is a key issue for them. -- provisioning. -- for beijing, takiking more control over hong kong is a key issue. phil: members of rival bus companies and should be punished. spain's government h has agreedo prprovide a minimum household income of 462 euros a a month i scheme targeting 2 m million of its poorest city is -- citizens.
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spain has suffered badly during the pandemic, making life even tougher for the less well-off. turkey's mosques open for the first time in two months. the government has eased coronavirus restrictions but disinfectant and disposable carpets were handed out. russia's human rights commissioner says domestic abuse cases have more than doubled under the lockdown. many shelters have had to close their doors under quarantine and that has left victims with fewer places to go. a number of hotels are opening up to those looking to escape assault and other abuse inside their own homes. >> valentina is not letting russia's lockdown stop her. she is using the time to redecorate her moscow hotel. since the pandemic has kept guests away, she decided to shelter domestic violence
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survivors. a crisis center sends women who have nowhere to go to her hotel because women's shelters have gone into quarantine. >> i have quite a lot of friends or acquaintances who have experienced domestic violence. i wanted to help. i could always help my friends then. sometimes i could. sometimes not. but now i can help someone else. >> valentina's hotel is in the middle of this market which normally draws tourists with its typical russian look. usually these stands would be full of souvenirs and bric-a-brac and bustling with people. but it has become a quiet place to escape. >> the hotel which translates as fairytale has become a saving
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grace. one of the domestic abuse survivors is a singer. she came here about one month ago. >> it was not the first time my husband hit me. even without the quarantine. when you love someone -- but the fourth or fifth time it is impossible to bear. something clicks in your head. it made me just get up and leave. i could not stand it anymore. >> domestic violence is not a criminal offense in russia. there are no official statistics and what goes on behind closed doors is considered a family member -- manner. but advocacy organizations have reported a significant rise in domestic abuse. >> in other countries there are
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mechanisms to fight against domestic violence, restraining orders and law enforcement agencies that are taught how to deal with these. russia does not have that. that is why more cases end in murder and women stay in relationships because they don't have the tools to get out of them. >> valentina plans to keep hosting domestic abuse survivors even after the lockdown ends. her hotel is giving women like pennetta the strength to start over. ♪ phil: india and pakistan are facing their worst plague of locusts for decades. as pakistan struggles with economic fallout of the lockdown, farming experts say the insect infefestation poses a greater challengng >> these tiny insects are far
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from fussy eaters. they are now threatening to out eat pakistan's population at a critical time. >> the locust threat is several times more dangerous than ththe coronavirus. 100,000 times more dangerous. when you are fighting against coronavirus what you have crops and things to eat. -- coronavirus, you had crops and things to eat. while they are really from the lockdown, the human estimate -- u.n. estimates agricultural losses fromocusts could surpass $5 billion this year. there are outpost to help 61 districts of the country under threat. >> the first and second weeks of june are going to be critical for us because the locusts will
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start coming towards pakistan. to combat that we have stationed helicopters in various desert reasons -- regions along the way. >> in the meantime desperate farmers waiting for help have had to take matters into their own hands, trying to drive them away with noise. ♪ in india it may sound like a party but there is nothing to celebrate as the country struggles with the same problem, devastated crops, a further threat to the region also struggling with economic costs ofof lockdown.n. teams are scrambling to stop the swarms before breeding can take place in the monsoon season which is in july. phil: germans are famed as meat eaters but the coronavirus is
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making them think again. the latest report shows german'' taste for sausages and schnitzel is on the decline. >> in germany meat consumption is high. coronavirus crisis has changed attitudes when it comes to food. in 2020 more than a quarter are eating meat every day. that is 10% less than five years ago. recently several coronavirus outbreaks took place in slaughterhouses,s, highlighting conditions for workers. among the population the awareness s is such more and moe people are trying out alternatives to meet like those offered by this vegetarian catering business in berlin -- which is attracting many new customers. >> through the crisis we saw that more people tried our products. in the beginning it was difficult because so many people stayed at home and customers did not come here.
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but quite quickly also with the loosening of the restrictions, more people including new customers came. >> a third of germans now cook and eat together more often and 1/5 cook together more than usual. >> we have seen in the report there is a stronger desire to buy regional, desire to cook rather than buy ready-made dishes and stronger appreciation for those who produce the food and that is something we have to keep up. >> in big cities like berlin, consumers adapt their eating habits. >> i have put on weight and i'm starting to eat properly with fruits and vegetables.
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>> the problems have not worsened or improved since the coronavirus crisis. but i hope the crisis will lead to a reflection over the long-term. >> the will to pay more for better only food is there in theory but at the time of economic crisis it is still lacking in practice. ♪ phil: start with football, two weeks after the bundesliga resumed, the women's league is also restarting. they kept fit with individual workouts during the three-month suspension. >> germany's female footballers are back in business. women's leagues in england and elsewhere have scrapped their sequence, the -- there seasons but the bundesliga will restart. >> i think it sends a big
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message to the world and not just women's football world that women's football is back. >> but the restart does have issues. it costs money, mandatory tests financed by the faa but the clubs will have to pony up for additional expenses like hotels and security personnel and tv revenues are peanuts compared to the men's league. 67 thousand euros per club. the biggest is sponsorship money. that gives the a advantage to seasoned clubs. >> i want too m make it clear tt anyone who is not prepared to take the next steteps will findt very difficult to play y in the wowomen's bundedesliga. i think it woululd be difficucut foexexclusivelyy womomen's footl clubs s to win mulultiple titles because of their financial situation. >> smaller clubs like this one
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which has reached the cup final twice could be left behind. they are becoming -- they are dependent on local companies which are in trouble because of coronavirus. they may have to reduce financial support to the clubs or to end it all together. they can't expxpect help from te faa either. as a registered association, a nonprofit, we can't give or donate anything to the business operations of individual clubs without compensationon. >> even turbine upon stem can no longer make waves in the bundesliga after they got six league titles and two champions league trophies but those successes are unlikely to ever be repeated. >> i believe the current situation will either stabilize or worsen. the clubs don't know what can be invested in the long-term, whether their papartners will still exist and be able to
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invest the same amount. that makes it easier for big clubs. >> a small clubs will have to get creative and hope to pull off a surprise every once in a while. phil: williams wants to sell its struggling team. they lost 4 million euros last year. this has added to the financial -- the team has been one of the sport's most successful but -- with nine constructive titles. the board -- they are up to eight partial or complete eye out. -- buyout. this is dw. join me fofor more worldld newst the top of the hour. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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e two hundred fonts twenty four correspondents around the world. the u. s. prosecutors charge the minneapolis police officer who was seen on video kneeling on the neck all the jewels stolen unarmeded black mn who later died. in president trump the walls of s sanctions againsnst chinese o officials estimate growing criticism of beijing's con security local hong kong. also coming up. announces axing of fifteen thousand jobss around the world with more than four thousasand f those cops set to be made here in france.


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