tv France 24 LINKTV June 2, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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activity. the protest in paris is burst into angry scenes of violence the demonstrations calling for an investigation into the death in police custody of twenty four year old adama traore rate in twenty sixteen this all coming in the wake of the unrest in united states of the death of a black man who was not on by a white police officer. eight days ago. national guard is on the streets of a vast majority of us states right now to try to restore order meanwhile police officer criticized. donald trump's tactics and attitude. in the wake of the police killing of. george floyd just
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over a week ago. the coach returns to paris though in a socially distanced manna from our customers on the terrace perfect for this sunny weather. across bououe this chohoosing. thank you very much for joining us we'll show you straight away the images coming from northwest paris- in the wake of a demonstration that was convened in order to call for truth and justice for adam outro right a group organized by his sister. a demonstration of protest in the wake of what's been happening in the united states under the banner of black lives matter of course- damage or it was a twenty four year old- french and malian descent who was. killed in twenty sixteen after being tracked by police- in the outskirts of paris these images are coming to life- from port down yeah. which is where the courts- complex the apologist he says moved out from central
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powers to this newly constructed quarter that's great- a more modern and efficient- course as sequence and clearly. majoris family hoping that this somewhere signal and multi n. into what happened to that that a broader on the suits the to that sorry back in atat. at the initial inquired found others please not to blame the is rick. in nineteen let's listen now to this of. a down a tory. i don't. call it a couple. of questions i'm not it was not me. so of course some of. it is a more to this meant yeah thank you it's just a boston among the just right six. not i keep a movie about i think and will he be.
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what. yeah we'll miss asset try ratio is this of a dom trouble the man who do in custody actually in the plea station and some which is in the- paris in suburbs having been arrested implements it was which is that nearby. a temporary walls it said known to police- but that doesn't explain or excuse what happened to him police custody and ththis is at the very crux f the matter- regarding the movement that assets already has set for. let's get you started on. the invertebrate clip of her speaking a justice for her brother well this is a c. right now nearby where the demonstrations began peacefully and that was when the assets or the speaking a few moments ago it's now. disintegrated into what we're seeing that which is very much like this is the sort that meeting with. over the past week. from the united states. at issue. sure was
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remains the same. at the way black people to by police. let's not bring in report. three hours trying to set new catherine tell us what can see what you. yeah mark i'm looking down on the seeing now it remains extremely calm. large that mike riding india hey i got to look forward to. the day by the riot police. yeah thank. ivanka majora of them in gathered yeah i almost thank you hi thank you thank you. trying to sweep through the area thank you last year the kids the demonstration of the core bond by police but you could really feel the anger among the crowd when i arrived there were several thousand people here gathered into this space. mostly young people.
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area look on ebay good morning doctor federal klein john lennon among the car justice about thirty thirty. clean the offense line or the reeperbahn of among thing i call three very much accurate some of the things. the united states. we think travel. have been. up work. the right coming in and out nissan of the wrong a few still being checked the right by lee. i couple plate break out eighthty. yeah and t.. a ripple in media is saying that the initial income into how adama traore he died- wasn't accucurate and that's how he did you to- suffocation due to beining that hit in the neck. certainly the echo of what has happened to georgia floyd is that of everybody to observe and indeed his sister odometer that's accessories excuse me i was saying as much of the roman she was a speaking around the time the demonstration was still peaceful what we see now though these images- from the
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port the she- district northwest of paris. a you can see very clearly there is a break down in florida catherine was saying that the right piece of incentive to try to restore matters but clearly many people still throwing objects at them- satisfiess us we could see- smoke across the streets. and clearly a break down a little in order in the very seat of- the frenchay capital's little on the cool to that- adjustable ps seventy ninety small at the airport on the region but the politicians diss been relocated. the demonstration was called earlier some nineteen thousand people turned out for this justice for a drama a demonstration and jusust to remind you if you are just joining us- this is the scene live. in northwest paris where a peaceful demonstrations now disintegrated into the kind of- almost the kind of thought disorder than can witnessing it in united states. over the past
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week. the of was to call for just for a two four year old man who died. of into. s. in come and his sister who just heard. acting very much to see. of george floyd and the treatment of black people a body- the authorities namely the police. in this thesis circumstances you can see that straight down the boulevard. at the politically she- weather's. clearly something burning at the end of that street- one can only imagine that these businesses- that we can see a a cafe then and this may occur it may have re opened. of course this is the day when cafes terraces of reopened around paris in order to start getting back to business after the covert nineteen lockdown. of for this to happen on this day's clearly ironic alarming- dadangerous- any number of factors you can bring in that to describe the situation. let's go back to our reporter katherine norris trent who calls began the day reporting on the opening of the terraces- i'm not always so witnessing- before her very eyes at the scene that w we havave here- whe
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a demonstration calling for justice. for a black man who died in police custody in france this is integrated into the kind of this sort of beaten witnessing in united states. catherine first off are you okay. we will we will first of all confirm that the catholics okay we think she is. with the problem is merely a breakdown in communication it's a technical fault so to be re issued a report was fine. what we'r're seeing is- still a lack of control of the situation. this is from the police side of things. further down the- tramway lines you can see that is where most of the demonstrators are. completely trashed dowown that. we w will t ck to this wcacan. be able to situate. but it's a very clear an ongoing. demonstrations into what looks like a- total breakdown of law and order. in that part of paris and the issue of course- the- treatment of black people. by the police force we'll bring you more on
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this as we get it throughout. this program. well let's give you some more of that in use from around the world america remains this evening a country of society very much on the edge. well more more people to join the outrage of the killing eight days ago forty six year old black man by white police ofofficers. the us president has taken a hard line. well that donald trump so what's the matter by- many saying that he's wrong and he's done some of those people are actually police offices. these are typical images that we've seen from up all around- the country. and in some cases that we've seen police officers that you need with the demonstrators said donald trump though. as sayingng that he wants the nationalal guard's sandy and its not his decision of course it comes down to the state governors- his stance those been criticized as being very divisive. he's criticized officials in washingtonon and nw york for antiques trump's actual roots. succumbing. to
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low life scum. well trump is to do himself president lowow on a. actual off. have been criticizing his stance and his tatactics. nonetheless trump tht is sticking to his guns. this country is. broken windows looted goods midtown manhattan is cleaning up after a night of protesting that turned violent new york is one of dozens of cities undnder a curfew w which mayoyor bill de blasio just extended through sunday. but he isis resisting the president calls for sending in the army. we do not need nor do we think it's wise for the national guard to be a your city. nor any armed forces we have thirty six thousand police officers. ththey are the best equipped to deal with the situation. ththe natitional guard has been deployed in over two dozen states to assist local police
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in handling the demonstrations the violence though has more days of largely peaceful protests and frustrated demonstrators even if they understand the anger. fortunately there are people out here. which you can sell angry people having to be angry you know like tell this lady is not to burn down mass. with h te pro tennis no signs of stoppingg donald trump is now threatening to send the us army to states that fail to restore order. for presidential hopeful joe biden that shows trump is more concerned about reelection than about unifying a deeply divided country. donald trump is turn this country into a battlefield riven by old resentments and fresh fears. he thinks division helps in. his narcissism has become more important in the nation's well being that he leads. recent polls all s show bideden widening his lead ovever
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trump while the president's approval rating continues to slip. let's begin o our international has completed douglas herbert for more on this one douglas thanks is that of being with us- donald trump and these this decision to deploy the troops i imagine it's been quite a wide reaction to that. yeah it's still his the move is seen as s not just provocative but but outright incendiary you know there was a democratic lawmaker who actually like in this moment marking american history this particular moment. sort off a combination of the nineteen eighteteen spanish flu pandemic the nineteen twenty nine stock market crash- and t then the nineteen s sixty eigight riots e other civilil unrest acrcross american cities. all coming together in one combustible moment all at once and donald trump's response has been to escalate to ratchet up the threatss of deploymyment of acte troops now thehe problem is. the unse the worry the sensese that this is not the right move actually e extends to the pentagon itself to senior
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military officials who are speaking to reporters in the u. s. off the record- not off the record not explicitly going agagainst the president's directives. basicc the samame. stands does not right now call for the deployment of active american army troops and let's be clear here now. . guard are separate from m active duty- are us army troops national guard normally played by governors in sort of consultation with the consultation with the federal government. it's on or the they are up to the command of governors of the individual states. activee u. s. troops are not. supposed to be on the streets s control and keeping water in pastt you know as as one former drop chiefs. of staff. this they sayy he's ready to. a man. is not the battle. and our fellow citizens are now the enemy there's a real sense that donald trump is completely out of tune with what law enforcement wants with whatat te
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military officers themselves wanted what those troops on the ground really whahat. they feel extremely uncomfortable in this situation say it is not their role right now to be on the streets that they feel that they are retreating up the tensions. provoking situation actualally m making it worse- bt they wouould likike to sesee a f ththe- the seniorr militarary officers they would like to see local law enforcement to take control of the situation. n now dodoes this meanan trump doesn't ve the authohority to deployoy those activee duty troops he can'n't butut he would have to invoke i invoke thihis two centuriess old law the eighteen do so without congressionalto authororization would a allow te president to deploy active duty u. s. army on the ground in american cities on american soil for domomestic use. to quel domestic unrest but like i said it is not seen by the vast majority peoplee react t to it s a w wise move just the opposite based is a move. is how adddded to rec up and otherer. just i ws
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passing up 40% a yeah duty you army all. are p. call u. s. r. american. of color and citizens who are. i they see it in just in the car. and to you katie seeses thatt trump alongngimilar lines. . welloe biden actually he's a he's a a merchant very fw occasions since a sort of self imposed a lockdown on t the cacampaign trail he's bebeen campaigningg from his home emerged traveled from wilmington delelaware where h hs been holeded up p in his home- o philadelphiaia todayay gave a speech which many of the sort of called the shining momoment o far and perhaps one that hope you'll b build o on going forwad he laid into o trump basicically likekening him to a southern racist of the nineteen sixties. sayingng that- you knoww prerest should be part of the solutution not part of the problem that donald trump i is it jujust parf the problem that seems to be
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accecelerating things joseph bideden wasas very sort o of frk about the fact that. even if trump p defeat by hihimself i in november's elelection all that s nonot g going to ovovernight- se deeply imbmbedded cenenturies od racicial divisions in t the unid states what he did s say t thouh is he looks at t the presidency as a verery big job no one persn can get it right including himself. forty when that spepeeh is that. he and obvioususly alluding to comeme willl not fan ththe flalames o of hatred he se will seek to heal the deepp racial divivisions a. i in the country that have long plagued americica- and he will not use them f for political gain as h e sasays donaldd trump. has thiss- words that a lott of f americans have been desesperately almost craving to stare. at a titime whwhen donald trump h has been signally unanable o or unwillinr a mixtxture of both. to offer words that unite that bridge that offer compassion empathy.
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and an understanding of the racial divideses not racial history that histstory of racial injustice iamerica. that joe biden wanants to show he ununderstands andnd donald t trp doesn't. joe biden today basically witit that this speech inin philadedelphia this messag. strikiking a a v very big contrt and purposely d deliberately doing so showing that he is a man of presidential character he is a man of the candidate who can show empathy. and that he is a man who on not jusust feels the pain but understands the reasons that so many black americans right now are out there on the streets. protesting not just blacks whites as well protecting this racial injustice and police brutality a man of understanding about the historical and racial context which these protests. and in some cases the violence as well are are unfolding. dental service has ever thank you very much indeed w. sobot international. affairs commentator. next call culture and it's risk. returned to prison life is they pursued
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whole thrice the use of outside seating areas. indoor tables that remain closed to customers until at least june twenty second french president emmanuel macron struck a note of optimism about the small step. the real near cafes hotels and restaurants marks the return of happy days he tweeted. and added that the state will continue to support the sector. finally welcoming back customers after being shot eleven weeks. the steak restaurant in the northwest and french town of nantes reopened at the strtroke of midnight fora rush of customers. fourteen weeks keep up her name. is the ability. to appeal. it is really an easy and you press the- button this. not did he- some new rules to contend with their the one meter tables free to does in adopted with hand sanitizer gel customers can go
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back to moscow table but a required to o don't want to move about the restaurant. all the bars cafes and restaurants across the country followed suit a few hours later. and paris's famous cafe culture began to come back to life well there were coronavirus infections higher in the capital customers are restricted to outdoor terraces. let's move a little that is what. it might sound. that idea would. be to the room with his co judgment for the distills letter that's. about it for. he give us a your shift came for city well for crown then tape. the social distance rule lower. in some by over. to help that is there the council has given special permission for restaurants to extend that horsrses out into pavements and closed several roads the cause. but i have to trace contacts a covert nineteen has launched in
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france france has become the first major european country to deploy. smart phone technology to track the coronavirus a amid simmering debate over privacy. well let neighboring countries including the uk germany italy and switzerland develop in the napster the using different. technical protocols this will raise questions about compatibibility across europe's borders stop because of it is that t the app in questionon hee in frarance. the french economy will contract 11% this year even more than expected because of course the corona virus pandemic connelly and finance minister bruno le maire. says he expects a rebound next year the government will continue to offer financial support to cafes. and restaurants even as they begin to re open across the country our business editor kate moody joins us cater hope you're on the terrarace but i suspect you might not be. this phase to be seen doctor measures could give a much neededed boost. to t the french economy. that's certainly the hopepe mark i may n not be on te
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terrace of the brutal american self wasas earlier on today. jut after giving that rather gloomy forecast. for economic growth he was among those who flocked. to a newly reopened terrorists in paris his twitter feed showed him happily having a coffee and a chat near last year- he said that over three hundred thousand restaurants and cafes. had re opened- that allowed some half a million french people to go back to work he described this as an important step for the economy. on a positive moment for the economy as a whole n now it's certainly not a as easy as a coffee and a smile. the government is still offerering significant financial supupport to the industry as a whole and it will continue to do so. through the end of this year at least- that'll reported funds to pay rent. loans delayed or cancelled a real taxes and social charges. and allowing people who arere still aren't able to go b bk to work- to remain on that s state sponsored furlough program. that's really social disistancing guidelinese
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that havave been putt in place.i mean i it most establishments can't welcomeme as many customes as usual so they'll b be taking in less money. masks disinfectant extra cleaning all that costs money ass well and so the industry is really far from back on its feet. now earlier in the morning the method that top lineses are still up he said the rocock of t the contracting eight. centers he initially thought just crossed. connerery. drop what percrcentage t. twenty the labor minister has said that i. could talk 10% in the come weeks. publicic debt levels are low to rise about. . and per of g. in order fund all those in our- support measure. about a dozen. executor of the- intot. corporations were me with people minister early this g. i discussed the roads recovery. last month k. the government announced a major rescue package f for the car industry here in france is choosose dates coconfirmed. thehe s separate lo the comico huddldle. a five
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billioion in yoyour loann whihin be backedd by the state- and one which the car maker's chairman says it has no strict conditions attached to it. the government had initially said there were no we have to agree as protect its work force here in france and bring more operations back to the country. in order to get that money it appears that ththose conditions have not been explplicitly imposesed. last week renault did announce fifteen thousand job cuts for its work force around the world about a a third of t m here in front. four of its french sites are at risk of being close we've seen protetess over a about that t over the weekend. the govovernment is still hoping to avoid that and as a player with a 15% stakeke n the hunt- its v voice is still heard of course. talk about that are ongoing- renault has really beeeen struggling in the last couple of y years. thereres been a leadership crisis- and ququestions about its alliancee with nisissan since the arrest f former boss carlos ghosn back in twenty eighteen. it's not since first annual loss in over a decade back in february. and crowbars course has seen a car
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sales across france dropped. 90% keep reading our business editor was a old lady have been angles. you very much indeed great to see catechol. like up with her before joining us from that home it's part of the social distancing. which observing here france twenty fofour now to stop. the spread f the code nineteen virus among our employees. we have course aquino i am what's happening in the north of paris's suburbs- would have been observing the- right which is on going that will bring you more on that of course. as we get it. for you stay with us you're watching france twenty four. thanks very much iss s staying with his t te off on on africa with me. watching from across west africa. latest in politics economicss and the arts in africa o on france twenty four journalist on every region every country. reports on the emergence o of a continent of
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unparalleled rich. bring you africa's story on france twenty four. thanks f for joining us te second. the best thing you can do anything. these checks may have only just hatched but their days are already numbered forty two to be exact. during their six week lifecycle their weight will increase at an astonishing rate from just a few grams to nearly three kilos. poland is europe's leading poultry exporter last year the country reared slaughtered and distributed to more than a billion chickens. that's ten times as many as a decade ago. little stuff. near the canal poetry doesn't just go to europe it was a gift to the african and asian markets which makes poland one of the worlrlds mamarket leadeder. close to you.
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plus the image of twelve to. on this farm in the north of warsaw twelve poultry houses are each home to fifty four thousand animals meaning there are twenty three chickens per square meter. everything is automated from the temperature of the hen house to the distribution of food and water. each year the farm goes thrhrouh six chicken lifecycleles ann alarmiming rate e for animal activists. two things he dismissive of as it's interesting and it's called the river just imagine a five year old child weighing a hundred and fifty kilos is not natural. these chickens don't grow into healthy animals they seek what's a a great consent to consumers is the current use of antibiotics on farms is a government reporort that shows inspections in poultry houses are a fictional karen's. happens maybe she's a kentucky oaoaks today because thehere's n instance of the concept of cells upon the animaldvocacy group open cages run the campaign entitled franken chicken. referring to
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frankenstein's monster. form of knowledge the use of an- but argue their use is carefully monitored and not systematic. however with such high n nbers of chihickens in such a small area it's impoible to monitor the health of each animal. yes yes so general to some it comes every day sometimes there are two of them. they walk around the poultry houses and observe the behavior and physical well being of the checks. when the republicans in the vast majority of cases t that digeststive disorders. there is no risk to the consumer. a cookbook you on day forty two the chickens leave the factory for the first time and are taken to the slaughterhouse the facility into jazz to ec processes seven hundred and fifty thousand chickens per day the animals are killed plucked cut
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06/02/20 06/02/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: f from new york, the epicenter ofof the pandemic in e united states, thihis is democry now! pres. trump: as we speak, i am dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily armed personnel,ilitary and law enforcement officers to stop the writing, looting, vandalism, assaults,s, and that wanton destruction of property. income president trump
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