tv Newsline LINKTV June 2, 2020 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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hello and thank y you for joining us. this is nhl "newsline." we start here in tokyo. officials have issued an alert after confirming the highest daily tally of coronavirus infections in weeks. the governor says its a way of urging residents to remain cautious but does not alter the plan to gradually reopen the economy. the lighting of the iconic rainbow bridge in the tokyo bay ararea, as well as the t tokyo metropolitan government
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building, were changed from the seven colors of the rainbow to red to signal an alert has been issued. officials reported 34 new infections in the capital on tuesday. it's the first time the number has topped 30 in more than three weeks. nearly 5,300 people have tested positive so far in the city of about 14 million. the increase comes one week after the central government lifted the state of emergency for the tokyo metropolitan area. that prompted the prefectural government to begin easing requests that saw many businesses close. officials have since been monitoring the situation and say it's worsening. >> translator: we want to continue resuming social and economic activities while preventing the spread of covid-19.. we'll need cooperation from ala residents. >> t tokyo officials are particularly concerned about
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infections at bars and night clubs. roughly a third of the 90 cases s confirmed in tokyo over the pastt w week h have been li to these kinds of establishments. the businesses pose a problem for people in n charge of traci ininfection routes because employees have contact with so many strangers. the government began discussing guidelines with experts on tuesday to prevent the spread in nightclubs and bars. a group of japanese experts has done a simulation of the risk of a second wave of infections, triggered by arrivals from abroad. they found if ten people with the virus were to arrive each day, the probability of an outbreak would be close to 100%. hohokkaido univeversity y profe nishiura hiroshi leads t the te. it calculated how many infected travelers it would take to cause a large-scale outbreak in japan. the members found if ten carriers were to arrive each day, it would be impossible to
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shut out the virus, even with tests at quarantine stations and two-week self-isolations. they said in three months the probability of an outbreak requiring a state of emergency would be 98.7%. if entry were tightly restricted and only two carriers were allowed to arrive in japan per day, the chances of a large-scale outbreak would be 58.1%. if only one carrier were to enter, this would drop to 35.3%. the virus continues to rage in many countries, mainly in south america and africa. nishiura urges the japanese government to weigh the risks carefully in relaxing an entry ban. mandatory curfews are in place or coming into effect in several u.s. cities, as protests over the death of george floyd continue.
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thousands of people gathered in floyd's hometown in texas tuesday to remember the unarmed black man killed in police custody over a week ago. arson, looting and other violence have erupted across the country, resulting in deaths and injuries. the associated press says at least nine people have died and more than 5,600 people have been arrested. in new york, demonstrators took to the streets in central manhattan, carrying signs with the slogan "black lives matter" to protest floyd's death. most of the protesters were peaceful, but some of them turned violent. shops were looted on tuesday night, including a famous department store, macy's. after labeling himself the president of law and order, donald trump has been calling on governors for a stricter crackdown. he tweeted, "d.c. had no problems last night. many arrests. great job done by all."
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former vice president and presumptive democratic presidential nominee joe biden expressed empathy for the peaceful protesters and drew a line between him and trump. >> i won't traffic in fear and divisionon. i won't fanan the flames of hat. i'll seek to heal the racial wounds that have long plagued our country, not use them for political gain. i'll do my job and i will take responsibility, i won't blame others. >> biden paused in-person campaign activities after the coronavirus panandemic spread across the country. this first major address in months comes at a fraught moment for the nation rocked by both the protests and the public health and economic fallout of the pandemic. in south korea, a cluster of new infections has been reported at a church west of seoul. the government is on alert, with new cases once more on the rise
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in and around the capital. officials said on tuesday the number of infections traced to the church in the city of inchon had reached 45. it comes after pastors held a meeting there last week. two other large clusters were reported last night. about 270 cases at nightclubs in seoul and about 100 at a logistics center in nearby bucheon. a senior official with the government's coronavirus task force told reporters on tuesday there's concern of a spread through the densely populated metropolitan area. authorities urged people to refrain from nonessential outings. museums and other public facilities in the area are closed until june 14th. turning to china. city officials in wuhan say they found no cases of c covid-19 wi symptoms after testing almost the entire population. wuhan is where theoronavirusus
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firsrst emerged. officials carried out a massive testing campaign for 19 days through monday. they said they found just 300 carriers out of about 10 million people. none with symptoms. the testing campaign was launched after six people living in the same housing complex were found to have contracted the virus. officials said they made the testing more efficient by mixing samples from diffeferent people into single tests. wuhan was under strict lockdown for about 2 1/2 months, until early april. people throughout china are settling back into their jobs. for most, it's a welcome return, but in some areas, day cares and kindergartens remained closed, presenting a different set of challenges for parents. nhk world reports. >> reporter: for child care workers, a typical day usually consists of keeping kids
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entertainened an engaged throug games and stories. but recently, snacktime has taken n on new meaning. the company's shifted its operations online earlier this yeyear, after strict measures we enforced across s the country. staff tailor prorograms to suit family's specific needs, including educational gamames, study sessions and rececreation actitivities. this woman says it's helped h h to balance worork oigations and her yououng twins. > translator: if i had too t care of my chilildren, their studies and everythingg else, therere wouldldn't be enough tin the daday. >> reporter: at about $40 a week per child, the company says it has helped them avoid massive layoffs.
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>> translator: the online service has territorial limitations and can be offered to a wide range of customers. we hope to continue to provide it and c combine wit our existi services. >> reporter: asday care provide are also rethinking ways they operate. this nursery is offering a more upscale service, dispatching a fleet of nannies directly to households. they've all been tested for the coronavirus and before each visit, they disinfect, check their temperatures and put on a new set of clothes. families that use the service say at-home care offers two keyed a key ed advantages. one-on-one attention and a reduced chance of their kids contracting the coronavirus. ♪
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parents have the added benefit of checking in while they're at work. >> translator: i could have asked myy parents to take care f my kids, but professional support ensures they're getting a scientifically proven education. >> translator: the coronavirus has transformed people's behavior. i think at-home child care services will become the new normal and replace some day care facilitie facilities. >> reporter: but for many, these services are a luxury they cannot afford. leaving parents grappling with ways to balance work and family. experts say it's a p problem confronting people around the world, and that finding a
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sustainable solution could help revive the post-pandemic economy. makita naoki, nhk world, beij g beijing. government authorities in hong kong are extending a ban on go gatherings of more than eight peop people. the ban was originally due to expire on thursday. but the government said it will be extended for two weeks, until june 18th. pro-democracyy groups accccuse government a and police of usin coronavirus prevention measures to suppress free speeeech. on monday, hong kong police announced that they are banning an annual vigil commemorating the 1989 student-led protests in tiananmen square. it's the first time the event has been halted. protesters were also planning to hold rallies to commemorate the start of mass demonstrations in hong kong one year ago.
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hong kong has kept the coronavirus outbreak under control for more than a month, other than infections among visitors from abroad. schools started reopening in stages last week. and now turning to world weather. people have begun evacuating in towns along western india because of an approaching storm. our meteorologist tsietsi monare has the latest details. >> hi there. thee storm is approaching on th western side and it could have some severe impacts. we are expecting it to move into the northeastern direction, and if it does hit in mumbai, it would be one of the first storms in over hundreds of years to have an impact over those parts. so, look out for strong winds, heavy rainfall and also possibilities of storm surges. mumbai is already experiencing heavy rainfall, so, please be on the alert and make sure you evacuate into safer ground. temperature-wise, it is still going to be quite warm for the most part of india. solid 30s from the south and the
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northern parts. and across towards eastern side of asia, rainy conditions still persisting towards southeast china. expecting heavy rainfall to continue due to the stationary front and the stationary front extending all the way towards japan, where some of the rainy season has already begun. temperatures for taiwan, 35 degreece and 27 with showers expected towards shanghai. crossing into japan, we see the upper 20s for tokyo, although sunshine will be seen for much of the day. essenti the united states and much of north america a also reeling wi severe weather conditions. we'll look into central united states, t towards the gulf of mexico, where there is possibilitiess of a storm developing there. what you need to look out for the next couple of days is possibilities of heavy rain. strong winds and high waves. the storm might weaken as it
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moves in the northern direction, but it's still going to be a cause of concern. temperatures are going to be quite hot for the east coast, around 31 for atlanta, washington, 35 degrees. thunderstorms continuing all the way towards the northeastern coast. so, please do take care at all times. that's all for the weather. have a great day.
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that's all for this hour. thank you for staying with us on nhk "newsline." welcome to "newsline in depth." we come to you from tokyo, from the rooftop of nhk headquarters in shibuya. behind me, japan's capital is slow by coming back to life after the lifting of the state of emergency. the world has become a strangely different place since covid-19 arrived on the scene.
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hello and thank you for joining us on n this edition of nhk k "newsline." we have come out here in the open air, looking for the big picture. today, we bring you an exclusive interview. questions are being asked about how we should all traransition the post-papandemic world. harari is a best-selling author. speaking to me in sky interview in april, he warned that the pandemic poses a threat to democracy, leaving us with some important choices to make. >> we know that democracies s collapse ususually not i in nor times. they alwayays collapse in emergencies. but in emergencieses is the tim when we most need democracy. governments are now handing out
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billions and trillions of dollars or yen, anand we need democratic supervision. otherwise, a single persrson ca cide to o save the corporations of hisis friends and supportere while letting other businesses fall. so, yes, we need emergency measures, , definitely, but eve in emergencies, we stitill need checks and balances anand we stl need supupervision. >> right. >> to make sure that the government is really serving the inteterests ofof everybobody. >> right. >> and not just ofof those who e connected to power. >> but isn't it often the case when, during the time of ememergency, t the people tend prefer stability over disruption? you know, they are bound to even support some draconian measures. what will this mean? >> yeah, that's the danger. in the timime of emergency -- a this is a a double emergency.
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people are afraid for their lives from the epidemic itself and a lot of also economic concerns. people are losing their jobs. businesses are collapsing. entire industries, like the tourism industry, are collapsing. so a lot of people, because they are so afraid, t they just want somebody wise anand powerful to take over, likike some kind of father figure, and decide everything for us and take care of us. >> yes, yes. >> and this s is, again, very dangerous, becauause if you giv so much power to just one person and that person makes a mistake, the consequences are far, far worse.e. >> harari says citizens can and should speak out on what direction their government should take at this uncertain time. he believes pepeople's voices c carry weight in this
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increasingly fragmented world. in the absence of viable leadership, would you think, like businesses or, you know, the grass root citizens be able to fill part of the void? >> yes. part of the void can be filled byby businesses, organizationsn ordinary citizens, for instatan, by sharing information butut al, i think, by exerting political pressure on their own governments. if the public tells the governmement, we d don't care a anybody else, we just want you to get as many ventilators as possible for our country, and if you have to fifight other countries s for it, we don't ca, then the government will do it. if, on the other hand, the public i is more responsible an shows grgreater global solidari, and people tell the government, look, this is s an emergency, w
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need m medical equipment, but w know that other countries are in an even worse situation, and we want to be more responsible and to show greater solidarity, so pleasese, help the other countrtries. wewe are williling to cacarry t burdens ofof it. then governments, at least in someme countries, , will respon it. and i hope that we'll see this greateter global solidarity, no just bececause it's essesential dealing with t this crisis but also because it t will affect t world after the crisis. if in this crisis, countries are just fighting each other, it will poison international relations for years to come. >> the specter of countries fighting each other in a crisis is all too familiar to us. we have already witnessed china blocking taiwan from attending
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the w.h.o. emergency meetings and the u.s. blaming china for the spread of what it sometimes calls the wuhan virus. the news is not all gloomy. the w.h.o. is considering a new mission to investigate the source of the coronavirus in china and says it is in discussions with beijing. which road nations decide to take, cooperation or conflict, to fight this global challenge will have an enduring impact on the future. harari says if humankind learns the lessons of history, then getting our act together is s t only way forward. >> in previous big p pandemics, like thehe black death in ththe middle ages, the biggest problem of humankind was that we didn't know what we were facing. people were dying in the millions, and d nobody knew whyr what could be done about it. in the case of coronavirus, it
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took us just two weeks to identify the virus causing the new disease, sequence its entire genome, and develop an effective test to know who has it and who doesn't. science now is in a much strongerer position than in any previous time in history, so there is no question that we will defeat this virirus, provid that humans all over the world cooperate effectively. >> some say that the key lies in deglobalization, if this pandemic was the result, the outcome of globalization. obviously, you do not agree. >> no. papandemics occurred long befor the e era of globalizazation. in t the middle ages, there wer no airplanes, , no big c cruise ships. still, there were pandemics, much worse o ones, like the bla death.
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if you think y you can prevent pandemics by isolation, you u actually neeeed to go all the w back to the stone age. and obviously, we can't go back there. soso the real antidote to pandemics is not isolation. it's coopeperation and ininformation. our biggest advantage over the virus is that humans can cooperate in ways thatat viruse cannot. a virus in china cannot give information to a virus in the usa about how to infect or how to a avoid the human immune system. but a doctor in n china can giv advice to a doctor in the u.s. ththe government of china can hp the government of the e s. they can comome -- they can fora common plan of how to fighght t virus globally. this is our bibiggest advantage over the virus. if we don't use this advantage, the crisis will be far, far worse.
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again, people should realize that a as long as the epidemic spreads, in any country, it enendangers the whole of humankind. >> the fundamental problem about fighting a war against the coronavirus, the invisible enemy, is that it is hard to know when the battle is over, and this explains why governments are so cautious about lockdown exit plans. but harari says successfully navigating the pandemic requires a new mind-set, and that includeses dropping the metapho of war. if you could define a victory, how would you define it? because coronavirus is not something that can be eradicated. >> well, first, i think we shououldn't think abouout it as war. it's the wrong metaphor. you know, in a war, ultimately, you have soldiers with guns killing each other. this is a very different kind of situation.
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i mean, the heroes of this sisituation n is a nurse in hosl changing bed sheets. the whole crisis is about taking care of people, not about killing and winning. yes, we need to win against the virus, but no humaman being shod be seen as an enemy. so i think we should lveve asi this metaphoof war and battl and victory. anand success i think would be we takake care of all humans around the world. if we protect humans all over the world from the spread of the virus, and if we protect humans all over t the world from the economic cononsequences of the crisis. if we protect people just in our cocountry and other countries would compleletely collapse, i would nonot define that t as a success. >> and in the long history of human beings, in the entire
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history of the sapiens, what is the significance of this corona pandemic? >> well, humanankind will obviously survive it. we are much stronger than this virus, andnd we have survivevedh more serious epipidemics in the past, so, there is no question about it. ultimately, the impact of ththi epidememic is not predeterermin. it's up to us. we choose how thisis will end.d. if we choooose wrongly, if we choose nationalistic isolation, if we choose dictators, if we choose to distrurust science a believe consnspiracy theories, e resusult will be, it wilbebe a g catastrophic in history. millllions of f people dying, economic crisis, political chaos. if w we choose wisy, if we chchoose global solidarityty, i
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choose democratic responsibility, if we choose to belie in scientitific authority, then despite the death, despite the suffering, this will actually, with hindsight, look like a good moment for humankind, a moment when we overcame not just t the virus b a moment when we overcamame our own internal demons, the moment when we ovovcame hatrered, the momoment when we overcame illusions and delulusions and processed the trtruth and came t as a much stronger and more unified species. >> harari reminds us that the postcoronavirus world is not about eradicating covid-19, because the virus is not going to go away. we have no choice but to learn to live with it, wherever that takes us. but we do have other choices,
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>> this is al jazeera. ♪ barbara: hello.. you're watching al jazeera live from london. coming up -- >> we can be forgiven for thinking the president is more interested in power than in principle. barbara: democratic presidential hopeful joe biden condemns donald trump's handling of the nationwide police put out a protest. george floyd's family and friends grieve his violent death. the first confirmed covid-19 death is recorded in the
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