tv Newsline LINKTV June 3, 2020 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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♪ welcome back, and thank you for joining us again on nhk "newsline." we begin in the united states. where defense secretary mark esper is distancing himself from his commander in chief, president donald trump. esper says he does not support deploying troops to quell the protests across the country, president trtrump warning the possibility is on the table.
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>> the option to use active duty forces in a law enforcecement re should only be last resort and only in the most urgent and dire of situations. we are not in one of those situations now. i do not support invoking the insurrection act. >> esper m made the remark aftf trump said d he would use troop if needed to maintain security. 1,600 troops have been moved to the capital area and stand ready to be deployed. protests continued across the united states for the ninth straight day since george floyd, an unarmed black man was killed in police custody. the associated press says at least nine people have died and 9,300 others have been arrested since the start of the demonstrations. the movement has spread to europe. thousands of people joined protests in london and stockholm. but the now fired police officer who pressed his knee in floyd's
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neck for over eight minutes was charged on wednesday with second degree murder. after repeated calls for the other three officers on the scene to face charges too, they have now been charged with aiding and abetting second degree murder. and now to hong kong and the latest on china's plans to introduce controversial national security legislation. the territory's chief executive has promised full support for the staff. carrie lam made the comment on wednesday during a visit to beijing with the heads of hong kong's judiciary and police department. debriefed media after talking with the chinese vice premer for three hours. hohong told her china would pus ahead with the legislation designed to crack down on anti-government protests in hong kong. >> when the one country concept, the sovereignty issue is now undermined by the events we have seen in honong kong. this advocacy of independence,
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and even violence verging on terrorist activivities. the central government has no alternative but to take action. >> well-known prodedemocracy activiststs joioined an online conference held by the foreign correspondents club of japan. >> t the national security law wiwill be a total destruction o the one country, two systemsms hong kong. and alslso total destrucuction the freedom and political rights that hong kong people are enjoying. >> the campaigners vowed to keep up the protest movement, even under strong pressure from the government. they also c called on the international community to speak out against the security legislation.n. briritish prime mininister s johnson says his country will open the doors to the people of hong kong if china goes ahead with the plan. johnson wrote a column for a british newspaper and hong kong daily, the south china morning post criticizing beijing's plans
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to introduce the law. johnson says china's move would be, quote, in direct conflict with the obligations under the join declaration, unquote. the treaty was signed in 1997. the prime minister said britain would then have no choice but to uphold the profound ties of history and friendship with the people of hong kong. johnson said if china goes ahead with the plan his government will give any holder of the british national overseas passport extended immigration rights, including the right to work in the uk. he said this could place the holders on a route to citizenship. the passport was issued to hong kong citizens until the 1997 handover. johnson said it's held by about 350,000 people in the territory, and another 2.5 million could apply for it. he said if china imposes the security law britain could not,
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quote, shrug our shoulders and walk away. instead we will honor our obligations and provide an alternative. finance ministers from the group of seven nations have indicated they could extend a debt relief initiative for low-income countries beyond this year to help them weather the coronavirus pandemic. japan's finance minister taro took part in the g-7 good news meeting held by video conference on wednesday. a statement released after the talks underscores the group's commitment to implementing debt relief for the world's poorest country until the end of the year, and possibly longer. the debt relief initiative was originally agreed on by the group of 20 major economies. >> translator: roughlyly h half the more than 70 low-income countries with repayment
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deadlines have reportedly sought debt relief. i think this move should be promptly implemented. >> the statement urges the international monetary fund and the world bank to evaluate and monitor the country's ability to cope with their debt on the grounds this would lead to sustainable development. japan will give $300 million to an international body supplying vaccine to needy populations across the world. the move comes as the vaccine alliance is asking the international community for funding to develop vaccines and other efforts to fight the new coronavirus. japan earlier pledged $100 million to the organization but decided to triple its contribution. prime minister abe shinzo plans to announce support at the alliance meeting on thursday. the funding is seen as aimed at finding vaccines to ensure the
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2020 tokyo games, which have been postponed for a year, can take place. data from the johns hopkins university in the u.s. shows the number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus has reached nearly 6.4 million worldwide. the death toll stands at over 380,000. reopening schools while the virus hasn't been eliminated poses all kinds of challenges. for both teachers and students. making up for the time lost to the pandemic, and doing so safely is no easy task. nhk world reports from a school in northeastern japan. >> reporter: high school students returning to the classroom after several months means a lot more than adjusting to a new normal. reporting their body temperature and washing hands regularly is a
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must. to reduce the risk of infection students have been split into two groups. each group goes to school on alternate days. large classes have also been split into groups to maintain social distancing. >> it's very positive we could avoid being too concentrated. >> fewer class hours for students to make up for the loss the school has decided to continue offering online classes as it did while the school was closed. on these days eighth graders are staying at home. they're learning chemistry online. >> karen, could you please name these five chemical symbols? >> tu, o, k. >> and the last one?
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>> c. >> okay, you got all five. >> making remote classes available to every student has been challenge. a survey showed about 6% of students at the school couldn't access the online learning system from home. the school has to find a way of ensuring equal access to education. onee solution it came up w withs to use vacant classrooms. students are able to participate in distance learning can come here to follow the class on a large screen. >> it's really helpful. i can tell the teachers are working hard for us, and i'm grateful. >> one expert believes that this mix of online and at school classeses could become the n ne normalal. a secondd or third wave of infections couould strikeke. so it's important to securere,
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a backup, otherer ways of teachg than h having kids come t to sc. i think we're moving toward an era in whwhich two t tes off learning will exist inn paralle. online learning and physically attending school. >> the school is now considering shortening the -- hallways to make up for the time lost to the pandemic. here and elsewhere in japan, one crucial key is to devise ways of dealing with uncertainty. nhk world, amori. mayan momentum, an international team of researchers has discovered what may be the oldest and largest structure from the maya, challenging the way modern archaeologists understand the ancient civilization. the team, led by university of arizona archaeologists discovered the monument by
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airborne laser scannining while flying overr the mexican state.. the giant structure measures over 1,400 meters in length, 15 meters in height. based on analysis of excavated pieces of wooood researchers dad the construction to between 1000 and 800 b.c. its massive size disrupts the long held theory that the mayans developed slowly during that period with people living in small structures and villages. >> translator: i think discovery shed light into the origins of not only the mayan civilization and how society had taken, but civilization in general. >> professor oiyama one of the team members says the structure is believed to be a ceremonial complex. follow-up research of the site will continue with the team hoping to unveil more secrets about the past. and now moving on to world
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weather. a sigh colonic stotorm in weste india caused a number of flight cancellations and traffic disruptions. our meteorologist has the latest details. some significant rainfall was recorded in places such as -- west of india along the west coast, up to 278 meters of showers recorded there. let's take a look at this video to show you the amount of damage that was caused which made landfall by wednesday afternoon. so buildings and vehicles were damaged. india's largest container port and mumbai airport were closed. no immediate reports of -- basically the good news we can get from this and it seems like the worst is almost over. we're expecting more rainfall to move into the northeastern direction, temperatures also expected to be quite high for your thursday.
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up to 30 degrees. further north, we expect up to 37. quite a warm day. other places in asia also experience some heavy rainfall as we look at the southeastern part of china, stretching all the way towards -- where we saw close to 257 millimeters of rain in 24 hours. and 148 millimeters were also -- because the front is stationary and it's not going anywhere. temperatures for hong kong at 30 degrees. shanghai around 31. the united states also experiencing some severe weather conditions, particularly towards new england. but for the rest of north america you can see cristobal that's moving into the gulf peninsula there. please do take care. it's going to bring some heavy rainfall, strong winds and could make landfall by friday, closer towards mexico. temperaturewise, quite a hot one towards the east coast.
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thank you for watching nhk "newsline," we'll be back more, so please stay with us. welcome to newsline "in depth." today we look at how advances in engineering and manufacturing are opening doors to new worlds. changes in industrial technology are making production faster and more efficient, and challenging boundaries. we're now seeing all the materials in the medical field,
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and even touch screens on bags. the automobile industry's undergoing revolutionary change with a shift from gasoline powered to electric ecocars and autonomous vehicles, of course auto parts makers are players in developing technology and they are finding new applications for their innovations outside the automotive market. one auto parts maker in central japan is currently targeting the medical field. >> reporter: doctors are here at this medical equipment company to perform surgery. this device simulates a beating heart. it helps create the conditions interest doctors face during by pass surgery. the procedure is often carried outs whihile the heart is still bebeating. this means they -- depend on the simulator. >> it recreates the pulsation
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and the variations in the pulse rate. it's very usefulul. >> reporter: the device is a result of development efforted led by auto parter maker toyoda. it providess a specicial rubber mamaterial that reacts to electricity. allowing the device to perfectly mimic a heart. the material called e-rubber is sandwiched between electrodes. it expands and shrinks every time electricity is switched on and off. toyoda has used rubber in its auto parts for decades, but the firm realized it needed something new to survive in the changing industry. this led to the development of e-rubber, and exploring uses in
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medical equipment. >> we had to develop new technologies and trying new business ideas to continue growing. >> reporter: the company is now working on ways for the material to be used during health screenings. >> the insole has e-rubber in it. >> reporter: every step generates electricity. and the voltage reveals which part of the foot is applying the most -- using the insoles to find potential problems in the elderly. each step produces data on weight distribution doctors can use to detect knee or back problems. the auto industry is undergoing rapid change. toyoda believes that by developing new materials and
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business ideas it will not only be able to adapt to the shifting landscape but to fly. this is nhk world. conventional robot arms move uniformly based on programs. while they have some flexibility it is limited. but with the e-rubber sensors on their fingers these robot hands actually possess a sense of touch. this means the robots can perform jobs in a more human like manner as they can sense the shape, weight and texture of objects. the company sees this technology as promising in the food service industry to address the shortage in human resources. in the future this technology could a allow doctors to examin patien patients remotely with the actual feeling of touch as well as create artificial muscles for robotic arms and for artificial limbs. next, we'll look at a wearable robot device designed
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to alleviate the physical burz of lifting. it has recently been harnessed to support workers in fields requiring physical labor such as logistics and agriculture. worn like a backpack and attached to the waist and legs it reduces lower back strain through powerful motors and sensors that detect body movement. the wearer is creating a work environment where anyone can comfortably perform lifting and carrying work. the company's latest device will assist people who have walking disabilities and also seniors who want a little boost for leisure activities such as hiking. >> this company in western japan specializes in developing wearab wearable robots. the domestic markets for the devices is expected to quadruple over the next five years. one of the firms' newest
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projects is a -- it reduces the load on a person's legs by up to 30%. developers have created this lightweig lightweight device for seniors. >> traranslator: populations ar aging around the world, and we believe there's global demand for this kind of product. >> reporter: one person who could benefit from the device is shigemi. she lives in osaka and loves the outdoors. recently she has been held back by arthritis in her knees. it makes her walk slow and painful and she will end up telling her companions to go on ahead without her.
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for this hike she was able to try the new wearable robot. the change was immediate. >> it feels like i have the support helping me. >> she set out on the trail with a renewed sense of confidence. there was a big challenge at the end. the 400 steps promised to be a test. especially with her knee pain. usually it makes her take one step at a time. but not today. >> i could lift my legs without a struggle. the stairs were definitely easier. >> going forward we hope to make more wearable devices that can
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help regular people in their daily lives. >> from the factory floor to the grounds of a temple, wearable robots are helping people lighten the loads on their legs and hearts. this is nhk world, kyoto. the tool we saw in the video was a trial but the company has teamed up with a travel agency to launch scheduled walking tours featuring the powered gear starting this month. next we move on to innovation in displace for mobile devices and howow they a improving the way people interact with and perceive the world. we meet an entrepreneur in china who is developing foldable and flexible displays, including this curved screen. it's as thin as onion skin. see? only 0.01 millimeters, and it feels weightless.
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let's find out more. >> the world's first commercial device with a foldable screen hit the market in 2018. it looks like a typical tablet but comes with a twist that allows it to fold up to become a smart phone. the launch by chinese firm royal beat major players like samsung and huawei to the punch in an industry long tryingg to perfec the technology. developer leo zezehun heads the company and has some 2,000 workers.s. the key lies in a flexible touch display, just 0.01 millimemeter thin. invented by he and his colleagues. you hit upon the idea while studying in the u.s. at stanford university and later lauchlknch business in 2012. he set up a factory in shen zen,
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and devised ground breaking displays. >> collaboborating with clientsn various sectors in making up roads into markets to create something positive is what innovating is all about. that brings pleasure to entrepreneurs. >> now liu's ultrathin display is making its way into unexpected fields, including fashion. he teams up with high end brands to bring a new look to their designs. mass market applications growing out of the same technology are also in the pipeline. >> reporter: the touch sensors allow for simple, intuitive adjustment of the recliner but
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more smart furniture like this is just the beginning says liu. . >> translator: i believe that ai and 5g networks will develop alongside the iot to enhance the connected world of the future. >> reporter: liu feels that technologies like his can givee alall kinds of produducts the ability to sense and interact with their surroundings, just like humans. he and entrepreneurs likee him hahave faith that creating the connected society offers a clear path to the future. >> we have some examples of liu's wearable touch screens. look at this t-shirt. the thin, bendy screen slots right into the garment. control the screen directly, choose the content and even adjust the volume.
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like this. you can also operate it remotely by phone. there are plenty of ways to play with it. by uploading photos and you can create an e endlessly changing printed t-shirts, like this. there is also this top hat and handbag, wearable products like these are attracting attention in fields such as sports and fashion f for their potential application in mobile advertising. and individuals such as artists can use themm as a platform for personal expression. the company is now reaching into the auto industry, with a concept car for toyota, and also aerospace with new seatback displays for air bus. that's it for today's newsline
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believe that he was tortured in the last eight minutes and 46 seconds of his life. outrage aser and three more police officers are charged with aiding and abetting murder. the u.k. adds its boys to a growing global protest, as thousands march in solidarity with america's antiracism demonstrations. adds its voice to a growing global protest, asho
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