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tv   France 24  LINKTV  June 4, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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four en france twenty four .com. the memorial is being held the george floyd whose death triggered the protests against racicism a and police brutality against black people in the u. s. the mother of former defense section four star general is a qc president trump of dividing the nation. the anniversary of the german square prorotests and massacred tens of thousands in hong kong defy orders and t tn out to mark the moment in nineteen eighty nine when students stood up to thehe chininese authorities. the internationally recognized government in libya s ss it's not in conontrol of the whole of the capitatal. threats of rebels
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has been pushed back. by mystifies aside i spoke in ankara next the turkish president recep tayyip erdogan whose troops have been fighting alongside. libya's militias. thank you very much for being with us a memorial to be held in minneapolis the george floyd. began two hours ago in the city whereree was kililled ten dadays agogo. the police officers not facing a charge of second degree murder his three colleagues a charge of aiding and abetting goal full member sacked after the incident which was caught on camera. it went viral online it should form officer derek children kneeling on mister floyd snack. m mr flod was head gasping the words i can't breathe. before he died. it was not. the cold well no virus. pandemic that killed george flores i want t to make t clear was that of the- i did make that we're- far too familiar with in america that
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pandemic of racism and discrimination. thank you georgege floor. you'll join us e was like a general everyday he walks outside to be a lot of people like just like when we came in wanting to greet him and wanted to have fun with him- guys that was doing drugs like- smokers ma'am homeless people you couldn't kill because when you spoke t to george they feel like they would the president because that's how you made to feel we proclaim. as we more memorialize. george floored. do not cooperate with evil. protest against evil john the young people in the street protest again. well there is. wiwindows phone you go. just to
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give you the names of the people speaking that benjamin crump the attorney for the floyd family and- the moving words from feminist floyd- george floyd's younger brother who had described his older brother has been like a jumble someone who made you feel like the president- when. he spoke to you. well the spend- another shococking developmentnts in the case of the death of a man too operate. in courts- a georgia state investigated claims that a white man was heard saying a racist slur. existed overr amidd operates body moments after killing him with three shots from a pump action shotgun the slur. is heard on the video of the incidident whicich is takeny one of the accused. is that the mist operate was out jogging whenen it't's alleged he was hud down and shot dead by three white men. and that trial you continues. greg mike was on the phone with. a protests continue across the us over george floyd's death but should the
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scene now in boston many still reacted coast views twenty four hours ago that the police officer knelt. on the floor to netfinity nine minutes is to face the most serious charge is second degree murder. so this then the scene in boston let's show you note down t the colora. well again another. demonstration takingg place on a similar images across the united states. as the outrage. over the killing of george floyd. a seems to grow and grgrow. r. u. s. correresponded- chemical just ani is awaiting us in washingtonn but i guess i'm not the demonstration. is taking place near to the white house kind of on good evening to give thanks for being with us- can i stop asking you to tell us more about. george floyd memorial a and the reactin to it. well the people that here- who had gathered to who were unable to actually b. acts at the memorial where all is speaking about it they were holding t their own. a small memorial a. here in dc and
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don't be fooled by at the absence of protesters behind me ththey're very few left- because it earlier on there were hundreds and hundreds of people who had gathered in front of the white house they were. acactually as spepehes of a different peoplee and- taking the mike and starting to speak to- the ground. then the decided to start marching and they were marching at all the way to the- rt luther king memorial here in dc. and that was theirir way of a participating in it at that a memorial they felt they werere very a s strong d day and they e veryry. . and a also they spoket we mentioned thahat changnges in the charges. towards those- for police officers a and it sort of changeged a littlee bitit the te of the discussion because and now they feel that they're starting to go on the track of justice for george floyd so. today at the f. is the question. is i have a chance is
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it more a general just for our. and even i. center about anyway the move and not give up and letting go every keeping it a member of george forty two for change in the in states asked at this mover in progress is given a think i can see the white house behind you. donald trump's been reacting to the words of his former defense secretary jim- jim mattis- jim mattis w who- went on to the nickname of mad dog- based on his military service- said t the trump is. dividing the united states. yes some very strong words from the former and cigna former secretary of defense saying that in his lifetime he had never. seen a president who was not trying i it to unitee te country saying that. he was not to donald trump was not even pretending to be trying to unite the country was instead at dividing the nation- here
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there's some strong words in general about a donald trump's handling. of the aftermath of george floyd's at death but a very critical about also very concretely about- this threat from the president to actually mobilize and deploy active duty soldiers on the streets of the united states as he it was a dead set against it says just like. a current defense secretary mark esper who- just recently said that he was also an arctic favor- that using that insurrection act and said this is a really has triggered. widespread condemnation of the dock i'm being including from other departments military f. military brat said talk about his handling o of the crisis is it being x. critical and has spilled. into a power in the us i'm at the probably in the a
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long i grew survey some across who s. that. in the bird at may work i try next see and over and we she asked whether. of those who were who were techchnically allied with the president were now starting in feelingg they can openly criticized. the president the president however sticking it you at his law a and order rhetoric and to as saying that he will do anything to youu are protected at ththe united state. can i go just on at the white house thank you very much indeed at the joining us. kevin of course watching old development said that will watching- on a broader sense across the whole of the u. s. and elsesewhere to see- if this more reaction. a reaction is coming in- to the s. situation- so we've been covering it. well next one point nine americans filed for unemployment benefits last week. it's the first time that- measures drop below the-
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two million mark since the beginning at the front of our eyes pandemic. but stillll highr ththan ecomimists had predictct. a business editor kate moody herself joins us now with more on this. case because joining us- from home as part of a social distancing. to prevent the spread of covered nineteen k. great to see albeit at a distance but it was a pleasure to work with you. the latest data paints a picture of a labor market. i'm struggling to get back on its feet in spite of what damage is being eased to tell us more. well it's certainly nothehe quick recovery that some had predicted o or hopeded for. one million eigight hundred and seventy seven thousand americans. filed for unemployment benefits for the first time last week it is significantly lower than the peak of six point nine million that we reached at the end of march but it still three times higher. than the single worst week d during the financial crisis a dececade ago. in the spspace of jujust eleleven weeks foforty two point six milillion people have registered as unemployed. a government d data
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which will be releleased on friday is expected d to show the unemployment ratate. around 20% that w would b be the higheseste records began in this matter. since nineteen forty eight. noww as states begin to reopen atattention is shifting to the number o of continuing measuree how long peoplee for m. if they'y're still o on the rols from more than one week. that rose more than expecected. tweny one and a half now. okay h how ququickly forget back into the work. the numbers are expected meet remaining high. long after in still claims thehe rate of inititial claims r rather stabilizes now most analysts say that the labor market is gonna recover in two phases- swift re hiring some people as businesses start to get back to work. but it could take years to regain those forty two million lost jobs. which could leave many families in fifincial trouble possibly wiwithout health insurance as well. current enhancedd benefits papackage is currently due to expire at the end of july if it's not renewed. and
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sepaparately the u. s. senenates this thank a group. business i s more. in using their p phone ret fun. at u. s. .com department said that both imports and exports dropped in april fastest monthly rate on record. the damage the us economy is imimmense and a government repot earlierr this week k suggested e economy could take u up to a decade to fully recovever. meanwhile k. the european central bank h has set up expanded its support of yours on economies. as they head for the deepest recession s since te second world war. with just a few w weeks ago criritics were sayiying that t the ecb was beig too slow to respondd to ththe papandemic andnd now it's gone a bit further than most economists. had expected by adding six hundred billion eueuros to its bond buying program at the ecb bring that total to onone point three trillion euros. the support will continue for six months longer than expected through at least next june it could be longer if thehe ecb judges that the crisis has not yet passed
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we could see some more stimulus as e early as seseptember. may deposit rate was kept on hold at negative hahalf a percentage popoint t to encourag ending spending. not easy also report its forecast. growth walking downwards once again producing an eight point 7% control. your ball i read a lot 5%% yeaear the ininstallation cd. b but thankso the person target six to stay below 1% until. twenty two that car estimate. unlike in the s. or japan and easasy cannot lelegally directly finanance governrnment stimulus s spending cuts instead of f a round round about way. of supportining it memember states who are themselves standing up to a trillion euros. indeed indeed mastic mrc programs skin help keep borrowing costs for both governments. and companies love. committee as a to see you thank you much indeed for the business that kate would be our business at a time. people in hong kong have been defying a
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ban to turn out and commemorate the end of the street. of the tiananmen square protests and massacre this is the- iconic image from june the fourth. eighty nine. that street. refusing to move out. o of the chinese army tank. many people. trying to draw a parallel with that treatmentnt today by china with the clamp down on the proro democracy movovement. elsewewhee in the worldld this been commemorations at taiwan for instance the pools that for china to atone for the killing of up to ten thousand people. in the wake of the june the fourth nineteen eighty nine incident. in south korea the day was marked with a demonstration crowd gathering outside the c chinese embassy. libya's internationally recognised government says it's taken back full contntrol of t e capital tripoli. prime minister faisal suraj broken using anchor alongside batch of type thirty one. turkey's president his troops fighting alongside the libyan military. threat let me have a trick play of a takeover by forces loyalal to warlord general khalifa haftar
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has been propelled. for now. celebrationn and gunfire att tripololi internationonal airpot forcrces allied with the us susupported governmenent savings now taking control of all entrance and exit p points in te key city of tripoli after capturining the airportrt from because this one. is. it would mark another defeat for hipsters east based libyan arab armed forces but analysts warned it was too early to conclude that the fighting over tripoli was finished s since twenty fifteen lib has been divideded betweween two govovers one in the east and one in the west. hifter is east based forces launched an offensive in april last year to capture tripoli from the west basased government of national accccord. the offensive has had the
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backing of russia france egypt and the united arab e emirates. it's troops had made some games are in the capital in recent months. meanwhile on thursday libya's un backed prime minister fayez al sarraj met with turkish president recep tayyip edwin in ankara record ninety four companies will come out in the shop when i'm going to deal with a with. a democrat than admit that it was the middle. one and r. the more now that i have had that i. we'll follow up. out the door to our aboard wasn't. what about iraq will remain high. been at the witness a democrat the admit here and did turkey backs the west based government of national accord along with italy and qatar. thursday's events came shortly after the u. n. and nancy yes warring parties agree to resusume ceasefire talks after weeks of heavy pointing. well that's a definite but of course watching old elements for you stay with someone used to come here on france twenty four. hello and
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welcome to the friends twenty four interview our guest today is glenn greenwald is an american lawyer turned journalist was part of the pulitzer prize winning team in two thousand and fourteen. for his role in the revelations about us surveillance and contract or edward snowden he has a co founded the intercept an investigative. news outlets and he's been living for several years in brazil he joins us from rio de janeiro thank youu very much for being with us today mr greenwald. good to be with you. mr green well obviously you've kept a close eye on what's happening in the u. s. you've been a vocal critics of the left and the media is a so called obsession with russia let's read ties to. president trump i want to begin with the killing of george floyd in minnesota it has a lease and with a wave of
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protests across the u. s. and even- beat. but i went out ababout something susan rice wih president obama's national security adviser. said she suggested that russia was tearing up the protest and that based on her experience i'm putting her now this is right out of the russian play book. i would not be surprised to learn that they have fermented some of the extremists on both sides. or that it funded this in some way shape or form. what's your reaction. yeah i mean i think it reflects a real sickness. in americann pololitil culture and in american political discourse particularly among the democrats ever since twenty sixteen when they lost an election that they obviously never should have lost to somebody who was a game show host and the joker clown. insteaead off trying to examine what they did wrong what has gone wrorong in their politics
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remember donald trump one after barack obama governed the country for eight years so instead of asking what is gone wrong with the liberal ideology with the democratic party they instead decided to blame everything.. on thiss bill and ask how the same one that the united states spent decades blaming for everyone of their problems to throughout the war and so even now when you see these protests emerging out of systemic racism is existed in united states since its founding in is never been. short democrats excuse rice and many others can't accept responsibility maybe there's a problem i did state because usa i would stand by. right across the conspiracy but it's one that has very common in normalized in american discourse do you accepted the notion that- russia- played a role in the twenty sixteen election as a been so top not only remember bar or by the
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intetelligence bureau dodo you ththink. this is the order heres as you just put. w well the stae russia and other great powers china and on and many of. interfrfere in the domestic. of each other. and have been do that for jack. so i don't doubt that the that the russians might be some facebook ads or twitter bot sir even been responsible for the dissemination of emamails- but- compared to what the united states. i'm going to do in terms of interfering in the affairs of other countries including russia you know the united states the cover. back celebrate. any specs how it was you up consultants who. pours in the presidency. cation the privatize every and bring ushering an era of neo liberalism that would benefit you as business or even in twenty ten and twenty twelve in the state department under hillary clinton was helping to fund and- support. instead putin prorotest groups. in the scheme of how the united states and russia. interferes in
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another politics this is very trivial what is being alleged even if it's all true it's again just an attempt to. blame play. from any of them to engage in soften. is credited. and painted on a foreign power something that all failed governmentnts and failed ideologies love to do is to say hey it's not our fault let's unite. in opposition to. foreign enemy there. i want to get back to the current protest would you say donald trump might be losing the election right or actually the nicest s. he is. ovover again and might help him. hello another upset in no. it's a h hard to say k kw in in the ninineteen sixties there's n no queuestion that the riots and protest and social disorder that camame a aut because of the civil rights movement in the reaction to it the vietnam war the assassination of martin luther king. created a perception
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among a lot of americans that there was insufficient law and order i in the united states and that e ebled the right wing candidate richard nixon to win the presidency in nineteen sixty eight on a pot of bringing in more thor tarian exams. the police for after eighty massive landslide the democrats wanted under lyndon johnson and so there is a fear that when their social wrapped it instead ended uproar your knees as i'm gonna play the- into this it's's a- watch the masters i'm gonna keep y you sa. but i really doubt that this work this. time bebecause- the cost is packed i've seen so many of the ins now because they are capped on video in a way that they weren't you ten year ago. of the police using unrestrained violence against innocent people and particularly african americans that. the because of the protests are so is so joss. and
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people see that the overwhelming majority of protesters and protestss are attacked peaceful. that do you feel like the production will be not for trump's obviously that w will love his rhetoric fr our independence and people who are firmly in one camp or the other. the trump is e essentialy makingng it. soo i he's a depressed politicical. ground because of. the climate that has arisen in the united states because of this right you mentioned- trump. seeing he might send- the military out on the streets- kill the- this is a thing that we're seeing- in other places including- where you are- in brazil where president- bolsonaro clearly- there is only a certain extent to which you can power both situation- but what's your take on the- trumps- threatening with the military bolsonaro and his supporters. so playing this card. well anytime the
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government deploys the military onto its own streets against its own citizens it's a huge threatat to. individual libertyy to democratic values and to having a republic that operates according to the rule of law that is not what our military is flori military is not for. shooting at- and using force against one's own citizens on one's own territory it's used to fight against foreign powers were running your country so any even hint. at the- but as our the third you. or freedoms in coral so for trump to do that is something that's extremely alarming not just because of the potential that it has to bring in a kind of authoritarianism or even tierney to the ununited statetes into its largest cities b b also because of its ability to. give a signal to other leaders around the world that also want to do that is you mentioned even before well before this
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happened jair bolsonaro was elected- as president of brazil the world's fifth largest country in late twenty eighteen is somebody who has a long. sad for years that he believed terry dictatorship would rule brazil all for twenty one years until nineteen eighty five with the superior form of government to democracy and he's looking for an excuse any excususe. okay congressss been n impeding his agenda the mededia has been very oppositional to haven't digest impose dictatoririal order. and he was part of the military ththat ruled the country for twenty one y years after t they toppledd demococracy. andnd wano bring g that about and see seeig the president of the most important or most powerful rich is the most powerful country in the world. send the military on to the streets is very alarming. for those of us who live in countries where democracy and democratic institutions are much weaker but where we have presidents or political m movements that are n popower andnd not want to do the same thingng. well how you'll is the threat of a cop but
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stealth- going on in. as you mentioned we in this videotape of bolsonaro at a minute missed being lashing out we've seen generals kind of threaten britain's. you know if things get out of control because of protests o of his handling of te copa ninety prices and other issues of corruption w wl they mitt takee their. daughters into theirir o h hands. yeahah i meanan all the beganan bause presidenent also s so. fly vioso is who w was elected as a senatr in the same election that president wilson ro. was elected to the presidency is in matching an extremely serious corruption scandal. and the federal police have been investigating it very aggressively the family has links to malicious that ruled brazil with violence- to paramilitary gangs. and a lot of ball scenarios- motivation is to gain control of the institution so that they're no longer independent but are under his control including the police and the courts and the media. in order to protect his
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own family from being held accountable for serious criminality. and so when you combine that motive which obviously is very strong for anybody to protect your own sons. who have been caught red handnded- e engaging in serious crimes with this ideologyy that says that. dememocracy ushers in communism it iss messy order. the mimilitary is able to rule. on a much more efefficient and help your way which is what his ideology has been for thirty years. thehe danger especially when you add it to it things like everybody being confined to their homes people losing ththeir jobs by y the millionsnf global pandemic. out there arted to o . c conflicts on the streets between fascist groups and anti fascicist groups ofof e kind thahat was. created by that testing out stay. of. it is. very the it's very very is the- in danger result works and-
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yeah absolutely it's in danger in b brazil you know when you start when the when the question startrts to b be. is te military are both in our side or is the military on the side of democraracy w which is th quesestion thatt everybody's's asking. it t alreadyy means that democracy is so o threatenened t is e essentially in the hands of the military. to dedede if that's something that the world should really care about because brazil is a very influential country with a lot of important assets including the amazon. and to watch democracy disappeared result could be something that could have really serious repepercussions f for the world. leading green well thank you very much that's all we have time for and thank you for watching this interview here on france twenty four
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06/04/20 06/04/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york city, the epicenter of the pandemic in the united states, this is democracy now! >> i am happy that all of the officers have been arrested. my father should not have been killed like this. he deserves justice. amy: all four minneapolis police officers involved in the killing of george floyd have been charged with murder or aiding and abetting murder in a case that


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