tv France 24 LINKTV June 8, 2020 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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it will have a devastating impact on british tourism. we will get the latest in london. they begin to dismantle the charge mess at the notre dame cathedral. that has become one of the main challenges facing their efforts. hello and welcome back to the france 24 newsroom. we begin in the u.s. where minneapolis city council has pledged to dismantle the local police department. this comes after george floyd, and unarmed black man was killed in custody last month in minnesota. derek chauvin has been charged with seconond-degree murder r ad will make his first court appearance today. it is the final stop in a series of memorials in his honor. his funeral will be held on tuesday, where he will be laid to rest.
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our reporter is in houston with more. final attribute, final funeral for george floyd is going to hoping -- have an over the course of two days. today, a public viewing of george floyd's body at the church, where that ceremony will be taking place on tuesday. this public viewing, as you mention, will last for six hours. there are thousands of people expected to come and pay their final respects to george floyd. of course, this being still a situation with coronavirus, there will be some strict rules. a at a time going in, only spending a maximum of 10 minutes. ththere will be another pepersoo wiwill be here in houston this monday. that is joe biden, the democratic nominee for the
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presidential race. he is here in houston. he has decided not to attend the private funeral on tuesday. with all of the security and secret service around him, it would be too much of a distraction for what is happening about george floyd. hehe decided to meet with the family in private on monday. he will be taping a tribute video for george floyd, which will be aired on tuesday for that private funeral. a private funeral that will have some very high ranking guests. there will be some local politicians. there will be an artist and former boxing champion floyd mayweaeather, who has paid forr these ceremonies. of course, reverend al sharpton, in thea figure african-american communityty and who already y spoke at some services in the past couple of weeks. all of those people will be gathering over the course of the next few days to say their final
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goododbyes to george floyd, who will be buried next to his mother in houston. moving on, the pandemic has passedor -- faced -- 400,000 fatalities. almost 7 million infections have been registered since covid-19 emerged in china late last year. new york has begun emerging from its lockdown. around 400,000 people are set to return too work in the construction sector on the manufacturing industry of northern retail stores. it is the city's first phase of reopening. as of today, across the atlantic, all international rivavals in the u.k. will have o self-isolate -- arrivals in the u.k. will have to self-isolate for 14 days.
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criticics say it is totoo l lit, too late. there will be an impact on british tourism. joining me now from london is benedicte paviot. what will be the q quarantinee measures invnvolved?d? u.k., if you the are preparared to isolate for 14 days. you will have to fill an online form that you will be handed whwhen you arrrrive. if youou don't do so, youou wilt a fine of 100 pounds.s. that applies to anybody and everybody. there are a few exceptions like road warriors and people comomig inin for prearranged medical treatments and a few other exemptions from northern ireland. the great majority of people will havave to abide by these nw restrictions being imposed as of
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this morning. you can imagine that many people flew in over the weekekend to ty to avoid this. address, not give an you don't have somewhehere that you can go to, the government will provide one for you and you will have to pay for it. yoyou can geget a spot cckck vi. that will get you a 1000 popound fine. as iapplies t to everybody, just setet, including brititish people. the summerke holidays are completely off. the hope is t that in three wees this will be reveviewed and the argumement of the govovernment o a secondis to prevent way. it is very controversial. >> indeed it is. this news has prompted you norms criticism -- enormouous critici, hasn't it? >> yes.
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huge c criticism. patel said these measures have the support of the public. that has not borne out by a lot of reaction we see across the airwaves. some of the people who are not at all happy are companies like ,rbritish airways,, easyjet terribly hard hit by this pandemic. started a legal challenge after sending a letter to the government. o'leary saysael the government is introducing what he called an ineffective and useless quararantine. i think that many people in the u.k.k. feel the same. it t as far too late and far r too little. it is controversial.
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the hospitality industry is absolutely up in arms. not just airlines. people feel -- the rule for the last two or three months is if you -- if it is not essential travel, do not travel. kingdom,nd, the united has become a little bit more isolated, even if the government insists the borders are open. the environment has suffered collateral damage from the pandemic. many people littering at the capital. tocing french authorities enforce tougher and stricter penalties. masks, thrown anywhere from the sidewalks to the gutters and to the gutters to the ocean. this morning --
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state for theof ministry of ecology has come to set an e example. getting tough on ways. [speaking french] >> it could prove far more costly the sunny -- summer. a fine of 68 euros will increase to 155 euros. masks are made of a petroleum derivative and a potential environmental hazard, taking up to 450 years to degrade. in paris this morning, harsher penalties were welcomed. [speaking french] [speaking french]
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beyond masks, these penalties concerned all types of rubbish like cigarette butts. police have been authorized to find the way they see fit. the way they see fit. >> this as the country has reported nine nenew covid-19 cases. they will move to level 1, the lowest of a four tier alert system. social distancing will no longer be required and there will be no limits on public gathering. however, borders still remain closed. on, only s strongmen have accepted it. after having suffered significant military setbacks in recent weeks. it comes as interest --
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intensified military support for turkey help the government force its drive. tripolin the streets of . residents celebrated libya's u.n. back to move to push out fighters. >> [indiscernible] since wednesday, ththe government of national accord or gna has ramped up efforts to retake western libya. in a few days, they took tripoli's airport and since saturday, they have been oncentrating their effort the last major settlement between the traditional boundary between west and east.
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the president proposed a cease-fire between the two sides. theas only signed by general who criticized turkey's involvement with gna. >> [speaking foreign language] >> according to the united it has displaced more than 16,000 people in west libya. >> workers will begin removining the charred mess of scaffolding left behind by the fire in april of 2019. the scaffolding had been erected before the blaze. it's presence becoming one of the main challenges for the
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restoration efforts. dame burned, the scaffoldining erecteted to reste spire was clear to see. even as the spire itself toppled, crashing through the cathedrals roof. flames tore through the , causing untold damage to its instructor -- it's structural integririty. thosemperatures melting 200 tons of metal. more than 30 months on, following a freeze on work duriring the height of the covid-19 pandemic, the time has come to remove what remains of the structure. >> [speaking french] >> two tea of five wororkers .ach w will take turns t to desd
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using swords to cut out chunks that will be lifted out by crane. lastob is expected to throughout the summer. a crucial step on the path to returning notre dame to i its former glory. all the questions still abound over the plausibility of the governments promised to have the cathedral fully restored by april of 2024. this edition.for stay with us on france 24. ♪ >> it is the dawn of a new , the coronavirus. masks and gloves discarded on roads and sidewalks. many of them already making their way to the seafloor. what if we could prolong the life of these disposable objects? >> down to earth.
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france 24 and france >> hello and welcome to the interview here on france 24. our guest today is colonel west. he is a professor of law in harford university. emeritus atrofessor princeton university. he joins us from princeton. thank you for being with usus. >> thank you very much. professor west, a week or so ago, george floyd died under the knee of a police officer in minneapolis. we have seen a wave of protests across the u.s., even beyond. we have seen that story before. do you think it is different this time around? >> there is no doubt. we have reached thehe turning point. the greatest text ever written d democracy made e two
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fundamamental points. power andns must have countervailing power against state power. that last come along chapter of volume one ofr of the class of democracy. longyou talk about these -- the long history of exploitation, abuse, oppression of people of color, especially black folk in the name of american democracy, you can push over a threshold and the anger and the rage flows and the system cannot contain it. a system that is unable to reform itself and speak to the root origins and needs of an
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oppressed people results in explosion. this is rebellion. it is not revolution. there will never be enough military persons to generate the consentlegitimacy and itcitizens whenen they view losing its legitimacy. moment and a difficult america has a dilemma. people are wondering what we do and where do we go? is precluded. it will end up in explosion. >> what has been different? there is the fact that his death was caught on tape. so vividly. but also, maybe because the protests we are seeing are not only mainly by african americans
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but also by other people. this seems to have triggered somethining among many americans from all walks o of life. quantity of the protests. the tremendous scope and breadth of all colors, genders, sexual orientations, religious identities in the united states. and that is a beautiful thing. moral and marvelous spiritual militancy in terms of peaceful protests. it is also the intensity of it. day in and day out, the local organizing that is taking place. the coming together of groups that, in the past, would hardly talk, that are nowow struggling and walking the streets together. going to jail together. two factors of the that make this different. also, the pandemic is important to keep i in mind.
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you have massive unemployment, depression likike levels of unemployment. and then you have the neofascist running things in the nation in donald trump. he exemplifies i indifferencnced callousness totoward people who are suffering. when you have that kind of impasse, the violent explosions take place. >> are you concerned that donald trump, as he has done before, might plalay the card of divisiveness, to put it bluntly, might play the race card and , i don't know iff it is a raciaial war or civil war, are you concerned by t that? >> i am concernened he h has doe that alrdy.. he has been doing that for the past 3.5 years, the vicious attacks on black citizens and blacack athletes and blackck leaders. my fundamemental concern is that
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we are at a fork in the road. and we either go nonviolenen revolution, the weighght martin luther king ---- way martin lutr king talked about. therere is a genuine sharing of resources and o of status and respect. we go the american fascist option. that is also new. nowre reaching a point where you have a real american fascist option out there t to organizeze a militia. that c c lead to m more strife. that can lead to ugly strife. division.more than that is gangsterization. >> i want to read you a statement that came out a couple of hours ago by former president
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george w. bush. tragedyategy in -- raises a question. how do we end systemic racism in our society? the only way is to listen to the voices of so many who are hurting and grieving. those who set out to silence, those do not understand the meaning of america. this coming from george e w. bu. your reaction to that. f federalood to see ourur -- fellow citizens in right-wing s.litician how m many protests did we h hae when he was in the white house? each and everyone of them, bush, clinton, obama, right across the in anywayhey did nott waway address the sysystemic iss .fof police murder
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and then the racist patterns of ,mployment, housing, education health care. they were all tied to wall street domination. they were tied to the militarism of the state department. there were no resources for the basic needs of the people. i appreciaiate the word but it s much too late. this is s for all of the former presidents. themselves as heads of an american empire that is predicated on the militarizing of the internal operation of the state and police and the wealth inequality of wall street. >> what about obama? neoliberals are better than
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the neofascists when it comes to a host of issues. when it comes to hitting the it isof systemic racism, no accident the black livives matter movement emerged under the black president. those black faces in high places were too accommodated to wall street and the pentagon to speak to the needs of poor and working people, especially black working people. now of thelowness neoliberalism of barack obama bebecomes clear. you hear that in the streets among the young folk. it is not a matter of individual faults. it is a matter of being the head of an empire and not being willing t to speak to the needsf the people but heating the needs of wall street. ing the needs of wall street. >> donald trumump holdiding the bible, w what did you make e of that who is he speaking to?
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as a revolutionary christian, -- he hasraoh's constantine. constantine used christianity as a tool to support the empirire d support structures of domination. christian, ionary am with the jesususho crucififid byby the roman empmpire. i am with the jesus who was run out of the temple. i am with the jesus who said what you do for the least of these, is what you do for me. the fatherless, moththerless, oppressed, workers, gays, lesbian, peoples of color, jewish, arabic, muslim, any people who are being marginalized. but, i expect thatat kind of hijacking of the prophetic
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religious practices of a donald trump. that all thes done way back to constantine. you lived a bit in france. we have seen a demonstration in paris, linked to what is happening in the u.s.. also linked to a controversial death in the hands of the police. do you think that what has happened in the u.s. resonates or the situation is totally different and there is no common thread there? oh, no. there are marvelous human beings in france, just like there are marvelous human beings in the united states. whole who care about people are catching hell and other parts of the world. you have your own rich tradition of the french revolution. we are not talking about the terrorism at the end. we are talking about the grand ideals of liberty for all and the brotherhood and sisterhood
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of equality. france itself provides tremendous -- made its own gift to the world in terms of overthrowing domination. and that tradition is still in some ways a life in france. the and more probably among colonized subjects of those who come in from africa, in trying to convince the french and the french government that they are on the side of counterrevolution. but on the side of revolutionary change. to terms withcome its own white supremacy, with its own colonial legacy, with its own ties to big business. to formerwn ties colonial countries as ththey into phases o of
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man: it's been described by the un as a textbook ethninic cleansing. woman: bangladesh has called on myanmar to allow the return of hundreds of thousands of rohingya muslims. they can't cope with the scale of the humanitarian crisis. rape and torture at the hands of the myanmar army. i'm alex crawford, and this is "hotspots." tonight, we're gonna take you behind the scenes of some of the world's hardest-hitting stories. we're in northern iraq, where stuart ramsay has an amazingly lucky escape. ramsay: the chance of surviving that, a flip of a coin, i suspect. crawford: our cameras are rolling when things get out of hand in spain. [gunfire]
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