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tv   France 24  LINKTV  June 8, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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twenty four .com. george fluids body arrives in texas well hundreds of people participated inin a vigigil for him in the cy of houston. this has been a subset derek chauvin who killed floyd is in court via teleconference for the first time. the menu and michael coles on the french got into a separate check in. thanks black lives not some great from as- march an end to police brutality interior minister q. stuff just that now says the chokehold method will now be back. new zealand prime
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minister justin dodson says the country has warned its fight against code nineteen ofteten no new infections were reported in the past seventeen days. country now listed. that's correct fires restrictions. hello and thank you very much for joining us in the front so twenty phone we starts in the ununited states police officicer derek chauvin it's been a grafted bell at one point twenty five million dollars the officer did not sense. both speak the fifteen minute here meanwhile floyd's a body has a rock in texas where he will face a synopsis you houston it's a bit a hold a vigil service for the man who has not become a monster in the fight against police tell it hi. this is a twenty kind of uncle don huston says well how. he is all
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about the way. a full public view it as a can hear me behind me at thee is aa- part o of thef the law thehe line is snake. or this church and fountain priest here in huge. with grids of people in line to be able toto get it saw at the church of this of course is taking place- with a coronona. virus outbreak it toooo they're very strict people are being laid at eighteen people find they have to wear masks they wear gloves and that allowed to. prevent limiteted of mine about a minut. that has not been people at come here. pay their final respects and to dress for the familyly really wanted to have this hot. mornrning right. hee said today. if you're. because they- probably then it further away they needed their moment with torch for had to say goodbye to also to bring mess because the peopople i to who were waiting in line were yes
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therere my andnd how a in it was for r them to say gogoodbye to a george because they y felt it reminded that or sometimes saying that thihis could have been brother their father t ther sonn a and- they wanteted to be there but they also carrrry showining that i s said. just brought this and for the after. there is a they will at six x am locacal time the public you. and tomorrow they will be at the private funeral att four in t te famimily but there will be somee very distinguished guests taking part in about private fufuneral including rev real art al sharpton. who is a very big figure here in the s. for the rights movement. we'll be there with part is there w will be local. politics maybe there who decided to fund a and to finance most of at these different memorials across at the united states he will be there too and this will be the final goodbye
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for george floyd before he's buried next to his mother here inin houston. french president emmanuel mccall has instructed his government to accelerate the pace of a proposed reform in police brutality the presidents and in zero minutes sixty stuff just a naff. all looking into changing a police at six over work off the thousands of people. protested against police brurutality in te way george of floyd's death hearing from. the of a dump all right well some police custody sparked outrage. that the offices involved. it doing yes the nasa that francnce w would e banning the choko method and also said that too many timeses police all this had abuse of power. it is. racism and no ratio profiling there is only a republican police force which reflects society driven but it's almost zero i want zero tolerance for racism in our
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country. shekau i want all our officers to know that when the where the blue uniform they represent the law a and should never be taken city you shot me. for those who don't. help but despite the menu was assurances that the government will movove to ends police brutality and racism doubts remain. as to whether any lasting long term change will be made complaints against us of use of force i'm violence by the police for spike 25% last year. i was off his nose he battled with ellevest protesters please unions however continue called from for. and you saw. from of the party. prime minister on sundady but it's an issue the government has been grappling with for some time the market sometimes i set up. t twenty twenty. vision football fan the
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measure we did you don't the president on z. isn't the buckle system also attended that. beat it it didn't take. the report then default the security you. it was a yellow vest protests which broke out at the end of twenty eighteen that demonstrated the extent of police brutality in france. the heavy handed tactics drew condemnation from the european parliamentnt even though i didid make. the propane which have surfaced in aftermath of george floyd's death in the united states highlights how black men in france also suffer disproportionately at thee hands of the police. odometer wait died from asphyxiation while in custody back in twenty sixteen the national discussion going on in the united states has. that case bubbling to the surface and phones making police talisman issue emmanuel maccoll is hoping to tackle next. new york city one of the hardest hit places in the world by the corona viruses slowly started to reopen its doors off
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to almost three months of lockdown. shops that would deemed as non essential were allowed to reopen for deliveries and pickups on the pavement. customers however are still not allowed to go inside stores construction manufacturing and wholesale is also received the go ahead to resume work mayor bill de blasio has appealed to new yorkers not to let that guard down. and to continue social distancing roughly one fifth of all coated in nineteen casualties in the united states was in the states of new york times in n. y. c. new zealand meanwhile has lifted all of its a coronavirus restrictions after that with no. reported cases in seventeen days and the rights of infection fell to zero prime minister jacinda arden said the country would right sense of phase one with that will be no more social distancing requirements or limits on public gatherings. museseums however it will remain
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closed to foreign visitors catherine vs has the story. virus free justin the arderern anannouncing the good n news sag now the country can get back to normal. we are confident we have eliminated transnsmission f the virus in new zealand for now. but elimination is not a point in time. it is a sustained if it. we almost certainly will see cases here game that is not a sign that we have failed it is a reality all of this virus. new zealand has not had any new coronavirus cases for more than two weeks this result thanks to strict lockdown measures. the government's goal was too eliminate rather than contain the spread of the virus. in mid march when there were only eight cases in new zealand ardern decided to quarantine anyone entering the country a few days later the borders were closed to foreign visitors. on
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march twenty fifth district lockdown measures were puput ino aa fact. testing was r ramped u. currently out of a population of five million people there have been one thousand one hundred and fifty four confirmed cases of the virus and twenty two deaths. the government just announcing it will lift all restrictions as it enters phase one under the neww ruleses social distancing s no lononger required but encouraged there won't be any limits on public gatherings which is good nenews for rugby fans. who will now be allowed back into the stadium watch matches. the prime minister encouraging new zealanders to do the party the country's economy going again consider it an extra form of support the visit our country to bio local products and to support our local businesses. however the country's borders will still remain closed to foreign visitors. it's time now for our daily business updates oil
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giant bp h has announced plans o slash ten thousand jobs around 15% of its work force. the corona virus pandemic has seen demand for oil plunge and wheel prices plunged to the lowest level in decades was standing by to give uss all the latest on the stories are business at its at kate. moody w who joins us nw via skype kay thank you very much for joining us live on the program at bp's announcement comes as the oil industryy continues to struggle with the side effects. of it this echo the nineteen pandemicic. the absolute collalapse in demand fr oil has been just another unprecedented aspect of this to repososition itself as aning energy company focusing on momo suststainable sources. oil remains its key business and the ceo bernard looney told staff this monday at the oil price and now dropped below the level they need to be able to
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turn a profit he said in an internal e email. we are spendig it much much more than we makake i'm talking about millions of dollars every single day no b. had opposed to three month freeze o on redundadancies- starting in march that has n now expired. ten thousand positions are going to cut it in coming months other oil giants announced. layoffs we know that a lot more openingsgs- r riske e bankruptcy now. this this can. producers cartel allies including russia agreedd to extend their deep to scale b bak output by another month at least take this to the end of the line. that effort has seen local poison priced out byy about t ten percent. m month prisons and had state. waiting around pretty one dollars barrels but how do below two dollars in eight we still than. lower than the pricice we receie in the beginning of these yeaear
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it's no question that what t th- really n need to work here. at over is rich. of many so or to try and overall for demand. to start rising. do times for the oil in the k. senate old a full cost through the global ecoconoy offf the worldld bank's statemet today. this ties in with a lot of other projections we've been seeing off the most. depepressed most widee rangingng recessionon since world war two of t the world bank predicts global and the globall economy will contract around five point 2% this year it says it wantsts to connie should contrtract 7% developing economies about two and a half. 90% o of the world's economies are expected to see some did in gdp outpuput this year it's an extraordinary figure anothther report for the world break also predicts a re does predict a r rebounding growth next y year but that's only if the pandemic. is brouought under controlol in the second half of twenty twtwenty f ththe world's most vulnerable people are facingg especially
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high risk afterer a dececade of globobal p perty levelels drop.t that trend is expected to reverse thisis. incomes e expecd drop runs threree point 6% o on average i've been speakining to the lead author of that report- francisco. sort of take aa listen. ththe average. ems remamarked about econonomy infol activivity accounts 4 4% of employmentnt these people working crowded conditions. in sub saharan africa the idea off the average- drawn up. 70% of the address live in slums when you have communal access. to water hand washing facilities it's very difficult to do social distancing that incomes are. if not extreme plot in a quarter of the population on the any e extreme corny operational incomee country. difficult to draw sociaial. diststancing i. the last is suc. these info workers of hard t to reach thrhrough g governmentt support programs. so really
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highlighting the plilight faced by these millions of informal workerss around t the world despite that and sort of toldd me that she thinks a government our overall doing a pretty gogod job unleashingg stimulus being very proactive. in trying to support both businesses and workers around the world but she says this could be the moment for real systemic change a try make economomic growth moe sustainable more inclusive andnd of course helping millions s peopople who are notot right. already as a result of this dynamic. yes seventy it's going to be some difficult months ahead of business and it's a cake meaty thank you very much for that analysis kate's thank you. well that takes us to the ends of this- bulletin thanknk you very much for watching please do stay tuned to france at twenty four bye bye. every day thousands visit tehran symmetry honoring montages of
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the shiite r religion and the islamic revolutioion as well as places like the former american embassy now the museum of espionage. most visitors a storm supporters of the regime's most conservative brunch but on the streets of the capital there's a young. generation boys and girls streaming of change of defying the repuic of islam in the name of that season despite fearing arrest by the- government. we don't have we don't have. the men and women the still vote separately and yet again the conservatives win the elections while. the young optimistic generation dreams of a free a future while conservatives threatened severe punishment and. hello and welcome to the friends twenty four interview our guest today is glenn greenwald is an american lawyer turned
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journalist was part of the pulitzer prize winning team in two thousand and fourteen for his role in the revelation about us valence and contractor edward snowden he has a co funded- the intercept an investigative. news outlets and he's been living for several years in brazil he joins us from beyond the generic thank you very much for being with us to. win walls. did you with the ring well obviously you've kept a close eye on what's happening in the us you been a vocal critics of the left and the media is the so called obsession with russia let's read ties to. president trump i want to begin with the killing of george floyd in minnesota it has a lease and with a wave of protests across the u. s. and even. beyond but i want to ask you about something susan rice with president obama's national security adviser said. she suggested that russia will tearing up the protest and that
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based on her experience i'm putting her now this is right out of the russian play book i would not be surprised to learn that. some of the extras on both sides. or for this in subway shape or form. what's your reaction. yeah i mean i think it reflects a real sickness. in american political culture and in american political discourse particularly among the democrats ever since twenty sixteen when they lost an election that they obviously never should have lost to somebody who was a game show host and the joker clown instead of trying to examine what they did wrong what has gone wrong in their politics remember dononald trump one aftr barack obama governed the country for eight years so insteaead of asking. what is wrong with you let me out w wh ththe demococratic party theyy instead decidedd to o blame everything this foreign billing.
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ask althe same unite decades blaming everyone of their problems throughout the war so even now when you see these protests emerging out systemic racism that has existed it added state sentence dang it never in. bility that maybe there's something in our states that's causing this app instead blame. russia is kerr conspiracy theory but it's one that has become very common in normalized in american discourse. do you accepted the notion that- russia- played a role in the twenty sixteen election as a claims several times and not only by the democrats by or by the intelligence committee do you think. this is a fantasy or a conspiracy theory you just described. well the united states a and russia and other great powers like china and iran andndany others interfere in the domestic politics of each other and have been doing that for decades so i don't
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doubt that the russians might be some facebook ads or twitter. bots are even been wrist for the dissemination of emails- but compared to what the united states dot i'm going to do in terms of interfering in the affairs of other countries including russia you know the united states on the cover of time magazine celebrated in nineteen eighty six how it was the blast. thing so put delta the present is a mixed bag ten he would private it can bring us in an era of neo liberalism that will benefit you as business. in twenty ten twelve state department clinton helping. and i suppose. our task group. in the scheme of how united states and russia. interferes in a politics this is very trivial what is being alleged even if it'ss all true it's again jusus a an attempt to shift blame away. from any attempt to engage in self analysis and self criticism and painted on a foreign power
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something that all failele governments failed ideologies love to do is to say hey it's not our fault. let's unite in opted in to do this an enemy over there. i want to get back to the car. approach would you say. donald trump. might be losing the election right now sali divisiveness- that he has used over and over again- might help him a pullout another upset in november. it's hard to say you know in in the nineteen sixties there's no question. that the riots and protest and socialal disorderr thahat came t because of the civil rights movement in the reaction to it. the vietnam war the assassination of martin luther king. created a perception among a lot of americans that there was insufficient law and order. in the united states and that enabled the right wing candidate richard nixon. to win the presidency in nineteen sixty eighght on a platform of bringing in more thor terrain
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is on the strengthening of the police. four years after a bad. inside the democrats one under lyndon johnson and so there is a fear that when their social unrest it can stream then a thor terry and he says.'m gogoing to play the military on toto this it's s i'm gonna crush the pro there is i mean to keep you safe. butut i really doubt that this could work this time because it is. so many. across the political spectrum have seen so many of these instances now because things are captured on video in a way that they weren't even ten years ago. of the police using. unrestrained violence against innocent people and particularly african americans that. the because of the protests are so is so jobst. and people see that the overwhelming majority of protesters and protest all righght back peacefuful. that io feel like the perception will be not for trump's base obviouslsly t that will l love s rhetoric butut for ourur independndence a and p people we
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firmlyly in one c camp or the other. the trump is essentially making it worse and s so i think he's in very danangero polilitical- ground because of. ththe climate that has arisen in the e united states because of this you mentioned. the trump up. a mites the military out on the streets- feel the- this is a thing that we're seeing- in other places including- where you are- in brazil where president- bolsonaro clearly- there is only a certain extent to which you can palombo situation- but what's your take on the trumps- threatening with the military bolsonaro and his supporters. also playing this car. well anynytime the governrnment deploys the mililiy ontoto its own streets against its own citizens it's a huge threreat to. individidual libery to democratic values and to having a republic that operates according to the rule of law that is not what our military
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is for a military is not for. shooting at- and using force against one's own citizens on one's own territory it's used to fight against foreign powers are threatening your country's. and hint. rt a grave threat to notions of core freedoms in core liberties. also want to do that is you mentioned even before well before this happened jair bolsonaro was elected- as president of brazil the world's fifth largest country in late twenty eighteen is somebody who has a long. said for years that he believed military dictatorship which ruled brazil all for twenty one years until nineteen eighty
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five with a superior form of government to democracy. looking for an ex use any excuse. because congress has been i impeding his agenda the media has been very opposisitional to haven'tt d dit impose dictatorial order. and he was part of the military that ruled the country for twenty one years after they toppled d democracy.. and wantso bring thahat about and see seeig the president of the most important or most powerful rich is the most powerful country in the world. send the military on to the streets is very alarming. foror those of us who lilive in countries where democracy and democratic institutions are much weaker but where we have presidents or political movements that are in power and not want to do the same thing. what i ha real is the threat of a kind of a stealth- going on in brazil as you mentioned we seen this videotape of bolsonaro at a cabinet meeting ding lashing out fifteen generals. kind of threaten or hit. that you know if things get out of control because of protests of his
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handling of the covert nineteen crisis and other issues off option well they mighght take. matters into their own hanands. yeah i mean this. . it has also been favio who is who is a- better in the same that president r. o. wasas elected to the presidency is in matching an extremely serious corruption scandal and the federal police have been investigating it very aggressively the family has links to malicious that ruled brazil with violence- gangs. and a lot of scenarios- motivation is to gain control of the i institutions of that they're no longer independent but are under his control including the police and the courts and the media. in order to protect his own family from being held accountable for serious criminality. and so when you combine that load which obviously is very strong for anybody to protect and sons who have been caught red handnded- engaging in serious crimes. with this idedeogy t tht says that. d docracy archersrs n
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cocounism that it is messy and disorderly that t theilitary is able to- brazil in a much more efficient and help y your way whwhich is what his ideologygy s been for thirty years. the angel specially bad. things like. you can find theheir home. people losing their jobs by the millions of global pandemic now ththey're starting to bebe. conflicts o on the streetsts between fascist g groups andnd i fascscist groups of the e kind t wawas. motivivated by the protes in the uniteted states that have spread elsewhere including tip to france i know. the situation is very very dangerous it's very very volatile is democracy in danger and result courts and congress. yeah absolutely it's in danger in brazil you know when you start when the when ththe question starts to be. is the military b both in our sisie or is the militaryy on the side of demococracy whichch is the question that everybybody's asking. it already means that.
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hands of the military. to decide if thahat's something tht ththe worldd should really care aboutececause brazill is a very influential country with a lot of important assets including the amamazon. and to watch democracy disappeared result could be somethining that could have really serious repercussions foror the world's. leading green well thank you very much that's all we have time for. and thank you for watching this interview here on france
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06/08/20 06/08/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: after nearly two wes s of histicic prosts,s, t minneapolis citync


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