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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  June 11, 2020 1:00am-1:31am PDT

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>> welcome to global 3000! this week,k, we meet rohingya refugees who are facing huge stacles s when it comes to starting a new life abroad. in uganda we learn how start-ups are bringing a aut a trtransport revolution during e coronavirus lockdown . but first - women in afghananistan fear that a retun of the taliban could threaten their hard-won freedoms. 18 years after the islamist taliban were driven from power in afghanistan, women in the
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country still face discrimination and hardship. there's a lack of schools â" particularly foror girls. in 2018 as much as 90 pepercet of women had only attended primary school. many are unable to read or write. after the taliban were ousted during a us-led military intervention in late 2001, many women hopeped their lives ulud change for the betteter. but since the western military alliance began gradually pulling out of afghanistan, many fear a return of the terror organization. according to a survey by us research consultancy gallup, almost half, 47% of all afghan women would leave the country if they could. however, some women are determined to keep fighting for their r rights at hohome. working out is gaisu yari's way of beating stress. attacks occur on an almost daily basis in kabul, where she lives. it's a city in a constant
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state of emergency. gaisu yari works for afghanistanâ™s government. in the muslim countryâ™s male-dominated society, sheâ™s a woman in a position of leadership. she's surrounded by a lot of toxic energy, she says. she comes to the gym to unwind. >> living in a conflict zone, in a country that is struggling so much in different layers, ii think if strong women and women who are leading do notot take care of themselves, mentally and physically, i think theyey will not be capable of leading and managing their work, their life. >> gaisu yari heads up an all-male team, whose job it is toto reform the civil service. the team investigates complaints relating to issues such as the awarding of positions and the sluggish bureaucracy. the e afghan administration is rife with nepotism and corruption - problems that the government has pledged to clamp
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down on. >> i think sometimes i am judged because i a am a woman d i am very bold about my statements. whenever i can i try to use advocacy vocabularies in my meetings. i think those vocabularies and the way i react to certain things in the e commission a e not received very well. >> gaisu yari leads an unconventional life. sheâ™ss -- she'e's unmarried and lives wih her nieces and nephews. as a child she was betrothed to a member of the taliban, but later escaped to the us. many men in her family were killeded in the years s of conflict, but heher brother survived. gaisu yari studied in the us and returned to afghanistan, where she belongs to a new generation of educated young women who insist on their rights. she would even be willing toto negotitiate with t the taliban, were the group to return to power. 200 kilometers away in rural afghanistan, life for women is much harder. tania noori runs a
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restaurant. it's a safe space for women. she also belongs to a generation of afghan women who refuse to be confined to their homes. >> under the taliban regime girls were barred from going to school. young women couldnâ™t -- couldn't study a at universit. women were not allowed to leave their homes unaccompanied, only with their husbands. they had to wear burkas. we weren't even allowed to wear sandals. as well as wororking in the restaurant, , tania noori studs dentistry. a consisiderablee workload, but she doesn't mind. studying and running a restaurant wasn't what her family had planned for her. but
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she has her husband's support. >> i want to be a role model for other women. i want to encourage them. they should understand that women can stand on their own two feet. >> she employs mainly women. many of the customers come because they want to support the restaurant. on fridays gaisu yari goes hiking with her family in the mountains outside kabul. her family take a liberal approach to gender roles, that's unusual in this highly traditional country. >> gaisu yari believes in freedom for everyone. >> for me i think freedom means thinking freely, making my choice freely, walking freely, giving my opinions, my ideas freely without any limitations. >> but what would she do if ththat freedom w were denied "" if that were the price of peace in afghanistan? >> that would be horrible, i hope the taliban will not take our freedom away. i think afghan women have fought very hard in the last ten years and are not ready to lose this. so i will fight.
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>> fight for herself, and for the freedom of future generations of womomen in afghanistan. >> repreression and discrimination are part of life our facebook chnel - dwwomene wod,d, not jt inin afgnistanan. about those taking a stand and inspiring others. dw women g gives a voice to won everywhere. >> to south-east asia now: western myanmar is home to the rohingya people. according to the un they are one of the world's most persecuted minority groups. in mainly buddhist myanmar, the predominantly muslim rohingya are not allowed to vote. they have no access to higher education â" and their villages and places of worship are frequently attacked. several hundred settlements have been set alight, and many residents killed.
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many rohiningya have fled the country. around 900,000 now live in neighbouring bangladesh. others have sought refuge in india, pakistan, indonesia - and malaysia but their host countries are often anything but welcoming. >> abu siddiq's desperate jojourney gan n in 24: overnit,t, hado fleeee hisfishi. totogeer with thousandofof her rorongya muslims, heledd the mimitary's brutal persrsecion in h h home country ofyayanmar. >> "they ce to burn down our thought t it would put o out e firere. inststead, it sprarayed gasole onto the firire and the enente villllage rst t into flames.s."
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>> eventuall a abu siddienended i in the malaysysiacapital l f kualala lumpur. many who t travelled witith hin the secr smuggli routes died alonghe way. >> " lost evything: rpur. hos, our ld, our intity.itnow,. >>eaearly 180,000 refugeesndnd asyl-seeeekers live inin malays. most of f them are riningya. for decades, t the country h s protecection, and d no right mes: the childrdren are thesiat worst-afaffected. to an educatation. two-o-thirds of ththe childreo not go to school at all. the stst atteninfoformal worst-afaffected. learning cenenters, such a ase two-o-t'f'fugee school'l'.dreo
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derah h hey founded the prprivatschoololn 2009. itit's fded bybyonations. ma of f auaumatid. here ar > "remember when i rst stted wowoing with the studtsts we d thisis activity. i gave them pieces of f paper ad crayons and i id t to th justtr falyly andour favorite this.s. t the e ges remaed blank crayons and i id t to th justtr anwhat caud ththat why were thenonot ab to drdrm and to and to crte and to thinki they c couldn't see e beyond . what do o you do to lilike stir someone'e's imagination n to " the children learn enenglish and d math at the e fugee schoo, and d they're encocouraged o develop seself-confidencnce aa sesee of personal responsibity.. when they arare ready to p pun ththe effort, ththey can achiea lolot: that's's the messagege that for
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dederah henry wants to send. derah:h: "who wantso o be acientitist what kind ofcicienti?" chihi: worland fifis new stf."es t >> deborah henry begegan worki as a fashionon model when n shs 15. she bebecame one of f the t famous beaeauty queens in malaiaia. but enen shead thehedea to put her fame t to good use: to fight for refugees' rights. >> " "it was this s moment whi hosteded a documentatary and i visited thesese refugee fafamis liliving 20 minunutes from ourur beautifuful twin towers and i ce here in malaysia in my home.
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and they wereren't going t o scolol. i think that was a big turni point r me becse a k kid i this world tay withoutut an ucation we're settinththem up i think that was a big turni point r meto fl."a k kid i afafr fleeing myanmar, abu sidd s struggl foror sixears to surveve in malaysia. six yeyears, in which h he hao legal workrk permit, andnd was forcrced to do odddd jobs to d himselelf and his fafamily. sisix years in w whi they received no o medical carer. "we miss our homeland vevery mu. wewe ask t intnternational mmunity toto find justice for usus. we want toto go home if f we . we can't bear living as refugeeses in a foreigign coun. we hope ththat the interernatil commununity will help p end the conflict so o that my coununtrn be at peacace, and we cacan ren to our homeleland, god wililli"
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>> abu siddiq's journey is not over yet. ththe united statetes approveds asylumum applicationon a few ws ago. he,e, his wife, a and theio childrenen will be re-e-settlen the midwesest: a second new beginning. soththing huredsds of ousandnds of others s in malaysia a can y dream about.t: many refugees here feel abandoned by the govnment. wiout an offial statusnd opportunits, t they have been sisilenced and marginalized.d. its how do we tell that story of
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e average malaysian will ve l life annevever et a refugee. anso why suld d a fugee matter to them? w isis this gog g to aect sty of what iteans to a sot's s hodorefugee? that the ct is anne can baem? wregee it'sot a funion of yourealth yo educati privege, anye can be fugee ju like th. sohat roleo you pl when ywhere you don't have conflict are born iand war? country how w can you thenen lend a hao somemeone else in n need? >> witith her fugee e schoo, dedeborah henry y has made t popoible for 400 refugee childr t to recee anan education. and she wi c continuto f fig for refugee rights in malaysia. by the end of this century, the un estimates, there will be just under 11 billion people living on our planet. in order to accommmmodate them all, an additional 2 billion new homes will need to be built byby 2100.
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a nightmare for ththe environmt as mosost buildingngs are madem concrete, which is made from cement. by the middle of the century, the demand for cement is set to rise by 25 percent a year. cement production uses a lot of energy. and creates huge amounts of climate-damaging co2. so, we need building materials which don't contain cement. and which are affordable for all. two men, withth one visio. gnanli landrou and thibault demomoulin want toto transforme constrtruction indusustry with cementnt-free concrerete. with supporort from busininesses, ththey're constrtructing a disy house. it's t their first a attempt te the material in their ambitious project. a significant step toward their goal. "it's kind of an amazing feeling. we d didn't sleep p much this . it's good to say, it's important because it was a lot of work. and we are quite happy to see the result actually." >> gnanli landrou spent years researching cement-free
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building materials at the swiss federal institute of technology in zurich. >> cement is responsible for 8 percent of worldwide carbon emissions. a more sustainable buildlding material is long overdue. landrou found it on construction sites where every year, millions of tons of clay-based excavation materials are disposed of. but when they're mixed with a naturally occuring mineral, and water, they result in a construction material thatâ™s more environmentally-friendly than standard concrete. "cement-free earth concrete has up to 90% co2 reduction compared to commercial concrete. the other advantage is that we don't use primary raw material that come from depletion like gravel and sand in some areass in thehe world.
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but we use construction waste that is landfilled most of the time. and the third part is, the material is cheap to access. therefore we reduce the price for the construction material. this earth concrete can be processed more or less like standard concrete but at currently around half the cost. gnanli landrou was inspired by building practices in his home country. he grew up in togo, where clay or earth houses are a common sight. "in many countries in africa cement houses are kind of warm inside, therefore you need to have a ventilation and a cooling system and stuff like that. whereas in an earth house you don't necessarily need it." together with his colleague thibault demoulin he's founded
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a start-up. there is a shortage of housing all over the world. these days the construction industry is under pressure not to waste resources. there's a demand for the cement-free concrete inindo in countrieses where afaffordability y is a priori. of new h homes need toto be bt partin the upcoming >> "we have plans for sure in terms of the world bank which estimates s that we need to bud houses for 2 billion people by 2050. and most of these houses need to be built in countries where the building material cost more than the land sometimes. therefore having cheaper material is really important." >> "it's part of our dream and our vision. being able to implement technology like this in africa would be a huge achievement for us. so enabling people to have affordable, safe and decent and
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at the same time sustainable accommodation." >> the display home is one spp closer to o fulfling t that dre. the quick-drying walls will undergo furthetests as the two scientists work k to optime their 'e'earth concrete'. one day, they hope, it will be a bedrock of the construction industry.. this week in global ideas, we find out about a potential shift toward climate-friendly methods of transport. our reporter, julius mugambwa, hopped on a motorcycle and rode around uganda's capital, kampala. due to the coronavirus crisis, the normally chaotic roads are empty.
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and the city could become the starting point for a transport revolution across the whole nation. kampala in coronavirus lockdkdo. the e streets herere have neverr been so empty but francis s oka is alloweded to deliverr essentialsls. somemething else is different: francicis isne of the fefew people i in uganda driving an electric motorbikeke. he sees a lot of advantages to peit. number one, it is silent. number two, it doesn't consume fuel at all. number three, via hills it climbs very well. okia's food delivery is being eagerly awaited by a pregnant customer. since he saves on fuel, he can charge less than his competitors. he is actually very cheap, cheaper than any other boda guys. i thinink the other r people de their price, s so literally
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it has been convenient for me. >> images from just weeks ago. >> in kampmpala one, therere ae about 130,000 motorcycles, or boda bodas, which serve as taxis and transporters. the masses of motorized vehicles generate a huge amount of air pollution and co2 emissions. that is why the united natio envinmenent prramme,e, the unep, prprovides advicice ad fifinancial supppport for elecc mobility in eastern africa. we need intermediary responses. wewe need intermediary interventions. and electric mobility is one of those, because it is easier to adopt, requires little infrastructure. they meetâ.they don't emit. so you can have a complete switchover and go on a low-carbon development path. that path requires pioneers,
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like ben lokeris koriang and jakob hornbachch. the grgraduates of aachen university in germany y had a pragmatic idea: take the already existing fuel motorbikes in kampala and transform them i into electric bikes. >> so, all we remove is what you call the petrol driven powertrain and we put an electric powertrain. so as you can see it is the same bike, fuel tank is empty of course. and what we e put inside i s mainly an electric controller, an e electric motor, a batterys a source of power, r replacing the fuel tank and some digitall controlsls and a throttle. >> lithium ion batteries recovered from old lapapto are assembled into rechargeable battery units for the ebike. and the recycling loloop continues, eveven when the
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batteries bebecome too weak to use in the ebis. >> so, what we do is get the newer batteries and use it for e-mobility. after that, when they lose a bit of power, we put it in storage systems like power banks or power reserves. and once it loses again, loses a bit of power, we go to torches and other smaller applications before it goes to be disposed. >> delivivery man franancis ia s onone of twenty y ivers testg the transformed bikes. on average, he has to return to bodawerk twice a day to recharge. he rents the battery for the equivalent of less than three euros a day. all in all, it has cut his operating costs in half. but there is still one thing that bothers him: >> we only havave one place whe we swap the batteries. that is the disadvantage i always get.
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the feedback that we are getting from the boda guys is also awesome because it doubles ththeir income. so families, school fees, we see kids being brought from the village that are now schooling g in kampala because the e riders have more money. >> ts rider is german enneer daniedrdreher. had workeked foa solar energy compapany for several yeyears, before he decided t ty to me kampala's momotorbikes cleaner. with his start-up zembo he now imports cutting-edge electric motorbikes from china. each one sells for about 1,000 euros. that's quite a bit of money- but the drivers can pay over a period of two years and the e-bikes are tailored to their specific needs here.
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our driving g mode idifferentt than a c chinese person commmmg to work. here we really look into productive use and hundreds of kilometers every day. there is still a long way to go, though. how many customers d you have? all deliveries? ththe start-up h has sold 20 es go, tsoso far. and they expect 80 more e withn ththe next two m months. mbo is already creating employoyment. >> sarah tabu couldn't find a job for two years. now she is in charge of marketing. actually, it makes me feel very proud of myself that i am contributing a lot; to be part of the great team that is actually contributing to e-mobility. for a small fee of just over half a euro, a zembo driver can exchange an empty battery for a fully charged one.
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the zembo e-bikes are fully green, since the electricity comes from the solar energy station with panels on top of the company's building. >> four more solar charging points are planned in kampala soon. energy is generated within the country, not like fuel which is imported from outside. so this has a huge impact on the environment and we will breathe cleaner air here in kampala. >> i see even in ten years no fuel motorcycle sold anymore in the world market. it's a an outdateded technolo. >> the cleanan technology behid francis okokia's deliveries sess asas a double sisign of hope provoviding for pepeople in thee cocoronavirus lolockdown, and a cleaeaner country y oncehe pandemic is over.
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>> that's all from global 3000 this week. as you k know, we love hearing from you. write to us at and do check out our facebook page: dw women see you next time!
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narrarator: on ththis episodedef "eaarth focus"s"... the e race to transition to sustainable solar powower is underway. in zanzibar, rural women are learning solar skills, bucking a tradition of entrenched gender roles, empowering their communities in the process, while in southernrn californini, it's genererating the e growth f grgreen jobs s and winning over skeptics. [filmlm advance clicking]


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