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tv   France 24  LINKTV  June 12, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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questions to italy's prime minister into these ministers this is a prosesecutors ininvestigate the handling also coronavirus crisis and also could more be done to save lives. feeling the pinch of coronavirus slope down the u. k. faces it's a shop this decline on record with the gdp shrinking m more than twenty percent.t. of the cost a lot for the very latest- not profitable business identical stand that is standing by. so coming out by the united nations says the independence a all the internrnationanal criminal court should be one two guarantees.
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this is president trump imposes sanctionss on itits employees investstigating a american sold. what more could you did see from twenty former self assembly i had lunch for you this hour. first italy's prime minister giuseppe conte is an end to these ministers have been not this friday facing some tough questions from prosecutors over exactly how they dealt with the corona virus crisis. was part of a nanational i inquiry into that e should have been done to say life. is among the countries in the world hardest hit by because in nineteen. twenty four will seem corner has details. italy's prime minister was great by prosecutors for more than three hours in rome this friday. giuseppe conte was asked about his handling of the corona virus crisis. the only seasonal. cbc's. seventy six. in order. she. he can it's an
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academic. sort of a little prosecutors have made it clear county is not under criminal investigation earlier this week he told d journalists he was looking forward to answering their questions. you should. onlyelete the vehicicle should can onlnly get the responsible guys to susuarily dd s sports. the bridadal salon all setet ina little chancee i get johoh was simplele so the film got to see me through that process with the dentist fifty of those a couple decided they wanted to keep the b beating. there is soe of what about a little snuggle with in. the effort to find out more a about why certain decisions were or were not made is being spearheaded by prosecutors from the city of bergamo which was badly hit by the pandemic many in northern italy. authorities for taking too long to isolated villages that were experiencing major outbreak that in turn could have allowed spread of the virus to become out of. control
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italy will for several days the only corona virus spot. of china since then more than three four thousand people lost lives becausese of the vivice. federal and regional authorities have been blaming each other for the severity of the outbreak the prosecutor's findingsgs could help italians better understand that the decisions madee during the crisis. it's on us get a look at some of that today's business that uses all markets in the u. s. and in europe rebounded a day off to one e of the worst settle fat since late march. for more let's say i get latest co foununder is- standing by a cold hello to use some heavy losses yesterday but my kids didid appear. to bounce b k today only slightly. there's your indexes. the day in positive territory most and the least. of the dachshund frankford business planning down the gains are both on the ground here in paris- around a half percentage point. similar story on. monday are we seeing a larger gain access on wall
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street in the u. s. there are grounds. around. one over one point seven. no hundred or close other i think the hundred around one half weeks. and the nasdaq up over one. and as you mentioned out with some very heavy losses that we saw yesterday i don't understand seven. i saw that i reallyly wa. revoked by i know of f factors one ofof the- important ones the right number of our he's the last. as welll ourur actions ar. reservrved the central bank in the us. so you k know. how day today the question still remains a lot of investors are asking it is it's going to be the last of the software. works and end of their storage room. i'm not one thirteen there's one thing that investors. i do not it uncertainty and uncertainty is provoking a of all. that we're seeing i the markets in the last couple days. nicole despite the gains on the market a couple asking. indicators if you will out on friday shedding some slice if you will on the death of this
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site downtown. earlier opinion. he drop off in production industrial production. okay april was the month where we saw the brunt of the of the lockdown measures that affect the- production down 17% across the euro zone for the month of april and then- also some very dark numbebers coming outut of e hey i get to that in munford well how do you k. g. u. k. first. more than 20% for the month of april i really just a drop across the board. declining in manufacturing and services- also in construction we start. thank i asked long actionon largest ball since monthly records. are ninety seven ii notot saying time the d of england in yoyour said that i was quite a dramatic number not all that. you look at just the of the buyers the fact this s ws
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taking place in april- yeaeah most of these are reaeally not because i'm'm thirty additional factcts at the brbritish economy space. first black are you k. walk around and the graduduation your reading and that another cracker weighing the- calm. and grabbing. i'm sorry listing listing. alall right coke all stand else ira double business that for thank you. well nextera into from indndependence must be close to guarantee that was the message from the u. s. this friday at the agency said it regretted the impact u us sanctions could have on its investigations. without coming down off to president trump authorized economic and travel sanctions against icc employees who are currently investigating whether american troops committed war crimes in afghanistan. also the full monty francis that's the latest. a swift rebuke from the international criminal court in the hague responding to an executive order by donald trump
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the court saying it won't be intimidated by the u. s. president's move to authorized sanctions against members of the icc staff. investigating possible war crimes by u. s. forces in afghanistan. in a statement the court called the sanctions an unacceptable attempt to interfere with the rule of law and the courts judicial proceedings. the move is also being condemned by the u. n. we regret the impact such measasures may have on investigations and trials on the way. in the icc the independence of the icc and its ability to operate in that interference you're guaranteed. trump's order would block the financial assets of court employees banned them from entering u. s. territory as well as their families. the white house has also responded by calling the c court's credibility in questioion. cannt will not stand by as our people are threatened by your record. at did i have a master to men
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close around the world. your people could be next. last year the u. s. secretary of state revoked the visa of the court's chief prosecutor after she said there was a credible evidence that u. s. forces subjected at least fifty four detainees to rape and torture in two thousand and three and two thousand and four. the white house said the sanctions could also apply to court staff if they launch an investigation into israel's treatment of the palestinians with a hundred and twenty three member states the u. s. is not part of the icc which is vowing the ininvestigation will move forwa. and finally fully french police have that stage process to for a second day this friday over alleged allegations of racism in their ranks. what dozens of offices that are blocking traffic down the shelves elise a. avenue here in paris that kind on it that read. it please all racist well this week the inter minister christophe castaner pledged zero tolerance school police racism castaneda
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also saying that police would no longer be allowed to use charcoal to detain. suspects twenty three people pray at the park house internet. of the black lives of masses processes america fresh demos and all set to be held in paris and other major cities stocks today. those in support of the exam a trial right a young black man who died in police custody.. in twenty sixteen. well that's what we need this additional very much up to date international headlineses for yu here on the front foooot a full in house at twenty minutes talk. we do hope you join us then. hello and welcome to the interview here on france twenty four our guest today is martin luther king the third. the son of martin luther king junior he joins us. from atlanta georgia thank you very much for being with us mr king. thank you.
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like your father- you're yourself for human rights activist- obviously your father had famously the dream but upon discovering the footage of george floyd under the knee of a police officer in minneapolis over two weeks ago america actually woke up to a nightmare what w was youour reaction. my rereaction when i first. heard about. thehe killing of jewish folks would actually the murder i should say- it was may twenty fifth which happened to be. a holiday in the u. s. and my daughter's twelfth birthday. and the first thing that it evoked for me was. wow this sounds just like ericic garner n new yorkk w who was held with te
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chokehold- america needs scenario and was killed by a police officer or police officers in new york city. and the first thing in the second emotion was anger and frustration and hostility. and what are we gonna do so that this never ever hapappens to another humuman beingng it was several days later before i saw the actual video. and the video reinforced. my feelings and i had explained my wife and i anandrea had expxplained our daughter yolanda. why this keeps hapappening because in her mind her grandfather and grandmother martin king junior and coretta scott king. had devoted their lives to ending this kind of behavavior but yet it keeps r repeating h herself w mind you. we have seen on february twenty third a man here in georgia by the name of amamman arbitrary. are killed by
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aormer policeman and his son in another jungle and then we saw about three and a half weeks ago. maybe f four weeks number on a tataylor and lukee tacky keep popopulation we don't actually s see from thohose twod till later on. but we e saw graphically this video of george ford anand we saw the inhumanity of a person and we saw a police officer becomes a juror and executioner. all in one. and w we begin w what what what canan we do this is got a- and d then to se thehe nice galvanize. and ultimately the world galvanized. and to sesee these p protests d demonstrarats momost of them peacefulul by the way some v violently a and mdadd usus to sasay that. our rights are the languguage of thee on h. anand yet our while he never condone vioiolence he ununderstd whatat caused somee to o engagen that kind of activity. but he alwaysys hoped their mooood
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peaceful prorotest and as i said by and large that is what we are seeing all over the world. right a brother george but went to fight before kong he said he wanted to do this to make sure that his brother quote unquote. is more than another name on the list that won't stop growing and he said those words i'm tired i'm tired of the pain i'm feeling now and i'm tired of the pain i feel every time not another black person. is killed for no reason do you think this could really be different this time around you mentioned the precedence a and you u mention the fact that thee was not. a lot happening to changes will this be a sea change. well i certainly hope and pray. that it is a sea change. b because i think that f we do not see change.e. none of usus can predidict whatt is gona happen. inn additionn to that black people in america spent
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over a trillion dollars. last year in this economy. and if black people made a decision. that we're going to stop exexercising our buying p power with certain consumers. they are that would be. somatic incident. and that is w where some of these discussions are going right att this moment so if we e don't s see appropriate responsiblee changes. in a very responsible period of titime. that's one of the things that mayy happenn in addition to others that that i don't know but i really belelieve that. byy this timee is s unusual we have never seen so many demonstrations where white people are almost in the majority of leadiding those demonstrations we never hahad. evevery state. thisis is the fit time i think in history that every state they have been a lot of states but there's never been ever. so then and then of course the world has been
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captureded by this and is standing up saying black lives matter finally the bail has been removed those who are sleep are awakened therefore for it is that the senate anything understates congrgress are going to have to date already have proposed legislation i think this is the moment this is the time and i think honestly i think we're going to see that kind of action that we seen before right what press it was a- tragic for you if you were ten years old at the time i believe. when y your children it. sixty two demonstration but i doubt it- all of the momentum us. lost richard nixon won the election in iron. seeing the same thing happening we donald trump campaign. on or for actutually bringing d down this. that y your disk. well i think there i is a copy a couple of
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factors that are different in ninineteen sixtyty eight m mostf ththe demonstratioions are actuy a lot of the demonstrating was. our was looting and violence and a lot of riding in a world a hundred cities yeah when gauge but it was mostly black people i would say that the overwhelming large number was black people. demonstration are different in the sense that. them are overwhelmingly white we've never seen police officers take a neat. all in support of protesters we've never seen a sheriff. march with. the demonstrators are law enforcement the top law enforcement person in that community it's not michigan. we've never seen a large number of white people who are are taking a knee and apologizing for four hundred years of mistreatmement of black people o there's a different energy this time. than ever before and a larger number of people andnd i said as i said there are huge
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numbers of whites. who often maybe have felt the sentiment but we're sorryry. so people hae become. people become age some people are engaged and i thinknk this is difffferent this is thte mo i've- seen anything quite like this in my life. what would your father say due to the- if you were the. well first of all of my fatheher had lived and he wanted to remove from our nation. whatt he called withth the triplee evils of poverty racism and he said militarism at the time that he was talking but i change militarism to violence or poverty racism and violence he wanted to radically from our society my mother worked throughout her life she lives- you know thirty years or fortyty yearss longer than my y father's and she wanted to wowork to radc hate t those eagles. w well i tk of m my thought just arrived hee today he would be greatly
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disappointed inn the leadership. of the presisident a and of the government but he he would be very proud of all of those or please that people are demonstrating in a peaceful way jim. change it. was it are in.. with what g going throuough that people are to black glassss matter. and that you know often people thought black lives matter was saying something different there's almost deal believe. well all lives matter well of course we know that but black lives matter also that is what black lives matter stand near no one is ever said you know of a life is important but it seems like the treatment black people. have been getting all over again black black lives do not matter so we must ensure that all liveses do mattr and certainly now it's focused on black lives. black lives a
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disproportionately mistreated 16% of the popopulation in america. all right she was 60405060% of our population how is that possible analyststs. approached alan peoeople that dd you so there okay. yeah. the end of sure. not i'll try. the year basisis. donald trump at to continue to bolster thattotion yesterday one of the largest race car into dis in the nation the nascar- basically said the confederate flag can no longer be brought to this actual r race this car race. and you know- military installations that have confederate named. persons to represent those particular bases and ports are donald
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trump reinforced to do that element of the populatation data we're not gonna do anything aboutt that people want to see as you see statues are coming down in the united states and even in europe those who advocated for slavery and holy slave owners people were pulling those statues down. now maybe there's a better way for that to happen but it's interesting to see that people are are doing they're all over the world s so donald trurump continuess to exhibit b behavior of a racist in terms of his rhetoric. and i don't know that that he's g going to change that i hope that he understands he doesn't seem to understand that he is the president of the unitited states of america not the president of one segment of the population- and i think that the statues and these monuments belong in museums they do not belongng in the- the square of the city where everyone has to comeme. and they should not be put in a a sense f
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uplifting them because of whatt they represent they represenentd something destructive to a large percentage of people and that is black people and that doesn't mean that they don't need to be acknowledged in a museum because of. the do you know the history are doomed to repeat the mistakes of thehe pat so y yeah donald trump exhibit behavior a racist and i hope you write it some point he j. is that i don't that but i'm always going to be. thank you veryry much for marty. the thir. floor us in in for a sense georgia stay tuned on friday twenty four four more. the code is nineteen pandemic and the ensuing global lockdown has had a profound effect on the world of fashion dishing designed as
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a buyer's researchers and journalists alike to wonder how the industry will look once the virus has been defeated. is good do i need to buy myself a new dress do i need a new back i think we've all started to question consumerism during this t time on the lockdown. sue and seeing that borders will be opening for some months to come. there won't be any tariffs only forty on the whole problem and we know that time off okay looks resells ought to tourists who buy them when they travel. could i went to people aren't getting on planes anymore to go and visit the louvre. they traveled to go and shop and we return. to buy back the vehicle shamus. always come. second on ththe list let's be honenest. a number o of young ly all. adopting to this. new world. plplace from 5 5% of f hn women will be spending more time at home. working from home. so obviously the fit of clothes it's going to become more casual. use more of a focus on day to night dressing.
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do you know they'll do not think a dress you can wear from nine am to eleven pm that you feel good in with fabric that embraces you. to addddress that still elelegant and chic because womemen my age want to be chihie also want to have some fun. a little weak he sat. i thinkk workingg lookiking off the kidse arenen't at scschool. welll thas requires a h huge amount of resisilience. or thihis p parens been morore challenging than anything else women h have expeperience. hello yeah. so will things eventually returned to what we use to- should be expected over the whole of the system some labels have begun to outline the visions. even thouough i was on the slow fashioion agenda-a- i think kind even had to even slow. down
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more than i was but i expect huge stockpilele because thehey don'n't to be so many unsold goods that are going to come from the west again more than the fool we can expect if there's nothing new o on the outlet. becausee i went to the factories a and they werere getg ready for r the- season migighte mimid so i started showcasining how we upcycle repair and get clothes ready a and also i joind a local phone groups. worldwide to p promoting sustaininability green fashion upcycling swapping renting- clothes and all kindsds of alternativee w ws of getting close to o your hands so that'ss where we all have the movements and- trying to stay up to. thinking in paris fashion research is looking to the pulsed for clues as to what could d come next. the reason
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this was in thehe sixties and seventies with that explosion of youth culture one of the central ideas was possibly that projection of consumer society. a refusal to accept the industry's messaging and production methods the approach that has dominated the first part of the twentieth century. and we can think back to the end of the twentieth century to with a lot of economic hardship. and also the aids healthcare crisis the show aids left a real mark on a whole range of creative industries to discuss we need to think of how that. by those who would say. how terms points were they go she right culture activities. the lessons we learned from that time. and how we can use that in the event of futurure creatively. it's not about replicating the past year it's about bringing something new to the table. at the french institute of fashion researchers are advising labels to welcome the way they engage with wider society in the months and years to come. let the loss of custotomers is we tend to expect all those whoho
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have somome sort of influence on society. to act in ways we deem responsible. and that's on the subject and i'm not just talking about luxury brands and labels it is extra zacks bustled multi flaws along it's not enough to simply saying the right thing. more words and to. what i idea advice how to the- that all. we don't expect speeches we expect c concrete. financial commitments. real support for minorities and grououpsentrepreneneurial actcts you. know we do it equal. misty has always been a supporter of the creative industries but she's also a ao founderf the torah expeditions f foundation a project that sails the seas warning of the perils of climate change. i was in the streets and sixty agencies i was protesting against a consumer society. i despised
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fashion but love clothes the way they give people pleasure. the clothes i created a timeless that's why i say i don't like that. this jumper i think i've had the same one. maybe i've had three of them the same style for the past thirty years it's just the normal jumper. last five is the and using the endowment fufund. it's a foundation which means we're free. when your foundation the state is involved with with an endowment fund that cann distribute moneys charities and projects. we need to share a wealth h no queststi. it seems the fashion world off tomorrow may already have arrived.
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06/12/20 06/12/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: frorom new york city, one f the e epicenters of this p pand, this is democracy now! >> the fact we can n now openlny call for the abolition of mode ofment as existing punishment and the abolition of policing as ththe major form of sesecurity in ouour


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