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tv   France 24  LINKTV  June 16, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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twenty four .com. india says at least twenty of its soldiers hahave been k killed in clashesn the b border w with chinahe firt outbreak of hohoility for some five decades on the terrace tree kashmir. travel to from china's been restricted by beijing to try to control an extremely severe situation. schools been closed large partss of the capital i'm not on lockdown as another code nineteen have break is taking hold. donald trump signed an executive order to end what he's called in the- pathh of failure. us president commiserated with grieving families please victims and added. using crime raising
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standards i'm not opposite goals. thank you very much for joining us the indian army has raised the death toll in a clash of chinese troops on its disputed himalayan border from three to twenty indian soldiers. clash took place on the border of indian administered kashmir c china its the first set to between these countries some five decades china hasn't released any details except to choose in just trips of crossing the front yeah. but she found t that a terrible parsons has more on this. right now first of all because it appears that the indians were worried abobout a chinesee incursion. byy intnto e goal one groroup of bodody b ban april- there were t talks but rlier thihi m mth which appeared to settttle thehe probm all the clashes in may- but seems to be outut of thehe windw now fofollowing these. latest apparentntly heavy clashes n noo firearms were used in w which se it t seems that the deaths were all caused by blunt
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instruruments or by stones w whh susuests e extreme violence on both sides since at least twenty indians appear to have been k killed. and pererhaps as many as seven maybe but more chinese s soldierss as well- i t mamay be things just got out of local commandnders- weren't abl. to contrtrol things f followinge agreement reaeached a week befoe that b b the general conontext the situation has beenn gettitig ouout of c ctrol foror some consnsiderablele time. you know there hahave been clashes.. spororadically for a l long l lg time all along this immensely long board three thousand four hundndred and fortrty kilometers not just this area of a document o on north of india. close the border between. the state indian statete to see kim onon china-- as well. on.. the t recentnt incncidents being calld by first of all but a movove by union to build a the end. on there soso i of the ball so o te
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they could get troops more ququickly thanks thehese high margin areas- roads and so on and so for in a after youou. and then a a big move by the chinese boarding bususes of peopople ino the doll one river valley in april into one arerea which up until thenen. had been n undersd on the indian side to be recognized by the chinese as being india. so ththat seemsms o bebe what what what's been causing this particular clash bubut i know thehe two sides rey faced but pererhaps the defining moment. t these are twowo two of the bigiggest armies s in the wd facing each othth across this holy mountain border. i if thins really getet i don't run. that could be a very messy for both countrieies waiver which didn't project and make sure. b but is to predictct things will go with it y you're the momm. . in the n the- of us. aboutt n national. e crisp very nice. to the news of these days. from apostles a chief editor that works ruled on that situation on the border
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between. china and india in kashmir. next trouble tune from china's been stopped as the authorities say the capital is in the grip of an extremely serious situation. china's closed schools shut down large parts of beijing as another covert nineteen n outbreak seems to be taking hold cases ididtified in n the capital may have come from a large market with scientists in e europe say it's too early to tell if it's the same form of virus. as the reason the pandemic chapala grounds in beijing. the extremely strong words f from te bebeijing authorities now for a few days- saying that there this is a war time period of- the fightht againstst this- thrd of a second wave of cove in nineteen- talking about a race against time to contain this new clusteter of infectioions. d i visitit said tueueay evening the authoritieies of the city raising the emergency level- from three to. two which means thatat- a numbeber of the elementary and middle scschools
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in the city willl be shut down and that students so we'e'll hae to be to do doing their classes. onlnline but there sees to be a little bit of a disconnect between this discourse discourse f from the authorities which isxtremely alarmist. just telling people to keep on to stay on their toes with a number of a local official t the fengtai district where the cluster of infections. were fired. lettingg set new. customers i. p. and the reality of the situation we is that there are. are at. it's a hundred and six new infections over the of the last five six of. at a time in for a j. on my alalong the were a whole and fifty two of newew. confirmed cases a at a time when f frances lifting its locked down so impoportant to put thingsgs in perspectctive here but clearly this shows that the authoritiess here in beijing the right this annex the seat of power of thee chinese commumunist pararty very
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concerned of seeing a new cluster of infections a a lot. n a pier in the capital so they're doing everyththing they can to stop it from happepening so that's why we're seeing this emergency respoponse- l level bg raised at this tuesday night. shop around the jududge decide earlier from beijing. donald trump has signed an executive order to end the as he put it old patent the failure of the us president's been commiserating with grieving families of police victims at the added reducing crime and raising standards are not opposite goals and on another note chokeholds are to be banned except in what's being called extreme circumstances. for donald trump it's a question of reforming not de funding. weeks of protests since the death of george floyd u. s. president has signed an executive order addressing police violence today i'm signing an executive order
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encoururaging police departments nationwide to adopt. the highest profefessional standaras to serve their communities. the standards will be as high and as strong as there is on earth. the older aims to give financial incentives for police departments to adopt best practices establish a database to track offices with excessive use of force complaints and encourage police to bring along social workers when responding to non violence incidents. trump also said chuck coats will be banned except even offices life is at risk that already forbidden in m many police departments across the country. each side of the house of representatives is also preparing to put forward new legislation republicans wanant o improve data collection on transparency around the use of force. democrats have a similar idea and also wants to allow victims of misconduct and their families to sue the police.
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none of these plans go as far as dismantling law enforcements a key demand of the protests. changes can be made on a local level however in minnesota well george floyd was killed the city council is planning to disband and rebuild from scratch its police force. the european commission has opened two antitrust investigations into apple vonnegut's apps store and payments system. the us tech giants have faced a number of complaints in brussels for allegedly abusing. them market dominance that's good morning from france twenty fourth business editor yes k. moody. is joining us right now okay tell us about these latest allegations against apple. mark they're two s separate linines f investigatation here- one centes around a at the c commission tht apple takes on purchasas f from its app store a a thirty or 15% from the companies that use the platform. spotify netflix and
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the ebooook comomny kobo are among the c companies that have complained about thatt so o cald apapple tax that they say gives apple toooo much controll over their relationship with their consumumers and their date. a ae argues that money is used to maintatain t that thehe plot itf apple has at least separately each case rather haze looking at apple hey. and whether apple lips competition from other contactless payment systems. to be used onn our devices no evidencece number ofuropean cases against apppple appeal iss on going out of thirteen billion you back tax billl in irireland. europe'e' compepetitn chieief margrethe vestager has been dubbed t the tax lady by donald trump hee saiaid she trid to w wage war get. valley she argued that she's willing to protect consumers and smaller businesses i get that monopoly in certain fields. we wantnt to take n notice an unexpectcted fr
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you thisis cos c come loose of s first. on way. that's true correct that comes. hahas it eay its first on s. come do t this with all right a long just and running r rather take part in te converse. about t this day. of cups like five at mobile technology a u. s. economy really hoping that that would be one of the elements it'll help it rebound what was your number of new data coming a number of pieces of data coming in and putting on a retaiail sales- nonessesential spending. really plummeted and what month march and april when spenending dropped dropped nearly 15% shoppers flooded back in may though overall sales jumpeped seventeen point 7% it was the biggest m monthly jump o on recd it's still belel the l levels that we saw w before the pandemc at 6% lower than we e saw in. te lalast. it's really a keeps of amererican economy accountss for arndnd two thihirds and- call.. that thehe strong levels will remain largely in line with the labor market likely to rise as more people go back to work. at
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risk if major layoffs are to come. committing a business address thank you for joining us as adam can we do that. and that that's it for this bulletin but stay with us of course more to come you watch festival. moral of seven permission hello hello the mood on. us to do the way heree at- value of homes- at limits on the hydro with taste of what we're hearing from rfi radio hello. one on thehe phone helloo andd hello hello i'm actually pleased to see you again. what i said was thahat so m much and your- not gonna make research- with city schools for specializeze in africaca w we've often. heaeard youournalysis. here or on other channels we have had you. moved homes. four zero four seven four. eight in june last year you were
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arrested in iran as you werere. going to because it's a very babad out and about. you'll par. she's a specialist for iran she yoyou were released on the twentieth of march. she's still in prison at alvin presidente crown- you weree accused of crimes against t t state propaganda eccentric but what happened o on the fifth of junue twenty nineteen as you landed into front t the office cut u up peters should whatever they happen very fast. she denieied just a arrived in tehran andnd i was going through the formalalities to get the vi at the airport. as is the case nowadays and it has been that for sosome he is a- super us. i don't theft was during that procedure where i was arrested pastor. motive with him. and how. did you learn thahat very bad okay i had also been arrested. when i. heard about three. cost arrive at the prison was in june who. the thomas do so. twenty s. and t t
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you for. always being very patient as- it will not but i hope i'm called. as he checked. is free. it okay prove adept puma millikan that so she was actually able to see me she recognizized me andd she shouted out totonight very clearlyly recognizeded her voicece and was then that i realized that she too was a prisoner. who refined since sept all revised so again on the twenty fifth of september t twenty fifth of october third of februaryry the new totool chili andnd each time saw each other was just for a few short minututes. we relate o speak sometimes but sometimes not required. who was killer. undersrstand r running thihird.u
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were i in the wing and- for the garden of the revolution or rather f for the prisosoners ofe guardians of their rejection he's all set well it said different it's not exactly a prison that's not part of the interior mininistry. small prisn run by the store rob. and of in a securitity. very m much in the nation windisch in fact that was pro the thing harrowing because see t the of could you sum it sort t of know of i couldn't you reallyy to stand your tip to just getetting of daylight. . almost it cocould yu see f for me i kind of hard. to nanaturally i am working. becace i have a lot onn. and i love it ofof the low. of you have. exceeded okay so it reallyly was very high. performance if did the firsrst days week k so just trying to get a- of timee. as well. with the school i tried to. you know when brick with these. is that what theyy- when
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people come with medic. with all when you're not to sleep even even. followed by kia sister understanding the three. a day would come come on the times. top there was. many and it was challenging to. her should show would you make to by i said i am. welcome so it was very hard for me. invented extra had no new from the- hi no idea why i hadad been to. in what the act see. is whatt. i was doing t to be. six the- they are over sayay well validated i you lose yourr memory suiuited focus onon phohone it k.k. so mh ththough questioions may been vy normal are because of a very my in link with affairs but i i not the into social got and then once i was real i had went access to tv i started what foreignn are didn't watctch the-
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for the bececse the wororld of took and overworkeked but jusust trying to understand remember the actors in were. to rebuild my name. and that i t to went on i would spend the e day tryryino the name of those that are hadn't well in the past. savee the interrogations of becoming more angry with me that would shouts at me so when you come from the quietness of your cell rooms. andndhen you put intoo a roroom where you have people shouting out s she's shoutingg questionsike. how is it possible t that you can't remember all of these choose a- did take the key from a psychohologicall point fell shot of using many techniquess that are used by many other countrtries for interrogations. of the queue. thanks for the outside world it was one of the frenchch consul may put it on. the first contact i had with the outside suited up though.
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was i guess firirst and foremost to. at the infirmary in the prison. the issue that. because i actually able to see a doctor when i need it in the e pre. if you. six well judy palerermo's assistant a hadad some serious heat elements to deal with nine days suffered panic attacks- claustrophobia he e definitely could have been moved and it became very clear very soon that i needed to see a doctor can you so first off i saw a doctor in the infirmary and it was such. a a pivotal moment for me. so if i was pills. i i was. we see pills everyry now justt e sleep. to deal with my hop. and many other thingss. but more that- i was able t to see time eighty or suited up for me
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actuallyly was a breakthrough from because i can get bacack to this notion of t time. too understand what time of day or what to noam when print is what happeneded because every time i would hear the calall to prayayi was able to keepep track of tim. capsule number and it was so important. and then the cucultue of a- to place on the of july. good a a that wasnsn't t time fr me b because- it was able to let my foror know where i was i hadn't had any call with them. in fact i was onon on the e fi twenty ninth of august that i was to come my mother by phone for the v very first time he- agents at nfusz almost moment on thahat on conceptpt jika up with monthth and thehen i was ao ablele to then stoto putting i n requtsts i i asksked for booksko be sent to me. and i had friends colleagues who stopping books and records t thanks to that t that i cacan do that i'm here. t today i think without them. the books i don't know.
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it would on such not be my- who put the for money. and if t that wasn't in white known that you were had been never. for that ii don't was. and a- july. for you it was a new. in a- as- that changes things. when m media. speak about it. hi the french auththorities. a boldld to. in public did you feel most the a. no. really was in. and to look at when during one of my- so. took me. and had a long come. we me dish was busy go back. i was a- that i been ripped. to simplele things asas big able to call my phone. does are the most. thing went to paying. to me. but i went to a small long distracted just. thank do. and the interrogations to spoke this. is a really y about sharee
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you know. itit's a case you may go. for no rain who is a front. so and he's told me. your time he is to put pressure on for. two g.g. end the show and i re that i was just about chip the last. and in the it was a quite come him because meant that they would an end and that is. would be a exchangnge. i it deps and also it meant t that my- was tied up to. per what do you think is best being discreet or campmpaigns. or i think the meda because do to player. because one of m my- said the thoughthts the international media thought i was. that wasn't the case g. ththe bios cdc even though i was living somome very to. john n pt on on sept on it mute the attend to think. that sitting here tend to that was off. the pub aware of situation becausese of race concernss if i shshould.
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she in the pub yeah by the- i wasn't sure any. better than the is madee that i wasn't me.. nor abused in prison it acts next to sign up i was. a t to se a a doctor and medical care. hee does for us. on the battle o of twenty counties. it also and- -i was sent to another so. to have becausead that it t would beeeen the end of it fofor me the ball do you have a re news of curry by. . she had to kidney issue didn't say kid to tunnnnel was thought about went on a veryy long hunger. demanded that i post case to from i was asking for simple. i i was wonondering like call my lawyer to come to well i was not able to both and photographs. sorry hi s some vey clear tomorrow because of the she had me and asking people years s and when we e saw each
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otothe thehese. be on phone hii well i wasn't really to talk. she had very ambitious demands. the problem was the people on the other side they didn't really care much for sucuch bebehavior. and i just dragged t out. anand that's why she suffered so much and as you said her kidneys sailingng stuff except. for the first timee sincee. bebeen released y y agrd to speak up here totoday is this important wise is the message of sending ask- i think it's important. because i lived through it d. hey do it and- i was a able to experience it it's vevery hard. it's harrowing switch it was too many aspects. but i thihink i need to talk
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about what happened i wanant people to know why it is so important to continue to mobilize to support peoplple lie facebook and- research people who held prisoners in around. and in other couountries in the area of a circle decision thank yo very much for giving this interview to awful media fox for scripture and if he. wants thank you very much. in the states more than three hundred journalists have been assaulted or arrested by police during the protests over the death of gegeorge floyd here's catherine bennett's. i am proud. please.
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on the thirty first of may mike adams covering the in minneapolis for vice news when he was finally pushed the ground take acts my office this was no a little of course the united states. jet being arrested. all this is tina damaged like this can. facebook about experience of twitter we identify ourselves press they fired tear gas caniststs honont poinint onene range i get in the leg to fo of that. headquarartes journalist for the site bellingcat says thirty first of may he being monitored the top on the press in the s. a police source. orders attack. what i do believe it's. president
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united states is created culture in which john media do you do is in his words scared to do that this means excuse me around the. the action. state thanks the kind of information not the public from from the press the website is u. s. press s freedom tracker which tracks press frereedom violatios has counteted morehan three huhundred indents since the start of the protests. to iran now a new report on the wildfires that hit the beautiful zagros mountains in the southwest between may twenty second and june second here's our side. the local
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battle for twelve days to extinguish wildfires previous which is like a small things with little to no equipment. they were forced to use the cheaper answer to tap down the flames and vitamins that i can use like our other any type. authorities for failing provide i think resources to fight the. fires malina sanderson i felt has an it has accounts them which one the little and then year. he dennis okay any said bottom vash miss liquid done a- and that will the- week she is a group of men under a social norm title. them by and local interstitial home we can then that monday for the you gave it. is a critical out the post sp seventeen and that's that's's te isis of aboutt has three. and jt get it to me so number fisher
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body kit to. when it happened. i guess they asked how many inches within about a month if you stay there still isn't easy for it has invested zero he hate that. you can here must use a lot of media yes on the it's on us to ask. for this victor three seven your husband noticed a healing garden hassles on. bars mohini simple as that hot hand you as board owns it she- died whwhich was initially called in mind of a middle east restaurant aftfter this that i gave the system as being that it. generated a simple act this time thahat will continue in sunnnnyvale jobss da and show me that if i neeeed. a telelephone whichch wasas all ph to austrtralia to in the country onon the st thomas. the army had to usese helicopters to dropop water r on the fireses.
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06/16/20 06/16/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york city of the , one epicenters of the pandemic in the u united statates, this s democrcracy now! > today the u united states supreme court stood on thehe rit side of hihistory, declaring tht sexual orientation and innerer identity is from nation are both prohibited under federal law. amy: in a historic 6-3 vote, the supreme court rules that employers who fire workers for being gay or transgender are breaking the country's civi


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