tv France 24 LINKTV June 17, 2020 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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avoid more violence after deadly clash the boulder twenty indian troops killed in a disputed area sparking protests. wide ranging new u. s. sanctions on syria taking facts they target individuals and businesses supporting- trading with the pasha on the side government. and beijing raises its emergency level as dozens
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of new coronavirus cases emerge schools. i'm travel restricted. hello and thahanks for joining s i'm clara pride india wants peace but we weren't take provocations lightly that's the gist of narendra modi's reaction to monday's clash on the border with china our reaction that critics of india's prime minister sayay should have come sooner at leleast twentnty indian troops e killed in a disputed himalayan area. we understand that no shots were fired soldiers it using bots anand rocks instead early this wednesday china denied starting the trouble but said both sides had agreed to talk. let's go to delhi now and speak to a correspondent that meant to keep the garlic monokini mody also saying today that the lives lost waiting to be in vain tell us more about reactions where you walk. to the e border clashsh on monday.s
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nonow practice. it is some spots all but the country would be burning in after she's old chinese press xi jim jim may and the tree flag now this is why something because all of this is how and do you to india recorded gets line court y. state. in a single day well what do thousand people dieie herere at citizens of being in crushes. indoors but still quite a few. some groups even for total boycott. chinese products. but it was the most important reacts of the b. like said we so the show out of my interest from m me will be m mar whatever. of like you might he was. a better orderly and today awful feeling to put out a statate so else in fact the
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leader the all the party called so mr gandhi. even earlier this morning asking why is s the prie ministster's. why the height we need to what have went out o oy twenty six allll lead to the prime e minister has spokeken without going into any. on inside he said the s srifice of the twin s swords so we going to wait but- expepeing. with china should not to o into. i do like to pointnt out from the state ad he say yes for us you in and sober. of the country i is the most simple. in here once easast but is capablble of giving aa-- reply instr. to get a sentetence i say the s same what shee- iota bit of a frenzy. trying to figure outut what. this decades
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long dispute betweween indndia d chinina about the exact location of that borders along the himalayan breach now this is a spononsored people can lead to.a regigion that's mostly all rockk and ice completely ununinhabitable well this is wht is known as the line of traction conontrol and the two countries and evenn going to wateter would reach back in nineteen sixty two. and a beta softwaware into the sixties mid sixtiess and s senties and more recently. in the last decade. this article by is to be a real that india was standing t to wht a remote. plplease on what it is jenna faceced thousanand body engine maiaintains that this order sweat and its stratategy added i it just as much of a right to upgrgrade its medicii instalallations as china- or china dispuputes that t that w t
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is within indian jananet sheet o that appears to be the image it trigger. b but this hahas a long historory behind it unlikelyy tt i actually wawant to leave the city w well not specicially inda which is in the middldle of inspiron iris so. trying to make. but but but what it. all right thank you very much indeed mandakini mechanical that in deadly force. cash in other news new sanctions against syria approved by u. s. lawmakerss last december have come into effect the act targets people syrian- not to provide significant support to syria's government and it focuses on three sectors the minute tree oil and gas even before coming into effect this wednesday the sanctions reverberated across the country as monty francis reports. already suffering under the effectss of its ninine year civl war the syriaian economy faces a new threat a set of wide sweeping sanctions the united
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states says is aimed at stopping human rights abuses. committed by the government of bashar al-assad's. syria's economy already at near collapse the u. n. special envoy for syria said there's a new l level of alarm inin the country. nobody involved in the conflict should presume that time is on theirir side. nobody shshould be sure they're gonna e better openings on their own. what is required is the readiness of a all d do you seriouously additives all the conflict. already under previous sanctions imposed by the u. s. and the european union the new sanctions known as the caesar act targets anyone including companies ininstitutions and individuals providing support or doing business with the syrian government. measures are likely to apply to russia and iran who both support the assad regime.
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in anticipationn of the sanctions the syrian currency has plunged in value in just one week by more than it's fallen in n the previous n nine yearss. sparking rare protestss against the assad regime i in government controlled areas. the new us sanctions are likely to have a ripple effect on those in the region including neighboring lebanon whose economy is intertwined with that of syria and is still reeling from a banking crisis. and the effects from ththe coroa virus pandndemic. and layla molana allen joins us now from the bay related before we look at the repercussions way you are how did these u. s. sanctions compared to previous ones. later i'm not sure you can hear me i was just asking- how do these u. s. sanctions
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compare to previous ones. i think we're havaving technical issues that unfortunately not able to talk to you later molana allen in beirut right now so some of that syria related news at four you were expecting. a verdict here in france lesa how often the uncle of bashar assad went on trial. rifaat al assad allegedly embezzled syrian state funds to buy propertrties in france it ws some ninety million euros hoxie mais belkin has the story. to parisian townhouses a consul vault office space in the deal and even a stutud farm the list of rifaat al-assad's french assets is l loan. so whose money paid foror until his allegeded crimes spanned the period betweenn nineteen eighty four and two thousand sixteen. and include aggravated tax fraud anand misappropriation of syrian
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funds. today i went to a a junir dhamma dhara patel- he's in deninial. all the kids club junior demand that existsts- a seat on the on the question some critics of compass player bob altamont please because. it honestly. a former heavy weight read other left syria in nine eighty all to mount a fait i his. hafez he lilived first in switzerland then fronts his assets are registered to companies nestled in offshore tax havens and attemempt say prprosecutors t to hide how they were acquired. assad's defense team says the. tool came from saudi arabia. if you experience always you know montesano they also use of all dyes the see. us at all possible elizur and sergio females he- did at birth this is. the eighty two year
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old if didn't appear in court fofor his law to o send g. to i. prosecutors seeking a full prisons. a ten million euro fine and also the confiscation of all of us that's french real estate. rifaat al assad is also facing the possibility of a spanish trial on charges of ill gotten gains. that is switzerland continues to pursue charges of war crimes against him allegedly committed in syria in the nineteen eighthtie. right let's go back to beirut now when they let milan island is standing by to talk about the latest round of us sanctions againstst syria at layla how did these sanctions compared to previous ones. well that happens onn shows us sanctions on ththe syrian government sinince two thousand for those with stepped up in two thousand eleven similar things ever since the b beginnig of the syrian civil war initially trying. to put pressure on president outside initially to step down foraging change and then that changed
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over the years but what they're trying to now the u. s. governmentnt seems was has seems to have accepted that president assad is not going to step down immediately when not going to see. an immediate change of government but they do s still want some other things to happen they want to pressurise president abbbbas government to stop the ad campaign against syrian civilians is being conducted by the allies the russian ministry they also want to enable this return of refugees and they want. unfettered access for humanitarian organizations across the country to help people living in sysyria those are just some of the key things that calling for and what i try to do with the sanctions. individual target people inside and outside syria individuals companies organize but in any way on to. spots press assad got that even whether or the spirit central bank could so as an- money for present asked so that that. and the size of is where they'll be able to. check says to change the way that it acts in the- and asas you have before at thahat will include both- sanctioning organizations
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on and rushed to the government that all supupporting. outside backs up it's simply an increase of trying to change the way the president. is condnducting himself and got to his gogovernment because of course we've seen efforts that normalization of his government over the last few years we've seen all the- coming. race. hello from the brace to start trade talks the u. s. government's to stop and say you can't do business with on the you want to see for it. and later one of the repercussions lightly to be where you are in lebanon. well of course one of the main. if hey is that has both which is of the opening. that has been. hell at present outside in his campaign in syria as the foot soldiers that were on the ground. is based in lebanon and so of course we've seen over the last year. the u. s. tryrying t to sanction increasingly actress who also linked to hezbollah so this works for them. in two ways because it also means they're increasingly sanction hezbollah as they sanction president
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assad's government serve. as well as facing problems that because many of the sources of finance fall from external countries more rewarding seeing people in many countries in europe. and north america being sanctioned for their involvement with hezbollah as an organization but one of the key issues. is the border between lebanon and syria because the thing that is its very porous border. so currently lebanon has strong links history there's a lot of smoke. is on that as well as illegal trade and so what. was the try and use it firm up for at the proper hezbollah as that will make things increasingly difficult for them. to get weapons across the board which is so important that operations in syria. however one thing that ngos are very worried about is that they don't want the sanctions to affect legitimate farmers. and traders in lebanon who use syria as the only route to get to that products to the mainland. of course the israeli border to the south is closed they want to make sure it doesn't affect civilians influx affect. that doctors walking present assets.
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government and because- of that. thank you very much later. and outbreak of could not has lead beige to raise its emergence level home of have been nonessential travel outside the city band and schools a shot china'a's capital repeporting another thirty one cases taking the total to more than a hundred and thirty in the last week the outbreak is also started inn a masassive food market yet to leave reports. morere than two thirdss of fligs have b been canceled to and from beijing. but still a some residents are trying their best to return to their hometowns. the it is a win win. beijing is fascinating a new coronavirus cluster china's capital is a dense megacity deserve a second wave of prompted authorities to raise it for health alert to the second highest level. genichiro goodly eat out we
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shouldn't vehicle shyshark young knowledge you go pto consultant from compensate. chairmen lost told india at jeans the dg intercourse. change your eating pantsts. fact chunks the worork wasn't. dodoef neneighborhood a and residents areas in ththe city have been pt undeder lockdown all schools hae returned it to online teaching working from home is being encouraged and at least eleven food markets have beenen shut down including asian body place that supplies some 70% of beijing's fruit and vegetables. the current spike in cases is reportedly linkedd to this wholesale markekets chinese auauthorities a are putting into practice they now t tried and tested tracking tooools in an attempt to o clamp out this latest break. that's it for now sticking to. thanks very much is staying with his time now if
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i on africa with me. a team from across west africa. h. as inin politics economics and the arts in africa on france t tweny four. hello journalist on every region every country. reports on the emergence of a contininet of unparalleled rich. bring you africa's storyry on france tweny four. thanks for joining us this weekend. the. hello and welcome to ththe interview my guest today is literally stared death in the eye after an elephant charged him and gored him in his left leg is an accomplished businessmsman the godfather of customer relationship management apps or so called c. r. m. is a also the ceceo of a startup called c. three a. i. this has just been vavalued at t three billion dols tom siebel hello and thank you for being with us today good
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afternoon. see also the author of this a wall street seller digital transformation at survive and thrive in an era of mass extinction by it resented bobooks i in this book you drawn interest about how life evolved on earth and it's happening in the business world what is it what are we witnessing today well in the natural world- we've had a life on the planet sixteen billionaires and that's four hundred and forty million yearars we have h had. as a- ev. the most three. being this katie extinction where t this. meteor hit the you could tan sixty five million years ago and i believe order of 80% of the species on earth became extinct at that time. and after each of these mass extinction events and- that would be followed by a- kind of a mass re speciation where newew species-s- i'm visit india existence self. eighty six sixty five years ago. and a source disappeared the planet.
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and that vacuum was filled by mammals so that turned out to be work out well for homo sapiens at least so far. now when you get into the corporate boardroom today- you talk to the ceo. n. e. i. shanghai beijing paris rome london new york san francisisco. the ceo te top o of the ceo's agenda is ths ththing called digital tranansformation there's a mandate to digitatally transfor. anand it's something criticacaly important a a fasast you ifsfs exisistential. and i i spent a t of time thinking abobout this in in you know like what is going on here. s so i am of coururse n the information technology industry this is a very rapidly growing space. and that space we're seeing some new vectors twenty first century that are changing everyththing. these include. elastic cloud computing big data t the internt of things and this phenomenenon
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that we call artificial intelligence. and at the confluence of these factors you find digital transformation so now you ask why are people so focused on digital transformation. well just likee in the natural world. in the corpororate world and four in te twenty firirst century we're going through a a mass extinctin of that 52% of the fortune five hundred company disappeared not eighteen year. my there are risk. west westitinghouse. w wee here to r. us there. these companies are have dropped. and end its estimate that is as you know seventy per of the cop existed. will be gone twenty. so what isis going on. is it a server. we were companies with nenew dna like tesla like like airbnb like amazon t that are al about. artificial intelligence big data elastic cloud computing in retail in transportation and hospitality
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in automotive industries at. these companies with new dna. our our our our replacing the vacuum by these companies that are going out of business so that's what i think is going on. so it's all about how well companies will be harnessed those four at technologies i now like to have a statement that you made in your book in which he said that artificial intelligence. will be. they were dropped if it was the industrial knowing what how after the indus river. was world war two what do you have in mind is it a populistic vision. or daniel bell published a very important book in nineteen seventy three he was a sociologist from harvard he published a book called the coming post industrtrial society and he predicicted in nineteen seventy three this is before the mini computer before the persononal compuputer for the internet. before the cell phone as you can imamagine okay that would that that the world. was about to- experience. at a at a
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rerestructuring of the global economy onn the order of the industrial revolution and he calllled this the post industril society or the information age. and i in fact in the last fifty years everything he projected as become true s so now informatioion technology has changed t the way.. you know the structure of the economyy the way we work so it we entertain ourselves the way that we communicate the way we look at what's going on and- you know and youou know public securities today and how much of the hub secure usasage. that dominated y information technology companies so it is it has changed everything. now i let's have your take on on of the trade war between the united states and china i just recently heard microsoft president brad smith say that. both countries are on the verge of a tech cold war- what's your opinion on this and who do you think what will win this battle is a battle. about artificial intelligence about five g. what is it all about do you think.
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well peten said letterman kittens said in two thousand seventeen that whoever wins the war on a.a. i. dominates the worlrld i belieieve that's trued it will notot be rash. and so it will either be a high. were massssive investmtments goingng- in advancing. artificial intelligigence for. a link people- social compliance- weapons systems defense systems that the weaponization of a. i. or the united states so we are in a non kinetic warfare with china today. and they are investing billions of dollars they are educating more peoplee they are spendining more mononey they're filing more patents. and i think there's a reason to be concerned if things continue to go their current- the way they are going today i think china might win this war. and little b bit more. i think of te weststern goverernments don't do more in this area will be very
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sorry. now let's talk about your start up i just said it was valued at three billion dollars it's called c. three a. i. and it's helping. a companies take the digital turn maybe give us briefly an example of how you help your clients in that matter. is so we spent the last decade and almost. three quarters of a billion dollars billion a software platform that allowows ourr customemers likike and nowd she shells ignited six airforce- applyly ai. to massive social and economic benefits so this is about you know cleaner energy renewable energy more efficient manufacturing lower inventory costs lower cost products more satisfied customers. and so we do this in bankining telecommunications- smart cities- a defense intelligence- clean energy. now
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at you decided to set up your headquarters here in europee in noww morning y your your hat yor european headquarters are here in france he seemed to appreciate france a lot is still the case after. all the strikes and why do you think it's a good country to invest well i think that yourself paris is very centrally located it's a great- transportation hub we- france offers you know- very-- deepp and rich resource n theirr human capital. they have you know some of the best research and educational ininstitutions on the planet lie a cold poly technique and be e a grgreat computer scientist great data scientiststs c create human capital so i think that is siebel systems paris was our- headquarters for a media that works out very well for us. and so this is our headquarters for c. three dot a. i. as we- as we grow our footprint- throughout europe and the middle east. i started this interview basing that you'd literally stared at death in the i was referring of
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course to what happened back in two thousand nine in tanzania when you were on a foot safari- you were attacked by an elephant and you. underwent nineteen surgeries i think right after that and you weren't able to walk for four years i'm just wondering on a personal level- the man that you are what how did it change your life e to have to go o thrh thatat. or send photosos are in tanznzania has attttacked and mauled by an elephant and- my left leg gord job. come rate is the ballot. thank you for came off. in he said it was check.. and i i spent the fouour years t ninety w we can. susurgery and i walked foror years. gogood newss today i'm but i t think it pupu things into perspective. about ego y you approacach risk a lite bit differently and- it also you know you. eat on thee most of the things that you'll worry about before an elephant a attak
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that you think they're important they really not importrtant at t all. and s so t helps youou prioritize what's lt you know what's important from what's not to o change the way you think. and lastly for those of our viewers for maybe thinking about s starting at their start up for their company- what what's your advice to them. the comic to expert today and you know the end. the idea that. i think that you know whether we're dealingg w with bioscience with the deal information technology whether it be a material science travel transportation there is no substitute for getting an education and being a domain expert in that field secondly before i started company i would go to work foror a company there's a leader in that field okay. and you'll learn yeah how it's done how customers engage the language of the business how contracting is done how customers are supported show that you can be you know more successful out of
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06/17/20 06/17/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is democracy now! pres. trump: they have done fantastic work. new, pretty new, magnificent as yoyou've probably heard, we getting exact numbers, but we're close to one millllion people wantingng to go. amy: president donald trump says
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