tv France 24 LINKTV June 23, 2020 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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meddling in libyan affairs. up.correspondent coming a tell-all all book from john bolton coming out today in the u.s.. alton calls the u.s. president incompetent. -- b bolton calls the u u.s. prpresident incompetent. governorgermany, the of the most populous state has announced new lockdown measures. those arare happening in a couny that has seen a a large increase in covid-19 cases linked to a slaughterhouse. onlye are being told to have contact with their own household or one person from outside. bars are closing as well. lisbontuguese capital of goes back under curfew today in areas with the most coronavirus cases. spikes came after the easing of restrictions led to a surge in
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illegal partying. police broke up a raves along the shoreline that exceeded the limit of 20 or gathering. one party had about 1000 people in all. [speaking foreign language] genie: in other coronavirus news, one of the political -- pinnacles of the islamic state is t the saudi arabia. millions pack into religious sites in mecca but a aer m mths of uncncertainty due to covid-1, saudi arabia decided to go along with the pilgrimage without any international visitors. the minister said that the final
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number of pilgrims next month could be under 1000. >> this year's pilgrimage is likely to be historic. mecca usually fills with more than 2 million pilgrimss during that sacred d week for i islam t it will almost t be emptyty. that the government t has decicd ththat the e event will be m mil in scope to block the spread of the e virus. foreign language] just that sauaudi arabia has struggled to stop the spread in its own territory, the pilgrimage has become a major source of contagion. a previous2 to 2014, epidemic in the middle east spread it during the pilgrimage and a somewhat t worshipers returned to their home countries
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l. holding a scaled-back pilgrimage will cost saudi arabia. hajjcially first, generates some 12 billion dollars every year, a major source of income for riyadh already hit by a slow down -- slowed down economy. the cost could also be political. saudi arabia is -- saudi arabia is enemies have already -- to questionh some riyadh's custodianship over islam's most sacred states.. has taken york state its biggest step and reopening. stores are reopening, restaurants are serving customers. many new yorkers are celebrating by getting their first haircut
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in the months. many are back k in the office wh masks and restrictions on things like the number of people in elevators. while new york may have fled into the curve, the virus is growing in other states. the number of deaths in the u.s. has passed the grandma landmark of 120,000. one of the worst hit statates is florida now. cases were announced on monday alone. offificials arare saying not to panic. they say this spike in numbers is due to testing.g. most of the new cases are in the young people who are asymptomaticic. >> on the beaches of the sunshine state, floridians are enjoying the fresh air now that lockdown is over. there are no masks to be seen and little attttention is paid o social distancing. it worries some residents. >> it is dangerous and it t is
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increasing. >> bars and do something parks have reopened. the state has seen a recent uptick in infections. were announced recently. florida's governor has downplayed the significance saying it is due to increased testing. the average age of those diagnosed is under 40, not the more at risk elderly population. > we are seeing increased cases, mostly asymptomatic, in a younger cohort. we have message to from the beginning of march that those who are elderly or have significant underlying medical conditions needed to be avoiding crowds and avoiding contact outside the home as much as they can. >> the republican governor wants tourists to return to his estate
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to boost the ailing economy -- his state to boost the ailing economy. stayrns young people to cautious and maintain social distancing measures with cases continuing to rise. he is worried there interactions with olderer populations could - their interactions with older populations could prove deadly. genie: john bolton's book comes out today despite attempts from the trump administrations atattempts -- to block it. despite multiple efforts to keep it off the shelves, the room where it happened is hitting bookstores. according to its author, armoror nationalal security advdvisor fd a book oftrump, it is facts. john bolton says his book
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demonstrates trump is not the decisive president he claimed to be. alton writes that trump lacked -- alton writes that trump lacked basic knowledge including writes that trump lalacked basic knowledge such as the fact that to the u.u.k. a nuclear power. little to no focus on what meetings did for the bargaining position of the u.s.. >> one of the allegations the buck makes is that trump fled with his chinese counterpart f r help i isecuring hisis reelecti. >> he focused on china buying more agricultural products, which he said would help him in the farm states. >> according to alton, trump did trump was bargaining with the ukrainians to set up a
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probe of the former vice president using the resources of the federal government. house democrats impeached the u.s. president for withholding foreign aid to ukraine. hison client -- suguggested testimony at the time what have made no dififference. >> you are saying they were too narrow. they should have looked at all of these things you are outlining in thehe buck. if they did not know about those ththings from you how could they dodo that?t? >> an impeachment process that was serious and not partisan like watergate would have taken the time to cover all these things. hopesohn bolton says he history will remember trump as a one term president who did not plunge the u.s. into a downward spiral. while trump has an unwillingness to learn, when it comes to his reelection, the presidident's attention span iss infinite. president emmanuel
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macrcron has voiced irriritation over what he sees as turkeys meddling in the libyan affairs. the frenchch president accccusee turkish president of backing libyan forces when he pledged not to intervene. turkey says it is france who intervened on libyan fighting. libya is ofteten discussed d outside the countryy foreign leaders. emmanuel macron accused turkey of breaching the arms embargo on libya when meeting with his two knees he and -- tunisian counterparts. >> >> [speaking french] >> the french president says on h h sent-- ankara fighters t to back the libyan government against its rival of the so-called libyan national
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army. france says at thehe moment -- t could worsen the violence but turkey says that rance has meddled in the libyan conflict like russia. >> we are supporting the france is and jeopardizing nato's insecurity, north african security, libby is a political stability. political stability. >> france denies bacacking eithr side militarily. retaken- they have territory previously conquered in the northwest. the armemed groups babacking thm arare now movi east, raising concerns in neighboring egypt. cairo has threatened to intervene if the fighting spills further east.
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more on this story let's bring in our ankara correspondent. emmanuel macron warned turkey was playaying a dangerous game. on supportsy macr politically the rebels. by a staunchest secularist. turkish president erdrdogan supppports the tripoli goverern, which is the u.n. recognized govevernment. coalition backed by islamists. -- 13e e 10, 13 years ago dadays ago, exexcuse me, a a frh warship p wanted to inspect a turkish warspp headed totoward ththe libyan c coast. other turkish warships closed in and forced the f french corvette
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--the french to s stale away sail awa conflict betweween one natoto navy y and anotheher nat. nots quite clear turkey did want its warship to be inspected and i think that speaks volumes. genie: whahat is thehe thinking here? well there be a battle as we heard in that report? egypt has threatened d to intervene. the $64,000 question. this town lies halfway across libyan territory. it is now held by y hostile foreign -- forces. tripoli fororces backed by turky are advancing on it. said that were it, egyptrces to takake
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would intervene mililitarily and egegypt can quite easilily do t. it would be a matatter of its ay rolling across the libyan-ejection border. l libyan-egyptian border. were t they to opopen the door o taking conontrol of the oioil fs of eastetern libya, that is the realal prize in thee l libyan cl war. at the m moment to the o oiliels e joined byby the rebel genener. i used l live in egypt and the egyptians see l libya as theieir backyard a and they will l not e kindly to a turkish bacacked ary dominatingng the country. i think the president's warning should be taken seriously. genie: thank you for that. jesper mortimer reporting for us from ankara. thank you. 15 minutesack in
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with more headlines. ♪ >> hellolo, welcome on france 24 we are in brazil with the former brazilian health minister luis. hello, mr. minister. >> thank you for accepting our invitation, minister. in april, you are dismissed by president bolsonaro a as -- when you werere at thehe forefront oe fight against covid-19. w weeks.ed after on what grounds wewere you dismissed? time, the world was
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facing a new virus. this was an unknown disease that was deeply affecting health care systems. the main countries affected were in t the west with ita,, france, and they u.k. becoming quickly overwhelmed. were seeing these reports from a more developed nations that werere suffering so much. e health ministry decided to implement social distancing measures to protect ourselves. these social distancing measures led to economic issues we have seen. what i lilike to call the second wave. you have got the first wave affecting public health, and the second affecting the economy. president decided to be more
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concerned by the economic impact, to prioritize protecting the economy over public health.. he created a dilemma, as if these two things could be managed separately when they go hand in hand. at the health ministry, they were putting the health in front of the economy, but at the same time he was pushing those two -- people to get back to work and downplaying the public health risk. there comes a point that as a health minister, either you agree with your president or you get dismissed. this is exactly what he chose to do, by appointing another minister who w was o only in thb for 28 days. today the president has handed over the ministry to military personnel who follow w his ordes
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without any concern for public health. can acceptdiers bolsonaro's orders echo -- orders? drawn from the public health sector. we worked to protect life and we had three core principleses -- e first was to protect people. secondly, protect our health care system. thirdly, defend science as the basis for any y decision made. the goal of the experts was replaced by militatary personne. to me this can no longer be called a health ministry. it is a health ministry occupied by the military. of the process militarization of the health ministry in your attempt -- does this constitute an anti-democratic force e of acti? . >> the question is not so much
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whether it is anti-democratic. it is anti-life and that goes well beyond any democratic concern in my opinion. the question is how can we as a society protect our values? the e life of ouour people is or core value. some people believe that it goes against protecting the economy because our figures are no longer trusted despitete how trusted as a ministry brazil's health ministry was in the e pa. we were a reference on the continenent. people looked to us as an example of how to publish -- vantage public health. managelity isis key for -- public health. that credibility is key and that is being lost.t. >> initially brazil was the head in the fight against to the pandndemic. you introduceded social isolatin
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measures earlier than some euroropean countries but today brazil is the second worst hit by covid-19. what happened? >> i think there are a numumberf factors a at play. ourr country iss heavily marrery social inenequality.y. we havee a historic lack of housing, overcrowding, denselel populated neighborhoods, a history y of infectious disease. we also have a strong informal economomy. many work without a dodocumented job and it is difficult to stop that. this disease may show to the world how important it is that we reduce inequality. finance affects everything. globalization is shaking up the world and if we continue with this traransit of populations ad goods, disease will also
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glglobalize. inequalities between countries are not good for brazil or any other country. president -- one of president bolsonaro's main arguments is thatat the virus will hurt the economy more t than the health f the country. can you make sense of this economic argument? >> that is n not so much the problem. you never emerge strong from a pandemic -- epidemic. it has never happened in history. you simply cannot do it. if we had been more cautiouous, our economomic recovery would likely bee much faster. this is seen through the study of previous epidemics. what this actually shows is that his mind is already on the
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reelection in 2022. presidential elections are always about jobs and the economy, so what the president is trying to do is distance himself from the public health -- the crcrisisit to the mayors and governors. he is saying there will be losses but he did not want them as if gdp was not a global issue. he is pretending not to know that after the crisis countries will have e to come together to find solutions. we do not need to rethink the world. we are going to have to come up with an econonomic recovery y pn and to stop thinking about just ourselves. rozelle has cut itself off from that pro -- brazil has cut itself off from that process. >>uarantine is a worldwide
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debate. president bolsonaro stands up as of - --- great proponent this miracle cure. what do you think of it? >> i d do not think it is s a miracle cure? when you are faced with a new toease, people want to jump a solution. the president did not support ththis drug for health reasons. it was for political reasons.. he is telling people to take the drug and go back to work. against the advice of thee specialists and doctors and has no scientific foundation. -- i had restricted its use to severe cases because we knew risks wereo vascular
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involved but the president wanted to allow people to take the e drug at home with no m mel photo op. i did not allow it, my successor did not allow it to, but the military people now in charge have allowed it. faced with this pandemic w we nd to respect science. we need to respect research timelines, discoveries, the mistakes and successes. >> in your v view, bolsonaro dos not respspect science? >> he chooses politics over science. national court in the hague started to look into a complaint against the brazilian president and his handling of the coronavirus crisis in brazil. do you think he could be held responsible for minimizing the severity of the health crisis?s? cysts management of the
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has concerned people. the underplaying of the crisis from the beginning has shocked -- he i isecause he out on a limb, sayg g he does not want to stop the economy, saying that would damage the economy more than the public health -- -- hehe is backtrack, boris to johnson backtracked, the president of mexico backtrackck. the president of a brazazil is alonee in keeping this unfortunatee stancnce and disrespecting the victims. >> how do you see the next two months? that brazil will continue on the same path as many other countries on the continent.
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these countries are facing spikes in the disease, t then drops, then successive waves afterwards. i think that until the end of august or mid september we will see cities be more or less contaminined dependiding on the case. unfortunately, we are going to move forward w without a real health ministry, with policy being made without the concurrence of mayors and governors. community mustal toready to learn the lessons from -- from this crisis. i hope we will see debate into this will help us live together better in the future. without disregarding the differences between countries, we can work towards a better balance so that we will be
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