tv France 24 LINKTV June 29, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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green wave floods through a string of french town in city hall says ecologists win big in the delayed second rounds municipal election but a bruised president mac home promises to inject billions more to make the country's economy greener. the lawyer acting on behalf of a one time french presidential hopeful says his client plans to appeal. this up to judges found homes what fiona and his wife
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penelope guilty of covering public money. hoping to return to commercial service up to two fatall crasheses a b boeing sevn three seven max takes off in the seattlele area on the first day of certifification flightt testing. all business and it's- kate moody will be here to tell us more. hello and a very warm welcome back to the fronts twenty four newsroom i'm thomas waterhouse. the french president says we shouldn't be too hasty when itt comes to drawing nationanal conclusions from sunday's local elections they manual mccollum's republic on the move party fails to secure any. major municipality in that delayed second round ballots with city holes in the likes of leon but we'll do and strasbourg old turning green should he step on how small. municipal elections are often a chance for voters to voice
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their discontent with presidents. although turnout was historically low at about 40% voters who did castor ballots on sunday sent a clear message to. maccoll whose centrist party was badly defeated while the greens one major battles across the country in legal must say strasbourg bordeaux. the only bright spot for my call itt while phililippe was selected in ththe nortrnrn port of low level the prime minister who could leave office in case of a major government reshuffle also talked about the environment. you live you know to fill the notes enough good news the more powerful the mall. said you should exemplify the dealer produce. said dealer. the details are correct even. french president has sometimes failed to take environmental policies that could displease investors farmers in other
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segments of societety all thahat could change asas early as mondy morning when mccall meets a at ththe elysee what the so called citizens convention which he set up a group of people selected randomly to suggest a garment all policies of green shift may help my call regain support among the leftist voters disillusioned by his policies. mccall has famously pleaded for the environment make our planet. read the game he has two years left on his first try to convince voters he really meant it. what a day after his policy was dealt a blow by the ecologists in the landscaped gardens of the elise at the french president has pledged up his government's game when it comes to all things green. emmanuel maccoll adaddressed his citizens climate council and promised to pump in an additional fifteen billion euros to accelerate moves to a
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greener economy in italy expects. handing over the battle not shoot the president one hundred and fifty members of the public came up with one hundred and forty nine proposals for the french government. ideas on how to marry the fight against climate change with social justice. president emmanuel mackerel has accepted all that three suggestions. you're gooood to te pole position. the simplest. to me the owner of a local project. remove annoyed about a money call the home. it comes in you don't get it. just with goodd news for you s. is he gonna get the cheesy. the president setup the citizens clilimate conventin in response to the yellow vest movement when a proposed tax hike on petrol was met with sustained protests nationwide. among the group's proposals reducing the number of domestic flights organizing it to refeferendums on the environment
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and lowering the speed limit from one hundred and thirty to one hundred and ten kilometers per hour. the latter has been constant site by mackerel who argues that it's unfair to people who live in isisolated reregions. he also rejected a dividedends tax everythingg it'l be bad for investment. i the consultant to go in the requirement that you know of there's also a piece of his mind you know the edison was one that you did to get me to. see it because it stitill. noticeably officials admit that. i call famously wants to. a make our planet great again. to turn his words into action he's now pledged fifteen billion years towards making the economy more climate friendly. this as the green party's historic gains in sunday's elections. but the spotlight once again on environmental policy. now over three years ago he was hoping to sit comfortably behind the main desk at the elysee palace but now a phone so i feel is facing a jail term rather than a presidential term. a court here
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in paris is found the former prime minister and right wing presidential hopeful guilty of misappropriating public money feels welsh born wife penelope was also found guilty for her part. in the fictitious jobs scandal all reporter katherine norris trent said this update earlier from central paris. hunting down i have- dick the judge said that only a severe sentence would do pounding false all fail a two year jail time plus three year suspended sentence after convicting him of embezzling huge sums. of public money of fraudulently paying his wife for decades to work as a parliliamentary assistant works the court found she simply didn't do. that the judge said that the films had sought to boost that personal income putting that personal gain weight above the public interest. the net at the film was also found guilty she was given a three year suspended sentence in both the films received a hefty fine of. three
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hundred and seventy five thousand euros that lawyer call this verdict on johnston said that they would immediately appeal that puts the sentence is on hold. pending that appeal so foster field went heading straight to prison none the less this is a huge fall from grace for france's former prime minister and a man who was at one time front runner. to become the president back at the beginning of two thousand and seventeen he was riding high in the polls before the scandal broke and his lawyers have argued this was a political trial in fact they cacall for today's verdict to be postponed often. the former head prosecutors said she'd come under pressure to drive this case three quickly the judge they did not take that into account s she chose to come downwn have but it. it will they feature heavily. in the film's appeal. no in the master of our the plug will be pulled out and output will see. it for. oldest nuclear or stay. just before
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midnight local time the second and last react to the fest in hindsight in the east of the country will be switched off. after four decades in action it will however take months for the reactors to be cold enonoh for the spent fuel to be removed. some business news now in a boeing seven three seven max has taken to the skies above seattle washington. as us regulators conducts the first test flight of the troubled model the aviation giant hopes to get the plane recertified in the coming months. the seven three seven max fleet has been grounded around the world since march twenty eight nineteen following two deadly crasheses our bususiness editor kate moody is here. to tell us more not cake this is a crucialal step fr boeieing have both been working on the updates to the software for more than a year.r. the software which is thought to have contributed to those two crashes which killeled three hundndred and forty six people- in twenty eighteen and twentnty
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nineteen. the anti stall flight syststem known as m. cast was singled out as the principal factor. but in the past year so a number of other technical malfunctions have been detected in the max fleet a contributing it to the problems of bones in trying to fix. boeing had initially hoped to have the plane back in these guys as early as last year it was only this sunday though that the federal aviation administration give the green light for this test flight. u. s. regulators will be conducting a number of tests over the coming three days and the faa has stressed that this is only the first very small step back towards pre certification. regulators in countries are likely to want to have more tests as well. the safety crisis has raised questions about the ties between boeing and u. s. regulators and some agencies including the e. u.'s has said that they won't automatically accept the faa certification in the u. s. as they used to do automatically- before getting those. planes back in the air. okay the aviation industry has been among the most affected by the corona virus pandemic just
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how has boeing fat. what boeing has already spent over nineteen billion dollars on the max crisis alone- and that's control and the corona virus pandemic has now contributed to further job cuts ten at sixteen thousand. announced just in the past few months that's 10% of bones over work force. it's rating has been down. orders for its planes including but not limited to the max fleet. have ground to a halt and it reported record operating profit loss of one point seven billion dollars in just the first three months of this year. at boeing's share price has plunged around 40% since the beginning of twenty twtwenty it did jump over 14% this monday. as news of that test flight broke- and investors hoped that things will get getting back to normal quite soon the success of these test flights and ultimately getting. the seven thirty seven max we back into the air is really gonna be critical for boeing as the industry as a whole grapples w with this unprecedented crisis. okay committee- business that it's a thank you very much. not brings you up to date once again but
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do stay with us here on france twenty four world news coverage continues. hello and welcome to the friends twenty four interview our guest today is both common law. he is a senior associate with the german institute for international and security affairs he is the author of the very timely book- it's called libya's fragmentation. and he joins us from berlin thank you very much mr loeffler for being with us today. thanks for watchihing so as your book says libya is more divided than ever of the west of the country including the capital tripopoli is controlled by forces allied with the government of national accord led by fayez al seraj and recognized by the united nations the east is a
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stronghold of khalifa haftar who enjoys the support of the united arab emirates and egypt among others. after besieging tripoli for a year haftar is now forced to withdraw after turkey intervened in support of suraj and both camps are now facing off near the strategic town. of sirte so the big question is libya abouts to petition. well i think that for ththe first time in the history of libya's cononflict off thehe last tenen years- there is actually a reaeal riskk thatt things will ultitimately move towards a partition but we're not quite there yet. right now- i'm the cute chris is about t te conflict will take a an entirely new term what i is this tenensin intervention by egypt- which would mean that the conflict is
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no longer a proxy war. as it was until now but it t could evolve into an open confrontation b between- different statess in india itself. there iss also the possibilityy that this will ultimately become a frozen conflict and that could. eventually lead towards partition- but what we're talking about medium term scenario is that right- you mentioned egypt- and i mentioned the town of sirte- the chips in a present i been fought to hunt cc said. that if the forces allied- with- the prime minister fires out so rasch- we're moving toward sued this would cross a red line and prompted egypt to intervene i mean you and this would mean egypt possibly in confrontation. with turkey- directly i mean how serious is this is this just talk. or
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could this happen actuallyly. i think the risk escalate ovever the c country. is that it we woululd do well to take. the presididency sees threats seriously because right now we have a situatition where.. there is a lot of uncertainty on both sidess in turk a a egypt about how serious these are threats of escalatioion all there is uncertainty about. to whwhat extentnt the other side is ready to- you know commit military assets is able to commitit litary assets to what extent it would be able to o sustain escalation. financiallyly but alsoso in terms of- you know politically-y- with regard to is local constituencncies if. i get some of f those losses- and so.. i'm egypt and turkeyy. playayina game with there they'rere trying to test how quality of the site is willing to go. and meet-
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hiringng certainteed back gamame involves a serious risk of escacalation right- were you surprised by- turkey's- decisive and i would say very open intervention- backing- the government of national accord- let's just recall that- hi lisa haftar besieged the capital tripoli for a year and many people thought that he would gain contrtrol and then s sudde. things have turned around totally. yes i thihink t that at of people were s surprised i personally wasas also surprprisd by a- an eventnt intererventionf the scale and open intervention. yes t the bear in mind that last year you know the entire campaign- buyer hostile to seize control of tripoli well supported covertly. by in the uae by russia- by egypt turn kate took intetervention to an e entirely differerent level binding to
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beating openly. rigight and- i note that att the time- very few people in western governments expected this kind of intervention- by turkish- and i think the extxtent to which this is realllly shiftedd the balance of power. has surprised a lot of people yes. right i will to go back to also the fact that there is no international a mediation efforts i mean the u. n. special envoy- positioion iss anti now- hansson salami left a few months ago so you hear everyone european countries the us saying we need a political solution but there's no. negotiation at the international level hall c can you expect the political since whose solution. in that situation. well i it's actctualy
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ququite difficulto see- meaningful you and land proroces or even into a meaniningful political p process- adil- happn under the current circumstances because on the one hand we have- a russia and turkey-y- you knknow a quietet unprecedentnted influence in libya and who wowould certainly want to o excl at- decisisive i influence overy negotiations- b box. at the same time a sustainabable settlement is probably want to intake is in russia's interest because it would reduce their influence it could actually threaten. damages trip presence in libya and then we have all sorts of other states who want to prevent russian. turkish arrangement t on w. fromm. the . s. from uae. e. g. and others
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who might want to supppport you and land p process againstst a turkish russian. process and in these circumstances i can't imagine how. either off the truth about could could succeed- it's a situation that.. leleads us to kerala since internet leads towards a frozen conflict right are you mention of friends i mean france officially recogognizess the government of fires l. suraj however it has also- supported- covertly at least but sometimes even diplomatically khalifa haftar and this has led to. a quite vivid war of words- with turkey in recent days. what do you make of france'ss attitudes vis a vis a libya. both fronts has been pololitically aligneded with the united arab emirates i'i've been s supporting house l
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four years now- and for a long time the french policy towards the coconflict internanally wal. to give justice will accounts toto see whether- hakstol could win- even after it became c cler that thihis wall would be very protracted that it would cause a lot of destruction. this was the french policy- right now all. this wall that. the french government i don't w want to hod it h has given risee to unprecedented foreign intervention. in libya and threatens to dedestabilize the situation that you know the region. even more but insnsad ofof revieiewing. the policy th. produced such disastrousus. results the f french got youou w this and triries to iceturkey while at the same time remainining silent on- in iraq
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intervention in the russianan intetervention in lilibya so its hard to take- thihis frencnch criticismm off turkey's rolee riously given a a that t we knowow about. principle to help the school ovever the last year. i mean are you mentioned- rush hour there's a lot of talk about this private security company wagner intervening you mentioned the uae. how much do they intervene i mean obviously turkey isn't hiding its- whahat about them well i mean thehe u. eighty havave been suppoporting hostile school are from the beginning with comcast rooms. dan ways and defense systems russian produced at different systems. russia started deploying mysteries interernally and from september of last year along with on these mysteries were very important in. turning
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the balance of powower in hostil statement danan adams most recently a month ago russia deployed a large number of fighter jets in hospitals- i in hospital stated just pulled off the walal itt hasn't used them exextensively yet but they are badly on july in central libya- ready and ready to o be u ud so. yes russia and immigrants play an absolutely. decisive role. in propping up hostilele the momentnt and- withthout d danceh lines of defense in central libya will told. righght. chance because many people have- said well he didn't succeed militarily so there's no way for him to stayay at least in power- maybe in his eastern seeing r right now is that- onee both sides of this conflict-
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you know we have alliances of convenieience hostile letetter coalitionn o of. forces all hops to sweep to power with. internally andnd we're seeing now- tensions emerge withihin- there's a lot of these alliances on both sides including in housuse also lines up in the east- i wouldldn't. expect dotot a frozen conflict that c continues on the lower level- with a contitinuing thret of escalation in central libya would be and. h how all statate because the search h he cannot e cockeded lee his co. to settle e would d lose his a- in houston lett. it was would have. and he's accept to go politics up for his admiministration the other side. . right well i'm not think you very much of your time andnd thank you for watchig this interview stay tuned. for
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more news here on france twenty four. the question is it for someone for being bellamy hunting for messi and of water bodies they let me know medicaa even. in on the we look at how technology is shaping the future a and show you the latest gadgets you can. get your hands on. some of that impact in the dependable settlement for him one was that i have gained at the them in a sort of the. i keepep. them in they know some f the most. most of any doesn't. mean anything the less those units yeah there's nothing in the back in the late. the details of and gets. it feels like small town americaca. inn
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kaiserslautern or cape town is the american troops stationed all around call it. it's been that way since the nineteen fifties. in this tailor shop sitting chorus line works almost exclusively on american military uniforms. seventy noyce although nancy shaw c. p. these factors and then i'm s. only make proud of farmer is indianapolis. 98% of its clients are american. that military personnel is the life blood of the local economy so donald trump's announcements about troop withdrawals came as a shock he says he wants to cut their numbers in germany by a third. the whole from the syncing v. i. n. c. if in. via email it's act although with a mock. posted soul marvin onon that's from of in. done e that's a nenew i us i not the because- more than halflf the thirty five
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thousand five hundred troops based in germany live in this region. the american presence is visible everywhere and everything's heavily protected since nine eleven. there's a tank division. andnd a high school for soldiers children.. and of course the ramstei air base the operations hub for the middle eastnd africa it's impossible to go inside but these u. s. defense ministry pictures provide a glimpse. close by show has been the local mayor since two thousand seven and maintains close ties with the pentagon. check out the window to front in india he didn't eat him and sort of present it on camera he can't imagine the town's life without the americans. each year the american military spepend some two billion dollarars in the region. not so six thousand civilian. advise clilifton dot o cook not to additional. an old television itself leisure- i'd flows of fdi of the acumen. and envy ahmadi hotel e every dentit
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honesty ines and handles could shift- it's often is t this nott to shorten. on an i ice pick their- the- cs. suits is it was a socket on on the skin. high pressure the american military is still investing in the region as in this new hospital. however despite the benefits to the economy not everybobody i is happy about the american military presence. there are the american nuclear weapons based in germany and the claims never confirmed that drone assassinations are piloted from here.. sentenced me other taa isn't toward them as oftenen as the firm sports s and civilisis muslims would be.e. thehe undndg what a nice new addddresses sidestepped fromm cuba. fifty thousand people that i'm close with a few of. these passages say the american presence is more threatening than reassuring this is an old military as it did in q. one- yeah i mean although it's blood a woman in brooklyn that that
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does wonders creek i if you admt to getting this going because that's getting that's focused. on this connie signed as of though and although its plots deserving aden blackpool understood in what's turning to missing. sebelah of its bits or shopping. still after seventy five years of america presence the region there close links the low pop. and the miller can. christinechneider g grew up here and it's where she met her american husbandnd he can't talk about american political decisions but she well and says she's worried. it's been by an amount of cannabis fifty east. one guy i just become off over six lakh the man. my name is hooked up to the forest- indian students of- and puts all of the members not five not the mom was locked in or not interesting code has happened on tuesday because of health no. mass testified he saw giving blood three is v. skis yeah for the time being the german government still hasn't
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[captioning g made psiblble by democracy now!] amy: from new york, thisis is democracy now! truly remarkable progress in moving our nation forward. we have all seen the encouraging news as we open up america again, more than 3 million jobs created in retail sales are rolling. amy: truly remarkable progress. those were the words of vice president mike pence describing thco
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