tv France 24 LINKTV July 2, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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longtime confidante arrested and charged in the uninited states. delaying maxwell accused of facilitating app seems crimes by recruiting grooming and ultimately abusing china vows to retaliatate this off to the u. s. congress approves the bill which includes penalties for banks that help violate hong kong's autonomy. . hello landslide addd jade mine in northern myanmar kills at least a hundred and sixty people authorities fear the death toll is set to rise. thank you very much for joining
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us here on france twenty four first a british socialite deregulate maxwell has been arrested by the fbi the former girlfriend of jeffrey epstein was his confidante and travel companion she's accused of facilitating app scenes crimes by recruiting grooming and ultimately abusing girls. as young as fouourteen for years women have accused maxwell off recruiting them but those accusations. resulted in charges well now for more on this story we can bring in former federal and state prosecutor eric elise son who joins us from washington thank you very much for joining us here on france twenty four why has it taken this long. for gillian maxwell's arrest to come because for years countless women have accused of it had accused of complicity. yes the case is an extremely complicated history. and as you may have that touched upon originally there was an agreement with federal prosecutors in f florida. that
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the case at least five directed by those prosecutors would not proceed against either abstaining or any of his co conspirators which would include maxwell who is one of his closest. if not the closest coconspirator however that agreementt did not bind or limit other federal prosecutors offices outside of that particular one in the southern district of florida. and eventually over time another attention was brought to the case and another deliberations were brought. in the overall department of justice in the southern district of new york where a lot of the criminal activity or alleged criminal activity. took place decided it would bring its own prosecucutin without having to be limited by the agreement made in the southern district of florida that's what the case almost a year ago against that speed and then of course he famously or infamously. died while in federal custodyy and that complilicated things as well the case against maxwell was
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further complicated because she was outside the united states most likely and the investigation was still ongoing. our what what it turned out happened was that song on- over the past year they presumably there was- an indndictment placd under seal with charges against her and when she was arrested this morning when she was easily within. of orders that and i mean in those charges were announced. so it's been a long c complicated. process thee are prosecutors in york were always looking the case. and now it's that you get of the call chrissy and her you know jeffrey f. was a billion hero shoulders with with presidents and- kelly prosecutors to get. a gillane maxwell to talk don't they- yes she is probably the most the single most important witness that they had. with the possible exception of abstinence self but in some
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ways more valuable than abstinence only. becauause she might be less conflict and not have quite as many enentanglements as h he had in e end in mind to be able to provide a somewhat. more easily corroborated bowl accounts of things so many people of course- and they may be involved in this- maybe nervous right now if we feel that- they had dealings with her t tt she might know about. and t that she might be willing to truthfully cooperating with federal authorities but there's still a lot of unknowns about all this we don't know exactly what she knows and we don't know. that she well also. indeed it you don't may that in you pre answer. for you had to at jeffrey. you know took a own life lightly prison. you know. some doubts from over the people because v. out t. off. he died i in jail but will. geta
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max will get justice. well she she her attorneys were the good with the- authorities. about the best wayay in everybodydy's interest to resolve these criminal charges- it does seem like they have a- what do you do with the prosecutors believe is a serious. and fairly solid case against her or they would not have filed it the way they did they would not have arrested her without having in their opinion substantial back up which later it in terms of weapons. which are required to have under internal department guidelines so then the question becomes are at are they willing to work with maxwell as a witness she is willing to work. and can you read. under contentious i would be satisfactory- her should be. name which her own criminal sentence would be limitited in some way and if we can r reach n agreement on that and a find her. mom can be operated she.
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would be. okay right now. finding a solution that also into a her they're not to do any deal with it by daddy not it to so in terms of reducing our sense worth what you have to say it's really not all that valuable we see what happens and prosecute to the full extent of the stars indeed this see what happens erica thank yoyou very much for joining us n the program sickening. in other news the us congress has approved a bill which- penalties for banks that help violate. hong k kong's autononoy the legislation unanimously passed the us senate and will now neeeed to be signed by the president. the bill's passing comes a day after beijing imposed a new security legislation on hong kong. one of the city's most prominent democracy activists nathan law has announced he's fled the region around will continue his work on an international level. for more on what impact the new legislation has already had he has all of the fiery reporting
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from hong kong. protests have been relatively thin on the ground in the past six weeks or so as well they've only been. happening sporadically and many of those that have have been small enough so the national security level has really changed everything in hong kong. is given sweeping powers to the police on the hong kong government uneven beijing as well to come down hard on any dissent. and many of. the acts that regularly occurred last year such as vandalism of public transport is narrow- highly. classified as terrorism in that case and even. blocking or obstructing politicians from forcing can be considered sedition law applies. advocacating hong kong independence or even waving a flag as a number of. the arrestees yesterday the judge can see were arrested for secession even though that is
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something that is supported only. hello percent hong. so yesterday's arrests were for public or offence the probe won't result in that many prosecutions it will be interesting to see how the ten men who were in violent in violation of the new law will fare and of course we also have to realize that there is a new units that will be implementing the national security all in. in junction with beijing uss secretarary of security john lee has said thatt itsperationss ve to be kept secret which is in effect literally a secret police force so once that kicks into place we w will see things. ququite differently. now he's a hundred sixty people have died after a landslide at a jade mine in northern myanmar. environmental watchdog stated is also demonstrates the government's failure in curbing reckless mining practices officials expect the death toll to increasee as more victitims e pulled out. of the rubble monte
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francis reports. . helloello hello hell. thihis video captured the moments when a pile of minine waste more than seventy five meters high collapsed i into an o open shady thee pet was already full of water because of heavy r rains and a massive wave overtook dozens of miners who drowned in the muddy water. the disaster happened in a city in a township called hop count in northern myanmar in a state that b bders china and india. the jade industry yields billions of d dollars in the country and the mines are largely under government control. despite efforts to regulate many miners are poor and scour the mine waste for stones the large operators may have missed. they work illegally in the dangerorous conditionsns to prprovide for tr fafamilies. and economic pressse now compounded by the corona virus pandemic. it's a tragedy
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not without precedent just last year in the same region fifteen miners died in a similar collapse and a jade mine and one hundred and fifteen died and the very same city and twenty fifteen. that's it for me thank you very much for watching. hello and welcome to the friends twenty four interview our guest today is fought two bands who though she is the chief prosecutorr of the international criminal court in the hague thanank you very much for being with us. thank you thank you for having me. three weeks ago the u. s. president donald trump authorize sanctions against the icc this after the court decided back in march to open a probe into crimes committed in afghanistan by u. s. troops and others- it's essentially a sanctions
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regime that includes financial and travel restrictions on icc employees and their family. this is been so that this is the kind of sanctions regime us uses against rogue regimes against terrorists a against drg lords why against the icc. agagain thank you very mucuch fr having m me with respect to thee sanctions such as- i have already expressed publicly it is very regrettable. that the currenent adminisistration in washington has taken this position. t that it has concerning the icc while the judidicial p process was actualy availablble. todayay it't's a wo you see this is s a is that what we see this *-*-- that islamic attempt to o interfere with the course of justice to meet certain desired outcocomes which have n nothing to do witith the rule of law- accccountabililityr atrocity crimemes- a judicial
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process. andnd as you have rightly said. thiss functions region is normally designed for teterrorists and traffickers not fofor an internanational orornization not for lawawyers not for prosecutotors not foot inteternational j judicial bodym not for judges who are committeted. to fight against imimpunity for the was grievous crimes. and thiss is what this court was created d to do so wee can express regrerets proround regret at the announcemement of this further threats and this as we alll have seen. this unprecededented collective actions incncluding t the threaf financial measures against the coururt and officials of the court b by the governmement of e unitited states not leaeast. gin that that country's dealer this is a longstanding contributioion to the field of interernational criminal justice. w we do hope that. the us adminisistration
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will consider this approach towards the icc this is a quotee thatat is that an ininstitutions backed by hyundai the twenty three states we just. all thee world. which a aims in. the willowss. well l simply and without fear or favor and wee feelel a fever andnd we must be allowed to do so without influence right- this has been done by executive order by the president himself- but it's a threat until now have they acted on this- threats or do you believe it's just merely. a threat and that they will not be sanctions like travelans or even- frozen assets are things we've seen in other sanctions regime decidided by te
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u. s. well certainly- the- executive order as as you saiaid is t that w we see it as a politicized over judicial process. andd we take it seriously o of course we take it seriously for us we will continue to do all work- and agaiain we w will not do politis we a are at a court of law i'm'm good depending on the distance but to serve the club too support this courtt to susupport the roroom started system. and o defend the courtrt when it comes under such attacks right it also has a chilling effects i imagine i mean the u. s. is the most powerful country in the world as you said it has played a role in international criminal. prosecutions in in the past when the u. s. says the icc's essentially a criminal organization instead of a criminal courts. this s has a chilling effect doesn't. it does have a chilling effect on
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i am or what i want to say is thatat. these threats and actios they deem m unprecedenteted. and again i would say thahat these tacticics g give r rise to quess and concerns that we havee among our staff. and officials of thte court. and i i said. let m me lk as i said we are a globabal well designed to meet a legal mandate andnd that i is what wee doining. and w we will continueo stand firmly by our staff i know a few shows. and we will remain unwavering in hisis commititment to discharging independently. and impartially demanded that has been bestowow upon us. by the rome statute and. the states parties so it. right there's all no us of allah. made by the u. s. general william barr when this was announced he said that the justice department highway putting him has received substantial. information that raises serious concerns about a long history of financial
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corruption and malfeasance at the highest levels of the office of the prosecutor your office i meaean this is a very serious accususation what's your reaction. look this is news to us as i it is news to you it is also used to us we do not know what they said thihis is s talkg and telll you. they hahave alsoo stateded. they they they have nt told us and we and we reaeally o not knknow we're trying to fifie out w what that means. b but whi can also again you will also see and that's the same statatement. t that they said tt russia iss apparently exerting inflfluence. in the officee of e office of the e court. and again this is news to usus. you shohod be again directing this question t to the admininistratn but whahat. i can tell l you in confidence is this. . my office
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is on the- i will. and we are on the two this work with must profofessor. but by the bobook d we're doioing it independentl and objectivevely i'm'm probably thats thehe issue. bececause we're doing so i will work in that m manner right i'm the last time i checked. russia had signed the r rome statute. and has refused to cooperere w with the icc with the office- even to acknowlededge eloquent correspondndents in the conontet of t the georgia investigationo. so i believe that these accusationss of corrtition and bending to influence by russia is a g great distractition. and you'll k know that's malcolm pence i'm distractionss don't change the basic fact thatt myy office has donone. a thorough jb when requesting the opening of situation in afgfghanistan. anda bundle of independent. appeals judges have auauthorized that ininvestigations. that was a
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routee because of to them admin. to demo genuiuine n national. io cds. of tororre and crimeme. so is of a dress the real i issue. will now be an attack in the manner right. do you think that this is a- to. very controversial- parole but that is- being discussed that before- the courts- the palestine issue i mean do you believe that this is a coordinated action led by the u. s. but also instigated probably by israel because of. work on n palestinee. look i've also thihis before and i it is o secret it is no secret that the administrations in the united states and the state of israel accocording to gegetting bad actions a and their policies towards the quote. on both know is with a vieiew to achieieve se set goals whichch as y you havew
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set. we know that they appear to be aligned i'm n not connened wiwith these m medical situatits that you've mentioned that are currently beforore the court. that is the situatition in afafghanistan. and the situation in palestinene. he it is not as bad. . it is of thee right. i again n what i c can sayay with. is that both sidides know. alall ought to knoww that we are a a professional. doing ourr job dispassisionately w with no agea other than honorably fulfilling i wiwill r related to my duties under their owown statutes. and again. let us move to israel they're fully aware. and thihis is againin i wouldld say a mileo a publblic records.. that during the primera exaxamination feeees will regularly interacted with israeli represesentativess as we didid with the palestinians. a d we have said that this process was helelpful to our independent
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and impartial assessmenent of te legal criteriria let me jujust rerepeat again marark. that thee court is not is nonpoliticall andd it t acts strictlyy withine legal framework of the jurisdictional compepetence that has been bestowed u upon it by the statute right i want to go quickly- to case- the bach book is the former i've are in present laura buckle. he was acquitted back in the january- twenty nineteen you're appealing to you could all of and your careers he thought. your this s in vain n be the cae is lost and you know. but what happeded in my the- last yearr we- believe andnd is what wee he some to o judges. . we believevt the e majority decision bececaue was onene judge was again that . in the camp do seseem chamber bt
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the majority hi thehe a good jo. was not in. with this of god under article seventy full we believe and we- this to the chamber that the judge did not havelarity. on the- stanandard of proof a loan i because- according to which they- this evidenence was s. i'm us the ababuse by her. to the equity decision and that i i missed. whwhat leaviving it in handsds e office to dedecide on the future course of the case it t is not about- success. it is not about phil. is abobout jusustice and ensuring that jusustice is done. and i as a prosecutor and as a the judgdgment on those basesled because i think that he got. have been we happens to be. correct but abuse. and so you're confident enough word that you're going to win that.
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apappeal again it's not a question of winning hello. i if we take it in the light we lose thee essence. of the- what the school of the i. c. c. well said up it is not a winning a losing it is about and she- that. just to is done. but to the that's all we have time i i want to you veryry for being wih us on the friends to four. in and thank you for what it. the blue project is a platform for residents of france's disadvantaged suburbs to tell
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their own stories. we provide the camera and the film their experienences to break down cliches about the french brand new. yeah it's a good it's on socials and falls i couldn't get it input and he's he's he is phyllis it after if it is to win the promise of mission. i see this as the lauaunch of thee civil does. out of homee. that plus additional. the mobile phone business jacobson *-*- i'm not your issue or do o you.
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ninety two. i will. to cover the price the more. thank god it is essential to prevent. the only political figures you're facing. i think the popee government are the result of the collision former junior i ought thee- may isis the. we shop. okay hello. this is a fine. in nineteen seventy six young well a carpenter and his wife moved into a brand new low incocome building here in the
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charter a housing project now the building is set to be demolished in the g. one new family is the only one to have lived in this apartment on the eleventh floor. we met shells parents a few days afafter that show. me some. you're on that. that's good so for all new bottom. thank sunday sunday prececisely what. thank you to donate sometething doeoes that e you move. you should yeah connect to my v. i. so welcome my ship us in my view do you want a follow through sept well i first of all so you do whwhat you shouould do. ththerefore it cook side to do o much. ththis s something. the only thing. this was seventy that is really spspecial 1100% off. may yeah said t the bececause you. sure enough with the jeepers group
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some of listed on is going to step up live on the cost shift frfrom three g. lassiter. twenty fofour septemberer the c club al prestige. yoyou mentioned be soe kind. i just. many gosh okay i don't t know what. it was the ed of the call you. after some intimate international. ed it't- hi. this is where i don't sepsis which was approved connected with somebody from a distance siraj what it'll gm zero xp acquitted- of acre and just for some quite distressed for detroit he says we are about it was all too dangerous chemical computers three pretty withth a look we left it you sad you would do if mr g. repair. when i saw call me chanel lotion was hobbled curry into different issues well actually
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she she she got them to become in the parking lot closer to buckle to these you have to fix our crab enough to become a pepsi to conform your production costs as little pond memories you know seveventy two canadianan printers you'll see see the question if possible could you be misconstrued ass good they almost at that levevel of comfort. they're going to this is a one of the few if it's possible everybody on the whole pizza cake shows that they are going t to see is quite the law office to connect you have it i mean i don't too short to middle class dressed john i get out of the box you pop up actually these were deaths you made. you made the- policy has message before steve make it could hear echo you think i'm city it or at the beach depends
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07/02/20 07/02/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, this is demomocracy now! is a symbolol of white supremacy systematic racism i in society totoday and prpresident trump v visit to our territorory iss egregious in perpetuating white supremacy in america. amy: tribal governments are calling on president trump to cancel his independence day
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