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tv   France 24  LINKTV  July 8, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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of ivory coast has died i'm a to conquer the body was tipped to become the next president the elections in october. planted international studedents at u. s. universities is led to legal action my harvard and mit against the trump administration. immigration laws would see students whose courses often out online g. to the pandemic. being deported. get away from the crowds by staying in paris so the lock down was not many prisons to rediscover the beauty of the city. all too often spoke my track. thank you very much for
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being with us. news breaking this how the prime minister of ivory coast has been confirmed dead. i'm too going to the body recently returned to abidjan from france we have been undergoing treatment it's understood he collapsed at a captain i think. that he died clinic in addition. could only had a front since the test rerelated to his s heart. and in twenty twelve. israeael he needd a stent fitted. thehe shin shuttle e rica. with a a she the body wasas candidate for the ruling party was widely tipped to be thee president because the but- alice the tower and i'm- not. sure that it. can here twenty six looked at the life of i'm dugong the poly. i'm a new concrete. by rico'o's lost e had spent two months france for a medical. eight years ago he had undergone a heart transplant last week he had tried to reassure orient. do
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but t i'm spoke with the g. thirty. near the beginning of the month for the phone strong. enough to be you know put. in nineteen eighty two he graduated in engineering from a french university later he became a member of parliament and agriculture minister. in general twenty seventeen president alassane ouattara nineteen prime minister. amadou concluded that he wasas sixty oe years old he was married and had five children. it will have the cash i'v've already politic. he's been chosen as the ruling party's candidate the presidedet election not. again for a third term. institution was changeded in twenty sixteen anand he is aligned to the account that it's part it's a decision that is likely to position. 2% sure. we'll let you know more on the story of course as we get it but the fact of the matter that the- prime minister ofof. code
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i'm going to. has died. moving on the reason we shuffle french government led by the u. prime minister john. casss tech'h's tk part in its first question. and answer session. the not assembling you prime minister saying he's against another lockdown. expertise france prepares for the official lifting of the health emergency. fears grow the second wave of nineteen could arrive. kustok says the economic and humanan consequencs of a second lockdown would be disastrous. he was the mastermind behind the front is the coffee all the easing of coronavirus lockdown restriction with knowledge on gas taxes france's new prime minister. and until the nineteen crisis far from over. whatever happens he says he wants to avoid another nationwide talked down. vital data i'm preparing for the possibility a second a new. but on so in a way where that happens as many lot save as
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possible. okay i can only such. good cannot fail but not. lockdown soon. the head of france's national health h. also. that authorities are preparing for possible second wave. we don't know everything about the seasonal behavior of this virus which is still going around all public services professionals and workers on the ground are mobile to manage current clusters of infection and to enter a paid a second wave in auautumn or winter. to minimize the chances of another massive outbreak jerram said amol edged members of the public to continue to respect social distancing and away mosques indoors and in crowded places. since january almost thirty thousand people have lost their lives to cover nineteen front. thousands of people gathered in belgrade for the second day in a row this wednesday to protest against
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new lockdown plans that was set to take effect we can't the protests and after that city is present some of which- act on wednesday. coronaviruss camamp.n support of the move i'm should these the capital bell on tuesday evening chaos erupted as thousands of protesters for running battles with police and tried to storm the parliament building. all that and i'm i. t. asserting the trump administration when you immigration laws the reform state the foreign students con state in the us if that passes all online after the summer break. school do the cities of put that classes going to cope with the covert nineteen looked down and pandemic hit france twenty four pm lee. creating a safe learning environment during a global pandemic universities worldwide have had to grapple with the new normal.
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added to this in the us it's a new immigration rules for foreign students and it's left some institutions you make. of itit and my tltl t taking the tp administration decision quote. the came down without noticee it's cruelty surpassed only by its recklessness. we will pursue this case vigorously say the top international students and international students at institutions across the country can continue their studies without the threat of deportation. mondayay immigratin authorities issued temporary modifications to rules the international students if classes are online that is all no longer valid. they have to leave ththe us soil or transferred to a university with face to face classes some of the soggy the move is an attempt to restrict visas the child national. either need an end the most in the us off of
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ththem off either chinana or in. proportiononately there were may chinese foreign students in this doeoes appear to be a measure against chinese immigration and but this will really help the universe is financially i don't think about such. is the town mall. services provided you know. it's something he's taken into consideration. according to the institute of international education foreign students contributed over forty billion u. s. dollars into the economy and the twenty eighteen to twenty nineteen school year if the country's fifth largest service sector act. this pandemic and the lockdown that the many tragedies france has a death toll of almost thirty thousand for business the shut down a difficult. but this one positive note that's been that's returned to the streets of paris and the local people the chance to rediscover. the city long forgotten. the trocadero offers a fabulous view on the eiffel tower usually in the season it is
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packed with foreign tourists. now the bullets have reopened. a few weeks ago but the tourists have returned just yet 80% of those visiting the eiffel tower in the season i usually from abroad. yeah it's twenty five because- most of these. are from the your- some service for this. when i'm on poster board go come unified along lasting i'm sweden if you can visit more it's not that many queues etcetera so i like it i'm from barcelona spain. aren't you afraid of the corona virus i'm not i think you are handling that very worst and i'm wearing my precautions and i'm not. like very scared i am actually taking a good that i'm visiting places and doing stuff. with foreign as a rap paris's tourist attractions are unusually calm an opportunity a lot of parisian and french people the season. should be
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done that was a command body takes hold and it was funny i could put them on the consensus among a- it. well on the global body yet yes no but- but for a young. one that preceded when you own a pc to a still unknown solution yet. your gender builder. you could use it as a ballet or a single bit of local closest shift so i had to said to the body. see hockey missy cresco jenny. they don't because okay it that'll kick off. the second half of this domestic tourism will not compensate for the lack of foreign visitors according to the paris tourist. activity is expected to be done sixty percent. french people rediscovering that capital during issa. pandemic paired names andre how reports of that. that's it for this bill but said to s stay with the. co two from twenty four. hello and
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welcome to the friends twenty four interview my guest today is on the on the shiva she's a world famous environmental activist from india she's a lower rates of the alternative. noble prize in nineteen ninety three she's author of numerous spokee the latest is called one s. versus 1% thank you very much. for being on the phone okay. i want to begin early on you were not. supposed to be an activist- you were physicists you wanted to work in nuclear energy. and then- you came across in the early nineteen seventies what is known india. at can we expect. yes some training to be in india's nucleus man. but then. my sister woke me up to the has its nuclear she was a medical doctor and i went deeper into
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terrific of physics i was going to canada to do a phd in the foundations of quantum theory. and before and it went i wanted to visit some of my favorite forests in the himalayas have grown up in a minute. and this forest i checked in with. so far as was gone and while returning to delhi. i talked to a tea shop owner and he talked about how this anymore but coach ical so in my heart i said i'm going to come back every vacation and be a volunteer for this movement women came out to say we're going to hug the trees. you cannot cut the tree g goes from pleaease come out water the tree stabilize the mountain prevent landslides the tree prevent floods and droughts and they also give us everything we n ne. we will be how because of trees the name chipko means to hug and i learned all my lessons of ecological activism from the women of the meadow never been to school but everything about to call you everything about
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biodiversity well they called soso when people add to talk about his ecological functions the pharmacist that. my a little of my change in. the understanding of the fact that nature is the basis of economy came from my engagement with your call my respect for women's knowledge indigenous knowledge came from my engagement but your pool and it totally turned my own head upside down because of physics you know high in the world you know something others don't and your i realized everyone has knowledge and must respect. so you've- becamame really engaged in this you've been. on the of a big multinational corporations especially- monsanto to name just- one of because of what you describe as there a new ferris influence on agriculture- their number of example was the bt cotton- in. india specialty- and y you said you know this i is n not a mattr
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of helping farmers grow their land but are making them. penitence on those big corporations. mmhm you know the entry of corporations into agriculture it's alright because the corporations only bring politicians. most of them have roots in germany. in making gases. to kill people in. that was not. there to give people enough no no that is was to make chemicals that kill people off to the walls they said why should we stop making these chemicals let's see now they look at best. they give foot fertilizer fertilizers were made in the same factories that made explosives and ammunition well he does them on the same goal. not all the company's name of the product is on the same so your target might change but the goal does not the materiality. a day to make the cut up check you say it's not repeating the word i
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did a book on ththe bottoms of the group lucia. when john the most stylish if india was right. then when one time came in as a of. because till the nineteen. 90% of the seed was infamous hans and the rest came from the public sector. from the government labs research institutions. the ones who came illegally didn't take any approval with the promise that they would. increase farmers incomes and have this magical cooked close you to control pests well the ballroom is nonow hihis. farmer are in today it. was a committing suicide the area's been ruined the- pollinators a are gone there's o one in the groundwater gone through this thing up equal distance- seats. photo getty cartons back we work with the gun the us. on hand spinning and had feeding of okay cotton. the economy. in the villages where we work has jumped tenfold bececause now the west s
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staying in the village rather than being siphoned off at santa's profit and i read a new study this is because the safe seats we brought not. seen can savedd back into the economy monsanto has lost eleven million. hey i want to get the latest book because- you wise and i would say- your attacks not only mon sun so and the likes but also others you. attacked the what you describe as the billionaire dictators especially a one man i should say bill gates- who- you describe as the christopher columbus i'm putting you of modern times and that's not a compliment obviously. listen is to impose unquote directly modified organisms and digital dictatorship to small farmers across the world bill gates who's donated billions- to
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improve. public health in poor countries and so on you're saying. essentially he's a dictator and he's there not to help but to make people poorer more that didn't. bill gates is actually continuing the work of monsanto. becauause monsasanto d so many movemenents and- my tribunal on monsanto- a buyout what happened central but when bill gates money africa for feeding the poor in africa and preventing fat and what doing is pushing the field. evolution because pushing. batons i'l'll put a notete in leo he thinks it's a thing and he made wrongng asas as a anythining this enoug. ofof waterer does that enough. letters to him from farmers of africa from governments of afririca to see this is not the way to go to the united nations except agroecology working with ecological systems as the best way toto go. out you bill gates
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is trying very hard to shift the patenting issue now to digital so you just take a dynamic map. and so my invention you don't create a seat seed is self organized self making. an evolution in community. just my r read m makg a map of genom and you have no idea. what the c. does and this is something is pushing very very hard my book recalls how he finance did seek- i've talked about how i routed. seeds we have saved that tolerates salt and floods and he says invention this bio piracy is a bit like columbus the columbus a supposed have discovered america. mainly basically went as a pirate why do i call him today's columbus because he's called out new copies. software should have opened so. three thirty thirty he has this strategy and the
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various- strategy would you describe as philanthropy capitalism. is in the enterprise so you're not saying he's using the wrong method he's pursuing. a role- with an issue also- attack zuckerberg the founder of facebook saying they're all linked together i mean this really is a bit o of conspiracy theory doesn't it well. my book. based on the need that coming out you have to do is open we'll see ownership and i have date. in the book on how this comment on. we stopped mark zuckerberg from trying to get into indian agriculture. it was a big globalization of people who believe in the opening tonight did you want to do. well you know basically what thehey do is they mined the data from the famas. . and didn't right now al over the world is new debates. on privacy issues on the data mining is new books somome new form of capitalism which is available capitalism where you
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basically have turned human beings into your new raw material. bill gates does both he takes living resources i now see that biodiversity mines it. in two data and once ownership along with his friends and mark zuckerberg mines you'll determine your behaviors and turns it into the raw material both of corporate world for selling things which is why strange advertisements pop up after you've sent a message to a friend. and mentor policing elections i have a chapter in the book on the hijack of democracy. you have enough data on what happened with facebook selling data to cambridge analytica and how we are popping up with artificial intelligence leaders this is a major threat to democracy so this is why you're calling them. in their dictators because you think they're not. helping democracy but actually threatening anybody yet one is in the seat i have much. i have
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grown up in in india. the tools posted. i've grown up in in india that has absolutely no corporations i've grown up in in in india with democracy works. and therefore when i see the imposition of digital transactions and criminalization of cash between poor people. i as a dictatorship i call it the dignity digital dictatorship when i watch not just in india but in africa and o other parts of the world now that we have the data the two showing that native seeds of more nutrition the produce more food they have no cost because you don't h have to use chemicals that local biodiversity is the way to feeding the world in spite of all that evidence in spite of the evidence in the i did my usual the faa. that every eight. okay imposing and for. gmos which is a failed enterprise and he's not just imposing gmos he's taking waters failed and rejected my
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god by goverernment my government. through the b. deal between a monsanto out. bill gates resurrected in bangladesh. we rejected the golden rice for solving the problem of blindness he finances it to continue to philippines so he's taking all the failed projects with the wrong thinking that life is like a word program and can be chopped and cut and paste. when it's so amazing complexity self organization and scientists call it- to boyce's self organization right. your own poetry that's what life does he is absolutely noreen all of this new knowledge that new science is giving us an imposing a failed technology with a huge to the planet. lee so they can please people andnd farmers on free to have a seat. but then the shiva of is the- you have strong views and we're h happy if you are able to share them with us
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thank you very much well- what in the interview here france. twenty four. standing proud in the indian ocean hi unionon is packed with volcanoes lush forests and breathtaking scenery. muffat lies in the middle of the island a huge naturall amphitheater. o one thousasand six hunundred mets above e sea level. seveven hundd ininhabitants live here cuts off from the worldhis wild beauty. there are no roads and the facts can only b be reached usig one of the walking trails by hopping on boaoard one of the
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regugular helicopters. even the postman hyundai clothes gets to take to the skies. arere you colleagues jealous. i don't know if that's all for maybe just a little bit because of the helicopter i often use o one anand you just get used to it posti sets off from the coast. first lights. from the add he makes out the facts tiny hamlets where he has to deliver the mamail. wiwith the- once hes touchdown huni clolot hasas to k seventy five k kilometers and climb five thousand meters to hand out his letters and parcels. hello is this the one. he knows every lost residents of the sixteen househohold c. hasta visits it's a trusting community and there are no actual letterboxes. how are you
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i'm okay. not too tight matthies is methods primary school teacher she currently hahas twelve peoples under her wing. it okay kids have you readad the whole story. there's just one plus but with a mix of levels in ages. four times seven equals twenty eight. four times eight equals best. i think it should be obvious i spend all my time supervising if i'm not free that's the ones will go and also the older kids hello sir. but i think it's just as effective for a child to learn from another child. as it is from an adult. can she will soon head off to secondary school but in the snack is there isn't one nearby. like all the facts youngsters he'll have to go to a boarding school by the sea. i'm not that happy i not since the islamists medford. hey how are you i'm good how's it going today very well they will be well behaved.
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that's good. on this mountain site life is no walk in the park. it takes us twenty five thirty minutes to get up every morning sometimes we have to climb. back home soon as local specialities sausage who guys. buying supplies is far from easy you need to go to the coast to do your shopping then pay three hundred euros to have your bags. packed with me provoca king on the f f two gases welell first we'll gas is expensive and then of course you have to carry it back. and it's heavy and it's having. in the helmets of cayenne there's no supermarkets and there's no hospital either. the busininesss recently started working at the village clinic to look after locals every day not dish packs a medical bag and laces up her hiking boots to her rounds she's now used to walking long
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distances every day. byby someoe who i s sometimes have to wait for an hour and a half or two hours to get from one patient to the next one. down by someone else. in these isolated nes you need to pay extra attention especially when it comes to the elderly. i don't like i said i need to have an additional tasks that's what the doctor explains and he said you shouldldn't wear yourself ot too much at least until the next. yeah thank you to get t to build a great bones. and you also learn lots of things about the patient more generating. with the. along with the many rocky pathways. hello the nets bumps into high because every day nearly one hundred thousand crisscross muffat each year. okay the company's abilities cam i meet lives on ththe s same
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you know shehe's decided to show her f friendly tco from strasbourg around this part of the island. i still i think it's absolutely spectacular it's my first time in the union it's a place i've been dying to come and see and i'm not disappointed. thank time
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07/08/20 07/08/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new w york, this is democracy now! >> yesterdrday, the firstst thig ththat happened d as soon as ths was announced, i was crcrying. only putting more lives at risk. amy: more than n million. that i ithe number of internrnatnal studen enrled in u.s. universities. ice just announced


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