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tv   France 24  LINKTV  July 15, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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has managed to overturn inn order to repay thirteen billion euros i in back taxes highland the original deal verdict was hailed as historic apple ceo tim cook at the time slanted. totatal political crap his word. the u. s. ambassador was summoned by beijing as a protest of american sanctions against china over the new security law in hong kong. china says it will retaliate after president trump strips on congo preferential trade treatment. by sanctions on banknk. disneyland paris re opens up for a full month pandemic shut down this is just
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a split face masks. and the rage to wash their hands. financial social distancing a photo and a cuddle with mickey mouse donald duck when is the other great characters very much on hold. thank you for joining us. our main story the e. u. suffered a major setback after a cold throughout the order that apple has to repay islands thirteen billion euros in back taxes. that ruling in twenty sixteen was hailed as historic and historic victory against prprofit shifting. i'd set the e. u. and silicon valley at logger heads above the iphone maker apple and ireland had appealed against the order which apple ceo tim cook at the time slammed abbas. and his words total political crap. it's a blow agagainst europe's's efforts to tech's multi nationals. the eu second highest court ruled apple doesn't have t to pay thirteen billion euros in back taxes. four years after the european commission said the tech giant
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it benefited from a deal allowing it to pump revenue for the continents and islands. will take less than 1% tax if member states give says and multinational companies. tax advantages not available to their rivals this harms. competition in the e. u. and it also deprives the public posts and citizens of funds for much needed investments. the court said the can hadn't that was endeded by legal standards under both dublin and apple welcomed the routing with iran and seeking to maintain its business friendly policies to attract foreign investment. and the tech firm saying it wasn't about how much tax it paid that way and that its profits will always destined for the united states and north island stillll it's's yeses and of a loss to te ecb's vice commissioner margaritas i guess i'm sort of crackdown on multinational tax practices with mixed results it's shohows letter that we need
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to have more tax immersion at the glolobal level as well.. and your cd has been working on that but only y a few weeks ago the u. s. sector of the treasury has said no we don't participate in that anymore it it simply shows that said that we cannot go on leave kind of safe havens tax havens. for businesses. uncoordinated at the global level. the european. deciding on its next path of action as it seeks a way forward over a regional approach to taxing digital giants. particularly against the background of the global pandemic badly faltering economies. let's get more on this and bring in our correspondent washington kevin gorged on who's that way too chris kevin good evening to you great to see you another china us relations status say- adding you low- how we come to this can you just kind of remind us. well let these attentions have- been escalating and between- china and- the way so for a
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while now and it's not just. a one specific issue that's been a problem we've seen and if we take just the recent months or even the recent weeks. we've seen several topics on which- china and the us have not being seseen right in liline at all te is the question. of the south and trying to see with the- the u. s. on a monday- basically- rejecting all of china's claims in the south they're trying to secretly calling them cocompletely on lawful those wee the words o of the churcrch. a d the secretary of state of mind upon paying- and that is something that has angered at the chinese there's also the question. of a trying to treatmtment of the muslim minoririty the workers and said the e us h has been extremely vl in i its criticism of china. o n at topicic in queues in t ting out of.busing as thehe off h hun rights abusess in that situation and that has prompted. the us just last week to. slap some
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sanctions on several a chinese officials trying not retaliating- with the- several as senators including ted cruz. said that- distinction with a a trtravel ban- to o china's t ths questionable at t the uighurs ad then youou. the technological giants at. issueue with that today yeyeah mike okay. have ca. a new as- r. as some officials. trying that come. in. wait not space. we officials but all of them at the- two as saying and trying and those in the- were hell. a try not to in the who rights abuses or in the- of how kong that new secure a lawn under. the free of the of kong and that's what washington has been saying in finally you have of course a corona virus so
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with the donald trump changing his tune a little bit from the beginning of the pandemic when he was praising china. for its transparency and for his work containing and the- pandemic now donald trump is accusing itt of t trying n now. from everythg from- at some point hinting that china might have been behind creating the virus- but definitely accusing or trying out not doing enough. to contain that buyers and letting it spread t to the rest of the world and then it comes to this wednesday with the ambassador being summoned. to explain- in beijing that's chinese of ministry summoning the us ambassador to- protest really against washington's sanctions over that controversial national security law in hong kong. at the situation really upping further and further. intense attention. yes because donald has and i t take a noam morris on thehe question of the- trtrying is- security laws in
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hong kong yesterday in the rose garden announcing that he was. as signing that executive order which would now consider hong kong just like it does- mainland china no more preferential treatment. f for hong kong in retaliaiation to- what a ahina is it doing in hong kong and the other thing and that he assigned was and that legislation that house that unanimomously in congress- just earlier this month- which is a called it the hong kong accountability act and that. is a legislation that will. bring more sanctions on more individuals moree entities in china that are accused by the west of and basically it h hopig promotes and materialize and this and you are security a lot in our hong kong so. don't trump really is. a very aggressive on a china and he's used to that. as part of the
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november election remember is a election year here the west everything has to. with t this election and he spent most of his time in the- that rose gagarden comomparing himself toe biden t the question of trying n how tough he is i'm trying to be somomething thatt he's u usit against joe biden paintining joe biden the someone. who is very soft on china well he is doing his best to protect the us from the threat of china one final notice that my home pay you at today in an interview with the hill. has said that if donald trump was reelected his number one national security issue would be dealing with china indeed and that you points outside donald trump's- tone towards china has very much altered of late. can you go just on as ever grateful to have you on board thanks for that explanation and- invaluable contacts and understanding the situation which is quickly developing the attention between us and china on the catalog of issues. kevin is. that a thank you for him to
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be great to see. of course for developments catamountnt across everything for us. next new prime minister francis wants to repent and reconcile the country's young catholics laid out a one b billion euro a spending plan to rescue as he put it the virus battered economy from its worst crisis since world war two the cast as governments you program proceed with large voter confidence. at the national assembly in paris. with less than two weeks on the job french prime minister john kass taxes stepped into the spotlight wednesday setting out the government's plan to bounce back from a recession. while still dealing with t the effects of an ongoing pandemic. now due to controversial miles. it up please how much you owe on the loan for a walk. pleo et up so do. the mobile venom on the- board for sandy's meanwhile. cast texan a hundred billion euros in new spending including forty billion euros for french
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manufacturing twenty billion for climate investments and twenty five billion in state funded research including green technology because of all okay. nick kontis y'all and you don't want sasikala will be complete will be used. blues in nevada. lose a collage get a producer today. cast tax also announced incentives foror businesses that hire workers under the age of twenty five with young people now facing the worst employment prospects i in decades also promised help for small businesses in france facing bankruptcy. cass tech said the government still intends to pursue retirement reforms that unleashed weeks of strikes and protests last year but didn't set out a timeline. with the coronavirus death toll in france at more than thirty thousand on a slight uptick in new infections the prime minister said france would ramp up testing and tracing efforts and expand the use of face
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masks. that comes a day after president macron announced that masks will be required in all indoor public spaces by august first. jim this is prime minister abbas fatah who resigned this wednesday the news came from two officials sources didn't want to be named the resignation came after a row with the- isns despite an after party soffa is. under investigation of allegations of conflict of interest is that strained relations with africa the biggest problem party in the parliament since october legislative elections. disneyland paris we open this wednesday face masks on elementary hand wash stations have been dotted around the park the real sign of the times that. is the couples with mickey mickey minnie donald and pluto. on allowed. afterer four months without visitors europe's biggest theme park is back open for business. and fans didn't dream of missing it.
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one all visitors eleven and older are required to wear masks they also have to practice social distancing in lines on rides and while interacting with the park's characters. to get over it. the closure is estimated to have cost to disneyland paris several million euros a day and the parks bows are far from over. capacity remains limited and just seven thousand people reserved tickets for the first day of re opening less than 10% of the usual eighty ththousand visitors. t tvel resestrictions wiwill also cononnue t tplay a role withh m me than half the park's's gas usually coming from outside of france. meanwhile disneyland in hong kong shut down oncnce again just a month after it reopened amid a resurgence of covert nineteen
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cases. but soaring infection rates didn't stop at disney world from the opening saturday in orlando florida. the entertainment complex is the largest single site employer in the u. s. with some seventy five thousand workers. but in just the past week the state has recorded more cases than the total number in most european nation. and on tuesday florida saw a record one hundred and thirty three dat. given the exploding figures disney world three opening had many critics saying that the park that calls itself the most magical place on earth could also be one of the most dangerous. so disney in paris back in business the house with mickey minnie donald plea to of course we'll have to wait because of social distancing the bubble wherever you are i think she stay safe. and stay with the smallest community festival. hello and welcome to
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the interview on crossing paths he what i love to think that. they for our guest today is the former national security adviser for the trump administration you that john bolton.. keep the laptopp or how we will be sending we shall discuss his latest book that has been released a few weeks ago and i told. him what happened. and that you had a few have any. welcome mr bolton. well you glalad that. to be e wh yoyou thanks for havaving me fi. let me order the motor behind writing a- and let's see- because it's gonna illness we had to keep them well i thought it was very important to record what happenened- on a number of key. national security issues dudung the seventeen mononths i wawas national secururity advis- momost americans obviously don't get. a f full understanding of how some of these criritical dedecisionss are made and i thought. it t was especially important for them to understand- what happened in
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the trump administration how some of the decisions were arrivedd at. so o it's open for themem to read thehe book draw their own conclusions a and- mae their own mind what they say that's the direction the country ought to take. if you keep a beginner both okay you criticize trump's foreign policy and points out that several of the initiatives he has taken in that regard has been fueled by his personal interests and not those of this country. and to kia. how does not apply to trump's stance on iran to which you have dedicated to chapters of bokkos line. . well i think he- that ws very much opposed to ththe tweny fifteen iran nuclear deal during his c campaign- certainly ias opposeded t tthat deaea and- it wasas one of the issues thati felt very important that- after almost fifteen months.s. in his presidency he had still not been able to withdraw from. i
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think he saw the deal as bebeing very unpopular in the united states- si wasas happy to see s. withdrawal. at t t same time we did impose. very substantial econonomic sanctions on iran which have had a devastating effect on its economy- just ththis week the iranian currency has reached its lowest level ever against thehe dollar- but t the same time trump is still eager to try and negotiate with the ayatollahs thinking that he can get. a better deal which i think is that far from the truth so again this this goes to prove the point that it's not because of a- grand strategy of american national security but really. trump's assessment of what the polish chart of how he- how he jusust american policy on iraq. say it both on mr both the american media has long considered you as one of washington's hawks
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what imprisonment trump even said that you had a penchant for horn. i know and i'm not do you believe today that trump's decision to back off at the last minute from attacking iran which you had encouraged him to do that and it was widely condemned that to have e fees while ththey- well let's not forget as i ixplain in the bookok. all of his adviserers. l of them. recommended reretaliating. for the strike against the american drone and anna rods earlier. conduct in the gulf attacking at ininstallations in saudi arabia attacking shipping- coming from the gulf. and what i was trying to point out there was that the process that had beenn followed to reach that decision. was kind of text book. washington how you make a serious. decision in the national security area and his decision not to follow through. was based on an addict owed at the last minute without any others
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being consulted. so some may approve of his actual decision not to retaliate- but- by following this very erratic unstructctured. approacach he cd easily decide precisely thehe opposite in a another situation. so it's the questionn is how. decisions are best made in the national interest of the united states not simply. by trump's gugut reaction to a late breakig developments. but if you got a mostly because he is after resigning from the trump administration the president ordered the killing of the iranian general qassem soleimani by itself i think the mark simmons pressure policy on the run. hey isn't this policy linked to the influence of washington's regional allies like israel and saudi arabia united arab emirates you might ought. well i'm i'm not going to get into the specifics of so
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many but i'll just say that whenever. you see an operation- that produces some results. a at it would be a mistake to believe it was ordered a few days befororehand sometimes sometimes things are long in. preparation and the exact topping depends on circumstances not from- from events that may have preceded them by aa f few dayays or s soo i'm not a it was a terrorist. he was a key official in a regimeme that the united states had designated aa state sponsor ofof terrorism. going back t toe reagan administration. his organization the revolutionary guarards had beeeen designated y trump as itselff a terrorist organization- and we knowow that for. over a decade ron had been responsible f for- army. . peope ininside iraq who- killed
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americans s so i think this was- entirely justitified and wouldld have been justified solely on ththe basis of american national interest. and even physical also with regards to the middle east why have you considered in your book the syrian conflict to be the worst performance of the trump administration that fema facility. well i didn't i didn't say it was the worst there's a lot of competitition for that distinctionon but the presesident was- was notot consnsistent in his own decision making he- would order amemecan withdrawalal then changed his mind and go back to it chahanges mind again. and much of the decision making was not. done i think in an orderly strategic fashion. which gave opportunities for ron for the assad regime for russia for turkey. add to advance their
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interest- on the syrian territory at the expense of america's and its allies in the region. many at all and it could all come home because some believe you endorsement of the caesar act to allow the us to regain a certain role in syria do you agree. yeah i'm and how about that. well i think it it depends on- on. how trump- that plays the next few months i don't really anticipate. that there's goingng toto be- much decision making on sysyria or r much elsee internationally. before the electionon and then obviously what comes next depends on on who wins.. well done hey can i lester bolton did you play a role in what is known as trump's peace plan in the middle east. shuttle sucks up and whatat are the c chances in your opinion of this initiative
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in succeeding.. well i think along witith a lot of other peopople we- gavee advice ont it was largelyhe-- product of a jared kushner's efforts- i i thinink that- i it's unlikely. t itit will succeed- if trump is reelected if he's notot reelectd i don't think we'e're going to see- any trace of it t after that- what where it was correct i think was in stating that there was a- a general strategic realigngnment underwa. at l least the whole. at the threat posed b by iran by its nuclear weapons program but- for terrorist. itit's destabilizizing influence in irq and syria and lebanon- and it spreads to the rest of the region. that really provide an incentive for the for the gulf arabs and others- to try and find solutions to their disagreements with israel i
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think that for teaching cast. yes sir. to it really i'm very. again change it. other regional. because of the nature of the iranian threat. and since that that changes- is likely to persist for a while then i thinink possibilitieses with- wh for peace between israel a and alll the arabs including the palestinians r remain. but i think it's going to take a new initiative to get it started again. if you keep getting you mention in your book the personal ties that link president trump to starkist counterpart everyone. is this relationship the reason why washington hasn't condemned ankara's military intervention in libya or are there other considerations behind dispositional neka anti b but or goal at all when i have them open if. well i don't i don't think really- the fullest kind of attention has been given to libya i drank- it in part
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reflects trump's unwillingness to- to try and plan out strategigies. other t than on ad hoc daily basis. obviously europe is a much more immediately concerned with the potential. for chaosos in libya the on going to war there. and do sometething that- thehe tribs intererest would kind of fade in and fadade out somomething that was- a all too typical of his apprproach to many international events. it is so i decided that last question mr bolton bulldog. yeah when reading a book it seems clear that you are against. trump's re election why is that as bob had the local. football betting that you. well i don't't think they deadd trump iss a coconservative repubublican thas not to sasay i think he's a liliberal demococrat i don't thk he hasas a philosophy i thihink he's for donald d trump and ii think hiss. . rsonalizeded viewf
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the world his transnsactional approach is lack of strategic thinking. really his lack of ununderstatanding of mucuch of t the restt of thee world. facacen a daily basis m makes it hard to protect a americann interests. o for ththe first timee in my adut lifefe i'm not going to vote for the republican party nomominee for prpresident i'm- robot. rigt the nameme of a of someonee els- bubut it's not a happy election for thos of us who viewed nanational securitit through the ronald reagan prison and- it's going to be a difficult time for america i think whatever the outcome on election day. how you can allow me to ask you just one last question. on how you view the relationship between trump and his frerench counteterpart presidedent emmanl mackerel w well i i think-- presidident m macron made a decicision early on he would try and cultivate a p personal relationonship with trump i
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thought that was a- sensible because of trump's. frfrequent inabilitity to distinguish between his personal relations with a foreign leader and the actual bilateral relationship between the two countries- i think my crawl actually size trump up very well. think that was beneficial for micro and france but not beneficial for the united states iran was a good. example mccraw wanted to do everything he could to save the iran nuclear deal and trump didn't appreciate didn't understand didn't see what my crawl. that was frequently trying to do. and i think the deal is a big mistake not just fofor the united statates but fr the west as a whole. i think francece's policy was w wrong. across it to play truck. as usual board mr john bolton former adviserer national
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security thank you and thank you for watching a statement on because my cat good bye
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07/15/20 07/15/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: froronew york, , this iss democracy now! >> i do think you follow in winter of 2021 -- 2020 a and 201 will be the worst we have extremes in ameranan pubc heth.. its i ithe u.s. reported tie highest one-day spike in infections, and 11 states report record hospitalizations, the head of the centers for disease control issueses a dire prediction. now the trump admimist


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