tv Democracy Now LINKTV July 15, 2020 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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07/15/20 07/15/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: froronew york, , this iss democracy now! >> i do think you follow in winter of 2021 -- 2020 a and 201 will be the worst we have extremes in ameranan pubc heth.. its i ithe u.s. reported tie highest one-day spike in infections, and 11 states report record hospitalizations, the head of the centers for disease control issueses a dire prediction. now the trump admiministrationos
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demanding states s stop sending cod patient data to the cdc which h then releases it to the public. wewe'll get resnsnse from dr.r.i khkhanepidemiologist a t the deanf f the llegege public health aththe unersisityf neaska medal cente he's thfoformerirecectoof thehe cdcdc's office of public health preparededness and response. we wl l ask out thengoing shorges of mks and tesests. then, ohio state professor amna akbar on "the left is remaking the world." >> we're living in the era of trump and the wall, insurgents supremacy and right-wing movements. we are also living in an age of protest and organizing and striking from the bottom many left. black lives matter and the indigenous nation and critical resistance. teachers, the the
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tenants in the amazon warehouse staff, the drivers that uber and lyft. cases sore, we9 go to the hotspot of arizona, 80% of the state icu beds are full post of the family of one man accuses arizona governor ducey and president trump and bebeing rectctly responsible for s s deat >> the governor hablblood on s has. he was le to clo down th stat he w early topen it. he openedn which allong t this toto gback a a is, in my opinion, the reason my dad's been very today. amy: we will speak with regina romero. all that and morore, coming up. welcome to democracy nowow!,, the quarantine reportrt. i'm amy goodman.
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the united states s set another grim record fofor coronavirus infections with more than 67,000 new cases confirmed tuesday. at least 11 states are reporting record hospitalizations, with nearly 1000 new deaths in just 24 hours. officials in texas and arizona have put out calls for refridgerated truck's as -- trucks as morgues overflow with the bodies of covid-19 patients. at least 136,000 people in the u.s. have now died from the disease. on tuesday, the director of the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention, dr. robert redfield, made a dire prediction about the u.s. epidemic, which is already the worst in the world. winterink the fall and of 2020 and 2021 will probably one of the m most difficult tims we have experienced d in americn public health. amy: the cdc director's warning came as the trump administration ordered u.s. hospitals to reroute where they usually send
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patients,vid-19 starting today instead of the usual process of sending the data to cdc, which then releases it to the public, states have been told to send it directly to the department of health and human services that "the new york times" reports is "not open to the public, which could affect the work of scores of researchers, modelers, and health officials who rely on cdc data to make projections and crucial decisions." meanwhile, four former heads of the cdc blasted president trump's handling of the pandemic in a "washington post" op-ed writing -- "willful disregard for public health guidelines is, unsurprisingly, leading to a sharp rise in infections and deaths. america now stands as a global outlier in the coronavirus pandememic." white house officials said tuesday the republicanan nationl convention may convene in an outdoor venue next month in
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jacksonville as florida grapples with an explosion of coronavirus cases. florida reported a record 132 new deaths on tuesday, two days after its daily confirmed coronavirus cases topped all of europe combined. at least six republican senators, including florida's senator marco rubio, have said they will not attend this year's rnc. and that mayor of jacksonville where the rnc is to take place is now in self-quarantine. at the united nations, secretary-general antonio guteterres warned d tuesday y te papandemic has spapawned the sharpest declinene in global per capita income inin more thanan a century and could set the world economy back by decades. in south africa, health officials have reimposed some lockdown measures including a ban on alcohol sales amid an accidental rise in covid-19 cases. in india, nearly a dozen states hahave reieimposed partial locks as confirmrmed coronavirus cases
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one million.aching brazil's death toll has topped 74,000, second only to the united states, with nearly 2 million confirmed coronavirus cases. on tuesday, protesters descended on the capital brasilia demanding far-right president jair bolsonaro step down. >> brazil can't take it anymore. there have been more than 17,000 deaths, more than 17,000 families crying over the death of people that were ignored by the genocidal person in charge of the brazilian government. amy: president also narrow as covid not -- also narrow has covid-19. in europe, the governments of both the u.k. and france are taking steps to mandate face masks in indoor public spaces. germany, greece, italy, and spain already have national mask mandates. in immigration newews, the trump adadministrationon has backed dn on its plan to deporort thououss of internationon students enrolled at universities that will offer online-only courses in the fall due to the pandemic.
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the plan, announced by immiation and customs enforcement just lasast week, would have revevoked visas for international students unlnless they transferred to universities holding in-person instruction. in alabama, jeff sessions has failed in his bid to reclaim the u.s. senate seat he vacated to become attorney general before trump fired him in 2018. trump-backed candidate tommy tuberville, the former head coach of the auburn football team, won tuesday's republican primary and will take on democratic incumbent senator doug jones in the general election. in maine, sara gideon, the speaker of the maine house of representatives, has won the democratic nomination to take on republican u.s. senator susan collins in november. the race is on track to become the most expensive in maine's history. in texas, former air force helicopter pilot mj hegar has narrowly defeated state lawmaker royce west for the democratic party's nomination for a u.s. senate seat.
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hegar will challenge republican incumbent senator john cornyn in november. meanwhile, in travis county, texas, incumbent district attorney margaret moore has conceded tuesday's democratic primary runoff to progressive challenger jose garza. garza tweeted in response -- "together, we will transform our broken justice system and create a future where the dignity of communities of color is honored, immigrants and working families are protected, survivors are treated with respect, and the powerful are held accountable." democratic presidential candidate joe biden has unveiled an economic recovery plan that would see $2 trillion invested in clean energy projects over four years. biden's plan calls for new infrastructure projects, investments in electric cars and zero-emissions public transportation, an end to carbon pollution in u.s. power generation by 2035, a new civilian climate corps, and more. biden laid out his plan in a a speech in delaware on tuesday. biden: donald trump thinks about
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climate change, the only word he can muster is "hoax." when i think about climate change, the word i think of is "jobs." amy: biden's plan drew measured praise from the sunrise movement, the youth-led climate action group that's pushshing fr the green new deal. the group tweeted -- "this plan isn't perfect, & there are still gaps and places to push, but it's a major step forward, & parts are more ambitious than what bernie sanders ran on in 2016, or jay inslee championed in 2020." in l labor news, m major u.s. reretailers have qetetly ended hazardrd pay foror essential workers, e even as the u.s.. coronavirus epididemic reaches w heights. amazon, albertsons, kroger, and stop & shop have all ended so-called hero pay, even as many workers have seen their risk of infection rise. in joliet, illinois, more than 700 unionized nurses at saint joseph's medical center are in the second week of a strike demanding safe staffing levels amid the pandemic. the nurses say their demands for better nurse-to-patient ratios have been met with illegal
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intimidation and threats off termination by management. china a is vowining to retaliate after presesident trump on t tuy ordered an end to preferential trade treatment for hong kong, while signing a bill authorizing new sanctions against chinese officials who imposed an authoritarian security law on the semi-autonomous territory. it's the latest in a series of tit-for-tat moves that have brought u.s.-china relations to their lowest point in decades. on monday, china imposed largely-symbolic sanctions on senior u.s. politicians, including republican senators marco rubio and ted cruz, in retaliation for u.s. sanctions over china's human rights abuses of minority uighurs in xinjiang province. in jerusalem, thousands of israelis protested outside the home of prime minister benjamin netanyahu tuesday, demanding he step down during his trial on corruption charges. netanyahu is also under fire over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic amid a spike of infections linked to the reopening of schools in may. at least one person was injured
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after police used horses and water cannons to disperse tuesday's demonstrations. 50 protesters were arrested. in honduras, 29-yeyear-old environmentalist and land defender marvin damian castro was found dead monday near the capital of tegucigalpa after going missing on sunday. castro was a member of a network of land and water defense groups in southern honduras. he'd recently told a government human rights agency he was afraid for his life. two alleged gang members were arrested as suspects i in cast's kikilling. violence against land and water defenderanand indigegenous leads in honduras has skyrocketed since the u.s.-backed coup in 2009. in belarus, police arrested dozens of people in the capital minsk tuesday as they protested the central election commission's refusal to allow opposition c candidates to run against authoritarian president alexander lukashenko. the decision solidifies lukashenko's s 26-year grip onn power. a warning to our audiencnce, ths heheadline contains disturbing sounds and imamages of p police violence.
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in phoenixix, arizona, newly-released body-camera footage shows popolicefficerer assaululting a 23-yeyear-old und woman n after she wawas pulled r for a minor afaffic viatation in january. the video shows officemimichael mcgillis stopping maahah valenzuela without explanati,, before h he suddenly t tackles r anslams her the grorod without warning. >> is this your car? >> n y am i bei pulled over? >> d do you have id? >> no. >>ut your nds behi yourr back. stop. [s[screams] >> sp! amy: the assault left valenzuela with injuries to her head, face, hands, and legs. the video surfaced just one week after another phoenix police officer was caught on camera fatally shooting james porter
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garcia while he was in a parked car in a residential driveway over the fourth of j july wewee. president trump reacted angrily tuesday to a question about police killings of african americans. trump was speaking with cbs news correspondent catherine herridie at the white house. >> you said george f floyd's deh was a terribible thing. why are african-americans s stil dying at t the hands of law enforcement in this country? pres. trump: ensor white people. what a terrible question as. so are white people. more white people, by the way. amy: a recent harvard university study found african americans are e more than three times as likely to be killed by police as white americans. meanwhile, president trump again defended displays of t the confederate flag at nascar races and other events, calling it a free speech issue. and in a separate interview, trump defended a wealthy white couple who pointed guns at black lives matter protesters passing their home in a gated community in st. louis last month.
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in michigan,n, propublica repors 15-year-old d black student with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has been jailed at a juvenile detention center in detroit since may after a judge ruled that she violated probation by failing to complete her high school coursework online. the teen has since been transferred to a lonong-term treatment program where she will remain at least until a hearing review in september. her jailing comes amid demands for the release of juvenile prisoners at risk of coronavirus inside crowded detention centers. here in new york, ghislalaine maxwelell, a british socialite o is accused of luring girls to be sexually abused by convicted predator and sex trafficker jeffrey epstein, has pleaded not guilty to sex trafficking charges and will remain behind bars until her trial in july 2021. a judge tuesday denied maxwell bail after two of epstein's accusers pleaded the judge not
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to release maxwell and federal prosecutors argued she was an extreme flight risk. maxwell is being held at the metropolitan detention center in brooklyn, where her attorneys say she's at risk of contracting the coronavirus. she was arrested july 2 and faces up to 35 years in prison if convicted. and supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg was hospitalized tuesday after experiencing fever and chills linked to a possible infection. in may, the 87-year-old ginsburg -- supreme court justice received a non-surgical treatment for a gallbladder condition. in 2018, she had surgery for lung cancer after previously beating pancreatic and colorectal cancer. and those are some of the headlines. this is democracy now!,, the quarantine report. i am amy goodman in new york. juan is alice is broadcasting fromom his home e in new jersey. juan: welcome to all of our listeners and viewers from around the country and around the world.
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amy: we are moving in on records things that every day. coronavirus cases worldwide have soared by more than 1 million in just five days. the world health organanizations warning the pandemic is raging out of control in north and south america and that outbreak will continue to worsen if government's don'n't take basic public health precautions. >> if the basics s are not followed, this is only one way this pandemic will go. it is going to get worse and worse and worse. amy: here in the united states, more than 67,000 new cases of the coronavirus were reported tuesday alone, marking the highest one-day spike so far, and at least 11 states reported record hospitalizations. more than 136,000 people in the country have now died from the disease. during a webinar with the journal of the american medical association, the director of the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention, dr. robert redfield, made a dire prediction.
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>> i do think the fall and winter of 2020 and 2021 are probably going to be one of the most difficult times we have experienced in american public health. amy: this comes as the trump administration has ordered centerss to bypass the of diseaseonontrolhen n th send covid-19 paenent da.. arting tay, instd of the usual ocess ofending the datao theedc, which then releases it t the plic,c, statesesave been told to send it direly t to departrtnt of health and human s services sysm that "thnew w yo timeses repos is "noopopen tthee publ, , which could afct the workf f scor of f rearcherer modersrs, anhealalthfficiaia who rely on c c datao mamake projections d d crucl decionons." for mo, we're joineby dr. ali kh, epidemlogist a the de of the llege of public health at the iversityf nebrka medic center. hes the foer direcr of the officef publicealth preparedss and rponse athe cd
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he's also the author, with william patrick, of "the next pandemic: on the front lines against humankind's gravest dangers," a book that looks at how the world's public health community responded to outbreaks of the most dangerous infectious diseases over the past 25 years. dr. khan, welcome to democracy now! it is great to have you with us. let's start with that new directive that no longer are hospitals to send their information on covid-19 patient data to the cdc but instead to bypass the cdc. can you tatalk about the signgnificance of this? >> good morning and t thank you for the opportunity. i think that stories a littlee more nuanced. the type o of data going to t te assistant sesecretary for preparedness and response is capapacity andnd utilization dan teterms of how many h hospital s are being used, how many icu beds are being used. infnformation has
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traditionally not going to the cdc. what we are not seeing as the public health datata is being rerouteded to the cdc. rerouted from cdc. there is that story about that specific bit of data i is g goig maybe a little nuanced, but it has always gone to the assistant secretary for preparedness and response in the past. f from the stepping bypass the cdc, thehe significance of e public not the being able to see ? >> that would be an issue of the datata is no longer available to the public stop if you read the original memo, which i did, this was all about streamlining data to -- capacity data and utilization data to how many hospital beds are being used, how many tests are being formed, so multiple agencies are not asking hospitals for the same thing. this is what hospitals have asked for. they do not want to send data to multiple federal agegencies. they w wanteto send into one
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place and then shared everywhere else. if the informationon is availabe to the american public is the real test. juan:: there have been some issues, , some criticisms ababot the cdc d data in terms of the fact there is always at least a weekek lag time between the time the agency gets thehe informatin and d the time it is released. do you have concerns givenen the fastst-moving naturere of this pandemic that there is a need for the cdc to make it available more quickly? >> absolutely. ththis has beeeen an issue fromy one e of the outbreak which is a timely data and transparency of data. countries that have managed the outbreak well, south koreaea for example, singapore -- all of this data is completely available to the public andnd ty are timely in getting the data and use good metrics for how their responses going. the u.s. hahas never r adopted t strategygy to the cuenent day. juan: speaking about other
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countries,s, what is your concen about the u.s. response to the to some otherparedd countries like south korea or new zealand? >> excellentnt question. this without a d doubt is the public health -- greatesest pubc health failure in our history and cocontinues to b be in free. 30,000 c cases in mid apriril ad then we squandered two months of lot down an economic collapse by failing to get our disease contained and now we are up p to 60,000 casases a day. that is completely out of step eastthe rest of europe, asia. all of those countries have not just contained their outbreaks, resumed their economies, starting back schools, for sosoe countries have gone all out and said we e are going to zero. new zezealand has elimiminated e disease. a number of countries have eleliminated the disease. china with 1.4 billion people has gone nine days without a domestic case.
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china is going for elimination, too. we are really the outlier with this uncontrolled response here in the united states,s, failed responsese here in the uninit states. amy: dr. alili khan, whais the u.s. doing wrong? >> it goes back -- in the earlry days, i said it was like of imagination. the u.s. has been sucker punched by this outbreak. at this point it is very c clear we don't have a nationalal strategy based on the four principles everybody else is used to get rid of this outbreak. the first principle, , contain e outbreak, leadership. government leadersrship from t local, state, to national level. we cannot agree on 70 think that are importanant. downecondnd part is get community transmission. this is s the role of government to make sure we a are testing ad tracing. nobody is talking about that anymore.
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isolating cases quickly fight in thisis context, and are missinga buddy talk about the metrics around that. the third thing is community engagement.. that is s our role. wear a mask. wash your hands, social diststance. before thing is do what you can to make sure people who arare hospitalized are more likely to survive in the one drug we know that does that right n now is dexamethasone. those are fofour simple princips that we can cocontainer disease like some the other countries all over the world. you're the former head of the cdc's office of public health preparedness and response, which included overseeing the strategic national stockpile on emergency medical supplies. can you account for many months into this pandemic the united states continuing to have a shortage of tests and masks?
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>> i have no explanation for that. grown treesld have of swabs given the ingenuity americans to create these material personal protectitive eqequipment to contain -- make tests, so i really have no explanation for that. i can say we have enough testing in the united states currently if we used it correctly and g gt timely results back and did not haveve to wait a week for the results. thisis goes back to sategy. we do not have the rightt strategy in the e united stateso get this disea contained. if we did, we would n not be worried about personal protective equipmentnt. south korea today had 40 cases. they are not worried about personal protective eqequipment. we a are worried a about these things because we cannot contain the disease and not willing to take strict politics out of this, basasted on science,e, ats didisease under control.l.
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juan: i i want to ask you u abot the role of anthony fauci in terms of the h handling of this didisease. on the one hand, we see the reality that the trump administration is trying to undedermine his credibilityty te days as he increasingly y comes into conflict with what thehe president t wants to do.o. on the other hand,d, there are some legegitimate questions.. in t the early parts of the pandemic, dr. fauci did urge peopople not to wear masasks. he did n not couch it t by sayag there is a shortage -- at that time, most people i in asian countries wewere wearing masks, widedespread use among the population. yourur assessmsment of howow dri has handled the crisis? >> this really isn't about dr. fauci. this is about cdc, which is ouor agencyn's pubublic health and we need to see them get their role back to educate the american people, to provide the
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necessary data, and get us back into containment. there isis no doubt there were missteps made. masks is a good exple. the lackck of a strategy that could not tell the difference between flu and a sars virus, the lack of testing. missteps. a lot of however, what we need now is that talent we've always had at the cdc back at the forefront talking about public health issues. that is where our public health expertise resides. it resides w with the cdc, not t nih, not at whatever. it resides at the cdc. we need toto hear cdcdc's voice. bring the wonderful greatest alth back to the f fefront and contain n this diseasese. juan: how optptimistic are you t the development of a vaccine? >> i am optimistic, however, the road to an uncertainin vaccine s
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paved in debt. we talk about 60,00000 cases a day. that is 604,000 0 new death certificicates every day. we can't wait for a vaccine. ther countries have gotten disease contained and eliminated without a vaccine. i would love a vaccine. there is lots of data that makes it problematic. immunity may be short-lived. we have never had vaccines based on these technologies. i amybody else, optimistic. we don't need a vaccine today so we don't kill another 600 to 1000 people totomorrow. we have the tools. amy: c can you talk, dr. ali kh, about what it would mean if the president of the united states simply put on a mask on a regular basis? a mask as only this past weekend you saw him for a minute wearing a mask he said, well, he was in a hospital?
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the significance of what this would mean at the federal level that you see i it go down to the state level, his biggest allies, desantis, the governor florida for the first time donning a mask, in arizona we will go to and speak with the mayor of --son today, governor ducey a recent death in arizona, the mexican american man come his daughter said "i say the governor and the president have blood on their hands [captioning made possible by democracy now!] do you feel the same way." . i believe all of government has blood on their hands.s. 136,000 deaths, prevenentable deataths, tragedy. there is a lot of blood to go around here.. let's be very honenest. if you look at the rest t of the worlrld that is containn thehe disease and some even eliminated. there's a lot of blood to go around. whatat you saw in countries that were successful is each and every politician, regardrdless f the party, followed the science. everybody said, , wear masks.
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no c controversy. everybody wore a mask a and they got the disease under contrtrol. we need to see that right now at every political level -- local, state, national. wearar a mask. ththat is one of the fouour strategies that will g get us ot ofof this mess. we need everybody to be wearing a mask at this point. amy: let me ask you about some of the recent studies out of china, germany, and britain suggesting people who had covid-19 begin losing their antibodies in just a few months. so even if there was a vaccine, the significance of this, dr. khan? and a also, the younger peoplple we're seeing g it sick and die l over the countntry? >> two great questions. yes, if your immunity is short-lived, that makes finding a vaccine chasing rainbows.
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we don't need a vacne to get out of this mess. even today i a am very hopeful - public health ststill works toyy the waway it did at ththe end of january, we can get this outbreak under conol. as far as young people aree invovolved, without a doubt, wee see less severe disease. however, young people also can get sick. they can also geget hospitalize. they can alsoo die. about 50% of all people who get infectcted with the disease have some sort of heart abnormality. even if you don't die, there are long-term complications of this disease. we don't want o our young people to get infected, e either. ofn: dr. khan, your sense how vararious states and scschol districts around the nation are handling the issue of the reopening public schoolsls? what is yoyour assessment? obobviously, depending on where you are in the c country, theree are very different solutions of
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whher it iall rote or papartial days of the week in te scschools. >> i will be very honest. as a pediatrician, a fatheher, publicic health professional, we need kids back in school. without a doubt. we need to get k kids back in school for numerous reasons. but we have to get them back safely.. we know we can do this. i justst did a review of over 15 countries able to safelely get kids back k in school, butut ths based on not just the safety measures we takeke in wearing masks and everything else, it is based on dropping community transmission. i say this year for proximally 25 cases per million population per day, you cannot resume schools. it want to g go back to school, please put on your mask. drop york community transmission. work with the local health departmentnt. make sure they have the support they need to test and trace everybody.
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this is what we all need to do to get kids back in school. let's s not p put them at risk. amy: dr. ali khan, thank you for being with us epidemiologist and , the dean of the college of public health at the university of nebraska medical center. former director of the office of public health preparedness and respsponse at the cdc. he oversaw thehe strategic national stockckpile. when we come back, we speak with ohio statate professor amna akbr got her new piecece "the lelefts remamaking the world." then we will speak with the mayor of tucson. stay with us. ♪ [music break]
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-- mass evictions. more than four and a half months into a pandemic that has left millions unemployed, eviction freezes across the country are ending even as case numbers rise and states re-impose strict lockdown measures. many warn a tidal wave of evictions and a spike in homelessness during the e pandec cocould be next. in michigan, where a halt on evictions ends thursday, the state estimates it has a backlog of 75,000 0 eviction filings. other states have already resumed eviction hearings, including texas, georgia, and ohio, where a columbus convention center has been converted into a massive socially distanced housing court. the covid-19 eviction defense project reports that more than 20 million people could face eviction by the end of september and those hardest hit will be black and latinx. this comes as the $600-a-week bump for unemployment benefits that congress passed as a covid relief measure is set to expire
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in a few weeks. facingng these dire circumstanc, activists are continuing their demand to cancel the rent -- a movement that has inspired rent strikes and protests from new -- nationwide. they plan the state a walkout called the strike for black lives. for more, we're joined by amna at ohiolaw professor university, who wrote in times's "new york headlined "the left t is remakag the woworld." of your piece, you say the uprisings in response to ththe killing of geoeorge f floe far difffferent than a anythintt has come beforore. please expxplain. > thank you. the pandemic and thehe uprinings haveaised in a a about what the state does anand does not, for
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whwhom and who has to work and r what they and interdrdependencef all of o our lives. we have 18 million people unemployed in the e country. 20 million people as possible eviction and hououse lteners byy ththe fall. the response from trump and tim cookok recently was a tell americans to find something new. had t the one-time payoyout frm the feds, which are now c coming to a a close as you mentioned. therere is been a total lack of imagination and political will to respond to the basic human needs of people. if t this is not t the purpose f ou c coming together and electig peopople to representt us, we shshould be asking some hard questions,s, what the purpose of the state is. but i i want to tatake a momento unpapack cancecel re a and dund the e police which social movements are making across s te country. police and private propertrty ae -- wewe knowdefining
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the centrtrality of police to lolocal budgdgets now w and the immense powewer they have in thr sprawling scale becausese it has been unspectacacular disispl for the last two months since minneapolis policece killed geoe fld. it might be wortrth takingng a moment to talk ababout private property, which is also everywhere but is arguablyly a t more s subterrananean andnd howt does. private property is thee basis f our legal regime. it is a settler resesume, s regime, racial regime. crcreates these relationships we some people own propey and most people don't.t. if you don't t n propertyty, up pay r it. thth is prettyty wrd if you think ababout it. we are h human. wewe have physical b bods. we neeeed space. but we lived in a sociciety whee you need d to pay for space too live.. the prprivate propererty regimen creates a didirect contradiction with meeting peoplple's neededs. both police and private property are rooted in ththe histories of
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avavonnd conquest. they are n not systems rooootedn collective care and sosocial provision. it is nonot a as if we have the police o over here and private property over there. these are f fundamentally inteterconnected institutiononst prop one anothther up. theyey are central to the storis and relalationshipss that sustan things as they are. it might be heful to think f for a moment about the cononnection between these instutions because partrt of what i arguedn the piece is is radicical imaginatation coming out o of ty social movement telling interwovenen stories about the worlrld we live in and the world m must buil many p police killinings arounde countrof hapappened in gentrifying neighborhoods including in columbus wherere police killed tytyree king, heny .reen, young black men and boys pocece arrest people for ealing fooood to eat or living ununder a bridge, squatting in hohome when n they have nowheree to go. all l over the country, sherif's offices work with landlordsds terrific people ththat cannot py
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thr rent. contraryry to thisis popular ide have the market over here in the state over there, we see the state works to protect them were powerful players by letting them untold volumes of arsenals. of course, essential to the thisd demand is sisley critique of neoliberalism that the state has been stripped of virtually all of its provisioning function which we see unspectacular display in response to covid-19. we don't guarantee housing. we don't guarantee food. we don't guarantee health care or ppe. all of our tax dollars are going to prisons, police, and jails to stay things as they are. distract us from the real work of collective care and social provision. the pandemic and the uprising had put a magnifying glass on how the most powerful and that you should and powerful country on earth have absolutely failed to meet the needs of the vast majority of americans. we have a federalist system with flavors of government, local,
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state, federal, and none of it guarantees any of the basics we need to survive. we are told it is too expensive and we can't afford it. now we know we spend hundreds of billions of dollars on building prisons, jails, detention centers to house 2.3 million people in kat cages. it is no surprise the police responded so quickly in such according to passion across the country in response to the protest and the state completely failed to respond to covid-19. on the other hand, the pandemic and uprising have reminded us of our collective power and resilience. we have the power to consent or refuse, the power to build alternatives. when organizers are calling to cancel the re--- ran toward defund please, calling for material changes in the daily lives of everyday people and demand themselves throwing into
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crisis the shape of the state today because they asked the state to step in on behalf of people over property and people over police. we live in society were both of those institutions, private property and policing, take precedent over the lives of workrking-class people. juan: : i wanted to ask you, though, what i is your alert abt this movemenent compared to movements inin the past at alsoo believed that they werere remakg the world? i'm speaeaking, for instancnce,f thee anarchist inn m mexico, the international workers of the rld in t the early 1900s, the communist and social movements of the 1930's right after -- in the wakeke of the great depression, the new left movement of the 1960's, which i was a part of ---- our slogan ws the pigs.ndnd off each of ththese movevements thot
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ththey were going to remake the world. however, capitalism proved to be a lot more r resilient in itits ability toto co-opt anand to adt to the threats. i am wondering h how you think this is goining to be any different? also, are you taking g to account the potential for a a fascist or right-wing response t the currerent movement? > thanknk you. we a are about a decade i into sustained social movement activity i in the unitited stat. if you think bacack to occccupy, occupy focused our attentition n capitalism a and income inequaly through prerefigured of politics toto in camamas we sawawll aroud the worlrld. then through ferguson and baltimoror black liveses matter protest, all of those moments made is confront a long history y of anti-black violence
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in thehe united states. standing rocock sioux its intersrstate indigens struguggle now the s state and powerfuful corporations work togogether to take, take, take from the land in violation of treaty righthts and impart mental degradadationo capitalismsm. now with d defund pulleys, we he left socialent where movements, and people of color are calling for these various modes of reforms that are designed to imagine and start to build a different kind of world. moments -- the spectacular headline moments, the moments all the while before long after he had this low work of organizing site have political education, toolkits campaigns, coalition building, canvassing. in the last decade, we have built our power and analysis, extended our collective muscle for a wide array of strategies and tactics and build all sorts of institutions, organizations, coalitions, magazine and more.
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while there are certainly differences in analysis terms of change across the last and working-class organizing, there's also a growing overlap with more and more people understanding with the status quo can't stand, why it is a product of a global and local history and the need to come together to build alternatives. whether this is a more powerful formation or powerful moment and any other one across -- in the history of the united states or around the world, that i don't know. i do know over the course of my life, this certainly is the strongest the left and working-class movements have been. i feel hopeful about where we are. of couourse, i feel l apehehensi because our opppponents are n nt asning to pack up and go h he rachel h herzig puput it thehe r day when i i was talking to her, we're going to see and we ar seeing state repreression all or the country, whether it t is federal prosecutions of
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protesteters or all sortrts of l and state prosecutions - -- noto mention the onongoing criminalization and prosececutin of working-class people for their survival. the odds against us are long but we are also stronger than we have been over the last decades. amy: amna akbar, we will certainly continue to cover all of these issues s and we hope to get t back to you soon. teaches at ohior state university. we will link to your calling in "the new york times" headlined "the left is remaking the world." when we come back, we will be joined by the mayor of tucson, arizona, yet another hot spot. ♪ [music break]
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which reported more than 128,000 infections tuesday. nearly 90% of arizona's icu beds are full. arizona republican governor doug ducey is under fire for downplaying the virus and even obstructing local officials from requiring masks in june as case numbers began to explode. ducey reversed course and allowed mayors to issue their own virus guidelines under growing pressure, but has resisted calls to pass a statewide mask mandate or reimpose his stay-at-home order, and,.d but arizona residents saththe actions are too littletoo late. the fami of a 65-year-ol mexin-n-ameran m manho dieieof covid-19 is cucusingrizozona stata officials of being direlyly resnsibible for h his death. in a scathg g obitry i in he arizona reblblic,"he f famy of mark anthony urquiza wrote -- "his death is due to the
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carelessness of the politicians who continue to jeopardize the health of brown bodies through a clear lack of leadership, refusal to acknowledge the severity of the crisis, and inability and unwillingness to give clear and decisive direction on how to minimize risk." this is urquiza'daughter kristin urquiza, in a rentnt intervw w withthe e arona republic >> the governor has blood on his hands. was lat to ose downhe ste and eay to opeit. the manner in whichehe opened allowing this s to g back as normal is, in my opinion, the reason why my dad is being buried today. amy: f for more, we're going to tucson to speak with a local leader who has been standingng p to governor doug ducey, mayor regina romero. she is the firstst latina a ande first woman to be elected mayor of tucson. she was previously a tucson city council member for over a decade. the daughter of migrant workers. we welcome you to democracy now!
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your thoughts on governor ducey's responsibility? what do you want to see the state of arizona do? what are you doing in tucson? >> good morning, amy and juan. thank you forr having me this morning. we have been in a state of crisis since govovernor ducey decided to hastily reopen the state. wewe were in a very y good place comiming to a plateau here in te city of tucson -- we are located in pima cocounty. we were saying 20, 24 cases a day with a plateau.. now wewe are seeing a almost 300 cases a day y in pima county. in a c county of one million people, wewe are -- we see anywhehere from five to 20 icu beds, which is very, veryy concererning andnd strainingng r doctorss and nurses at our hospitals. we jumumped up inin front o of
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governor duceyey, a fefew mayors come the mayor from phoenenix ad flagstafaff and myself, jumped aheaead of the governor r to cal the state h home orders and too close down bars back in march. he took our queue a few days later and with his second of order, he titied the hands of mayors and c cities and towns ad county health departments throughout the state by preempting us from doing anything that he would n not do. most recently, he untied the hands of mayors in counties throughout the state to do mandatory mask ordinances throughout the state, but what we have been saying with governor ducey is a microcosm of what has been happening with trump in his federal response to tepid,ndemic -- which is
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a tepid response, a pushbacack n science and what public health officials recommend that we do. every day they governor ducey wawave, we see 3000 cases in arizona and the crisis continues. more lives lost. what we have been doing in tucson i is basically pushing te governor to do the right thing because it is a very real threat . if we do move ahead in f front f legislature, the republican-controlled state legislature passed a bilill abot three years ago, 1487, that is any city does anything, any l lw state that are the state shared revenue could be pulled from us. and those are millionons and millions of dollars that we could potentially lose.
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so in this crisis, we see in fear. as mayors fear for the lives of their communities, in fear for the inability for us to be able to do a anything. what mayors across arizonona ani have been n doing is publicly pressuring the governor to do the right thing. the one thing that he could dodo that gooood health is instititua mandatory mask executive order statewide, and h he refuses to eveven do that. r romero, whahat is the testing situation in n tucson ad pimama county?y? are peopople able to g g testin? how lolong does it take to get e results back? what kind o of contact tracinins going on? >> the pima county health department has been providing testing to the community.
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it has been very, very little. even pima county health department says we need muchch more. we do o not see the help of the governor from the state e or of the federal goverernment.. in maricopa county, the mayoror had to pressuree pubublicly the federal and fema, the govevernment, to insnstitute additiononal testing sites. here in pima county, we have none. we h have no state or federal help. i i know the govovernor has been working with nonprofit heaealth cacare providersrs in terms of testing inimimaounty a and pima county health department has been providing it, but we need much more. we need that will help p so that we could test -- the t two thins ththat we need to do according o health officials is testing and contact tracing, and then
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isisolation opportunieies for those that arere positive. we don't havave enough federal help. governor ducey has not or theeated with me mamayor phoenix come the two biggest cities in arizona, and so we really are in the dark as gethat type of help we can here i in pima c county in the y ofof tucson andd throughout the state. it is really concerning that even in terms of communicating with us, there is absence there. and d there is - -- juan: i want to asksk about the situation with h housing. 74,000 pima countnty residents could b be a risk of losingng their h homes because e moratorium onn evictions that governrnor ducey have put ininto placee expires next week, july 22. what can you do o if that is n t
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exextended and what is the situation, potetential homelessness occurriring in your city? and councilmayor here in the city of tucson did was use some of those federal cares act money to put into rental and utilility assistance. the $955 million, million that we received, to help families with rent assistance. but we arere going to need more. that i havessues asked gogovernor ducuc to consir is thahat he extend that moratorium until at l least the end of the year so that we don't see people, families losing their home e and therefore of theee the issue virus, of f covid-19 spreadingng throughout arizona even worsrse.
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here in tucson, we dededicatingg cares act funds to o help famils . i'm asking the governor to extend his moratorium soso thatt is a statewide moratorium to help famililies statewide. bebecause if we lose -- if fafamilies lose their homes in a border town like n novales, they willll travel to tucson. weill see people tveling from town to town to try and findnd help and we will see that continue s spread of covid-19. amy: mayor, do you agree gogovernor ducey has blood on hs hands as the daughter of a covid victim expressed? singlelelieve that every day y that goverernor ducey wais anand does nothihing, we see additional deaths in our sta..
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we see additional l people -- 30 people a day here in arizona. unconscionable for governoror ducey to sit and not- and right now at this point, we need the leader of our state to do statewide action, insnstitute statewide action, one of the easiest steps you can take is institute a mamandatory face covering t throughout the state. him then mayors have told that we will supportrt him i ife decides to recall his stay-at-hohome order, that we wl stand behind h him. it is a a point ofof crisis rigt now in the state o of arizona. we are not onlnly a hotspot in e nation, , we are a hotspotot ine world. so we need him to take a swift
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bend the that we can curvee downward and then forward together. amy: finally, the link you see between what has happened with covid-19, the effect on black and brown populations, and also the issue ofof police brutality? you have a black lives matter banner on tucson city hall.. we just have 20 seconds. seeing mexican americans, brown and black, and nativeve american folk hehere in arizona received the biggest front -- brunt of this disease. to issues ins health care, in not justst ariza but our country, and so we see the brunt of covid-19 here in arizona. he points to inequities in
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maintain your health deliciously. ready when you are. nhk world-japan. ♪ hello. thank you for joining us on nhk "newsline." official here in tokyo are raising an alert following a spike in coronavirus infections, manyny of w which cannot be tra. the capital is warning residents to be aware of transmission hotspots with many cases known for entertaininment and night life. >>ra
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