tv Newsline LINKTV July 17, 2020 5:00am-5:31am PDT
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record of 286 cases on thursday. that high was renewed on friday with officials repororting 293. >> translator: we want people in totokyo to be able to take advantage of this campaign a an alsoso make it safe for r peopl from across the country to travel to tokyo. the mininistry will do everythi possible to make this happen as soon a as we can. >> the tourism minister explained the government's decision by saying tokyo is now the center of jajapan's coronavirus outbreaks with infections spreading faster than in other prefectures. the go to travel campaign will kick off next week. travelers will be able to use discounts and coupons for things like transportation and accommodation, cutting their cost by as much as half. but people heading to and from tokyo won't be eligible. people outside the capital have mixed feelings about the program, wanting both the economic boost and assurances that the virus won't spread further.
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>> translator: the summer holidays are coming up soon, and i want people from outside the prefecture to visit. but it's only natural for some peopleleo feel afrfraid. >> translator: i'm grateful l t the pepeople who started the campaign.. we want to do everything possible to protect ourselves against coronavirus. >> across the country, more than 500 cases were confirmed on friday, bringing the total to more than 24,000 cases. nearlyly 1,000 peoplhahave died. leleaders of the tourism industry say they are also on board d to keep the virus s fro spreading ahead of the countrywide travel campaign. >> translator: we believe the go to travel campaign will stimulate domestic traravel and the hospitalitity industry. >> representatives of hotel operators, travel agencies and
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other groups handed the tourism minister an outline of plans to prevent infections. the documents says hotels and inns will check guests' body temperatures when they check in. closed spaces, crowded spaces and close contact settings. there will be restrictions on the number of people allowed at communal baths and at restaurants and the time they can stay on the premises. but face style meals are to be served by staff or u using seseparate utensils whenen gues help themselves. >> translator: some of thehe wa you hahave been running your businesses will have to change to take part in the campaiai. we want you to reveview once agn all your practices with an ututmost emphasis on safety. >> the tourismsm minister says cooperation is essential to establishing a new way of traveling in a world affected by the coronavirus. meanwhile, the japanese government decided to expand the
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use of saliva testing for the virus to include people with no symptoms. >> translator: compared with nasal schwab testing the new method is much easier, just spitting saliva into this tube. it will also make things much easier for the testing personnel. >> the government introduced saliva testing last month but only for those with some symptoms such as a fooef veer. japan's health minister says the test will soon be introduced at air porn quarantine stations across the country. easier ak tess to testing may help boost the economy as well as ease restrictions on foreign travels. the japanese government is calling on the u.s. to conduct pcr tests on all its military personnel who come to japan. about 15150 peopople linked to bases inn japan have been confirmedd to be infecteted wit the coronavirus. defense minister says his ministry requested two tests,
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one before military persosonnel leave the uninited states and t other after they entnter japan. >> translator: it is important to conduct pcr testings before leaving the u.s. and detect virus carriers who are not showing any symptoms. >> u.s. citizens with subject to an entry ban, but military personnel are exempt under the japan-u.s. status of forces agreement.t. the u.s. quarantine stands for two weeks, both before they leave the u.s. and after they leave japan. anyone found to have a fever must take a virus test. in the united states politicians are facing off guess face masks. the politicized debate is heating up after the governor of the state of g georgia moved to block mayors from enforcing face coverings in their jurisdictions. brian kemp issued an executive
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order nullifying all mandates to wear face masks. he did not givive specific reass for his order but local media say the governor believes making masks s mandatory is notot effective. on thursday, kemp fifiled a lawst t agait t atlanta mayor r kekeishaanance btoms.. the largrgest cityty in geororg introduced a m mask mandate including fifines for violation on july 8th. kemp argues that bottoms violated the e executiverderer alalready issu by y the statate. the mayoyor says she w won't bac dodown and will sesethe state i coururt. >> we all l have to o do the ri thing because it's the right thing to do, and what the scientists are telling us is that the right thing to do is to wear a mask. >> newly confirmed cases in the southern state top 3,000 on some days. at least 25 states have mandated the use of masks in public, but there's also strong opposition from people who see such orders as violating individual freedom. brazil has passed another bleak milestone. the nation now has more than 2
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million coronavirus infections including 45 new cases reported on thursday. brazil's totalal is the second highest in the world after the united states. the death toll is nearly 77,000. infections are spreading rapidly. it took less than a month for infections to double to 2 million. >> we see that many people are not taking proper precautions. they're not using alcoholic gel, not wearing a mask and not social distancing. it's worrying becauause i don't think brazilians understand the seseriousness of t the situati. >> concerns are growing over how president jair bolsonaro is handling the pandemic. he tested positiveve for the pandemic last week and repeatedly down plays the situation. despite the rising numbers, the government is pressing ahead with reopening the country. johns hopkins university says the number of confirmed cases
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nhk's catherine kobayashi has the details. >> reporter: organizers build their protest as a peaceful march h for unit. faith leaders, police officers and their supporters marched ovover the brooklylyn bridge. they ran into demonstrators fro black lives matter. ththenhis. several officers were hurt. >> we were peacefully protests on the bridge, the cops separated us and dragged us around. >> basically we're going to arrest all the black lives matter protesters first and allowed this protest to peacefully come by. >> reporter: protesters have run up against police since the killing of george floyd two months ago. they've also faced off against those who recent their message. two weeks ago a driver in seattle drove into protesters killing one and injuring another.
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researchers have tracked more than 70 such incidents in towns across the country. other protesters have faced different threats like thihis coup couple. >> i was terrified that we'd be murdered within seconds, that our house would be burned down, that our pets would be killed. >> reporter: president donald trump defended the couple and bridaled at a question at the core of bla l livesmatter. why are africanmericaca still dyin a at the hands of law enforcement? >> so are white people. so are white people. what a terrible question to ask. >> reporter: the president called a black lives matter mural outside trump tower in new york a symbol of hate. a man vandalized it just days after it was created. mayor bill deblasio helped paint the letters himself. he reminded americans that the movement is more than just words and can't be undone.
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catherine kobayashi, nhk world, new york. also in the united states president donald trump has issued a statement marking the 75th anniversary of the world's first nuclear weapon test. he called on russia and china to work together on nuclear disarmament to stave off a newe ararms race. trump praised the test code name trinity carried out on july 16th, 1945, in the western state of new mexico. he referred to it as a remarkable feat that helped end world war ii and launch an unprecedented era of global stability. trump said having diverse capabilities constrains global nuclear proliferation, and deters adversaries. critics say y the tetests led te nuear r era, promptiting other countries to stockpile their own weapons. obobservers also say t the mess is aimed at pushing chinina to join in the strategic arms reduction treaty betetween theh u.s. a and russia. china has so far refused to take
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part in the agreement due to expire in february. the u.s. government agency that manages the sites where atomic weapons were first developed is using a japanese symbol of hope to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the hiroshima and nagasaki bombings. the monday project is asking people around the world to send in origami cranes with messages of peace. the u.s. government undertook the manhattan project to develop nuclear weapons. two atomic bombs were dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki in august 1945, killing tens of thousands of people. three of the project sites are now designated as a historical park managed by the national park service. the agency says that the bombings helped end world war ii but says it also aims to convey the unprecedented physical and psychological traumas inflicted on the victims in the two cities. the agency plans to archive the
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origami cranes in a time capsule to be opened on the 100th anniversary of the bombings in 2045. the agency's website includes instructions on how to make a crane and where to send them. you can find more on the manhattan project national historic park's websitite using the link at the bottom of your screen. people in japan are preparing to mark a grim anniversary. saturday will be o one year sin an arson attack on a well known animation studio in kyoto left 36 dead. the blaze started after a lone suspect allegedly doused the front entrance with gasoline. as you'll see in our next report, the tragedy is leading to changes in how people think about emergency preparedness. >> translator: it was dark in
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the building, so we could only hear their voices, please help us. >> these two men were doing construction work near the site ofofhe attack k the morning it happeneded. they rushed to the scene. three women were trapped in a washroom on the first floor. the construction workers used a crow bar to save them. they also helped rescue a man stuck on the ledge of the third floor. they guided him to the corner of the building where he was able to climb down a drainpipe to safety. other ememployees had huddled oa second floor balcony. this man in his 80s who lives nearby rushed to help with a ladder. >> translator: here it is. this is where i put it. >> reporter: he says two people were able to climb down. others couldn't wait and jumped. all together, 25 people from the balcony managed to survive. many of their coworkers weren't
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so lucky, and the fire department is looking at what it could have done to save more lives. firefighters say they couldn't enter the building because it was engulfed in smoke and flames by the time they arrived, so city officials have come up with new evacuation guidelines. they are now advising people to escape through windows and balconies if they can't use the stairs. >> translator: as we investigate this fire,e, more and more it looks like everyone in the building could have died. we need to prepare for situations we've never encountered before. >> a year after the arson attack, lessons are still beini learned that could help others in future.
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it's now time for a check on the weather with our meteorologist jonathan oh. officials in china have decided to take additional measures to deal with the intense flooding across the country. jonathan, will this wet pattern continue into the weekend? >> hello. we have been talking about the heavy rainfall that's been pouring through central and southern areas of china. it looks like that we're going to still be talking about a lot more rain as the front continues to linger across the river and that region. here is a look at videoeo at wh people arere trying too too dea with theituation as authorities i in cna are t taki additional stepsps to prepare f more seasonal flooding. almost 30,000 soldiers have been deployed to hold off the waters with sandbags. along with that, helicopters and excavators have beensed to repair breachesnn dikes. ththe wat levelss h he r remain extremely high in parts of theian si river. so people are advised that more
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flooding could still be on the way. we look at the map. there is the front that is in place. it will continue to remain aroundnd the region. we're seeing plenty of rain from chongqing into shanghai as we go throughout saturday and into the weekend. i want to give you a closer look at what's happening in japan. temperatures more like april in tokyo. we're looking at the same frontal pattern to stretch from oak now wah and even into tokyo as we see the rain taking place as we go into saturday. we'll be seeing the showers in place for tokyo as we go into sunday as well. and then temperatures start to really recover a bit, looking at a high of 30 by monday. showers in osaka for sunday and monday. we are looking at a slightly drier pattern as we go into the latter part of the weekend for fuk co-ka and naha. we're watching out for strong thunderstorms across the central portion of the united states and
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a cold front moving toward the east. there's plenty of cooler air coming from the north that's helping to generate the power behind the front that is currently moving toward the east. as it continues to move across the united states, we will be dealing with thunderstorms along the front from the northeast down toward the tennessee river valley. we have another low also crossing through the southern areas of canada moving into places like winnipeg. that's going to also generate concerns for strong thunderstorms as we go into the weekend. so by saturday, you need to be on the lookout for that. looking at thunderstorms in oklahoma city with a high of 34. same in atlanta. high of 36 in washington, d.c. as we go through friday. hope you have a good day wherever you are. ♪
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coming up next is "newsline biz" with ma lerah minimal garn. stay right there. ♪ japan's cabinet has approved basic policies to manage the country's finances and economy for the coming year. they include a pledge to speed up the transition to digital work arrangements. this comes as the ongoing pandemic has exposed how the country lags behind developments in the digital world. the new policies will promote
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online administrative procedures and the elimination of results requiring paper documents and seals. to fight the coronavirus, the government will ramp up pcr and other testing. it plans to accelerate the development of drugs and vaccines. it also says it will reduce the economic and social activity in the tokyo area, working to diversify supply chains. there wasn't any mention of bringing the primary budget back to fiscal year starting in 2025 as has been promised in recent yeerns. rather the government says it will lay out concrete steps for what it calls an integrated economy and fiscal reform by the end of the year. this is "newsline biz." i'm ramin mellegard. japanese companies sought more loanans than ever in recenent ms as the coronavirus squeezed business operations. that's according to survey results just released by the
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bank of japan. the e boj asked 50 lenders how they saw dememand for fununding june and jujuly. for corporate demand, the index rose to 59, way up from just 14 in the previous survey three months earlier. it was also the highest since the survey began in 2000. the index shows the gap between the percentage of respondents saying demand is rising and those saying it's not. the survey showed that sales of both manufacturers and non-manufacturers plunged, drying up the flow of cash. the picture was completely different for households including demand for mortgages. the index fell to a record low of minus 24. the boj says people apparently held off from buying houses and cars during the recent downturn. the administration of u.s. president donald trump will soon start barring the government from doing business with companies that use products and services from five chinese high-tech firms. a law enforcing the ban is
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scheduled to come into effect on august 13th. it will require suppliers to certify they don't use any of the firms equipment or services. that will effectively force suppliers to choose between doing business with the u.s. governrnment or chinese compani. those firms are huawei, zte, and officials worry they could be affected by the law. officials at several japanese companies are worried they could be affected by the law. since last august the trump administration prohibited government agencies from procuring and using equipment from the chinese firms. the u.s. also took aim at some of its biggest companies over their dealings with china. the attorney general is accusing major tech firms and entertainment giants of too easily bowing to the demands of the chinese communist party. >> over the years, corporations such as google, microsoft, yahoo and apple have shown themselves
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all too willing to collaborate with the ccp. >> barr pointed to apple's recent decision to remove access for chinese customers to a news app that china's government took issue with over its coverage of hong kong protests. he also blamed hollywood for regularly censuring movies. barr called on the companies to reresist chihinese pressure. he says beijing takes aim at u.s. businesses through siper attass and theft of ideas. u.treamingervice netfx got a bumin both les anprofit f the apr toune quarte as the conavirus kep maeopletho. but the firm prects swer subscriber growth for this quarter as countries start to ease restrictions. the firm released second quarter earnings on thursday. sales for the period stood at about $6.1 billion. that's up 25% from the same period last year. net profit more than doubled. netflix added more than 10 millio s subscribers around the
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globe durining the quarter bringing the total to around 192 million. new sign-ups are expected to slow to 2.5 million for the three months ending in september. the black lives matter movement has spread from the u.s. to many countries around the world. corporate leaders are also listening to the call to combat racial injustice. many are eager to voice their support. >> the protests erupted in late may following the police murder of george floyd. the demonstrators are mostly young, and ethnically diverse. they say that inaction leads to ignorance and a continuance of racial oppression. their voices have reached the board rooms of some of the world's most popular companies. leaders at nike reacted quickly, posting support of the movement on their website. the ceo kicked off his june earnings call with a pledge to take action.
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>> over the past month, we have seen racial tragedies expose systemic prejudice and injustice in america. and nike has a lonong history o standing up against inequality, driven by our values and rooted in the power of sports. today we are uniting behind our black athletes, teammates and communities as nike continues to lead with purpose. >> demographics may be one reason businesses have been swift to act. the protests include people of all ages, but most are in their 30s or younger. that's the segment of the consumer market called millennials and generation z companies try hardest to attract. one analyst says supporting the goals of these young protesters makes good business sense. >> this generation is liberal
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mostly. they believe in, for instance, climate change. that's an important issue for them. they believe in social justice, and this is a huge social justice issue that they want companies not just to say yes, we support this cause, but to actually do something about it. silence, i think, in general is not a wise strategy if you're targeting young people. >> some companies have already made substantial donations to the black lives matter movement. with no end in sight to the protests, those gestures of support t are likely to coconti. >> okay. let's get a check on the markets. ♪
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