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tv   France 24  LINKTV  July 17, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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twenty four .com. hoping to agree to a recovery package to drag them out of the health crisis that's kept them apart for weeks the leaders come face to face for a summit in brussels with the commission president saying the stakes. couldn't be higher for the block catherine bennett from our business desk is here on sets for the latest. fears grow across france the second code nineteen wave is crushing a prince weston and southern shores. latest figures show that the for the fourteen people have died in the past twenty four hours. with almost seven thousand patients now
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hospitalized. as to whether or not to wear that's the question raging in the u. s.s.bout protective masks with the governor of georgia suing the marathon lancer. think about this very issue. hello and welcome back to the fronts twenty four newsroom i'm thomas waterhouse. talks are set to resume in the belgian capital this friday as the leadersrs off the e. u.'s member states continue the first face to face summit since the coded nineteen pandemic hits. on the first day of that meeting no hands were shaken but elbows were instead bumps and face masks would definitely worn the dutch prime minister one of the so called frugal for who said he thinks that's less than a 50% chance. that attendees will reach deal on the seven hundred and fifty billion euro european recovery is different this is to be great on how this money will be divided into loans or grantsts o
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learning to caesar reports. the first of face to face meeting between european leaders since the corona virus shut down the continent. health measures to stop covert nineteen from spreading battered the bloc's economy and the president of the european commission says it's now time to fix it collectivevely. all the necessay pipieces are on thehe table anda solution is possible. and the solution that is what our people in europe expect from us because it's their jobs that are at stake. ursula von der leyen faces the difficult task of convincing the so called frugal for a group of countries austria denmark sweden and the netherlands but the recovery fund should include grants as well as loans i think shows incorrect what is very important to us east countries reform awesome opapal transitional if they want grantsts on top of lines. which we don't really want to happen then we hahave to nailil down vy hard guarantees that reforms
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will be carried out spain and italy two of the country's hardest hit by the pandemic in europe say they cannot take on further debt. to ease the burden france and germany jointly approved offering nearly five hundred euroros as grants. among you don't need to this is the moment of. for the ambition of europe we are living through an unprecedented health crisis which is also social and economic. you leaders have to agree on the size and terms of the coronavirus stimulus as well as the bloc's overall budget. talks are expected to last through the weekend and all decisions will need to be. unanimous for more on what's happening inn brussels i'm joined now by catherine bennett from all business desk now catherine the french president emmanuel maccoll has called this summit- the moment of truth for europe but what are the chances that a deal can actually be reached. well as i said earlier i think the chances of reaching a deal during this partiticular summit all quite slim. this would be too much disagreement between
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these different members of the u. about whahat this particular stimulus package should look like so the european commission has initially proposed boring seven hundred fifty billion euros on the financial markets. it was the disperse it mostly in grounds to member states that five hundred billion euros and grounds and two hundred fifty billion euros in loans. and that would be repaid back from from twenty twenty six or twenty twenty eight. students drink the disagreement down there is this general divide between the north and south the fiscally conservative north. and he's a sub come which been bad hit by pandemic andnd they nt to o get that money disbsbursed in groans in particular. so we're talking about primarily about italy and spain- all suffering financially because of lockdowns and they are very nervous about taking on more debt as a result. but going into this. the site to be wait we were had at the- december there saying that he wouldn't be backing down despite the
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numerous visits by unit is you lives the never. tried beat him yes stop. suit looks like it will be. to european. the across europe and he also issued a veiled warning it to these member states at the same time telling them not to treat the european union like an atm or like an endless source of money. so let's have a listen to that baband. lunar okay on on and the european union is not a bank machine ibm have something more to say notot onlyy a as europeans and also as a member states. we have something more than j just cononsidering ourses as any money distribututor. we have a great do you tend to put back on its feet our economy's. toto guarantee the wellblbeing f our c citizens thehe freedom of public opinion. i had to do with with that plan that will
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allow w the- user to defend its values. i have three more the- ququestions still left to beyonce's of course how this money will be used once it's paid out. of course how it will be than a paid back what all the main. sticking points in these talks well the latest proposalal wants m member stateo presentt their own plans for using the money which would then be approved by a qualified majority of the even in the states. but it is again the dutch government which is putting a spanner in the works since they won't country's financial plans to be agreed upon unanimously by the entire block. of course there and a number of countries charge against that idea because they don't want their parents or plans. to be vetoed entirely by one of the state. now that apple sitting plans to make the payouts depend. on the respect all the european use and democratic response. of course can make it difficult to for hungary and poland for some of the eastern states which have come on 5 degrees last year for not respecting the rule of law.
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and the hungarian prime minister viktor orban has threatened to- to reject the entire time if it does come with those strings attached another problem i. said it how new debt is going to be repaid. so essentially said the european union is not an atm and that money will go back to the gym at some point. through war what. do you. the staff through various tax. it's the summer. in a co. tax a tax on. waste wait digital time. no talk about the- to research. europe wide digital tax has been proposed before this never gained much traction so it's unlikely that we'll get through this time even though these are exceptional circumstances. luxembourg in particular has spoken out against the plan. noting it not entirely on fantasy about imposing additional tax will make europe a less attractive place to do business. and luxembourg is not the only country against the idea so islands in new- t'chaka
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prime minister me whole mountain. he has already gone into the talks stating quite clearly that on is be opposed to digital tax. no that's not exactly surprising coming from. his dublin is the sort of dedicated body. spot in europe. the text company tech company which all had in. so we can see already that digital tax is not going to be getting unanimous agreement and hopefully over the weekend will start to get bit more of an idea of what other alternatives they may be for repaying that money back into the budget okay catherine bennett from a b business s desk thank you veryry much. now movig on fronts has reported eight hundred and thirty six new carpet nine case covered nineteen cases within the previous twenty four hours for the number of f deaths. in hospititals rising by fourteen n the same period. at the height of the outbreak between march and may the focus was very much on the east the north and the area around paris. now a fresh clusters of cases have cropped
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up in the south and the west. with government figigures showig reproductionon rates in brittany for example has risen sharply selina. sykes brings a small. this medical lab in brittany and normandy france h has seen the number of covert nineteen tests multiply by fouour in just a a few days. the market my mother is ninety three years old. i don't want to bring any germs by crime he called. the wearing a face mask that the local markets anz indoor p publc spaces in this town has been mandatory since friday morning locals and tourists almost worried for now but it's all remaining vigilance. i'm not paranoid but will protecting ourselves by wearing masks and washing our hands regularly i think that if everyone does that we can minimize the risk. of the virus will continue to circulate that's obvious. according to the latest data published by the frenchh government's brittany is a red zone with the reproduction
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rights of the virus standing as two point six meeting one person infects on average two and a half people. a figure close to the national contamination rates as the heights of the coronavirus crisis. according to says an epidemiologist that is no need to panic yetet. thehe figures ae constantly changing did you see sisitting next to me twenty six is a point estimation.n. which willllost probably change. in the coming days. recent testosterone and the next round of results for the three. dog brittany is nott the only region in france that has seen an increase in cases nouvel acte ten paid the law and sit back out also on high alert. now a new poll conducted by the washington post is found that just 38% of respondents approve of how president trump has handled the corona virus crisis. according to exexrts at johns hopkins universitity
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seventy eight thousand new cases have been confirmed to cross the u. s. but the leaders of some of the country's hardest hit states on still. trying to resist the mandatory dawning of protective masks with politicians in georgia clashing over this issue with more from washington is our correspondent that cuts among coaches tony. the fact of wearing a mask is it completely aa pololitical issue h here in e united statates andnd the- the standoff is really a showing that happening now the governor of the- georgia is urging people in his a stage to wear a mask but he says that he is against making it. a mandatory and making it mandatory ststatewide so last week he signed an executive order a as saying at bats as local governments like as cities or counties could not implement mandates that are stricter than the one that is a state wide and ththen involves- mandates fr wearing masks or at a roll
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backs on restrictions on and the reopening of plans. and it is a his executive.. order now and the mayor of. and to add the biggest c. in a georgia keisha lance bottoms. he decided to go against that executive order sheep mandated. as city residents to wear a mask when they're in public and she's also rolling back some of those restrictions- for re opening going against the governor the governor now showing her personally. as well as as some of the city council members as for violating that executive order he saying and that this is about the rule of law keisha lance bottomsms replying that she will see him in court. and because as she feels that this is a political remember at donald trump was in atlanta just two days ago she pointed out that he was violating her mandate and the next day and the governor tutor. so in other news thee guns have fallenen silent in the libyan
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capital but the effects of the countrtry's war still being felt by city's residents. huge numbers of people have been displaced in tripoli with many locals finding a pile of rubble with a home once stood on journalists have filed this next reports. one of the main battlegrounds during the war this neighborhood south of the libyan capital has been devastated. when fighting erupted around tripoli more than a year ago thousands of residents fled for their lives. now with no more fighting in the area returning isn't easy. a few bottlerocock momoments ate phil mccannn to swim in indian in her that. with no segment that's not as our little debate- for jetets. and then he had learned how to. the thank any any and she about how my house and- adelaide in ththe secondnd- fiat that said it cut. led by rebel comommander khalifa
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haftar libyan national army launched an assault on tripoli n. and turkey backed government forces led by fayez al seraj announced the end of the stage. in the aftermath of the fightiting for deck h hill c coo see his apartrtment his furnitue has been stolen and the building damaged. it's believed a sniper was stationed here. hey litittle sub completo michigan you up up up up up from c. level executives in would you consider r listing of items ouout of the- sealed. another book a three michelin. some were able to repair the minor damages to the horns b but others weren't so lucky though let this old loan this if off newnwness lab t that's normal te blending mode at the facility. given the attorney about it though and the woman the ultimate the heaead of a hospitl hosted a total of a little known. b because the computer is
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sitting on a little work. land mines doess of so. whoo tried to return to their homes while power cuts a yet another obstacle. according to the united nations aboututne point three millllion people are in need of humananitarian aid acros the country. as of now but do stay tuned to france twenty four. you saw on every friday onon thehe show specici edition dedicacated to christopher dicky a giant o of journalism thehe dy beast foreign editor. who passed away suddenly on thursday in paris at sixty eight the world this week in partnership with the daily beast. welcome to the front twenty four interview our guest today is asean g. b. she is a
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pakistani christian who was condemned to death in her country in twenty y ten accused of blasphemy by her neighbors heher muslim neighbors in her native. job he spent nine years in prison before being acquitted this equipment will close the anger of religious groups forcing her to hide in her country and to the actual trade to canada where she's now living in hiding. she now wants to live in france in order to stay with the person who saved her life french journalist and he's about to lay. with whom she has written her story a book which is being published gold at last free. published by thank you for your dealership thank you. thank you obstacle if you could yeah thank you very much for having me have a look kia. on tennessee iris.
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for a- moment that. thank you all upset because of your love just last year. and be up close on good thing. your warm greetings slam. on issue hear the good thing is i am a and we did a lot to be on monday and then on terrorists. well if it is good but it has buddy one clarity. however spent. ten years in prison. i know i have to get fortune being here with you. this is a very s special time for me i cherish it. i would like to go back to a more painful moment for you. capital on the fourteenth of june of two thousand and nine it's you were out picking fruits is little side and on that day i it was very hot the u. decided to drink. water from a well founded then a dispute occccurrd wiwith two of your neighbobors . it was the beginning of your drama. vevery good ma'am yes that'll negate your- yess that day i went. still it was a hot june day as you may know june
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is a very hot months and he practiced on. and it was the season for. and there was an altercation over water with some of my neighbors you should never have happened i was asked to fetch water andnd then i was accused of blasphemy for drinking from the same cup. we both yes it is because your neighbors are kim often use it all for making. him kill and then there was a dispute made it during which you said that everybody should live together in peace it was true for jesus but also because the prophet muhammad. and when push if you want to criticized for this by. your neighbors and then by the villagers basically many it god yes yes absolutely those were my words. books and a culture of peace- i called for. peaceful coexistence i'm gonna be something that is the messagee of jesus c christ. our
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salon that is also. messages hope prophetet muhammad you do a lot dial which all. be together in harmony look it lumbered though i do wish to clarify that. these women or settling a score. thehere was a runun i ise with the head of my villagage dd you know we're gonna try you know god you know what do you do this man had previously insulted my daughters. well known everyone get guiding an attorney these women. who accuse me they insulted me as well. did i tell i also. the movivibut don't t say. the have going on for a year. finally got on up and i got all my name is jay. it got. its name on up on the used a drink of water. but it as an excuse i'm not claiming i was forbidden to drink from the same couples muslims and it's saying was unclean i was accused of blasphemy. was incarcerated for ten years. it has by the grace of god. i havee now been acquitted. my name has been
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cleared. or you can message i yeah widget but i cherish this freedom which in a kia. i knew i had spoken the truth i knew. i had said nothingng wrong my face was strong. i have dodone nothining wrong. i i was convic. even though i was innocent and i knew god was set me free. soon you. described the prisoners of violence control showing to the archaeological. god he's in yet another prisoners also described the intervention to major politicians the governor it failed job at the time so. that jim was in charge of other and the minister of minorities that we will free you leave new york but they were both assasassinatd because they defend y you at tht titime. why did you lose a healthy did you think thahat maybee you would commit suicide because. you thought you would never be frereed basically been
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cool again yes that's true love a dumb idea it these. individuals werere killed for hm with for no other reason many skip and then standing up for me. let's get this massacre to be fought injustice not bill collector. reviewed my case. the is evidence against me. mmajunkie that i cried my heart out for five whole days after each assassination committed in may and looking back. he's a horrible and speak about crimes two innocent men were killed i double down on your hands will it but i wish to say that many dentists at the woman in my heart. i know they're not alone he's in. the still live in our hearts jamie. all is he the rest with god. i said but i he's got to give it a but the my children. gain paid every two. mark up beyond i mean sucka honor my children. were.
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deprived of their mother's love. all their schooling was disrupted. but don't let somebody get a call. yes of the as my h. medo these other hardships either so but i managed to overcome a lot of somebody to get socked it through patients through forty to sixty eight. what is surprising is t that x. you were greeted in october twenty eighteen and all of. that for seven momonths. you had to stand in your countryry in high protected b by the authorities because thihis little kid. the angelic messages because- wasn't even worse you were recruited by the supreme court has left us. and you had to live in hiding vehicle religious yes that a baby has order sececure was off. but the next. security still not in issue. yeah it is true that the supreme court of pakistan over through. the minute my
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sentence. i respect my country i respect it's a thirty wawas because the ended up finding the not guilty and it will continue to feel this love and respect for my country to my dying day.y. i was born and raised in pakistan it is my country i carry my country in my heart. this being said i have forgiven all those who have trespassed against me he's- i'm gonna. run times like you paid tribute to the usual it's critical that quite visibly. he cannot change the law on blasphemy which has existed. for a long time which was your available decision. walks be a least. bitcoin i'm not yes that is what i wish for gives it as them and i would like to direct this message to pakistani prime minister imran khan okay. i call this is. for a reform of the law. yes ma'am ten years in
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prison is a very harsh sentences the daily on each a year order a i belieieve the law must be changed the sequel sure just must be made at the sciences august now. i never had to say nobody ever heard my side of the story. and yet the spent ten years in prison i was sentenced t to death. and i hope this will never happen to anyone again. well and this can to happen. adult to other people or local decide to order at lake and then we did i know i know this is still happening on a sunny one again is heartbreaking because it should be setet and i tell you. my message is a message of love and that these celebrities are synonymous it is the message of both jesus christ and the holy prophet muhammad let's say i'm in sydney autumn both wantedd us to live together in peace as brothers and sisters. i'm on a
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vehicle. i wish for peace michael the could leave a- call find free but you're not totally. you let. okay that's cacan under p part. that eight salute view all fall you will. be living in your own food but- under threat. do you still don't feel free and i feel in danger because of what you now represent maitland legit copy them down yes i have received many threats happy look at the fifties eminent phony. i have heard skill- yeah as a result i do believe security measures are necessary. given the simplicity factors it's true that i am free but but anything could happen anytime. you say you love your country excuse me when you were exfiltrate is from pakistan the authorities should do you enjoy reading it but you will never come back to pakistan do you think you would
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ever set foot in pakistan again- basically mad this is something like a yes i do he goes to a tech i'm assuming you could get him to put on is not. yeah much of what i hope to be back with all my heart. to map and i'm m like this city. god says me free. and i do believe i want to have the up. to go. i should be thank you very much for. having come. to the set of france four to battle with this you'll the book is published by adadditional d details. finally free returning with us. today thank you for having watched the interview on front street. thank you all. thank you all from the bottom of my heart. many thanks also to canada for welcoming me. to the- union and also many thanks to france for its warm welcome in an event that that information is an honorary citizen o of the city f paris. thanknk you also to and s about a twenty foot ansei meththod on skin she w was the firsrst in francece to speak. iy
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name. what it france holds a very special place in my heart. i feel respected. b. b. my name used to be a c. on her team. thanks to and he's about to leave my name is now s. u. b. b. thank you all for your love. mayor so it's been a pleasure meeting. so many kind individuals including the mayor of paris and then go. many thanks to the president of france. further upset he or for entertaining my request for asylum many thanks to france and the people of france based on the study. my prayers are with you. yes it will thank you very much.
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07/17/20 07/17/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, ththis is democracy now! >> kinda framed narrative around these outbreaks is something foreign, like encroachment from outside that invades as an kind of posits as as these passive victims. and i think that obscures the larger story, whwhich is therers a lot t of human agency involved in how we are turning microbes into pathogenic and pandemic-causing pathogens. amy:


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