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tv   France 24  LINKTV  July 23, 2020 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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anchor: hello, thank you for joining us. the u.s. where antiracism protests continue in portland, oregon. they started after george floyd was killed. tensions got worse after donald trump sent federal forces to the area. he u.s. president i is saying wants to send federal officers to other cities as he centers himself as the law & order candidate. civil liberties activists condememn the plan. president trump: in r recentt weeks, there has been a radical movement to defund, dismantle, and dissolve the police
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departments. joined politicians have this anti-police crusade and relentlessly vilified our law enforcement heroes. i'm announcing a surge of federal law enforcement into communities plagued by violent crime. every single day to restore public safety, protect our nation's children, and bring violent perpetrators to justice. anchor: for more on donald trump's plan, we spoke to our correspondent in washington. to the law &aking order mental, donald trump announced a surge of federal agents in several u.s. c citiese says are spiraling out of control in the face of rising crime. general his attorney and his homeland security secretary insisted that this operation would be completely different from what we have seen in portland.
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were officially sent to protect federal buildings. theyey were accused of snatching protesters off the street and throwing them in unmarked vans without probable cause. both bill barr and chad wolf insisted that these federal agents which will be coming from agencies like the fbi and the department of homeland security will be focused on partnering with local pololice to help deal with violent crime. for now, the trump admiministration is focucusing n albuquerque and chicago. the mayor of chicago initially blasted the idea said that she was now ready to accept the they areelp as long as not trying to police the streets. she would remainin extremely cacautious a and vigigilant.t. report anyresidents to
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suspicious behavior from those agents, adding that she would not let what happened in portland happened to her city. anchor: the country with the second-worst coronavirus outbreak after the u.s. is brazil. cases registered over the last 24 hours. that is a record. leaders they are responding very differently to the crisis. passing a bleak milestone, brazil repoported nearly 68,8,000 covivid-19 infections in one e day. a new global record. the south american country is the world's second worst hit by the pandemic is million reported cases and 82,000 deaeaths. as infections continue to rise, some supporters of the president it wasro claiming that
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being politicized by the opposition. language]ng foreign reporter: the region's second worst hit country with 300 50,000 cases, mexico saw the death toll surge to o over 40 -- saw thecases, mexixico dedeath toll surge to over 40,0. a massive testing and screening campaign took off. despite having imposed one of the world's longest lockdowns, peru surpassed the 300,000 case mark. a figure that authorities acknowledged could be much higher. >> [speaking foreign lananguage]
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reporter: many of the regions governments were considering using sanitary restrictions as they hope to offset looming social and economic crises. to germany where a former nazi camp guard has been gigiven a two-year suspended sentenence. in 93-year-old found guilty complicity of the murder of hundreds of thousands, he was a guard at a concentration camp in poland. bruno day's trial was marked by images of him covering his face as photographers tried pictures.
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75 years back, h he was posted n the tower. still, day says he did not know of those atrocities. samehing a survivor of the agent, a former camp guardrd doesn't believe. >> [speaking foreign language] reporter: the defense stresses u.s. forced him to enroll in the army and did not volunteer to guard a nazi -- a concentration camp. and he was not part of the nazi
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party, he says. at the time, prosecutors had to prove that the s suspects killed or tortured people themselves. this changed with the conviction of a deathth camp guard in 2011. it paved the way for new t trial with prosesecutors saying that they arere a crucial message against new atrocities carried out today or in the future. france's foreign minister is in lebanon as the country experiences its worst economic crisis in decades. pushing fort is what he called long overdue reforms after the lack of reforms was a factor in a recent and talalks with ththe imf. leaders back in bali this thurursday as an effot to resolve the country's political crisis. there have been weeks of protest
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against the president and t the opposition is insisting he resign. and it is against the formation of a national unity government. now let's turn our attentioion o the geopoliticical tensions caud by a massive dam in ethiopia on the river nile. construction started in 2011 and ethiopia has been in talks for years with egypt and sudan because they are downstream and worried about the dam reducing their access to water. joining me nowow, william davisn who is a senior analyst at crisis group. thank you for being with us. if we can start with how important is this dam for etethiopia's economic growth?
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>> it is very important and will be one of africa's largest upon completion. energyy far the biggest project and biggest infrastructure projects. ethiopia's electricity production over a year when it completed the huge boost to self export as well. politicalo had huge issues to overcome. and why do you think it has taken so long to reach a deal? there isn't one yet. why is it taking so long? in one form or another have been going on for the best part of a decade. there are clashing national interests here. they have heavily relied on the nile. they have had an advantageous legal regime as well.
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it was a threat to the water supply and ushering in a new legal era. we talked about how important to the dam is for ethiopia. to have these clashing national interests, it has created a technical agreement to reach for drought mitigation. and also a series of legal agreements including how to resolve any future disputes. . dob a has filled the dam. has filled the dam. why would they take the risk of escalating tensions? to knowmportant thing here is the most significant development.
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rather than the nuts and bolt of the negotiations and the legal has gone aheada and starting impounding water in the reservoir as scheduled as they always said that they would. is that egypt would walk away from the negotiations because they oppose ethiopia beginning to feel without an agreement. but what happened this week is egypt seems to have continued to maintain negotiations. ethiopia was always set on this course. the downstreream state does seem to be avoided. anchor: and what has been the role of the u.s. in all of this? they tried to negotiate and broker a deal. washington is considering withdrawing some aid to ethiopia over this dam project.
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how will that affect negotiations? >> the first thing to notice is that with an increase in national engagement that started in october and november, there was a sort of fairly high-profile failure to reach an agreement, but we have seen more andervative talks incremental progress. pretty in the reports that the u.s. is considering aid cuts, they stance. that what is unclear is how the u.s. will react to the latest development. the u.s. wilill go ahead with ad people say that would
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be unwise. the u.s. should continue to play a role working with other international partners and african countries. to try to make constructive contributions and try to get the parties to work on outstanding issues. thank you for your analysis.. it is a popular time to set off to mars. china'se uae, it was turn to send a mission to the red planet. this should involve landininon mars. reporter: a countdown and there goes yet another mission to mars. only a few days after the united arab emirates sent their probe to the red planet, this time -- in addition to an
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orbiter and a lander, thehere ia 240 kikiller rover. their job is to search for water. but before thahat, therere is a tricky part. the landing. >> [speaking foreign language] reporter: mars is the current shining star of space study. there are three different missions planned this summer after the united arab emirates take off from japan. the u.s. has another mission planned for later this summer during the small launching window when mars and earth are aligned at their closest point
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in years. a race to mars that could be greaeat forr scienence. >> there has always been international competition. thusus far, these are scientific missions and science has always been collaborative and international. if this mission is a success, they are looking at the next challenge.. getting an astronaut up there. anchor: that's it for now, stay tuned. anchor: hello, and welcome to france interview. is an activist and author of a book that was just published in france. i will translate the title. "freedom is not a crime."
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it, the journey from an upper-middle-class woman living in tehran to an activist against the he job which is mandatory in .ran you were sentenced to two years in prison. before the verdict was handed down, you decided to flee iran to turkey and you now live in exile in canada. how does one go from being an upper-middle-clalass woman to an activist against the islslamic veil? with: i was just fed up living this other life, living ththe lie, and pretending everything is ok for many years. facing violence.
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they have almost the same rights as men. and those were in their supports, they have the of workers. women's right activists did their best for 40 years and did not go anywhere because they didn't have the support of us. the campaign came, i realized this was the moment for me -- >> the so-called white wednesday campaign. the goal is to wearar whihite ad film yourselelf.
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guguest: to wearar white or be unveiled in the streets. to send a message to journrnalis , fors started thehe campaign men and women to come forward and be the voice. anchor: there was a turning point in december of 2017. to a veryes well-known place in the center of tehran, decides to take her veil off and put it on a stake. and this created quite a stir and this was a turning p point r you. it was not only about wearing white, but taking the hijab and putting it on n a stick. months, peoplew
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were talking about compulsory hijabs and protesting compulsory hijabs. this lady performed. she was standing there quietly and sending a message to the government, to the authorities, that i am peacefully protesting this law. it was very beautiful. for me, it was the mostt bebeautiful symbolol of civil disobedience in the world. i was one of the women that followed her path. it was quite a few times and then what was bound to happen happened. you were arrested by the police. you recounted several arrests and the humiliation it -- anan violence in prison. and the accusations of spying.
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spopoti never went to that in the centeter of the c city. i didn't want to get arrested. i wanted other women and men to me in the campaign, to see my neighborhood and join us. i faceded the most horrible this in the world. they can do anything with you when they capture you. anchor: you were lucky because you were able to be offended -- defended by a well-known lawyer. she is now in jail for a very long time shortly after defending you. have someoneyou to on your side telling you what to do.
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guest: i wasn't able to talk to her or contact her during the time i was detained. the thing that she had done for brought justice to the public eye. and to other women. i/o my life to her. my families safety and myself. arrested threee times and at some point, you decided that because you have a husband, you a realize that if you stay, you are going to die. countryded to flee the and be smuggled through turkey into canada. do you regret leaving the country or was it the best decision you made?
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guest: it is complicated for me. at the same time, i can advocate for women's rights. because iot happy cannot enjoy freedom as much as i want. iran in my heart is with my friend and my lawyer. after youe sentences fled became harsher and harsher. there is a group of women that decided to hand out flowers. they were arrested and they have very long sentences. is it may be a consequence of what you did? guest: they wewere my friends, y close friends that were advocating for me.
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women n are getttting bravever n thouough they see what they had done to me. governments s wanted to sesend a message to o the iranian women. videos, you see a 24 or 23 year sentencnce. even though the police officers asked them, they are telling them to their face that t i do't i am notn this law and obeying the sexual discrimination. not only that, but they are to recordher campapaign
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officers thatce want to arrest them. and they are brave enough. but you w would not do the same t today? guest: of course not. anchor: why not? ago, i i did not belilieve in any reform, even bk then. promised to have this right for animals. believed in reform -- but i had believed in reform back in 2009. after 2009 and the demonstration, i realized there was not going to be any reform in my country.
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but after the demonstration in december 2017 when the reformist protestersd innocent , and after that in 2017, they stopped the active movements, the teachers movements. the reports were more than 1500 protesesters. thousands of people in just three days. anchor: you are now advocating
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regime change and some say that you are being used by those in the u.s. pushing for regime change. >> i haven't been in touch with anyone from the u.s. and this is the mindset of people. i want to believe in change with other iranians. missing the violation of hume and getting worse and worse in my country. and as a woman rights activist, i will use that to just tell the that these are happening
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in iran. in support the iranian people and not the government. thank you for coming on the france 24 interview.
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- hey, i'm darius rucker. coming up onreel south. miguel i is a dedicateted family man. he works hard, goes to church, serves his community. but as an undocumented immigrant, an unexpected traffic stop lands him in deportation proceedings. [indistinct chatter] after over a decade living in the us, he faces an agonizing decision. go back to mexico, or become a fugitive in his adoptive homeland. next on "120 days" onreel south. - [femalale narrator] support for this program is provided by south arts, sponsors of the southern circuit tour of independent filmmakers,
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with funding from the national endowment for the arts.


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