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tv   France 24  LINKTV  July 28, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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attorney general william barr defendnd the white house's decision to send federal troops to portland during his congressional testimony paving the way for more troops to be deployed in other places such as chicago and i'll be kicking. fears of a coronavirus second wave in europe continue to grow with the spotlight now on germany well the pharmacy say they are very concecerned about an increase in new cases. frenchch i know councils extradition treaties with the u. k. australia and canada on
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behalf of phone call those three countrtries have prprevioy counts- extradition packs with the chinese territory. hello and thank you very much for joining us i in the fronts- twenty four newsroom i'm simon harding we start in the united states where attorney general william barr has defendeded the trumpp administration's decision to send in federal troops. to quell what they see as unrest in several cities across the nation the white house has be under five particularly from democratic led states and cicities for unwanted federal troop presencnce. about the protests had nothing to do with george floyd anymore and that trouble makers but taking advantage of the situation to cool kael's. such estes. to help you guys. the first time william barr who tested before the demo led g. committee you just going head to head with lawmakers who accuse him of using the justice department to
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serve the interests of presidenent trump's profiling te attorneyey geneneral rejected te claims and defended sending federal troops t to responond to black lives matter protest. violent right and our guests hi legitimate protests to recap senseless had and destruction on innocent victims the current situatation in cortland is telling example but on my way around the courthouse reasonably be called protest it is by any objective measure a an assault on the government of the united states. the port which- my since the police killing of george floyd in may have an incident of band. targeting the federal house. but the city mayor the of federal earlier this month has only escalate tension and strengthened the resolve of demonstrators. the mayors of
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five democratic cities including portland seattle and chicago are calling on congress to make it illegal to deploy a militarized federal agents without local consent. meanwhile the internal watchdog of the u. s. justice department has launched probes into the actions of federal agents in both portland and washingtoton . more news from the united states where president donald trump's sononald j junior has been banned from tweeting for twelve hours after the social media company said he had breached a misinformation rules the us president's eldest child. had showed a video discussing the benefits of the controversial drug hydroxycut keen in relation to cover nine scene. the only junior has said
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that this is a further attempt to censor he's a father supporters trump has us the national telecommunications and information administration. to file a petition said at how social media companies moderate contents on that platform. fears of a second wave of covered nineteen cases in europe all growing off the infections in in germany doubled this week with authorities. saying they were concerned the european bloc which broadly ended respective lockdowns back in may have seen a surge in infections off the international orders re opens at the start of july. many believe holidaymakers insensitive countries are transporting the virus out correspondence in berlin next by said gave us this updates. we're seeing more of the vigilance had that really characterize the german response right from the beginning they're always trying to be ahead of things and what we heard from the head of the rubber *--*- i institute which s
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a leading healtlth institute which essentially sets what. government policy or sets in large part- is a shocking rise in number so around five hundred and fifty seven. cases per day weekly now at the end of july the beginning of june it was three hundred and fifty a cause of great concern. according to the head of the robert *-*- institute who called on germans to maintain the social distancing to maintain the hand washing and ththis is s new to o wear face s outside e but if youou can't k a point five. years away for. i couldn't. exactly what. precise cause. were of a particular he said that the outbreaks were more diffuse. before they had been in slaughter houses where people have to work closely together this a specific situation they're they're happening at weddings now at open air and gatherings. and equally happening in workplaces and also he said- they're being found amongst the germans returning from holidays abroad. which brings us send it to the
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announcement about t travel to spaiain what exactly are a soure sayiying. well. the foreign ministry about a state was s set payiying that you. boyd calling on people to avoid the regionsns of a catalalonian eraragon and navarre- a and they're a also at the same time this is in the past few days arere offering fre testing the airports for people who cocome home- around eleven million german to. visit spain and year eleven mimillion at forest visitpain as well a a around eighthtn millionn british toururists i know you'r're gonne tatalking aut this lalater which is a all to say it's bad n news that is bad news for lots of germans who love to go o to span and i thihink we'll- perhaps. looking and got a goal. they cation now. now france twenty four seven x. by told earlier on in the day with a nice young about the situation all of the coronana virus in germany. let's move on to other world news china's retaliated against canada the united kingdom and australia counselining hong
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kong's extradition treaty with them and has warned it will do the same again new zealand who is also stops an extradition packs. government taking action to counter whole thing's a security bill which gives the bay sweeping and you legal power in the territory. if your canadian british author. and your cues of committing a crime in hong kong don't expect to be sent back home. china has ended extradition from hong kong to these countries offer t they wil stop the extradition the all the way job on offer you vote. john stephenson hospital. the schools g. yes had a chance to choose phone jonathan all that yeah as usual did you have contacts of office of the chief. beijing says it reserves the right to take out against zealand to all tuesday new c.
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join the uk can and australia it's- cooper. with hong kong over criminal my- not a seven there was a one two. commitment by china. as now that the lord longer what it will. and therefore the exclusion of for. done stand. please go were worried that if the- anyone to home. they could be so to me china for two on punishment. cool cool cool junk paging gave itself the power to do this with hong kong's new security law which came into effect at the end of last month increase. twenty in hong kong among the changes undermining the central governrnments can be punishehedy a a ximum sentence of life in prison. the politicall crisis continues in a molly where president ibrahim boubacar keita- is coming under renewed pressure to quit on tuesday the opposition rejected a compromise deal proposed a day early by regional bloc echo was
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the plan included the establishment of a government of national unity allen's of the holding of by elections are the suspicion. of fraud. that will all the and katherine k. declare said this e et west africa press but gov of ththe yu is the answer to mellieie's political crisis. under their instruruction president k keita name to strip down cabinets and tasked it with negotiating the formation of a unity governments which the country's prime minister described strongly desired. but this did nothing to appease the country's opposition in a press release the june five movement said the m. five or f. p. notes with regrets that t the susummis of heads o of statetes conclusis do not takake into account the dedepth and s see what this. is your political crisis that wrestling molly's future in a bid to get the opposition coalition on boards collapse has also called for the resignation of thirty one mps whosee action they had contested
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accusations. of fraud. awesome destabilizing thehe country and the region the west. heads of were up so. against those who oppose it aphids that normalization. what we are. there is response to. from the- who is doesn't business current tensions began the concert court as by the head of state decided to revise several results of the last parliamentary elections in favor of willing candidates it sparked protests which ended in violence with at least a dozen protesters killed on top of this police violence the opposition accuses president keita of mismanagement of the country. is bustling a slumping economy as well as an eight year jihadist revolts with attacks on the. rise in recent months. that's involved with it's in thank for watching.
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hello welcome to the frost twenty four interview this week our special guest is the french era engineer pilots and european space agency astronaut thomas press gay who's to be the first european toto fly on board the new space. x. to which shshe you to take a fromm cape canavereral i in floriridan the spring of twewenty twtwentye time o of day thahank you fororg with us it's great to have you on from twenty four. right of first question to pretty s simpe one he spent six and a half months in spacece- betweenen november twenty seventeen in june november twenty sixteeeen and june twenty seventeeeen are you excited to be going back. hi yes i'm exciteded i i've i've misseded the thrill of being- on board d the international space station to view is stacking the and just a the general atmosphere- the team. the
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camaraderie- and the feeling of the to the same mission having same goal- i've been missing all this over the last few years.s. so i couldn't be more. to go back now if i'm not mistaken the first time round you had a seven year training. time runs hello how come. well what of hopefully because bad manners to retain something from for about training flowing first light bill will be called a lot of you to build. tattoo rush. in from pro. time round it's cold alfa where did that name come from- so it comes from- i we were actually asked to people during that does does hard times that we've had in spring. everybody was at home you know- sheltering at home
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and- and so we invited suggestions from the public eye we had twenty seven thousand i think dififferent suggestions ad also came baback. okay times ino me. personally thirty two proximate. tory in tory today both belong to the same constellation- so there's a parallel to my first mission. and also it's the closest star system system to the earth- means so it's- it's a metaphor of space exploration that's where we'll go- to find exoplanets in. you know i don't know if you've t. a hundred years two hundred years who knows- there's's that proximity is also because we're doing things in space. four people o n rth andnd so to kind of ticked all the boxes to be a perfect mission name so the countdown is going to wait. what is thehe aim of this mission when you. when you up there in space so mostly every single mission aboaoa the iss it will. . treat things. and what. is the expo. date s. s. is a- on the path.
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you know to. bigger in space we want to go b back to the moon we wanna go to mars. but to be able to do this we have to learn how to live and work in space and that's what d. i. four. but at the same time. it opens the door for research that cannot be performed on the grounds that the same time we doing research. and we're bringing the benefits of science back to burst so my first mission i think there were. almost two hundred bucks science experiments and i'm expecting this one's going to pretty much the same. anything from material sciencece- now sad you know cancer drug delivery- physiology and that's why. that's righthink you c can youou could you. things things are. going to. days so one hundred ninety day in spite also round the next time e around. i don't know exactly because there's so many factors obviously- you know doug technology to specifics of those new capsules their news so. i would have to.
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get the data from the first test flight with they still haven't landed- so this this is this is going to come into play whether. and so i can give you an exact number b but he should be inn t the samee ballpark s sx each month on board. do you ever get scared. yeah we do we do get scared all the time- i think if you don't feel apprehension for a anything then then your brain is dysfunctional it's a normal self protection reaction. and courage is actually. dot d. is not not being scared is actually being scared but still doing what you what you want to do and i think everybody's care when you climb on the roof okay it's impressive maybe. a little bit less so the second time around the first time around i can tell you is it's very scary when the rocket launchers but you still have to performance you have to focus- doing a space. the same can to move down the i'd go. you know if the d. i. says you're always
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tetethered but- soo you're scard but but you fight three then you do your job and- to me i test esta. estimates you can dispose it must be a sort of a jury didn't boost everythink ity around not really actually because even though it's technically is the momost complx man made object ever. in the history i'm convinced of this and it's any didn't any flies in t the most host thailand vavarmint known to man-n- b buts being said life on space station is pretty simple in in terms of what you're trying to achieve in terms of to gold only. goal that you have arms up you know the hell to getting to tv also so three yeah i think being on a sports team
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all my goal is to win the championship and all the rest is managed by all the people so to that extent it's- very simple life- and when i came back to worse. hello that's the only has a lot of people between two is that a lot of different expectations a small trickle managed to. why awake only the is sim not you have all of. the cool train when yoyour own board. and also. if you of our. being good health- and that includes physical fitness- space environment is harsh- deep sense of thehe effects of yoyour weieight. weightlessness it's going to take a toll on your body you gonna lose muscle mass you know lose bone mass- are you going
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to be d. condition is the equivalent. of f fuel it jing by ten years ago they say is reversible i'm- hoping t that it is r really good i'm back. and o you have to be in the top physical shape that you can attach yourself up because you're gonna you gonna lose some of your fitness during the mission so. that's what do. homework the american space agency nasa said he wants to get back to the moon by. twenty four. what in that. place they want to go back to is it not just to stick the flag in the ground to actually use it as a place to go and explore further afield yes actually exactly that i think i think this time around- and we wanted to win the rarace to stick up for i can go back we want to stay a little bit longer we want to restore. i will. make a- mistake. all we want to. use your disqus. on ascent of your refuel it. wouldn't make the fuel from whatever's available
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on the surface of the moon- that have scientific objectives not. just you know political- objectives. one part and the second part is. we know mars is much more interesting. terms of science in the moon diversion sting but mars. is the golden ticket- but we could. get to it. right now we're not in a position to do it technically. have to in. we have to. and the only. do this. is by going. to the moon it's like crossing the planted. you know that no that's morning alternately not a of to it until you. you know. and you cry a meditererranean then your technology is ready and you can go for it because we thought that wrong rumors that. the landing a montessori shuttle foot. thirty three do you think it's gonna happen it will happen in our lifetime all in all i think i actually go to the- next i don't know w it's actualally crazy because when i started my career. at a very young astronaut at that at the youngest of the bunchch on top f it- i decide somebody told m me
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are you too old to go to mars as shocked as i. mean it that that's only just been. but i be true i don't know how. time is go to take i think we'll see during a lifetime i'm convinced of this. if you listen mistaken i think the jury to most of the- into. because like the comparison can be made b. b. between what is happening on earth with the environment with the- with the- app and the- moisture around. but the most. normal supervisor threat it could also. affect us late so absolutely so you can see you can really see mars and your- twin sister. turns of. mission perspective too so enters shape. wait such a nice. but and they were much. closer at some point in time in the past we know there's been- liquid water on the surface of mars and it's gone we know marches lost its atmosphere- missiles have interesting question could it. happen to us is very much linked. to what's's happening nowadays we're destroying our environment could be pushed to the point where we make. ours and i had to pull. up p and is t
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what happened on mars i mean extreme trusting. argo okay this question. you become a hero for so many the well and- here in france especially with forty. called the pay gauge. of young people was that one of your- aims or is that something that happened as a result of us seeing you in space the images you're in posting- giving the impression you were e just a normal guy enjoy yourself up in space and- and maybe giving people of a- patient. who thank. you it's not something i tried. the viewer is really one thing i wanted to do is to share the adventure because i was. isn't it t was starved of any nation you know there was there was not so much as to date it was no social networks back in the day to where we're gogoing to library. and read books you know it seems. eight but at what. means wished. more
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there was. an. name the exploration appeals to people they wanna they won the adventure- so i think that's what works pretty well and also i was. i think i was i was trying to tell things like that are you know people asking me like you did are you scared like yes i am i was and then i. would be again the second time around and maybe p people e can relate to ththis would be more than in the past tongass game thanks very much indeed for coming to france twenty four. and with that we come to the end of this edition of the tv thanks for watching more news coming. right up. the costs going up so you see an objectionable. s sydney premark. they shohould jusust get on wit.
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this is. i got a question. mission because from the. this is for young. it's going on on the street. she's i guess my. and then we have to produce on she. i mean if someone sees know so venture. diminishing c. come sense could buy a toll sell we sesell gaston lookikingr a in. three twenty three c. was one of and it will be a. it is wonderful for capital for the company can h. and is a strong
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it could become the gluten soap operas to put a couple deluxe single. usually this question because with an infant when i finish on your skin. it's also it's not a prohibited on top good afternoon ladies not taxed on to me. when i got. that the plan i can understand it service to article if you don't we don't w want them to buy tgg. come all the time featured done and can stall kosovo make it does it. talk more trauma center. drinks for donkeys the world wawar one front linee extended seven hundred columbus fromom the nth sea to o the frenchch border with switzerlan. during which both sides fired a total of one. billion
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bombshells around onene third of themem never exploded many of them still buried. today at centurylink tough france is still in an unfinished battle to arrange these injururing sconce. you see on the news still not fully diminutive in. moscow nothing. your preview loose to do wrong do not hang up the phone a couple of. and in order to hold events i mean there was for the i mean i to miss. i mean it was sold within you know. and h he- said. then all the many shops local center. could ascend five phone calls your against. the so the full for two country. so they need a new would have been a point in
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the front door feel the city. both through the cycle but the in the summer. okay. i saw this in the still cost of. the case of a if. it is only. a darker room on oct room and pockets so we welcome this. m maybe take it is actually the all fall of du the best phone can is on another she preceded him day long the new one is on a suicide to talk you don't. all systematic moles okay to suppress the pop. before you. you too configure the six at the- missing guys if it up although this dollars goes farther. befefore ththey can putting the lives of the fund pay for. d. that expose a- host
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of food for body. what someone's commitment in the clock. all the difficult choices they'll may
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amy: from new york, this is democracy now! >> we are here to discuss the exciting progress we have achieved. our historic initiative to develop tests, manufacture and deliver a vaccine in record t time, and that is what it is, i in record time. amy: as the world's biggest phase three clinical trial of a covid-19 vaccine study bebegins in the e united states, we will speak to a bbc science reporter who took part in a vae


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