tv Global 3000 LINKTV July 31, 2020 7:30am-8:01am PDT
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>> w welcome to "global 3000." drought is on the rise in tunisia, and water is becoming an ever-more precious resource. how are farmers there coping? we look at the meat industry and find out what conditioions are really likike for workers employed by german slaughterhouses. transport is known to be highly stressful for livestock. why does the meat industry persist in ignoring the welfare of the animals and people it relies on? meat. it seems the world can't get
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enough of it. from poultry, to steaks, to fast food, o over the past 6 60 years,s, annual globalal met production has shot up fivefold, to 333 million tons. argentina, australia, and the u.s. are the big three when it comes to per-capita meat consumption. the meat-industry is profit-driven, and animal welfare is often low priority. transport can be torture for animals, but in the eu alone, the industry transports 350 million mammals and around a billion poultry to abbatoirs and feedlots each year. there are eu regulations governing animal transport, but the meat industry continues to violate them. >> across the world,ninimals thatre stitilllive arereut on trucks and ships to t traded from one couountry to anotothe-
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either for s slaughter, oror te faened b befe slaughghr at their r end destinatation. transportingng these animamalsn take d days, and animal welfae orgaganizations arare warning t animals are often sufferin immeely y alonthe waway. >> it was last summer onon the routfrom r romia to grgreece, and it was extremely h hot, it was 40 degegrees outside.. one transport stoppeped along e road, , and there was one lamb lying on thehe floor, d ththe floor was nonot bedded w withw dust or straw,w, it was pure memetal floor. imagine,e, in this heat,t, its jujust a hotot boili plate. >> the eu has specific anill prototecti regululatns when n comes to transport tes, space, tempetureres,nd access to food and wate >> unftunanate, the
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legislation is not strtringent enough. . so tre are stitill my loopholes,s, and it is also nt applied d the way it should b, so there are r regular vlatitis even of whwhat is written in te law. >> the german farmers' assosociation doeses not agree.. >> withihin the eu, ththere ia relatively tight sururveillane network.k. that m may be a different stoy outside e of the e >> borore a tranansport veclce sesets o in ththe , an offfficl veveterinarian h has to sign on whether ththe regulationons he bebeen enforced d before depar. but whetheher the regulalatione still being followedlolong the wais oftftenard to c cck. that's where the gmaman welfe group p anals' angngs comes in. ey monit long-g-stance
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transportations, documenent whn regulations are being g violat, and communicicate the violions to authoririties. > generally, ththey are overcrowdeded -- there are jut too many animals inside t that theyannot t mo approprprtely or reach drinknking devices.s. or t the travelingng times, ty are also o often vy much exceededed. soso insad of 29 hrs o on board, whichch is alreadady vy long, the animimals are probaby 30, 35, we o observed up to 60 hours on boa.. ofteten, the authohoriti would' belilieve us if wewe didn't he proooof, but with h vio proof, there is no escapepe. >> e every year, the eu also exports s roughly 800,0,000 cs and 2.6 million sheep and goss to c countes oututsi the eu.u. animal welelfare groups s compn that thehere is no conontrol r how these animals are ining trtreateonce t theleave eueu territorory and enter r counts that o often don't h have the e
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ststandards of aninimal protec. in the past,t, videos of e eu-d animals being mistreated in ee middddle et and d noh africaca have caused a stir. anim w welfareroupups ar asking to o transport ananimalo the clososesslaughteter house d then export the meatat insteadf tranansporting aninimals thate stilill alive. >> why are they anspspord ive and d not dead? it's allll about the mononey because unfofortunately, it's cheapeper to transpoport them e ththan chilled m mea becauseseu need s special truckcks whichn coolol the meat, a and apparey it's's more expensnsive, they , ththan ttranspsporthe liveve animals. >> the german farmers' asassociatn agagreeshat long-distae e transptsts for the rpose e oflaughtererg an animal abroad are supeluluous. >> in n terms of animals meant for slaughter, w we're clearly
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agnsnst lo-d-distance transports. bubut it's a different situauan fofor breeding animals. theyey still have toto perfort their dedestinion, so o of course, they have e to be tread well. >> animal rirights activisists bebelieve the rereason breedinig animals are exported and tradd is t that bor cocostin somee countries are cheaper than i hersrs. sot's momoreconomicacato fatten animals in ity y or spain than in germany denmk. the german fararmers associatin sasays it has toto do with logistics. >> is nonot a estion of econy, but a queioion of markets and specialization. and in spain, aly, france, holland,d, and austriaia, the l marketet is much bigigger thane in germanyny, so thesese calve will b be sent there f for fattening.
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>> that meanans our consumumpn behavior h has a big infnfluenn what animamals are being expore to wre.. >> dignity -- there's not much of that around for animals in the meat indusustry. nor is there for the people working in its abattoirs. the union stock yards in chicago, built in 1865, was for a long time the world's leading and most notorious meatpacking district. most of the people who w workd there were migrants. they e ened a pittance and endured plploitation andnd discrimination. >> sadly, such conditions are still all too common in the meat industry, as we found out at two companies in northwestern germany. >> it's pretty clear what this company is all about, even from ououtside its gates in rheda-wiededenbrückck -- anims
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for barbecue meat w which tönnies s habuilt its renown anprosperi. but after decadeof succe, the fi has bece engulf in scanda as morehan 1500 workertested pitive fo corovirus. it has spread radldly duto the poor worki a and ling conditns for t staff, o are most from eastereurope. the e state of theheir accommmmodation is a an open se. activist, inge bulchchnieder s beenen ptesting g r years against ththe inhumane p pract, even setting up a cizezens' initiative. she e takes us to o see a work' dodormitory, whihich until recy was home to 13 romiaian tchehers inside, wee memet a pungent ststench the wawas are coed in mo. simply biness assual for önnies contra wororke. local residents re a awa of their igight, t turnrn a blind e, u unle inge bubultschnieder.r. >> w we were protetesting oute ththis building back in decemb, 2018. it's been knowfofor ages.
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>> this man, who wishes not to be ned, , slav away y as subcontractor at toönnies forr two o years. >> the hours were thwoworst ing about it. you'd ststart at 1:00 inin the afternoon n and fininish at 00n the e morning. >> overtime wasn't paid,itither. he eed up p quting. and tönnies is sadadly no exception n in germany.. the e massive weststfleisch slaughteterhouse lies s aboutn hohour and a halalf's drive a. it also relilies on hundreredf eastern european butchers. manyf ththem contracteted the cocoronavirus. a grououp of demonststrators in frfront of the g gates includeds cacatholic priesest, peter kos. he s says that thihis is nothg short ofof modn slavaver >> they'y're working 60-0-hour weeks or morore. people are having toivive in moldldy, orcrowdwdedumps.
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these e workers get t carted hen papackedinivanans d buses,s,he health risk is so ghgh, and nt to o prest agaiait it. > in the neigighboring communitity, we come a across a run-n-down, far-totoo-small dormitory for westfleieisch workers. the mostly romann n names the door belong to people oo haveve beein gererma for a l lg titime, but therere's little supporort from theirir employeo integrate ththem. >> it's ofteten the case t that migrant workers from eastern and southern europe are rere for r manyears, , budon't gege the opportrtunity to leaearn ge. and ththey should bebe given s opportunity, because they li re, , theifamililiesften joioi em.. theyey should be ablble to beca papart of societety and take t in social lilife. >> gududrun bauer hahas been oe rhrheda-wiedenbrbrück towown cl for 2020ears, and has seen works s categocalllly margininalized and o oppressed. >> very, v very sadly, t theree those hehere in our lololy ton
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who think ouour problems a arel caused by y workers fromom easn eueurope. i've also d d heard aboutt situations w where people e who lolooked like e they might come from romanania were spat at by germans, b by people whoho live amonongst us. >> tönnies and weflfleisch -- company names nonow synonymous wiwith mass coronavirus inctioions a the e expitationn of human beings. >> of course, there are very different ways of rking wiwith animals, w work that utitilizes ththeir often exexceptional tat. >> d dogs can help war v vetes overcomeme post-traumatic ststs didisorder. and dolphins can offer support to people with l learning disasabilities. animals can also help enhanc learning in the classroom, like in the dutch caribbean island of curacao.
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>> this is bob. he's not just any flamingo. he's a flamingo with a mission. and he's great with kids. bob has become famous in curaçao and beyond. and always by his side is odette, the vet who saved the flamingo when he flew into a hotel window and collapsed. >> they posted it, and within 10 minutes, i was in front of them. i was like, "hi, i am here for the flamingo." and they were like, "wow." >> he could no longer extend his left wing, and his feet had gone stiff. there was no way he could go back into the wild, so odettee took him under her wing. >> and i was like, "oh, his name is flamingo bob." and i was like, "bob, yeah, why bob? he doesn't look like a bob." and now he's famous. [laughs]
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>> bob now has a new purpose in life, thanks to odette. once a week, the pair head off to school together, with bob in the passenger seat. >> i have had the reaction like, "oh, is he real?" like, people really think he's fake. so they think i run around with a fake flamingo next to me, which is also fine. >> now comes one of odette's favorite moments. >> oh my god. >> promoting animal welfare, with bob as her sidekick. after a quick introduction, the children and flamingo get better acquainted. the children are much shyer than bob, who is well versed in these meet-and-greets. odette spent months training him. >> the message is to make children fall in love with the wildlife. he's an ambassador, so through him, they will have a little bit more understanding of what
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they will see in the wild. >> she then teaches them about plastic waste and animal conservation. a discarded old kite can be a death trap for flamingos and other animals. >> a l lovely big flamingo lie bob could get tangled up in this and wouldn't be a able to escape, he'd be crying, "help, help!" >> with bob, the message really gets across. >> i t think we need to take better care of animals. >> plastic isn't good for them. >> the fight for animal welfare is vital here. curaçao has an astounding variety of species above and below the water. but humans have left their mark. all kinds s of plasticic washep here and is left lying around. as well as nylon thread and fishing hooks. odette has had to surgically remove this plastic waste from
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animals. her job as a vet is never over. she works around the clock. now 46-years-old, she's been rescuiuing wild birds since childhood. she found this one-year-old flamingo very ill, and spent months helping the bird, named odi, recover. >> they need to not be tame. rehab is not cuddling. rehab is w wild animals that ae hurt, you help them, and then you put them back as soon as you can. >> it's bob's job to keep odi company, because flamingos are very social animals. she's getting released back into the wild tomorrow. odette currently has 45 wild animals in her care. she needs 80 kilos of food a week, plus cages, medicines, bandages, and a lot of time. she could not manage without donanations. >> do you ever stop working? >> no. yeah, when i sleep.
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>> but all the hard work pays off, especially on days like today, when healthy animals go back into the wild. >> goodbye. >> odette has been bridging the gap between humans and animals for 18 years. and perhaps, it's bob who's helped her to win the most hearts. >> our global ideas series is all about environmental and climate protection. this week, we go to tunisia, where the effects of climate change are becoming increasingly noticeable. in the area around kairouan, the soil is dusty. it's becoming g hard for farmes to cultivate their land. water has become a luxury. fewer and fewer farmers here have enough of it. >> for many people around the world, it's easy to imagine an unending supply of water. not so here.
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tunisian farmer, cherif chehaibi, needs a lot of water to irrigate his olive groves and vegetables, so he has three cisterns to collect rainwater. he takes pride in his work. he owns 90 hectares of land, which is a lot for the kairouan region. he's never been short on water before. >> we can pump six liters per second onto the fields. in summer, thehe system runs fr 16 to 17 hours a dayay. we use less water in the cooler winter months. there's still enough rain. and with our well, we always have enough water. >> not everyone's situation is as comomfortable. just 10 kilometers away, beyond these mountains, life is much harder. most families here have to walk several kilometers to the nearest water source, several
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times a day. rjab zaghdoudi needs 250 liters of water every day just for his animals and fields. he needs an additional 40 liters for himself, his wife, and three children. >> it's really tough for the people who live in this region. it takes everyone so much time to fetch water. wewe're tired of d doing this y day,y, our children can't keep doing this, it's a burden on the entire region. we still have no running water at home. it affects our quality of life, it's so hard. we're all trying to find solutions. >> cisterns that collect rainwater runoff could offer the people here some relief.
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the german development agency, giz, is building a hundred of them. until now, much of the rainwater here was going unused. >> the cisterns catch the rainwater that runs off the houses, which can be used in the household as drinking water, and for irrigation, too. the farmers can use it to grow almonds, olives, and rosemary, which don't require as much water. >> water scarcity in the arid region has long been a political issue, and one that the government in the capital tunis is trying to resolve. almost all the ministries are involved in some way, but especially the ministry of agriculture. the shortage of water has become a crisis. >> there's unbelievable pressure on this resource right now. the groundwater level is sinking and we're having to go
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deeper and deeper. there are areas where it's now five meters down, which is really unbelievable. wewe need intelligent watetr meters and digital water management. i'd also like to see new personnel trained as managers in this sector. so we need to promote development and research. it's about raising people's awareness, but above all, it's about training. >> the giz development agency advises farmers and has set up what it calls water forums. constructive strategies are developed there, and farmers can discuss together which plants they could grgrow that would use less water. >> we have a really unusual situation in the region we're
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in now. therere's basically no groundwater left, , because to much of it has been used up over the years. so the farmers are now having to resort to water from dams. >> the farmers get their water from this embankment dam. it supplplies more than half a mimillion people in tutunisia. but as water levels decline, it's being pumped further and further across the country. and that has a direct impact on the people here. for the past four years, there's been far too little rain. >> we need a strategy for building new dams, a strategy for tranansporting water, a strategy for the regions where there's only rainwatater, anda strategy for using less water in general. the people of tunisia need to ununderstand that they need to use water much more efficiently than they have been doing so far. >> pressure is m mounting, evn on the farmers whoho didn't t k
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they had to worry about their water supply, like cherif chehaibi. in some places, water is actually being stolen. >> the groundwater has already fallen considerably. the ministry carries out annual assessmentnts, and it'ss contininuing to fall. and on top of that, there are 35 illegal wells in this areaa alonone. only four wells were built with permission. it's a really terrible situation. >> there are an estimated 20,000 illegal wells in tunisia. that's why raising awareness of the problem is so important. if nothing changes, farmers and their animals will no longer be
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able to survive in these mountains. and then, the region might soon become uninhabited. >> and now, in global living rooms, we check out a rather ununusual home i in belize. >> hello, welcome. my name is alilisa. we're hehere at the chchaos oa, my homome in southern belize. come in.n. thisis is our bedrdroom, living room, chill area. this is a great space for yoga,
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bubut not with dogs. because you see, that's why, because we can't do it. it is all madede from bottlel. just one of these arches, approximately 220 bottles on eachch one. and then b bond beams, whihiche the beams whwhich is whitete e and which h has got the e glypn that o one. ththey are madade from plastic bottleles. and we've aligned it south, north-south. so in the morning, we get the morning sun, and it's the afternoon now, so you can see we getet all the ligight comin. anand the sunsetet, because wee a red floooor, everythining gs pink. an earthshipip is a self-sustaining building that is built out of recyclable materials, so it's a building, if you're in the north or in the equatotor, it's meant t top yowarm or r ep you cool. it's earthquake proof, hurricanane proof and d it cols its s own rain watater. it's solar powered, and it's built out of recyclalae
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materials. so this we kept as a truth window. so a t these bps, , you e, that you don't reallsee e ar all the reres, a then n throw ththese in, throw w them, throw ththemn, and t then you cover r it up a bit t with cem. and that is when you get -- this is how me make all of our bottles, the outside ones. so they'y're all two b bottlest in half and th cleleaned you have t to clean n every sie one, youou have to dryry every single o one, and thenen you e them t together. and d you basically mamake its thick k as you want t your wa. okay, thank you very much for visiting, and ifif you're evern bebeze, come t to the south,h,e see the ruruins of lubaaaantun. and come and seeee us. thank y. auf f wiedersehen,n, that's myy german. bye, bye.
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[captioning made possible by democracy now!] ♪ from new york, this is democracy now!. >> someday, when we do finish that long journey for freedom. when we do form a more perfect union, whether it is neat -- years, decades, or if it takes another two centuries, john lewis will be a founding father of that fuller, fairer, better america. amy:
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