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tv   France 24  LINKTV  August 4, 2020 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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>> speculation mounts in spain over the whereabouts of the country's former king. one carlos announced he has left the country amid a financial scandal. china accuses the u.s. of bullying over tiktok. donald trump said he would ban the video sharing app by
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september. as coronavirus infections soar past 112,000 and the philippines, tens of millions of residents arare back in lockdow. good to have you with us here on france 24. spain's former king has left the country. pressure had been mounting on the former monararch for weeeeks after prorocutors in spain and switzerland began looking into allegations of briribes. in a letter to his son, juan carlos said he wanted him to rule untroubled. [speaking spanish] >> [speaking spanish]
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>> [ [speaking spanish] >> for more on how the spanish press have been reacting to the former king's departure, here is our reporter from madrid. >> it depends on whether you look at the left wing or right wing press, but generally most of them are reflelecting the mid views many spaniards field for a man who is considered by an older generation to have helped deliver the democracy after the dictator francisco franco's death. the most recent allegations, mixxed views, you can probably
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see that from abc. it has an editorial called, "fair and cruel." he is the statesman who helped spain walk the path to the freedom of a parliamentary democracy, but he is also a human being who succumbed to hedonistic tendencies. we have a center-right paper saying this is a painful gesture to defend the crown. the centerleft saying the necessary distance to the head of state are most of the interpretation that this is an act that is designed to save the monarchy and that the current king has taken a very painful decision in distancncing his father f from the monarchy to se it from these recent scandals. >> sarah reporting from madrid.
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beijing has accused the u.s. of bullying over tiktok. donald trump said he would ban the video sharing act by mid-september if no deal is reached to pick up tiktok's u.s. operations. over the weekend, microsoft confirmed it was in talks with the parent compapany. donald trump says the u.s. should get a hefty cut from any deal. else,rosoft or somebody what the price is, the u.s. should get a large percentagagef that price because we are making it possible. it is like the landlord and the tenant. lease, the tenant does not have the value. we make it possible to have this great success. tiktok is a tremendous success. a big question is in this country. we can go to our
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international affairs reporter. you just heard from donald trump saying the u.s. should get a large percentage from any potential sale price. how realistic is this? what donald t trump has asked is actually unprecedented fofor a u.s. preresident. using trump's own language. this is a component of any deal in reaeal estate, but it has nothing to do with the federal gogovernment. the u.s. government getttting involvlved in commercialal investmement decisions, which is not what you leader of the -- what the leader of the free world should do. there is something archaic about this.
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i will give you an example. in medieval england, taxation was s used as a sysystem of isig money fofor expenses for the royalty, for the government. there are potential legal ramifications. congress has never authorized an executive branch agency authority to issue approval for a deal because that could b be tantamouount to a brian. -- brian. -- a bribe. ththe white house has avoided clarifying how this s would reah the trtreasury. every issue i just mentioned, if it is ovevercome, it is likelyy inconsequentialbe to the federal government. it would be the equivalent of a handful of seven hours of expenses. that is how immaterial this
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money would be. u.s. officials have been setting national security concerns, worried that the chinese government is exploiting the data connected to this app. if a lot of money changes hands, does that meaean this issue woud somehow disappear? as unpredictable as the u.s.s. president is, it is potentially likely the white house may have to walk back from this proposal. we have a lot of hurdles between now and september 15. tiktok has been banned in india just last montnth. potentially in the u.s. depending on what donald trump does. what does this mean for donald -- fourfuture in europe tiktok's future i i europe? >> t the money comes from the
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security issues i talked about earlier. they have been raised by european governments. they have not actually gone as far as saying they will ban tiktok. the governments i'i'm talking about our the rich and wealthy economies. they try to adopt an intermediate role. u.s.want to appease the without alienatingng chihina bee it hapnsns to b be a key sourcef exports for them. there is awareness that there will be bumping us to come.
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this is a massive story. tiktok's value has been put out around 50 billion u.s. dollars. do you have a tiktok account? >> i think i i'm too o old to ha tiktok accccount. i think it is for young people, isn't it? [audio breakiking up] >> maybe we will have to figure out how to use it together. thank you. in other news, hurricane isaias has been downgraded to a tropical storm after making landfall in north carolina. it set off several home fires. it could continue to bring down trees and caused power outages as it moves north along the mid-atlantic. fire, whichple
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caused thousands of people to flee their homes in california, was sparked by a malfunctioning diesel vehicle. the flamames burned d over 26,00 acres. it ignited several fires in cherry valley. limit the spread of the coronavirus have resusultedn the largestt desestruction of education in history. over one billion students have been impacted around the world with schools shutting their doors. the u.n. secretary general says decisions governments take now will have a lasting impact on young people for decades to come. as coronavirus infections soar past 112,000 in the philippines, residents have been ordered to stay at home. many in the country were ordered
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to stay off. authorities pressured the presidident t to toughen restrictions as health care in the country collapses. >> with the number of confirmed cases reacaching 100000 and over 2000 fatalities, the philippines is now the second most infected country in southeast asia after indonesia. the government took the painful decision of placing areas around the capital under lockdowown for at least a fortnight after health experts urged them to swallow a painful pill. >> they have been in the front lines per months. >> the restrictions of nearby , businesses and public
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transports are being closed. previous containment measures from march to may. >> [speaking foreign language] >> near quarterly growth data is expected this week. putting pressure on the government to provide fresh stimulus to rein in unemployment.
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top scientific body and france says it is highly likely a second wave of the coronavirus will come in autumn where winter this year. the situation remains precarious. the committee says the future of the pandemic lies in the hands of the public. many people are trying to get tested. demand is so high that many screening centers are overwhelmed. people say they would rather wait around for hours to know if they are covid positive or not. >> this line outside of a medical analysis laboratory seemems to never go away. people came here from paris and elsewhere hoping to get tested for covid-19. >> [speaking french] >> there is more testing across
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the country. last week, more than 500,000 people took the test. the highest figure since the epidemic hit france. screening centers s have been under pressure. to triple its personnel. french]kiki >> more people are being tested because conditions have eased. a d doctor's s prescription is o longer necessary the tests are frfree. french]king >> the government now wants to increase the number of tests to 700,000 per week.
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to get a clearer picture of the state of the epidemic. men stranded on a deserted pacific island have been rescued after rescue teams . message giant s.o.s written in the sand. the micronesian sailors were missing for three days after they ran out of fuel and sailed off course. that is it for me. thank you for watching. >> hello and welcome to the "france 24" interview. our guest today is madonna thunder hawk. she is a legendary american indian actctivist. she is a cofoundnder of women of all red nations. >> thank you. >> you were born on an indian
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reservation in south dakota. thebecame an activist in 1960's. you participated in someme famos momoments, the occupation of the alcatraz jail in california in 1969, then there was the hamlet of wounded knee in 1973. you became an activist because you were confronted as a very young child with the issue of being an american indian in the country where there were tensions around the issue. >> it started, i guess, when i was young because the u.s. americanovernment have indian policies through the decades. it depends on what party is in
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control of the government at the time. ththey had a boarding scschool system foror our p people natioe on different reservations. thth were boarardi schools t to take the chihildren awayay frome famililies and put t them in the boarding schools where they are taught to be a non-native. >> you recount all those years womenocumentary, warrior is the title of it. you are front and center with your daughter, and the documentary is by christina king and elizabeth castlee, coming into tataters in f france ththis week here this notion -- this week. this notion that as a child you were already ostracized and forced to move led you to the
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movementsosese where you felt you had to say some and to act. >> yes, and it was a progression. , becausealong the way you have to remember that our ancestors s d not haveve a writn language. anythingng that was written over the decades was written by others other than our people. for a long time, no one really knew our history until basically the 1960's. then all over the country in the u.s. was a cultural upheaval. we had the chance to start learning what really happened to our ancestry, our people, and why we are in the state we are today. why do we still have reservations, diminished land-base? but we still have a land-based in the u.s.
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>> this led to some actions, alcatraz, wounded knee. > 72 days. >> 72 days of sometimes violent face-offs withth the fbi, the police. how did you live that time? did yoyou realize thatat this cd dangerous but this was the thing that needed to be done to put your issue on the map? >> we were a core group of the american indian movement. we invited trips on the pine ridge indian reservation. we were going from one community to the next. we were invited to go to listen to their troubles, their problems, just to make contact. we were invited. i had my 10 euros son with me. we were going to make our rounds on the reservations and then go
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back to where we were in rapid city off the reservation. confronted inere the hamlet of wounded knee. >> which is a very symbolic place. >> very symbolic, there was a massacre in 1890. it was, not so much now, it was a major tourist attraction because many of the soldiers back inn 1890 were given medals of honor for the massacre. that is the e kind of histotoryt we know, the other side of the history. the fact ththat we were literaly surrouounded and held there. we werere on our way to anotothr village, b but gunfire opened u, and we all hahad to run for cov. would you say that in the
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ensuing years progress was made in terms of the u.s. recognizing what happened to the american indians? would you say that today your cause is more respected, more listened to, or is it still a struggle that you feel that american indians may have less the year of the federal government than other minorities? >> i say we because it is mostly activists of our people that i am involved with. we do have tribal governments that are recognized by the federal government, and that is how the natition to nation relationship is today. the united states government has never honored any of the treatities that were ratified by
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congress, which makes them the law of the land. totally ignoring the provisions and then violating many ofof the prprovisions by steppiping in ad taking land, o occupying land tt is under t treaty. america,comes in recognition of anything for our people, comes from our doing to make it an issue. like standing rock for example,, thatat was a treaty rights issue of land and water. we have to do that. we have to make the noise. it is the pepele and orgaganizations in america that make the government notice. >> what is interesting, and we are seeing this through more recent protests against oil or gas pipelines, the dakota access pipeline, the keystone xl pipeline, we have seen a meeting of minds between environmental
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activists and american indian activists. famous youngw thunbergctctivist greta go to an indian american reservation to say this is an important issue. could this give a new life to your cause? >> we have always had allies. we have alwaysys made allies. in the 1960's and 1970's, it was uranium mining that was the threat. they are in ththe wings waitingo come in, , uranium mining corporations. back in the 1970's, that was the issue. because we are land-based, we are always concerned about the environment and extracting corporations.
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others are more involved as well, especially the youth. this gives you hope. >> you look at it in terms of i have been in it for the long haul. now i'm an elder. our generation of activists, we are there to support and advise. it is the young people's time. it is their future. we look to them to step up. >> it is also the era of donald trump, clearly in terms of backing corporate interests. we know the administration has been pushing, but what do you make of him, the way he talks about others, about minorities? how would you describe him? >> from our point of view, american policy has always been
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a policy of taking. .onald trump has a bigger mouth that is beside the point for us as a people. we are concerned always about federal amererican i indian pol, which chchanges witith - -- notg new. >> nothing is different except for the big mouth. >> big mouth and policy. the ones that are backing him up controlled the senate of the united statetes government. that is where the real danger is. it is not trump. he is just a big mouth. >> he has been considered as a racist by many. >> of course. we know politics and how it affects us. been the taking. -- obamathat he brings
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stops the pipeline, and trump brings it back. that is the politics i'm talking about, the politics of taking. we understand that. it is nothing new. activist foreen an the long haul. todayu more optimistic than you were when you started? >> no. we are land-based. this is a continuing politics of taking, so it really does not matter. each generation of my people are responsible. they are responsible for your time that you are here to do what you can, and then you mentor and hand off to the next generation. it is their time, their future. you are there to support. hawk, madonna thunder
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thank you so much for coming on the "france 24" set. if you want to learn more about the issue we have been talking about, warrior women is coming out in theaters in france.
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crabb: top-dog-turned-hollywood uber-creep... man: ♪ i wanna be a superstar superstar superstar, superstar ♪ crabb: movie mogul harvey weinstein was the first big scalp of #metoo, the movement that t calls out celebrity gropers and sexual predators. >> time's up! time's up! time's up! times up! crabb: #metoo took off around the globe until it met the french r resistance--m-more thaa hundred high-profile women who signed the famous "le monde" letter, defending the right of


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