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tv   Newsline  LINKTV  August 4, 2020 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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welcome to nhk "newsline." i'm yamamoto miki in tokyo. we begin this hour here in tokyo, where officials are cracking down on night life establishments and entertainment venues to make sure anticoronavirus measures are in practice. representatives in the ward began inspections on tuesday at
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a live music venue. the officials checked whether people used masks and used alcohol-based disinfectants and if they kept sufficient dus tans. the venue has installed a transparent barrier to prevent virus transmission via droplets. >> translator: it's good that the officials were able to check everything in detail and see how our store is taking measures. >> reporter: the ward's health center plans to visit about 750 locations by the end of this month. the tokyo metropolitan government is asking restaurants, bars and other establishments serving alcohol to close by 10:00 p.m. to help curve the spread of the virus. more than 1,200 new cases were reported across the japan on tuday. tokyo has the most infections. 309 were reported on tuesday, the 8th straight day the capital's tally topped the 200
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mark. japan's three major financial groups have posted huge declines in profit for the april to june period. executives say t they have to shore up reserves as the pandemic raises the risk that loans won't be collected. mitsubishi financial released its figures. groupwide profit was down almost 53% in yen terms through november. lending grew in businesses that had been affected by the pandemic, but the company had to set aside $1.4 billion for loan losses. financial group saw more than more than 60% and mizuho financial group had a drop of nearly 25%. the economy is starting to recover after bottoming out in june, but the outlook going forward remains unclear.
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japan's foreign minister is britain from wednesday to discuss trade in the wake of brexit. it is the first overseas trip by a cabinet member in around six months amid the coronavirus outbreak. he'lll meet t internrnational t secretary in london. the two countries opened negotiations on economic papartnership after briritain l the european union in january. japan and the eu have already signed a deal. the two sides are expected to discuss when automobiles and whether tokyo should set import quotas for some british foreign products. most people travelled from britain are being asked to seself-isolate for two weeks up arrival in japan, but the government says that won't apply to motegi and his team as they will be flying on a chartered plane and taking antiinfection
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steps. lebanon is calling for a state of emergency after a massive explosion. more than 70 people are dead and more than 4,000 are injured. an emergency cabinet meeting has been called for wednesdaday. videos posted online show the explosions.. windowows have been shshattered streets are filled with broken glass. even in the central part of the city, several kilometers away from the port. >> translator: i've never seen anything like this in my life. the damage is severe. people running around bleeding. the roads were covered with glass. it was a terrifying scene. >> the government says the blast occurred at a warehouse where chemicals were stored. they are still investigating why they exploded. lebanon's president said on twitter that the country's prime
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minister called it unacceptable that ammonium nitrate had been present for six years in the warehouse without safety measures and vowed to impose the most severe penalties on those responsibility. in a white house briefing, president donald trump said the u.s. stands ready to help lebanon, both israel and france have also offered humanitarian aid. man mar's defacto leader aung san suu kyi has filed an application to run as a candidate in a parliamentary election to be held in november. aung san suu kyi was welcomed by a crowd of supporters in front of an election commission office in yangon. her ruling national league for democracy, or nld, aims to maintain its majority in parliament by fielding candidates in almost all electoral districts. the party won a landslide victory in the previous election in 2015 after more than half a century of military rule. the party has pursued democratization and
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reconciliation with ethnic minorities but has so far achieved few results. disappointed nld supporters have set up their own political party. other parties representing ethnic minorities, which account for 30% of the population, are seeking to garner votes from former nld supporters. political parties are to start campaigning early next month. japanese prime minister abe shinzo says his government will carry out a thorough review of national security strategy including missile defense. abe made the remarks tuesday after he received the proposal from senior officials on the liberal democratic party. they close on the government to finalize the position and how to boost national security capabilities within the framework of the more renouncing
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constitution. the proposal calls for passing of the country's deterrence capabilities, including blocking ballistic missiles before they levator toir. the ldp also maintains the government maintain its position in the role sharing between japan and the u.s. as well as the policy of not possessing offensive weapons. >> translator: the government's mission is to prorotect the people's lives and peace of the country. based on the proposal, we will hold a national security council meeting to deepen the discussion. >> the administration aims to outline the basic direction of the strategy by the end of september. august 6th marks the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of hiroshima.
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survivors, or hibaksha, have shared their first-time experiences to prevent such a tragedy from happening again. but age is making it difficult for them to continue. as you will see in our next report, the city is now creating younger generations to speak on their behalf. >> reporter: this woman spends her free time interviewing survivors of the atomic bomb. it's part of her efforts to be certified by hiroshima as an a bomb legacy successor. the training takes about three yearss and gives people like ky the knowledge and skills they need to recount experiences accurately. kyo visited one woman who was 13 years old at the time of the bombing. her sister and brother did not survive.
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>> translator: i want to understand the survivors' emotions so that i can pass on their stories with people from around the world. >> reporr:r: ka was inspid grandmotr.her msion by her she h been ipired byeace tivism f more an 60 yes. >> reporter: she travelled around the world as a key member of a peace organization and campaigned for the global abolition of nuclear weapons. >> she recently suffered a stroke and is having difficulties telling her story. >> translator: at one point, i
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almost gave up on passing down my grandmother's stories because of her condition. but i soon realized that it's my duty to continue her efforts. >> reporter: ahead of the 75th anniversary of the bombing, sako and kayo visited hiroshima peace memorial park together. they remember the more than 300,000 victims and the hope that such a strategy never occurs again. >> traralator: itt may not be possible to pass down all the
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memories of survivors, but i'll do my best to convey their hope for world peace to the next generation. >> reporter: the average age of atomic bomb survivors is now over 83. wartime memories are fading, and there are few opportunities to hear firirst hand accountnts. when kayo is certified as an a-bomb legacy successor, she'll join others working to keep those memories alive. let's check out the world weather with our meteorologist tsietsi monare. so, tsietsi, a tropical storm has wreaked havoc in the u.s. east coast. what's the latest? >> yeah, the storm was quite intense. it was a hurricane just before it made landfall just a little over midnight on monday. and then as soon as it made landfall, it sort of downgraded. but the issue is it still brought some strong winds and also possibilities offed flooing. it's moving in the
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north/northeastern direction. you can see it in the northeastern parts of the united states with the winds of over 100 kilometers per hour. let us see the impact of the winds in this video where we're seeing the storm sort of destroying homes and also knocking down trees and powerlines across much of the u.s. east coast. more than 600,000 homes and businesses in north carolina and virginia were without power. although isaias downgraded to a tropical storm, it can still cause flash flooding and the closure of major roads. as you can see with cars being trapped on the road. and the storm as it travels in the north/northeastern direction, bringing with it strong winds and heavy rainfall. people still are not out of the woods yet. please do take care as there will be flooding and people might be trapd on the roads in their cars if they're not careful. please do take care. crossing over towards new england and parts of canada. temperatures in those similar areas will still be slightly
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warmer. those upper 20s across washington towards new york and across the borders into toronto canada, expect it to go to about 24 degrees. then, speaking of tropical storms, there is one also across asia which is affecting parts of china and bringing stronger chance of rainfall for places such as north and south korea. in fact, towards south korea, by wednesday there could be up to 100 millimeters of rainfall. it gets worse by thursday into china and north korea where you can see 130 and just about 300 millimeters of rainfall persisting. temperaturewise it's quite a hot one for asia. as you move towards the far eastern side, to japan, you see temperatures well above average in places such as kyoto. normally it is 34. it will reach a high of about 38 for your afternoon. that's all for the weather. take care. ♪
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>> and that's nhk newsline for this hour. i'm yamamoto in tokyo. thanks for staying with us. ♪ welcome to "newsline in depth." the coronavirus is still spreading around t world, with no end in sight. development of a vaccine and treatment drugs, social distancing h h become a key defense for surviving the
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pandemic. but it comes at a cost this practice hinders human connection, especially our ability to stay with, reach out to, and support people who are ill or in trouble. against this backdrop, robots are being increasingly turned to for help. our first story takes us into a hospital in thailand. the center is pioneering a program to see robots take over some tasks that would normally bring health care professionals in close contact with covid-19 patients. >> reporter: this robot is equipped with a t trmal sensorr and a zoom l lens camera.a. it allllows s staff t t condudu rerete health examinatatns. it wasaseveloped by team att a presestigious engineering university i in thailand. the 2 20 times zoom camera allo the doctor to examine the throat and eyes, and that eliminates the risk of the patient infecting the doctor. another robot delivers news automatically.
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patients hold up a car code, and a light shows which food tray to take, ensuring the food is delivered. the project is headed by this man. he honed his killed under the man known as the god father of thai robotics.. he was seriously ill a few years ago and had a serious reason to show gratitudede to medical workers. >> translator: i wanted to help doctors and nurses, so our team worked together to find a good solution. >> the project attracted attention from hospitals, including this one that is treating coronavirus patients. staff put their lives at risk by exposing themselves to the virus. they also go through a lot of personal protective equipment, as the need to change each time they see a new patient. >> translator: we were not used to w wring such gear. everyoyo is scared, even those used to dealing witith viruses.
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we thought that the robotics team could help us deal with some of these problems. >> reporter: as the outbreak spread through the country, the robotics team raced to create prototypes in two weeks. then they worked up problems with hospital staff. >> traralator: we want the robotstso be perfececut w w also wantt t them to bebe reaea use as soon as possibible. >> repepter: the t team complpl the robots andnd pututhem i i ctors say s sff alreaea feel ch more at easee sinince the robots havee rededuced infectio risks. >> translator: rapid development in the field of r rotics hasad a bigig impact. we will start to see me robotots crcreated for medical uses.
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>> repeporter: his u university planss to share the b beprintsf the robots with c comnies that want t to make more units, so ts technology could be soon helping out at other hospitatals. nhk world, bangkok. >> the university that developed these a advices iss collaborati with mananufacturers i in the coununtry to p pduce 3 3ach of thth rorots. whenen w won't needd to seeee robobotic devices performingg te tasks, but for the moment they must be of great reassurance to health care workers who are now bracing for a second wave. in our next story, we look at robots in office security as well as the sales arena where face to face communication is crucial. it's all a way for companies to survive in this difficult time while ensuring employee and
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customer safety. >> reporter: oa robot is patrolling the c corridors of ts construction firm giant. a security guard remotely monitors the images relayed from its camera. if a suspicious person appears, the guard will race to the site. robots alarm the system. >> translator: some work simply can't be done from home, so it's important to create a safe and comfortable workplace. >> reporter: the robot is now also equipped with a disinfectant spraying function to sterilize the building. this housing makerer uses an innovative system in its housing show rooms. >> translator: welcome. please follow me. >> reporter: the robot is being remotely operated by a sales
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representative who explains the property's features in real time. >> translator: the ceilings are higher than average, allowing for large windows, which invite in the natural light. >> translator: we're able to conduct face to face communication just as if we were together in the show room. >> reporter: with the robots, sales reps don't need to travel to show rooms. >> translator: reducing operating costs translates into reduced home prices. we're also introducing a new working style. >> reporter: the maker plans to install robots in over 100 sites and develop a system for reps to work from home. and all of this will lead to a safe business model, which minimizing cross-human contact.
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nhk world. >> when customers stop by any of the sites, they can access terminals to virtually visit all of the company's locations, which feature different housing models. by introducing this new type of show room, the maker is protecting customers and employees from infection and also establishing safety as a brand cornerstone. our last story takes us to the gym virtually. sports clubs are confined spaces where close contact is difficult to avoid. so, one gym has introduced an innovative measure, keeping its customers at home by providing remote cutting edge fitness training. >> reporter: when the japanese government lifted the state of emergency at the end of may, many businesses that have been closed for several weeks quickly opened up again. one type of business that customers are often wary to return to is sports gyms.
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in response, managers have taken steps to reduce the risk of infection by putting more space between machines and thoroughly disinfecting all equipment on a regular basis. however, many customers don't seem to be convinced. gyms in cities across japan are only seeing a fraction of their normal customers returning. this sports gym opened its doors to customers again on june 1st. during the state of emergency, the gym saw 20% of its clientele cancel their memberships. while the doors were closed to business,, the g gym s sll hada makeke payments on itsts expens equipment, as well a as pay ren. > translato since rereopenin wewe've seen the numberr off cls coming i in t to work out dropp aboutt 60%. wewe realize many may never com back, so that inspired us to start a new type of service. >> reporter: their solution? remote fitness training that can be done from home.
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but instructions aren't just given over a web cam. clients are given a highly interactive training experience. the key to providing that unique experience is this wearable device. it was developed by atone, a company that specializes in creates wearable robotic devices. the device was originally created to give ann extra boost ofower t to elder and disabled users whilile walking. cableses that run too t the kne thatat are strapapped arounund unit around the waist prorovide assistance while moving whchlt the wearer begins to raise a leg, a corresponding cable pulls upwards. the maker realized with a simple adjustment the devevice could b used for exercise. by usingng the rear cables to pl back, the cables can provide a
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safe and adjustable level of resistance. >> translator:r: we never imagid our device couldld be usedd by someonone workingng out in plac. we work closely w with persoson trainers and went through a lot of trial and error in order to get the device working right for this new kind of application. >> reporter: the client wears the device during the teletraining sessions, but resistance settings are adjusted by the trainer. built-in sensors collect detailed information such as the client's stride e length and ho high they arare lifting theirirt ofoff the ground. the data is then sent in reaeal time t to the trainer's comompue this allows for instant adjustments to be madade to the dedevice, ensuringg a customize workout. >> translatotor: because instructors can receive such detatailed data during the trainingng session, it allows tm to provide theirir cusustomers
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a highh l level work outthat's t as good as what can be offered in a gym from the comfort of their own homes. >> reporter: robots are fulfilling crucial new roles in the coronavirus era. and it's something to be grateful for. still, it's not easy to adjust to life without reassuringarm words, and of course the human touch. with the coronavirus pandemic, robots have been swiftly incorporated into businesses and medical centers. people have embraced technology out of necessity. many unexpected applications for robots have developed as a result, which may lead to valuable hints for post-corona life. today, we saw cases where robots are employed to help people avoid close human contact. we wrap up with a storyry froroe u.s. w where robots are active eliminating coronavirus. thank you for watching, and see
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you again next time. ♪ ♪ >> housekeeping. >> for emittingg out these incredibly intense bursts. microooorganisms likee the covi9 virus, t they simply y are defenseless. ♪ >> we know that the rooms, meeting spaces a barooms will bee almost as sanitized as an operating room.
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♪ >> i if anyny mototion is detec they automaticically shut off. but it is meant to be used in an absence of personnel. ♪
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anchor: a massive explosion shock waves across a route, killing 78 people and injuring beirut,000 -- across killing 78 people and injuring almost 4000. this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up, columbia former president says the supreme court has ordered his detention over alleged witness tampering and fraud. australia deploys the army to victoria state and announces fines as high as $14,000 to stop people breaking coronavirus isolates and -- isolation orders.


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