tv France 24 LINKTV August 7, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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sift through the rubble of beirut's blast sites lebanon's presidident rejects calls for an internatioional investigation with the head of hezbollah rubbishihing claims that his group stored arms at the polls. with hundreds of thousands left in need following tuesday's massive explosion united nations scrambles to respond. the international organization is not r released millions more euros. agency relief. the boeing seven three seven skits often indian run away and breaks into leaving at least sixteen passengers dead and one hundrered and twenty three othes
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injured the accididents occururd as thehe jets trying t to touch down in heavy rains that kelly cuts at ports. in the state of caroline. hello welcome back to the fronts twenty four news remind thomas waterhouse. festus i what was it caused by negligence was it just an accident once an external interference to blame those are the questions that lebanon's president is keen to keep on the table. as he rejects calls for an i international probe ino cheese densities motionn in the capital whihich is said to be te biggest in beirut's history. rescue teams continue to scour the blast sites in the hope o of finding morore survivors with te death toll already standing at at least one hundred and fifty four with some five thousand others injured let's listen up to what the president has been saying three days. off to this study explosion. him getting corn as she- it could have been an accident due to heavy to
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negligence. i'm a foreign interferenence- nestle or a bomb what's the rulee we e will see themem playing willis hi dear. the lebabanon under the u umbrea of. many i personally attaches to further the french president know us to provide us what w wil we satatellite images he also. did so we can determine how did it affect a there were planes. or missiles at us. . in truth well the sewer share this story. for more on the response to this blast i'm joined here in the studio byy france twenty four was a bit odd to have a bill it's still early days but what can we expect from this investigation and will the probe be credible. good evening thomas- this investigation is supposed to- to answer tree
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questions the first one why- these two thousand seven hundred and fifty tons of ammonium nitrate where stocks in displays the bottle the second was the explosion due to an accident thirds was this explosion due to an attack and why president telling these is- raising this- hypothesis it's because it's live. and these things in this country heartburn. and many that is believe that it can be of another but there is a you question about the credibility of this investigation why because- the president of lebanon didn't know any international supervision off this investigation so any conclusion might be welcome with- very much- skepticism we've also heard from hezbollah speaking this friday and that very much saying. that that
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hands are clean. yeah was a x. that how along with give a stay. any time so what i mean if you if you remember- the day before i mean few hours after the double explosion the double blast israel has stated that it was not involved in the explosion so why hezbollah. and decide a given statement it's because they are the two main war- makers in lebanon for the past twenty years bless so- this investigation hopefully- we bring down us- some answers. okay bila ta okay you very much for that analysis. well several u. n. agencies of meanwhile spoken of the urgent need to get aid to those affected by this plus the international organization is now released just over five million euros. to be spent on trauma care and other urgent medical needs the world food program has meanwhile said the explosion will quote exacerbates an already grim food security
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situation. city not sykes reports. three days ago mommy cat was one of the liveliest neighborhoods in beirut's shops like this one line the streets now residents have no wetzel buy food for. off the shelf- the girl yesterday respondents. it was a small shop- which is also destroyed completely. anna maria is twenty four years old flats is one of the buildings closest to the city's ports and has suffered extensive damage this building. was the reason we are alive. the blast has left on a maria without drinking water or electricity which was already in shortage. even before they're at like electricity issue in lebanon is a huge thing i don't know even now therere's no elelectricitito support for no one. even the broken windows will take time
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to replace the glass is usually imported via the ports which was completely destroyed in tuesday's blast. since then anna maria has been chececking p on her eighty four year old neighbor. of the delivery from a friend's food isn't an issue for now that's being able to consume it is your- anything. that might be invited to dine. at is just one of many essential products that can be hard to come by. shortages are widespread thankfully so to all gestures of solidarity while waiting for international aids thousands of local charities altering that best to fill the voids. in other world news of flights from the united arab emirates to india has crashed in the southern state of kerala leaving at least sixteen people dead and dozens more injured. indidia's civil aviatation m miy says the boeing seven three seseven wa c carrying a total of one hundred and ninetet passssengers and crew when it skidded off the runway as it touched down atouounty cuts at
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ports. the a air india express flight was government operates adams bringing citizens back to india. being unable to return because of coronavirus trouble restrictions with more from new delhi his all correspondence d. r. gupta. repatriation flights from to the coastal city ofof cozy c court skid off the runway and splitit into p pieces so the fligight landed amid very heavy monsoon rainfalll at about seven forty pm and the cononditions open landing were very very very very poor. the plane was carrying about a hundred and eighty four passengers including dead in sins. and six crew members to one hundred and ninety people the latest reports say that there was a problem with the plane's landing gear. b but it still again too soon to see what the exact causese of the crash was apparently the plane circled the airport several times and made two attempts to lined. up before the crash the runway in
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include the court iss also a natural deeper dog run we- saw the plane reportedly overshot that and fell into a twenty four foot deep gorge. right now the images that were getting sure that the babyy of the actual aircraft is beingng completely split into where debris strewewn across the area. you can see a lot of f people trying to help amidst heavy rain and comomete darknesess rescue medical teaeams police personnel and fire departments have been rushed to the airport to date or transaction although although right now.. repepts say that the clean did not catch firere so there is cool that there will be survivors and rescue attempts s to pull them out of thee rubble ouour own. right now. finally the two. haveveovered the high thirtyy here power this for. . with a heheat wave sets l leave much of from s swelled. and well the- nine regions have been placed on red alert with a further fifty three. also under an orange warning elsewhere in
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europe the met office in the u. k.'s told the general public. to drink lots of water and west sun protection with temperatures that are forecast to reach record highs across southehern engngland. in the net couple of days. not so for me for now but to stay with us here on france twenty four hour coverage of the latest international news continues. the response they- read all a at
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the mett well i think what. welcome to new additionon of francis i guessss i'm not shopping and this week we're following him unmistakable stride on this man vision and i'll do good as we mark eighteen years since his famed june eighteenth appeal to join the free french forces against *-*- occupation is just four days after victoria's german troops paraded down this very having. to move first announced his historic addressed immediately plants as the founding. millions of different resistance. in june nine fourteen adult hitler's forces invaded france. as panic spread across the country millions of french people fled the advance of german troops as they arrived in paris on the tenth
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of june. taking refuge in balto the government was split between supporters of the armistice such as marshall pizza and those who wanted to continue the war. intel known shot the gun was in charge of coordinating military action k. sixteenth and seventeenth of june he went back and forth between boulder and london he understood that the government. led by marcia. is about to give way to germany. in london. churchill and launched his very first appeal for assistance on eighteen june nineteen fourteen at six thirty pm from bbc headquarters he called on french soldiers to join him in london and to continue their fight. the french people would hear the appeal though it was published in the press. on the nineteenth of june the speech hit the front page of the fifty four hole size published in france's free zone. a response to mark shelby county he was about to sign the armistice
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with *-*- germany. he did so on june twenty second general de gaulle then repeated his call on the radio waves. that the- withdrawal date. but i think would be yeah that's's vehicle. zero four zero dollar the eighty dollalar hundred bought all. just a stone's throw away from the statue of the goal is that all of his british ally winston churchill gave asylum to the general and his rebel army of volunteers i'm a very few people actually managed to cross the channel in the immediate aftermath of that fateful appeal among those who did. all the able bodied men of ththe little bottom line and that's something. this island off the c coast of brittany may be smallll butut i it was at the heart of the beginning of the resisiance. in response to charless de gaulle's call to arms on june eigighteenth nineteen forty. all of the island's a hundred and twenty
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eieight able bododied men. joind to t f free frenench forces. on the nearby mainland troops and civilians refusing to accept defeat we're also looking to join. including jack in the gulf. when he was nineteen he and his seventeen year old brother boarded the island's postal vote the r. as in east. the first french but to arrive in england. soso many volumes yu confirm region on the border no i yeah i k. dcield to avoid the amount of force reading off it there's so little known we have a good. home cooking since only down. he eighteen. initially to call was relatively unknown most volunteers were young and inexperienced thosese who were competent were immediately given high ranking positions. meanwhile in london thehe free french airir forces were welcomd at the french institute or nasty to fall said who's director denis saw immediately rallied behind to call. zero
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seven four two the denisova. evacuation of honduras is it useful to katie please a queens whole noble junior confess also again is a problem so hot because you had a group. of us is the end of your account. on july fourth. the free forces marched in london before an enthusiastic and united british crowd. there were only three thousand volunteers but they ultimately gave rise to the french resistance fighting for five years alongside the allied forces. w well in recognition of the pioneers of the free from its efforts to go created the prestigious resistance metetal. to tell us more i come to the museum of the order of liberation at the end of a need to meet historian and curator. legend. hello thank you very much for having us hello you welcome thank you. to go to created this holds out of liberation in nineteen forty
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eight what was it saying. the generals first time was obviously to reporters about the supporters the few hundred men and women who came to join him. and of course to encourage others by example. but it was also place conditions that. is taken as a judgment leads us what the leader of free france as opposed to mashatile he's managed to the *-*- but at the time of mortgages missy. as a created this order of infoformational most and friends so in congo brazzavaville on november sixteenth nineteen forty could have can see some of these companions of the liberation. of course this could. this museum is separate into. for you. and the resist move was that. all of three from. the michael x. zip. i men and women joined to go first and d en and thehen and africa. sosome part of france's colonial territory as body to general to pick up the fight. who is very much a minute she forced orgaganized just likike konami could meet their organs they can in the other hand you have
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the resistance movement within. working undercover in occupied france. it was kind of at work in the shadodows h hden by intetelligence networks. before legible contingent on struggle still sell me the second mackey said don't do that two different types of positions. so could up on two. and three fronts extends well beyond its london base. at all levels. free phone says everything to the petition because initially the gogoal was a military vetern exile. make cooking budgeting to accrue not off to a number of french colonies like an editorial africa new caledonia sites but the general in. the summer of nineteen forty. call ahead and watch territory base. yeah full the next several just missing to proceed struggle plus said. get relief team did a forth woman. and the diverse city is worth. in the cellar of. but critical only because the in fact the one thousand and thirty eight companions if. who aborted this mental health from twenty five different countries. this was a number of them. came from the foreign
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legion. our volunteers falls for. nothing for fox news is. i flow the french soldiers these foreign troops also what were known as indigigenous f forces m process colors. didn't even have french citizenship agency for your troubles with you i'm thinking mainly of the infantry regiment the made up 5260% of the calls ground forces. will a few candy came from sub saharan africa south again in particular chad cameroun what was then french congo we moved to google. so once france was liberated how did a good rule on the symbol the mix of the french. resistance i don't even user assistance of. but also from record will is to have the put. attach it to. which has just not sixty four on it was individual miller. by it conscious trend to the on. and on bayside a new upon the country's most enough figure yes up. my mood with a complete a nine session project
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memorial- the- while. organisisd approach t that also affecects w french society view the complete lack of an exile group i think social skills for instance the talking issue mpc regime in french collaboration. i became so large in the nineteen seventies. and even then i need to the work of an american historian robert paxton. kilduff buxton. left front struggle to confront its past but it's always easy to remember the glory days and forget the rest. bristol virginia hotel thank. you very much it would. it is. a civilian and military resistance as long as you remember through the actions of the two great men. dissident officials genre and general okay. the two men never met as malone died in desktop icons in the nineteen forty three they've been united posthumously in this recently opened museum have a bridge.
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your greatest cd's a man tells us more now about these two figureheads and the sights rich history. the name of an elective memory is a social construct of course but it's also a political issue which is why in general the cloudud was chosen to embody the image of a countrtry t that fight back. tht takes on n *-*- germany this is the latest on a friday externanl resisistance to free front. meanwhile is only i represented the resistance from within and he's the one who managed to organize the structure the resistance movement on the ground. as a paris in the final weeks of combat the resistance movement went quite literally underground in a subterranean h. q. the runs just below this museum. some twenty meters down. and i believe see this shall was built in nineteen thirty eight nineteen thirty nine and was originally erected to allow the capital's technical services to keep functioning
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he's even if paparents were to comeme under heaeavy bombing. tn in august nineteen forty four the minute you force that the resistance movement had come together under whatt wasas known as the french forces of the interior. all f. f. fifty and to the head of the paris brunchh wawas colonel. cordon i in ordet time- all was on the lookout for a place to set up his h. q. and an engineer told him about the shelter. yeah soon you. it in the final week of fighting leading up to the liberation of paris this is why he was holed up with. his mind. some i'm a bit it's news has shown in full the story the trial march the sun anything. invested in a way this is weather resistant jenny and- these are my because the arrival paris a generally class. and his troops signaled the defeat and kept pitching nation of germany. the end of the war. of course the movement and its members lived on. they want really suited to peacetime. underground old
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good the call first on information on that one nine click install they have that information. in fifteen. nine only in the local no they should or respect. because he does. they get the ball before up of a box this awful flu specialist it is amanda. this to sit in a single lap but classified on a killer. is it really like it as. thiss he won't accept a as crystal. specific cutss. housing exactly sorry for the city. service but the models of but more. yeah with the vision is available that from this. total of 60%
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eleven a control said section is. close to fill this o out we should this. it's an abundant resource and yet it remains unexploited every year paris produces three hundred thousand tons of organic waste accounting 430% of household trash most of it gets incinerated or dumped in a landfill one just one hundred kilograms of food scraps could generate six and a half liters of biofuel. what thirty kilograms of compost when it comes to waste management france is lagging behind the clock is ticking in twenty twtwenty five e organic waste wl be collected from every home in france well schools and restaurants have already paved the way for others to follow. i
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was only a-a- third of the phone comes in at that home on through mid transition i said don't. let this in justin jensen said fix it collects this animal that go along they can take a bus also vehicle. i don't know w you donon't consider the guidance about acid. that a song deserves to. i could exit the you don't deserve a cement will come. with without m. is. so while it is. it was a lot of don't have to with any of the events that what job i live can go to further with a lot of the stuff thatat's going to this ad in why the dish i of it. through this. can i move. you can also do
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this so i could see why did meant it as an ms company. what yeah okay when i without making it at some. yeah we'll also listen both units or surf gets many. roles within the contest about two over the only over the phone the. with them on buses in your yeah through the- what about into with no. on this evening clinic that you want to it done about americans with. it will now own the music if there needs to of store about i'm just going to the portion then it. but that does shaped-- defeats the sockets fo. please me no kiss the city's dot on my side the shape at him
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out they're new they could be able to still have babies so- do they shake. it off what do you get. since you've been eighteen years old. compare mall to visit a mall i can because put jesus what i found on your billing details saying he makes said your mass middle j. virtual fare calendar right i'i've taken the back gate. and tj this individual. about it you knonow you h have input so d you g guys. said you guys issue. there e was a customer. yeah my name is all what is also please it was a a enenergy she posted a picture. but it does. it beep back no question k. g. supply that that. second j. duvall web. morere gas to i put smoke this e
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