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tv   France 24  LINKTV  August 19, 2020 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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>> the president of mali forced to resign. the military arrests the president week after -- weeks after a disisputed election. toitary leaders are going organize new elections. the european union is showing support for protesters in belarus. people have poured into the streets over an election that handed a sixth term to alexander lukashenko. biden is formally nominated as the challenger to donald trump.
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i am genie godula. at thank youou for joining us.s. let's look at the developing situation in mali. ibrahim boubacar keita has resigned. he was known by his initials ibk, but he was forced out after he was arrested. mali has been rocked by protests. mullions -- malians discovered overnight who was in charge and the mako -- chuck in charge -- in charge in bamako. [speaking foreign language] >> the committee announced to shut all borders until further
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notice. a cucurfew h has been put in p . >> [ [speaking foreign language] >> the rebels no information about thehe whereabouts of the deposed president.t. ibrahim boubacar keita appeared on the s same tv station. >> [speaking foreign language] >> the rebels took control of the military camp 15 kilometers from bamako. then, they took the president there. beingimages show keita escorted from the presidential palace. when the president was taken,
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crowds flooded independence square and gathered outside thank t the to rebels. >> [speaking foreign language] the mutiny marks a dramatic shift after more than two months of antigovernment protests. demonstrators have been demanding keita's resignation. let's bring in all in london. thank you for speaking with us. there has been discontent in mali even before this d disputed election. give uss context on how ththe sisituation gogot to this s poi. b been inuntry has crcrisis for morore or less thaa
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decacade. eight years there was a military coup that led to a transition and another election where keita was elelected president. there was a conflict going on with jihadist groups in the north of mali. eighthat subsequent years, he has not managed to complete the m military success required to bring the jihadist atattacks under control or complete a peace process with other armed groups. leadershipsensese his has been week,k, lacking vision. -- has been weak, lacking vision.
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as your film mentioned, there are widespread allegations of corruption reaching high into r relatingaccusations to peoeople close to h him. popular anger.d what brought this to the boil in march a andions april, the constitutioional cout intervened andnd changed the position to bolster the of t the p psident's pararliame. afteter that, popular anger boid over. genie: what is the likelihood help the could situation or are we heading into more chaos? this saltt aprpril -- this
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solves a problem. protesters have been calling for hasa's resignation andnd he been refususing to resign. he was elelected in was broadly democraticic. were backing that stunt, saying he should agree to a national government but should not -- bebecause he had the legititimacy of the balallot box. things are not that t simple. this is destabilizing. west africa has been trying to establish the principle t that interventions,
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unconstitutional changes of government are not legitimate. , theyhehey have e taken place have been to remove governments that were acting in an authoritararian way.. ,one of f that was true of keita despite the election results, no one coululd accuse him of being authororarian or repressive. coup is inacy of the question from that point of view.. for thees it difficult west african bloc and the community who is s supporting te point out oflotot a this crisis -- what kind of reaction has
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there been and how can it get involved? has put itselfy behind --. has closed the shutrs but -- had already of mali with its neighbors. they imposed sanctions. they can put huge pressure on whoever is in charge in mali. clear how we move to the next stage, whether we can move to a traransition that is
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democratic and does not have a knock on effect for the rest of the region. there are questions about the back round behind this -- the background behind this. there is anger a among soldidiea feelining thatt some e officerse been benefiting from privilegess or even bebeing corrupt. complication,ther elements of the army had been accused of human right abuses. the u.n. had started to pile onn the pressure for the government to take action and to bring to justice people in the security forces who have been accused of civilians..sacres of
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speculate some people in the military had an interest in seeeeing a disruption of the normal process that could lead against thel action interest of certain people. genie: thank you for sharing your expertise with us. we are getting reports that militants in nonortheastern nigeria have taken hundreds hostage. groupoup is a split off from boko haram. the kidnappingd of schoolgirls in 2014. shutrmany, a a highway was
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down after a series of crashes. it was all caused by one man. what isle were hurt in being g called an islamist exextrist attackck. he crashed into several vehihics before putting a box on the roof of his car that he's that was full of explosives. the incident left 300 people stuck on the highway for hours. european union is holding talks to support protesters in belarus. people have poured into the streets over an election that handed a sixth term to alexander lukashenko. firm,m, sending security into the border, a move that is in response to the statements made by foreign governments. valerie reportrts. missiles, armed
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soldiers. this footageges the latest show of force by alexander lukashenko. military forces have been holding drills 20 kilometers from the border. the leader has confirmed troops are standing by. >> [speaking foreign language] >> the move comes as lukashenko faces criticism and protests continue in the capital. thousands gathered, calling for his resignation and for the release of prisoners.
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the opposition is stepping upp pressure, setting up a coordination council to negotiate a transition of power and hold fresh elections. >> [speaking foreign language] >> lukashenko has described the opposition as an attempt to seize power and promises to take the measures to halt it without providing further r details. genie: to the u.s., where joe biden has been named the democratic presidential nominee. the second night of the virtual convention had speakers, including bill clinton. they gave their pitch as to why biden is the person to beat donald trump.
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the most emotional moment came from jill biden. she spoke about her husband's achievements, and a man who overcame the deaths of his first wife and daughter. we entrust this nation to joe, he will do for your family what he did for hours. bring us -- did for ours. bring us together and make us whole, curious forward in our top -- carry us forward inin our time of need. s sports world, happy football fans in paris. their team has made it through to the champions league finals. they won 3-0. oney will play either ly
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or bayern munich. there is more to come. don't go away. ♪ >> welcome to the france 24 interview. an special guest is astronaut. to fly on thepean nenew spacex draragon 2. it is to take off fromom florida in the spring of 2021. it is great to havave you with . spaceent 6.5 months in and juneovember 2016
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2017. are e you excited toto go back?? being o onhe thrill of boarard the international space station. the view is striking. the atmosphere, the teamwork, the feeling of belonging to the same mission, having the same goal, i have been missing this. the first time around, you had a seven year training program. this time it is quicker. managed toy i have retain information. there are a lot of skills you have to build from scratch. i had to learn russian, starting from zero. i have to improve as much as i can, but i do not have to start from scratch. that is why things go faster. >> last time around it was
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proximima. this time it is south of. where did that name come from? everybody was a home and we invited suggestions from the public. we had 27,000 different suggestions. back a number of times. it is kind of the twin sister to proxima. it is the closest star system to the earth. spacea metaphor for exploration. that is where we will go to find planets, 50, 100, 200 years. doing things for people on earth, so it ticked all of the boxes to be the perfect name. >> what is the aim of this
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mission? board, weission on are dodoing two things. one is exploration. the iss is a step on the path to bigger goals. we want to go to the moon, to mars. we have to learn how to live and work in space. that is what the iss is for. it opens the door for research that cannot be performed on the ground. we are doing research and bringing science back to earth. , almost 200ssion scieience experience -- experiments. i expect this will be the same. that is why it is so interesting to me. you can do things, different things on two consecutive days. days in space last time
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around. how many this time? the specificsogy, of the new capsules, we have to get the data from the first test flight, which still has not landed. for will come into play determining when we are landing. i cannot give you an exact number, but it should be the same ballpark, six monthths on board. >> do you get scared? >> we get scared all the time. if you do not feel apprehension, your brain is dysfunctional. it is a normal reaction. courage is not being scared, it is a being scared but still doing what you want to do. everyone is scared when you climb on the rockets.
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rocketery scary when the launches. you still have to focus. doing a spacewalk is the same, to look down and let go. you are always tethered. but you are scared. you fight through it and you do your job. >> thehere must be an adrenalile boost every time you go out or take off. been ququoted as saying life on earth is more complicated than life in s spac. why is that the case? even though it is the most ever, i man-made object am convinced of thihis, and it flies in the most hoststile enviroronment known to man. life on a space station is
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simple in terms of what you are trying to achieve. , it isy goal you have like being on a sports team and your only goal is to win the championship and the rest is managed by other people. it is a simple life. when i came back to earth, i realized i had a lot of people to interact with, different expectations. that is more difficult to manage. isng on an expedition simple. >> you have physical training on board and on earth, you are very sporty. is that essential to doing the job well? >> you don't have to be a world-class athlete, but you have to like sports and enjoy it. you are goining to have to be in
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good health, that includes physical fitness. the space envivironment is hars. weightlessness is going to take a toll, you are going to lose muscle and bone mass. you are going to be deconditioned.d. agiging byquivalent of 10 yearsrs. they s say it is reversible. i hope it is. you have to be in the top shape you can attain because you are going to lose some of your fitness during the mission. back to thes to get moon by 2024. why is the moon so important? .hey have been there in 1969 why is the moon the place they want to go back to? this time, we do not want to want to the race, we
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stay longer, use the resources, makeit more sustainable, fuel from what is available on the surface of the moon. it has scientific objectives. that is one part. second, mars is more interesting in terms of science. mars is the golden ticket. we cannot get to it. we are not in a position to do it. we have to improve and learn. the only way we can do this is by going to the moon. it is like crossing the atlantic by plane. you know that is what you want to do, but y you cannonot do it until you cross the channel, then you cross the mediterranean, and then your technology is s ready. on mars isnding
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rescheduled for 2033. will it happen in our lifetime? career, thearted my youngest of the bunch, somebody told me i was too old to go to mars. i don't know how much time it is going to take. we will see. >> the journey to mars will be interesting. the comparison can be made between what is happening on earth with the environment, the air and the moisture around earth and what has happened on mars and whether that is a threat that can affect earth. >> you can see mars and the earth as twin sisters in terms of position to the sun, shape. they were much closer in the past. -- there wasid
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liquid water on the surface of mars and n now it is gone. mars has lost its atmosphere. could it happen to us? we are destroying our environment. could we push it to the point where we make earth inhabitable. >> you have become a hero for millions. was that one of your aimss or something that has happened as a post, of the images you giving the impression you were a normal guy enjoying yourself in space? i trieds not something to achieve. one thing i wanted to do was share the adventure. as a kid, i was starved of information. networkse no social
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baback in the day.y. itit seems ancient. i wished there were more. myself thatmise to i would dedicate the time and effort and energy to share the adventure. space appeals to people. they want the adventure. i was trying to tell ththings le they were. i was scared and i will be again. this.people canan relate to >> thank you for coming in. we come to the end of this addition o of "the interview or co--- the interview. some of the world's most
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influential people talk to france 24. , scientists
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new cuisine, you have to be kind of s savvy and also a littttle t carefulul, right? y you'rere trg to create e a market when it's not t there. the e fact that thi food hadad gained a a reputation west hollywood and other places as, you know, delilicious food, butt it was a a certain kikind f thai f food. that opened the way for these newer chefs to say, "youou know whwhat, we cacan be unique and different within this food cululture." like, chefs are artists, and so they''re cocoming up with stutuff all the time. it's s not to say it doesn't happen in thailand, but i think being in l.a., this kind of cross-pollination might be opening up new tastes and flavors in thai cuisine.


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