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tv   France 24  LINKTV  August 24, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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formally nominated as the republican party presidential candidates he made a surprise appearance at the opening day of the convention but he made a rambling speech calling for his reelecection. the mall for the last night's rioting after complex man was gunned down by police the governor of wisconsin is set to deploy the national guard on the streets of the town of kenosha rejected like- shot multiple times. in the back. the doctor said alexey navalny has been poisoned. remains in a coma after being airlifted from siberia wait for the critically ill. mystery of what happened
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to the valley begins to be clarified. supporters and family accuse the kremlin. i'm nott convinced that joining us donald trump has been formally nominated as the republican party candidate for the u. s. presidentitial electioion trumpo made a surprise appearance at the republican party convention. on that set opening day in charlotte north carolina in spite of the code nineteen grisly campaign event is being held with people present trump spoke to condemn his democrat rival joe biden. and accuses party of using the covered nineteen pandemic to steal the election. trump w was slow to react to the severity of the virus in n his adadministrationo spspell to contain it the us has the highest number of infections and deaths worldwide. this iss one of t the reasasons. why trump is not trailing in the polls. our country can go in a- how. direction or in an even greater direction andnd before the plage came in from china. that's we going we were going in a
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direction like we hahad never seen the most successful economy. in the history of our country. irving how full these- matters for us of course our washington correspondent kevin gorgeous stunning. the republican convention got under way and with that the delegates officially nominating donald trump as their party's candidate to run for second term and in a sign of things to come donald trump himself appeared on stage in chaharlotte to chants of four more years speaking to the delegates for about an hour r the presesidents expected. to speak every day until his final official and nomination as speech which willl be c closing o off this conventn on thursday from at the white house now it is a symbobol o ofw much a d. a. g. o. p. has become the party o of donald trump and the a line up of speakers. at throughout the week only confirms and that idea and the first in nine of
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his speeches will come from some of his most loyal supporters in the house for example with representative as mac gates as well as jim jordan- but we'll also be hearing from some more diverse members of the repepublican pary like formemer and you went in basket or nikki haley. as well as senator tim scott the only black republican i in the senat. with the headliner of at this the first night so we'll be at the eldest of donald trump's and children donald trump junior t the three other adult children of dononald trurump are expected to speak throughout the w week culminating in his daughter and adviser ivanka. trump speaking on the final day. k. good style the accord one of the in one. meanwhile the governor of the s. state of wis. is now set to send in the national guard. follows the arrest after an unarmed black man was gunned down by police a lawyer acting for the family
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jacob blake says he was shot multiple times in the back by offices. he's not a serious condition in hospital the incident sparked a night o of riots s and unrest in the town f kenosha wisconsin. we go back downtown protesters in a tense standoff. as they marched i in popolice headquarters some set fire to parked cars and smamashd shop windows. prompting the authorities to impose a curfew. the rioting kenosha wisconsin was sparked by the latest example of seemingly excessive use of police force against black civilians. we child and right now this is the wrong generation that this is happening to the frustration is boiling to the top and was sickened child. one twitter user posted this video films late on sunday afternoon a black man is seen being led by police but it is not to be obeyed the orders. as he reached into his car. an
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officer shot him in the box seven times. the man has been identified as twenty nine year old jacob lake according to ganesha police the officers have responded to what they described as a domestic incidents. local media cited makes fiance as saying that the shooting hapappened in front of the strereet children for no ason. the wisconsin state justice department has opened a criminal investigation into the shooting. the state's governor tony abbas in a scathing tweet said the victim was not the first black man to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement. in the u united states. firefighters battling three massive wildfires inn n northern california got a break from the weather earlier this monday as humidity rose there was no return of the onslaught of lightning strikes think mike to the photos a week. yep the region surrounding san francisco bay remained under
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extreme fire danger until late afternoon amid the possibility of lightning and gusting winds. five command to set the weather had aidided the efftsts so rr. german doctors say it's likely collects in the valley the russian opposition figure was poisoned. he's in the building hospital his life along and danger thohough he remains in a coma. i clinical the german chancellor is calling for a full investigation. of the crime in full transparency that cold is not backed by the e. u. russia has already denied that the valley was poisoned but the bounty supporters say the russian secret police pressured the doctors where he was being treated in siberia. but he fell seriously ill last week. test results that back up the suspicions of alexei navalny's family and supporters. germany's shoddy day hospital released a statement s saying te russian opposition figure was likely poisoned by a type of cholinesterase inhibitor. a
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group of substances that can be found in several drugs as well as pesticides and nerve agents. the hospital added that navalny remains in a medically induced coma and that while he's expected to live there could be long term effects on his nervous system. german chancellor angela merkel reacted by calling on russia to carry out a full investigation of the poisoning and to hold perpetrators accountable. even before the results were announced she was already expressing concern via her spokesperson c. kohli b. under the suspicion is not missing around the seriously poisoned himself. but the s someone seriouslyy poisoned missed in the valley which unfortunately there are some examples off in recent russian history. so the world's takes this suspicion very seriously. russian doctors directly refuted the german findndings saying of all the tested negative for cholinesterase inhibitors while in their care they've also denied facing any pressure from the kremlin o over his treatment
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or their medical conclusions. yes of course that's all fine diagnosiss of poisoning was the same. until we received a final conclusion from to the park trees in toms and moscow. no totoxic chemicals that can be considered poisons or buying products as toys. were found we would. alexei navarre fell ill last thursday after drinking tea at a siberian airport his plane had to make an emergency landing so he could be hospitalized. two days later he was transferred to germany. and placed u under police protectio. article so watching that story very closely. finally french police ordered a ban on football fans gathehering at the parc des prince to work at home the paresthesia mom playsys aftr they lost the champions league final to bayern munich the past year squad arrived back in paris and a downbeat mood having basically cologne that big night in lisbon failing to take. early it chances before former patient you've played kingsley coman scored bayern's
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only and winning gold band comes after a night of writing french capital and showcase shows of these a. with fans and expected to be celebrating. a hundred fifty arrests are made because she found space stuff why please that perception of news about a goal to me along the beach because reputation the club drive for the debt to buy certain funds- with that different ideas to most- very. good and honorable football fans. something that's information to step us morton which. for twenty four. hello and welcome to the friends twenty four interview my guest today is onn thehe on the shiva she's a world famous environmental activist from india she's a laureate of the alternrnative. n noble pririze n nineteen ninety three she's author of numerous spoke the
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latest is cold one s. versus 1% thank you very much for being on the phone okay. i want to begin early on you were not. supposed to be an activist the you were physicists you wanted to work in nuclear enenergy and then- you came across in the early nineteen seventies what is known in india as the ship code movement can you explain to us. how you came across yes i was training to be in india's nucleus tablissements. but then. my sister woke me up to the has its nuclear she was a medical doctor. and i went deeper into terrific of physics i was going to canada to do a phd in the foundations of quantum theory. and before and it went i wanted to visit some of my favorite forests in the himalayas have grown up in the himalayan forests. and this forest i had tricked him was gone the stream that came from the soak force was gone. and
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while returning to delhi. i talked to a tea shop owner and he talked about how this anymore but coach ical so in my heart i said i'm going to come back every vacation and be a volunteer for this movement women came out to say we're going to hug the trees. you cannot cut the trees becauause from the trees comma water the tree stabilize the mountain and prevent landslides the trees prevent floods and droughts and they also give us. everything we need. we will be how because of trees the name chipko means to hug and i learned all my lessons of ecological activism from the women of the mellow never been to school but everything about technology you everything about but it was t. well they called solar water in po at td talked about his ecological functions of the forest but the force on a team of mines and a lot of my change. in the understanding of the fact that nature is the basis of economy came from my engagement with chuckle my respect for women's knowledge
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indigenous knowledge came from my engagement but typical. and it totally turned my own head upside down because of physics you know high in the world you know something others don't and your i realized everyone has knowledge. and must respect. so you've- became really engaged in this- you've been. an opponent of a big multinational corporations especially- monsanto to name just one because of what you describe as there a new ferris influence on. agriculture their number of example that was the bt cotton- in in in the specialty- and you said you know this is not a matttter of helping farmers grow their land but actually making them. dependent on. if corporations into agriculture it's so wrong because the corporations only bring poisons most of them have roots in hitler's germany. in making
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gases. to kill people in concentration camps that was not their aim is there any known to. give people enough know that aim was to make chemicals that kill people. off to the walls they said why should we stop making these chemicals let's see now they look at best. they will give foot fertilizer fertilizers were made in the same factories that made explosives and ammunition for his concern about the same goal. no the order the companies are the same in the process is o o the same. so your rhetorical might change but the goal does not the materiality of a death making chemical doesn't change when you say it's now for repeating the words. i d did a book on the violence of the green revolution because punjab the most such i land of india was destroyed. and then when one time two came in as a result of globalization because- till. the nineties. 90% of the seed was in farmers' hands and the rest came from the public sector. from the government labs research institutions. the ones who came
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illegally didn'tt take any approval with the promise that they would. increase farmers incomes and have this magical cook technology to control pests well the ballroom is now resistant. farmers are in debt farmers are committing suicide the area's been ruined the- pollinators are gone there's no point in the groundwater is gone soo there's nothing about the ecosystem so i save seeds. we brought organic cotton seeds back we work with the gandhi ashrams. on hand spinning and hand the thing of this organic cotton. the economy. in the villages where we work has jumped tenfold because now the west is staying in the village rather than being siphoned off. as monsanto's profits and i readad a new study that sees because the seat seats. we brought locals seeds can be saved. back into the corner. one hundred lost million. . i
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want to get through your latest book because you wise and i would say- your attacks not only mon sun so and the lights but also others- you. attack the what you describe as the billionaire dictators especially a one man i should say bill gates who- you describe as the christopher columbus i'm i'm putting you of modern times and that's not a compliment obviously- whose mission is to impose quote unquote directly modified organisms. and digital dictators to small farmers across the world bill gates who's donated billions to improve public health in poor countries and so on you're saying. essentially he's a dictator and he's there not to help but to make people pour more dependent what bill gates is actually continuing the work of monsanto- becauause monsanto had so many movements and we
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hold up my tribunal on monsanto- a buyout what happened central but- when bill gates pours money into africa for feeding the poor in africa and preventing famine what's he doing is pushing the failed green revolution is pushing chemicals pushing gmos. pushing buttons and not pushing new knowingly or he thinks it's a good thing and he may be wrong because that's not the same thing there is enough evidence of. what it does is that enough. letters to him from. about from govevernments of africa to see this is not the way to go to the united nations except agroecology working with ecological systems as the best way to go.o. out you bill gates is trying very hard to shift the patenting issue now to digital so you just take a dynamic map. and so myy inventioion you d don't create a seat seed is self organized self making. an evolution in community. just my read making
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a map of genom and you have no idea. what the c. does and this is something is pushing very very hard my book recalled how he finance did seek- i've talked about how he's pirated. seeds we have saved that story it's sold and floods and he says invention thiss bio piracy is a bit like columbus the columbus is suppose have discovered america. mainly basically went as a pirate why do i call him today's columbus because he's carving out new colonies. software should have stayed open software series that you say he has a strategy and the various- strategy which you describe as philanthropy capitalism. is in the far as enterprise and so you're not saying he's using the wrong methods he's pursuing. the wrong goal with self interest you also- attack mark zuckerberg the founder of facebook saying they're all
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linked together i mean this reeks a bit ofof conspiriracy theoeories it well youou know. y book. is based on the new evidence that's coming out all you have to do is the opel see the ownership and i have data. in the book on how this common ownership we stopped mark zuckerberg from t trying to gett into indiaian agrgriculture. its a big globalization of people who believe in the opening tonight did you want to do. wewell in basic what the is they mind the data. from the famas. and didn't run now all over the is debate. on private issues on the data mining this s new books on the form of capitalism which is available capitalism where you basically have turned human beings into your new raw material. bill gates does both he takes living resources on our seeds and biodiversity mines it. in two data and once ownership along with his friends and mark zuckerberg minenes you'll determine your
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behaviors and turns it into the raw material both of corporate world for selling things which is why strange advertisements pop up after you've sent a message to a friend. end manipulating elections i have a chapter in the book on the hijack of democracy. you have enough data on what happened with facebook selling data to cambridge analytica and how we are popping up with artificial intelligence leaders this is a major threat to democracy so this is where you're calling them billionaire dictators because you think they're not. helping democracy but actually threatening and even killing it i mean isn't this yet i have much. i have grown up in in india. that post independence i've grown up in in india that has absolutely no corporations i've grown up in in in india where democracy. works and therefore when i see the imposition of digital transactions and criminalization of cash between poor people. i basically see
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this as a dictatorship michaela detected digital dictatorship when i watch not just in india but in africa and other parts of the world. now that we have the data that is showing that native seeds of more nutrition the produce more food they have no cost because you don't have to use chemicals that local biodiversity is the way to feeding the world in spite of all that evidence in spite of the evidence. in the united nations and the faa- in i'm ted every agency bill gates is still imposing and forcing gm house. which is a failed enterprise and he's now just imposing gmos he's taking waters failed and rejected my god by government my govevernmet through the b. deal between a monsanto out. bill. gates resurrected in bangladesh. we've rejected the gold rice for solving the problem of blindness he finances it too congenial to phphilippipines so he's taking all the failed projects with the wrong thinking that life is like a
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word program. and can be chopped and cut and pasted when it's so amazing complexity of self organization and scientists call it- to boyce's self organization right. your own poetry that's what life does he is absolutely ignoring all of this new knowledge that new science is giving us an imposing a field technology with a huge cost to the planet. only so they canan be monopolils and peoplple and farmers on free to have a seat. but then the shiva obviously- you have strong views and we're happy that you were able to share them with us thank you very mumuch for- watching this interview here on france.
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twenty four. get into digital redesign it. my best feature. yeah i wanna be simplistic. date to get it. was cigarettes. just rejected a request was under oath and parties in the somebody doesn't say it't's regarding the system she meets the- because evans was still justified because you taught well nobody can us about scientology this about all that you can collect so the middle today so when there is on what kind. and descents mother could inputs and then you know you don't have critical to dsl books all the way to go on the old media says accordiding to this- soon what are the legal or good excellent dependent on the well this in canada elect.
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to pick. the goal a couple of minutes. you know that all rest okay. okay good cell for thihis is. can you stop them in order to provide. detection awful. buttons the new. is and more effectivee silver bomb on the phphone us as i return as if the minutes. i don't even. that they'll put a certain command. this is the new layout was the to about it. there's it's all. that of ice jackson talks about i mean does still. look for m. secured a system that you with couple so. results to so to. the dissidentt and for the- immigration judgdge because claudio see if you're going to do what you want because i did a key. was on the only the log saidn the newsws bobby. to yeah
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it says a lot of. calls. always have a future in fact they were really introduced in the nineteen fifties to protect smoke is in t the link between smoking and lung cancer became evident the problem is that won't suit his needs can feel like cotton and paper inside is a type of plastic known as cellulose acetate whichch breaks down into microplastics. add to that more than four thousand chemical substanances and we now tatalking about talks wife how does it pollute it what right there still too m many questions left. that c can mean a class. that you does said about almost any distorted this amount. is just yeah you know that you do
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said because this is only good if you could lose your view on one side. you can imagine those you said so i but i still running expxperiments as wewell cool she goes she stated she did- that they got this one should be good to get a darling math. april first event on the visiting me with schedule the jazz it. occurred on the address. it will form the mounting up. we've done all. stephanopoulos good in the gotta still is collect evidence fast she knew me going to love it some along didid you take i t out of political to me because. this is the god if. nine nothing days from s. as thank you what i've set up to set you said that i am one of the difficult but now three i've also new expose a coastal apprehended a lot of people to send me to this day. four yeah
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once today you. they don't know who else is. the best at what i do i just talking about that icice may get. a little still didn't i mean i don't deal in the it is on track to. so is on any. they need. some kind of study did all. design you can think. when they come in so then youou will call on n yes. soundd in. the state. welcome of often only one. who a distant physical just before of the fact. size for commended sit on sticking or all what prescribed. this car division s. the goal was to get. assume some last of needed to more struck show me it was good you guys awful. if
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it g goes you know you at this with your about the topopic in a few. c. mobile the about what. because i. let me go are you still at six so pm okay because people were you're also also team well you. please deploy me alsoso. i'm not so of a plus but you with a mixture. of zeroo fishing while yoyou. come across is that if we can look thanks for coming back. you couldld the president wiwill the twenty fif. eleven i know it's a shame union own section. when i'm in one the familiar as this was a musical immigignts.
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08/24/20 08/24/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york, , this iss democracy now! we are breaking with convention. >> let it be clear this administration is waging an authoritarian campaign to sabotage this election by manipulating the postal service to suppress our vote. this is not a conspiracy theory. this i is fascism. we will not stand for this now or ever. amy: the house approves a $25 billion bill to help t the u.s.


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