tv Global 3000 LINKTV August 28, 2020 7:30am-8:01am PDT
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>> welcome to global 3000! they're beaten, degraded, , ad killed by their partners. for brazil's w women, their on home is often one of the most dangerous plplaces there i is. huge challenges to the netets angpele a and their hererds ofs reindeer. but first we meet the courageous women of sudan. they've give them up.or mo in december, 2018, protestso
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erupted in sudanan. the spspark was the country's worsenining economy, b but soon demonstratorors ben to d demad womemewere reason.front lines for r years theyey'd been dend fundamental human rights. al-bashir's ouster opened the floodgates of change. sudanese women gained new freedoms and could lead more self-determined lives at least in the big cities. but there's still more work to be done e and the bravave womeo were at t the forefronont of e revolutionon aren't giviving . >> bayan ali is a 21-year-old medical student in khartoum. in late 2018, she joined the crowds in the streets protesting against the regime. that's when she decided to take up thai boxing as a form of self-defense. bayan ali:
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sudan is not a safe place for women. women get accosted and abused. i want to be able toto hit bak and defend myself. >> trainer mohamed el mounir promotes gender equality. in 2018 he opened the doors of his martial arts center to women. a bold move in a traditionally-minded muslim and male-dominated society. until recently, he and his female students could have been lashed for this. mohamed el mounir: in the begining, when i first started it was kind of illegal, actually, for a a male trainero teach females in general here in sudan. so we kind of had to be at the beginning a little bit undercoverer. you know, keep our doors closed. dr. lekutat: -- >> change has come to sudan. women have left behind their traditional roles at home they
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go out, they work, they serve in the government. women were the driving force behind the protest movement, and to this day they sing protest songs. ♪ a group of women from many walks of life including doctors, engineers, musicians and psychologists have joined forces to make sure progress will not be undone. they call themselves the "guardians of the revolution," and continue to fight the establishment. months of mass protests contributed to the ouster of longtime ruler omar al-bashir in april 2019. the military then tried to quell prototests. a crackdowinin june lleded and wounded mamany demonstrarators. bubut the protesests continuede, until a trsitional gernment made up ofrmy office and opposition leaders was formed. one year on, the guardians of the revolution continue to fight for their rights and to
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show solidarity with women in need. aliaa ali youssef gamil is a psychologist who devotes herself to female emancipation. aliaa ali youssef gagamil: now, in the coronavirus crisis, we're hehelping tea sellers, cleaners and other women who are in urgent need of help. the government isn't doing anything for them. >> the group gather donations and buy food, disinfectant and protective clothing. they distribute the items to hospitals and to women in poor neighborhoods who have lost their jobs because of the pandemic and have been left with nothing. this volunteer work is also a way to keep the ideals of the revolution alive. bayan ali has had to fight with her family for her independence.
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her parents work abroad and she lives with her grandfather. when she wanted to go to the united arab emirates for a thai-boxing competition, he said no. without his permission, she could not go. zein el abdin serag el din: i was against it because it is incompatible with ththe traditions of our cocountry. and this is all new for us. she is so small. >> in the end, he relented, bayan ali went and won bronze. now her grandfather is very proud of her. aliaa ali youssef gamil and her three daughters enjoy their new-won freedoms. riding b bike and d wearg trououse -- thatat
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all new for women here. they weren't allowed to exercise out of doors until recently. alia ali: they love to ride their bikes and go roller skating. other girls say it's too dangerous. but mine like it. this generation is becoming more courageous. maybe my girls get it from me. >> an issue close to the heart of women's-rights campaigners is female genital mutilation. they're pleased that it has now been outlawed. most women in sudan have been subjected to the dangerous and debilitating procedure. alia ali youssef gamil would not let her daughters be mutitilated in thihis way. alia ali:: just imamagine, a younung chilo doesn't knknow what is g goinn feels terribible pain whenever she ururinates, whenenever she moves. it imposes s sh limitations on plplaying and running. it's shohoing. >> the fight for equal rights is arduous, and won't be won overnight. bayan ali, for one, is a
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fighter who won't give up. bayan ali: we want equality and nothing less. men should stop saying i am crazy because i box. it should be considered totally normal, like men playing football. >> the pace of change in sudan right now is swift. confident and independent-minded women will make sure equality and freedom prevail. >> violence against women is a worldwide problem and in many countries, women have few if any ways to defend themselves. according to the united nations, 243 million women and girls experienced sexual or physical violence by an intimate partner over the span of one year. latin america is especially dangerous. the who says that more than a third of all women there have experienced violence at the hands of their partners. the problem is particularly acute in brazil. the most dangerous place for women there is their own home.
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and the isolation brought on by the coronavirus has also given rise to a shadow epidemic of domestic violence. >> a husband beats up his wife at home. this video mayay be two years old, butut it is stillll vey upsetting g to the victitim, cristitiane carvalhoho, and her mother. crcristiane: at the time i still hoped my husband might change. we had only been married for four months. i had dreams. he was the man of my life. i called him my prince. it was wonderful until we got married. but then the violence began, and he destrtroyed our famami. >> cristiane's then husband was a wealthy and influential diplomat. when they argued, he would start to hit h, , and cut t hr with a knife.
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cristiane installed a surveillance camera. then one day, he tried to strangle her. cristiane: i wausused to being g pushed around, pupunched and hit, but whenen he choked m me with a telephone cable, that was just terrifying. the most horrible thing that has ever happened to me. in my mind's eye, it was like a movie. i thoughght of my childhood ad my parents. and then i knew i had to end the relationship. thankfully i had the video a s evevidence. >> violence against women is a growing problem in brazil. every seven hours, on average, a woman is murdered because of her gender. and the rate of femicide is rising. the coronavirus lockdown has
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only made it worse. the state of ceará is no exception. this is where maria da penha lives. she is at the forefront of the fight against gender-based violence in brazil. she was paralyzed when her then husband shot her one night in 1983. maría: he also wanted to cover up his crime. i was sleeping when i heard a loud bang. i wanted to move, but i could not. i thought he had killed me. >> with the help of her daughters, she sought to have him brought to justice. she was also among the first women in brazil to go public with a story of domestic violence. it was a struggle, and the outcome inadequate. maría: i was outraged after thehe firt verdict. he was found guilty, but he appealeded and did not have too to jail.
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i withdrew and wrote a book about what had hapappened and about the contradictions in our legal system when the perpetrators are men. in brazil, men dominate society. å culture of machismo has developed over time. courts go easy on men. machos receive light sentences. >> maría da penha kept on fighting. she called on parliament to increase the penalties for gender-b-based violencnce agat women. a new and stricter law was finally passed and it bears her name. maría: it means the judiciary can now take much more decisive action. back then, my former husband only spent two years in prison. now, under the new maría da penha law, the term would be much longeger. attempted femicide warrants a
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tough penalty. >> what's more, thanks to the activism of maría da penha, a new kind of police unit has been established, named after her, espeically to deal with domestic violence against women. it was set up eight years ago. a patrol comes by to check on cristiane carvalho at least once a week. she rarely dares to go out nowadays, because she is frightened of her former husband. the officers want to evaluate the risk he poses. claudio: we are concerned with how the for r me, this is all very new dangand interesting. maría da penha has changed me as a human being and as a man.
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>> cristiane still gets threats from her ex-husband.d. he was sentenced to three years house arrest but is nonetheless allowed to go out. she has an electronic device to warn her if he is nearby. cristiane: the alarm has often gone off. that means he and hihis electronic ankle monitor are too close -- less then 200 meters away. he has even set other men on my mother. what can we do? >> the government in the capital brasilia certainly isn't doing much. the far-right president, jair bolsonaro, has just two women in his cabinet. women's rights are anything but a priority for him. funding has been cut. the achievements of activists such as maría da penha face being undone.
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the anti-women policies of the government make many womomen lawmakers furious. larissa: all the measures designed to combat violence against women, including women's shelters, are at risk. with the funding slashed, the few shelters we have will probably have to close soon. it's a disgrace for brazil. >> maría da penha was recently declared an honorary citizen of sao paulo. her courage and activism are are widely respected, but the battle is far from won. maría: our society is still very sexist. to change that, we have to invest above all in education. but this government is not doing that. >> cristiane carvalho hopes the nightmare will end one day, and that her ex will leave her in peace. cristiane:
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if women such as maría da penha had not spoken out, i might never have found the strength to report my husband. and he would never have been sentenced to three years house arrest. despspite the coururage many wn displalay, gender-babased viole remains a massive problem in brazil. >> repression and discrimination are part of life for r many women aroround the w. on our n new facebook k chanl,w won, y youl find stories ababout ose tatang a stand, and inspiring others to do the same. dw women gives a voice to the women of our world. >> in our global ideas series, we focus on the growing impact of climate c change. ththis week we t turn to sibe, where rerecord temperatures of nearly 40 degrees celsius have helped fuel massive wild fires. our next report takes us to
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russia's yamalo-nenets region, erere a cara c crew ent several momonths documenting te profound impact of globabal heating on the area's peop and ldlife, even in the depths of several momonths documenting te profound winterer. globabal >> evevery autumn, h herds f reindeer are driven down the yamal peninsula in russia's arctic north. the herders are members of the nenets peoeople, who havave, tradionally,ed nomad live theyross the frozen riviver which is sevalal kileterss wide at is point, night with -anand wi greatataution. climatchange imaking t ice thner by t year. at nightwhen it colder, there't brbreaki. is group reacheshe f far at nore at dbreak.older, there't they areccompani by anthrologist, exandervolkovn studyinghe life d custom
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of the nenets people for manyye: fothosose madic fafamili slivi in the tundra, e e main problem is theondiditi of of the nenets people for manyye: their herd b becau theyy dedend on their reiner.. and ththr future means t good ndition of theirererds. that future isis anything bubut and ththr futsecurere. t good -- >> that futurere is anytg but secucure. ththe arctic hasas been warmint abouout twice the e rate of thee plplanet as a whole. for the nene h herdersit i is becoming more and more diffulult to travel l their traditioional routes.. ice formrms on the rivivers er lalater in the s season, forcg the fafamilies and h herds to . alexander: lots of families have no way out. there is no possibility for them to move. it's a threatetening situatitn for all l the northehern reinr heheing way ofof life, so to s. >> the reieindeer need t to kp momoving. in anyny one spot ththere is t much to eaeat, a they y wod
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quickly arve to deh. so theerders need to move with them. two and a lflf thoand yayatsk, the capital of the reblblic of kha,a, alsknownnn as yakutia, egoror kirillin isn his waway to the insnstitute r biologicical problems s of the crcryolithozone.e. that is the e region wherere permafrorost prevails.s. he works thehere as a biololog, studying wd d reindeer, whwhoe numbers are declining. the headad of the inststitute, innokenty okhlopkov, i iworried. innokenty: in thehe krasnoyarsksk region e usused to be morore than a miln reindeer. at the latest coununt, there we justst three or fofour hundred thousand. that h has led uto pay speciall
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attentioion to the problem. atat is haenining tour reindeer populatio? >> the two biologists say climate chchange but alslso hn intone growing problem isthe competition between wild. reindeer and herded reindeer. kirilin is on an expedition on the e olenyok rivever, which s througugh one of thehe main ros ofeir mimiation patterns, hewanr order t to nd out more abou llars, tas many ecimensas he .
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tohe conditions he in the devices yatia.n n adted they arere waterproof f and can wiwithstand tempmperatures of s fofoy to minusus fifty degrees celsius. >> the t team have to o be pat. they are watching ouout foany reindeerer swimming acacross e river. when t they spot onene, they e to act f fast. this young male probablyeieighs -- this younung male probabably weigighs more thanan 130 kilog.
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thisisrocedure can be ngererou for the men and d is probablya bibiof a shock for the reindeer. ththe transmitter r is designeo fallll off once ththe batterys empty. ththey take the e animal's port r r the dabasese andet himim g they have atattached such h des to more thanan forty wildd reindeer so far. the data he e alreadrevevealed thth migration patterns areh des to morechanngng.orty wildd the reindeer head north to oloin the season every and in t the winter they headddy to morechanngng.orty wildd rests to find enough to eat anand that whehere t competitition with domomesticd ones is growing. innokenty wildeindndeer ve alwlwaybeen
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seen as rivalsls of domesticicd herds.s. it is impossible to breed them where there are lots of wild ones. where ththere arare both populations, herding is hard. domesticated reindeer ofoften n away and join ththeir wild -- join the wild o ones, and ty competete for grazining. d>> food d is becoming g scarc, aweven in the e vast andld undedeveloped far r north of ru. basesed on data frfrom the trag competition n among the didive popopulations toto benefit alf them. but t the changingng clic conditions are also a chlelenge in particular rising temperurures. the herder families and their reindeer continue their trek south to their winter quarters in the forests. ththey still havave a long wao go.. as condiditions changege, the s they facace are changiging ane essure to adapt is mounting. ththe veryuturure ofheir w wayf
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lifefe is at stakeke. >> fighting for a better future. demanding justice, taking their lives into their own hands -- entrepreneurs, bloggers, human rights activists -- many o of these women rarely stand in the spotlight but they move our world. women who make a difference in our impact series. >>he powerer of play is s not justst direct in thahat it stimulates thehe mind. bubut it's also very powerl l n the e way that it't's breakino many barriers th are createded. and kids are allowed to o be kd agagain. just plain, simple, enjoy their childhood.
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shweta: i run a non-profit i in bomba, inindia, called d the opentreeee foundatition toybank.. we propagatete the right t to y for alall childrenen. i just believe that working with these kids and giving them what they truly need it's not about deserve, t they truly neneed s attention ththrough play.. we keeeep grumbling about why e wod is such babad place whyy itit's filled with such bad elements, why somebobody is a crcrinal, and all of that in th w world but if youou trace it baback,t always goes back to their childhood. with kindness and love and empathy, i think we can really change the way this wholole wod functions. ththpower of play, the right to plplay, meal w well ing atat ildhood levels. all of the t things e vevery alien n concepts to o people h. because e there are soso many r
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problems. verty y still at a all ofge levev.ings e vevery wso it t became, it b becomes, n now, verery challengining for o articulate this. but having said that, hunger of the mind is even worse, because it can take you to very dark places. it's like clime e changeyouu can't rereally see it,t, but s happening g all around u us. mental h health and memental wewe-being is very similar. oplele can't see it.t. so it you u don't see itit, you dodon't think itit's a probleme. weweork with almost 55,000 kids evevery da andnd unls and d unl these e kids are menentally nonourishe arere ablto understand what's right from wrwrong byhemsmselve nothihings gogointo really change that's all from global 3000 this time.
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