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tv   Newsline  LINKTV  September 1, 2020 5:00am-5:31am PDT

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♪ hello. this is nhk "newsline." i'm yoshi ogasawara. japan's main ruling liberal democratic party is moving forwards with plans to choose its next leader with a slimmed down election in two weeks. the winner will replace prime minister abe shinzo when he steps down to deal with his health problems. two party heavy weights have declared their candidacy and another seems poised to join the race. the first was former prime minister, kishida fumio.
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he recently served as the party's policy chief. >> translator: i will aim to become a leader who listens to the people's voices carefully and earnestly. i want to become a leader who can get the people to work together. >> kishida has long supported abe, but he has not secured an endorsement from the outgoing pm. former ldp sectary general isishiba shigegeru joined the e tuesdaday. >> translator: it is our responsibility to the people to give them an o opportunity t to listen to what each candidate has to say and decide who is the best. that's even if the public does
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not have a vote in the ldp presidential election. >> chief cabinet secretary suga yoshihide is expected to join the race wednesday. he's already received backing within t the party. the ldp is scaling back its election protocols to ensure a swift change i in power as the country deals with the coronavirus and other pressing issues. all 394 ldp lawmakers will get a votete, along with three officis from each prefecture. to reflect the pp of its 1 million-plus members it will be up to local branches to hold new elections. once the party president is choesz en, japan's diet could
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vote within days. a winning there is a forgone conclusion since it's controlled by an ldp-led co-lags. japan's new leader will face a series of challenges including the coronavirus. officials say nearly 50,000 people have lost or are about to lose jobs because of the pandemic. labor ministry officials believe the actual situation could be much worse as the current figure only reflects cases reported to regional employment offices. as a countermeasure the government is extending its wage subsidy program to the end of the year and calling on businesses to maintain jobs. meanwhile tokyo confirmed 170 new cases on tuesday, the largest figure among 47 prefectures. about 27,000 people have tested positive in the capital of 14 million. the metropolitan government is scrambling to deal with the first confirmed casases on a remote island located about 170
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miless south o of the city. officials airlifted all four patients to tokyo. across japan more than 69,000 cases have been reported. over 1,300 people have died. the japanese government is sending more experts to mauritius to further assess the environment damage of a massive oil spill. a s ship ran around in julyly. experts found tons of fuel damaged the ecosystem including the mangrove forestst. the latest 2k3wr50u7 will h hel determine the full scope of the issue. >> translator: the whole government is w working on what additional meaeasures can be carried outut in mauritius. >> japan's environment minister
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added he'll talk with his mauritian counterpart on thursday. japan is preparing for how to deal with a massive earthquake in the covid-19 era. each year the country stages drills on the anniversary of the great kanto earthquake which devastated tokyo and the surrounding area nearly a century ago. asas part of the exercise, prim minister abe shinzo was briefed. the quake slammed western japan. local officials called in to discuss the damage of the mock quake and how to distribute relief safely while protecting people from the e coronavirus. volunteer groups took on the task, testing how they would organize evacuations. that included preparing supplies of both masks and disinfectant for people fleeing the simulated damage who also got a better sense of this new challenge. >> translator: i couldn't sleep
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well here, actually. i want to make my priorities preserving life first, and next preventing the spread of infection and disease. >> the disaster drills themselves had to be scaled back this year over infection concerns. a majojor japanese mobile e phone carrier has developed a drone that can quickly restore service in areas hit by typhoons and other disasters. softbank officials say their prototype can restore cell phone connections within one hour of arriving at a scene. people within a 10 kilometer radius can use their mobile devices at the same time. the drone can stay in the air for more than 50 hours. the officials demonstrated another prototype for use in emergencies. it searches more missing people, tracking location data sent by theieir mobile phone.
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the craft can pinpoint buried headsets. workers would look at a monitor to verify locations. rival japanese carriers are developing technologies that can establish wireless communications at didisaster sitetes. the european commission says it's joining the world health organization-led initiative to speed up the development and distribution of covid-19 vaccines to all countries. the commission announced on monday that it will contribute about $480 million to the scheme known as covax. the w.h.o. director general tedros adhanom ghebreyesus tweeted his thanks. the w.h.o. wants others to join the initiative by a september
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18th deadline. on tuesday japan announced it will t take part. as of august, 170 countries and regions had registered their intention to join. the united states, where a number of companies are competing to develop vaccines, is not participating. u.s. president donald trump has tried to frame his presidential campaign as a fight for law and order. he made the same argument four years ago, and his opponent points out trump has been the one in charge. nhk world's katherine kobayashi reports. >> reporter: the image of america these days is one of a country at war with itself. protesters in portland, oregon, have turned out every night for more than three months in a revolt against police brutality. president donald trump narrates fromom the sidelineses.
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>> fires are burning and we have a president who fans the flames rather than fighting the flames. but we must not burn. we have to build. >> reporter: a caravan of trump supporters drove into portland over the weekend with a message of their own. they're tired of the looting and the violence. the two sides taunted each other, then someone shot and killed a man linked to a right wing group. the shshooting came days after 17-year-old killed two people in kenosha, wisconsin, at another protest against police brutality. an officer had shot a man in front of his threeee sons leavi him paralyzed. the president sends out a message of law and order. at the same time, he shared a video showing his supporters firing paint balls and pepper spray into a crowd.
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he's tried to paint his side as keeping the peace and protesters as something else. >> those are anarchists, they're agitators, they're rioters, they're looters. >> reporter: joe biden says the president is just trying to distract voters from his failures on the coronavirus and the economy. and he says the people around trump don't even bother to speak in code. >> the more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the clear choice on who's best for public safety and law and order. >> reporter: the president plans to visit kenosha on tuesday. both the wisconsin governor and the city mayor have asked him not to come. they say his presence may hurt the situation while they are trying to heal. catherine kobayashi, nhk world, new york. lebanon's president has
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tapped former ambassador to germany, mustapha adib, to be the country's new prime minister. the appointment comes after the previous leader stepped down in the wake of a massive explosion that killed at least 190 people last month. adib pledged to help heal the country and implement reforms, notably securing a an agreement wiwith the international monone fund. >> translator: in these hard times that our nation are going through, especiaially after the devastating blast in the port which caused martyrs, injured and missing people, there's no time for talking, promises, and wishes. and wishes. >> people are still trying to pick up the pieces following last month's explosion at a warehouse in beirut. huge amounts of ammonium nitrate had been improperly stored there for the past six years. many blame the government for lax oversight. and the prime minister
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subsequently resigned. before the disaster, lebanon was struggling both politically and economically. experts have said adib will need to find a way to address corruption and overcome competing religious interests. authorities in china detained an australian citizen who was a well-known journalist at state-run broadcaster cgtn. cheng lei describes herself as an anchor and host with the company. australia's foforeign minister maurice payne said in a statatement thahat cheng had be detained in mid august. she said an ofofficial from m h government had spoken to cheng by video link last week and that cameras providing assistance for her and her family. the reason for her detention is
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unclear. the move is expected to put strain on the relationship between the two countries. beijing reacting sharply for an independent inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus earlier this year. tensions are also running high over developments in hong kong. a survey of japanese immigrants and their descendants has found that younger generations tend to have a strong awareness of their ethnic heritage. the nippon foundation started looking into this last year. they received about 3,800 responses from nikkei as these people are known in japanese, in the u.s., brazil and elsewhere. among respondents aged 18 to 35, three-quarters said they had a strong sense of japanese heritage. 19% called it average, and 7% said it was weak. when asked how connected they feel to japan, almost half said strongly. 31% said moderately, while 21% said their connection was weak. one expert says that younger japanese-americans do not share the same fear of discrimination
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that older generations may feel. >> they continue to hold strongly to traditional japanese values, such as to work hard, honesty. >> rooks says the younger generations also tend to be interested in making connections with other people of japanese descent around the world. pacific ocean surface temperatures off japan have hit record highs, potentially aiding the development of typhoons close to the country. the japan meteorological agency says some areas average about 30 degrees celsius in august. east of okinawa the average was 30.7 degrees, 2.1 degrees higher than usual. temperatures were up by 1.7 degrees off the she coke queue and tokai regions and 1.6
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degrees southeast of kanto. all three are the highest s sin recordkeeping began in 1982. weather officials say a high pressure system was blanketing waters with warm air. they say typhoons have been traveling far to the west of japan leaving parts of the pacific instirred and warm. causing large amounts of water vapor to rise and potentially contribute to the development of typhoons. typhoon maysay has been impacting the coast. our meteorologist sayaka mori joining us. >> maysak is maintaining intensity as the second highest cat gone on the typhoon scale.
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pressurewise it became the strongest die fioon of the year stronger than hurricane laura when it made landfall in louisiana.a. okinawa dealing with stormy weather since monday. the centeter was very close to kumejima meaning they saw gusts of nearly 200 kilometers per hour. over 220 millimemeters of rain a space of 24 hours. it looks like stormy weather will continue through wednesday in okinawa because this is a big storm. this system maystak will likely approach kyushu as we go into wednesday. kyushu will experience stormy weather into wednesday at least. due to the counterclock wise circulation, other portions of japan will see stormy weather. she queue queue may see nearly 700 millimeters of rain in the next two days. parts of japan will see 500
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millimeters of rain today. today osaka saw 100 millimeters in just one hour. we'll see the system moving north, making landfall in south korea as a typhoon for thursday morning thursday morning. it could be one of the strongest typhoons to hit south korea in recorded history. it will move over north korea and hit towards harbin. we are talking about maysak. one more storm can be found across the south. sea surface temperatures south of japan are much higher than normal. that means the newly formed system will likely intensify even further. right now a tropical depression, it's likely to intensify to a named storm and likely hit towards western japan. it my directly impact western japan. after that it's going to head towards the korean peninsula.
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let's go to the southern hemisphe hemisphere. it should be in the middle of winter. sydney saw a high of 27 degrees on sunday. people flocked to the beaches. it looks like the heat has eased slightly, but we'll see higher temperatures once again as we go into wednesday as well as thursday. that's it for me. have a nice day. ♪
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>> that's all for this hour on nhk "newsline." i'm yoshi ogasawara in tokyo.
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thanks for watching and do stay with us for more. ♪ >> this is "newsline biz." i'm gene otani. posona group says it will gradually move some of its functions from central tokyo to an island in western japan. the announcement comes as many busisinesses are reviewing thei work styles during the coronavirus ndemic. functions such as human resources and financial affairs as well as business planning will be transferred from its
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head office in tokyo to an island in the preekt. it plans to open a new facility for marketing and online business using digital technology. the group says it will relocate two-thirds of about 1,800 workers at its headquarters to the island. that will be done in stages by may of 2024. group officials say they'll increase preparations so business can carry on smoothly in the event of a disaster or another outbreak of disease. the operator of the zoom video conferencing system has posted robust results for the latest quarter as the rise of remote work spurred demand for its services. zoom video communications says revenue for the may to july period more than quadrupled from a year earlier to over $660 million. net income surged by 33 times to nearly $186 million.
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the u.s.s. tech firm expects it performance to stay strong in the current quarter. ceo erik yuan says organizations are shifting from addressing their immediate needs towards a future of working, learning and connecting anywhere. huawei technologies' australian end say it will end a major sponsorship deal with a professional rugby team, citing negative business environment amid strained ties between the two countries. huawei will end sponsnsorship o the canberra raiders. the deal dates back to 2012. the compapany says it was hit hd by the australian's government in 2018 to ban it from the nation's 5g networks. >> the impact on the 5g ban and the greater australia-china relationship has had a huge flow and effect on where we hoped our
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business to pick up outside the 5g hasn't happened. >> the ceo o of the team says is a sad day and the raiders would be lucky to find another sponsor as goo as huawei. ties between the two countries have deteriorated over the coronavirus pandemic and hong kong. beijing is also investigating claims that australia exported wine at unfairly low prices to the chinese market. discord at the world trade organization leaves the global regulator without a leader starting from september 1st. members have been unable to agree on the appointment of an interim chief following the early departure of the director roberto. nhk world'sian naka marie asks an expert about what happened. >> i have decided i will step
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down from my current position. >> reporter: the sudden departure comes as the wgo finds itself in a dysfunctional state. for one thing it hasn't been able to set new trade rules. unsuccessful attempts and a multilateral trade agreement known as the doho round is a key faililure. experts say the wto formed in 1995 hasn't moved with the times. >> translator: wto rules haven't changed since the organization was established and they don't meet modern trade standards. >> reporter: agreements are difficult to reach because, as the diversity of the wto membership has grown, so have divisions. developing countries and those with more state control are less likely to share the road with established open economies. >> translator: wto rules were made on the premise that member
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countries value a free market economy, not state capitalism. but its members now include interventionist nations like china. >> reporter: that's led to conflicts like the trade dispute between the united d states and china. washshington b blamess beijing unfair trade practices such as subsidies for chien nieces exporters. the two took the case to trial at the wto whose other main function is to settle trade disputes. however, the u.s. wasn't happy with the outcome. >> the world trade organization has been very unfair to the ununited stateses. >> repororr: washington critical of the wto appeals process took measures of its own. >> translator: washington is keeping the appellate body from getting new members when a seat opens up. sincnce last december it hasn't had the minimum of three members it needs to hold a trial, so the world trade organization can no longer settle trade disputes. >> reporter: if that continues,
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trade conflicts like the one between japan and south korea won't be resolved. the wto now unable to set new trade rules or settle trade disputes can no longer carry out its primary function. for the w tfrmtso to get back on its feet it n needs to change i decision-making process. right now nothing can go forward without a cocoensus. >> transnslator: with a consens rule, a single country can put a stop to anything. nations that aren't afraid to stand alone won't give up that power, so it will be difficult to reach a consensus to get rid of the consensus rule. >> reporter: an election will be held in november to choose a new director general from a field of eight cacandidates. that process in itself poses a challenge and whoever wins, faces the task of turning around an organization in crisis.
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ian naka marie, nhk world. all right. let's have a look at the markets.
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from the "newsline biz" team in tokyo, i'm gene otani. thanks very much for joining us.
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>> hello and welcome to live from paris. i am annette young. it is 1:00 p.m. here in the french capital. here is what is making headlines at this hour. the french president visiting beirut, announces a major international conference will be held next month, also calling for the country's politicians to come together swiftly and form a new government. we will get more from our beirut correspondent shortly. u.s. president donald


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