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tv   France 24  LINKTV  September 25, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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twenty four advanced twewenty four . .com. hello everyone i monte francis live in paris with the latest world news here's a look at our top stories this hour. french prosecutors have opened a terrorism investigation into a double stabbing outside the former offices of charlie hebdo. weekly newspaper was the site of an attack in twenty fifteen that killed twelve people the two victims are expected to survive. no sign the corona viruses easing here in france fifteen thousand new cases reported in the last twenty four hours after daily record of sixteen thousand thursday this has restaurants and bars are ordered to shut down this weekend. and marseille. u. s. supreme court
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justice ruth bader ginsburg making history againin this time after her death she becomes the first woman and the first jewish person to lie in state at the u. s. capitol. terrorism is the apparent motive that's the word from the french interior minister as prosecutors opened a terrorism investigation into a double stabbing outside the former offices of charlie hebdodo. police arrested a a primary suspect who's accused of stabbing a man and a woman with a large knife two people including the primary suspect are under arrest and five others are being questioned. the two people who were injured are both expecteted t to survive the charlie hebdo offices were the site of an a attack in tweny fifteen that killed twelve
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people the french interior minister spoke not long ago and addressed the motive in this case. and if evidently it's not islamamist terrorism finished cod incident occurred on the street where the charlie hebdo offices are lococated. the modus operandi i was not an islamist terrorist obviously there isn't much doubt it was in you the attack against our country.. and against journalists it'll at least. the two victims workingng aa documentary production company h had stepped outside fr a smoke break.. here delarue tells us how the events unfolded. the attack occurred just before noon near the former offices of the satirical newspaper charlie hebdo. a man wieldiding a large knife led a seemingly random attack against two journalists working for a production company just across the ststreet one of the victims. was badly injured but has no threatening injuries france twenty four spoke one of their colleagues the croom grid- are
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two producers guild and man. took fororev the information we have is that their lives are out of danger which is the most important for us course within a few hours prime minister's own cast texan interior ministers are dumb and now we're on. site double. i wanted to come and show my without. with the families of the victims twenty sixteen. until the book colleagues. of these two journalists. this new format. the perpetrator was arrested a few minutes latater not far f from their o own plastetered up s. t. the neighborhood was momentarily locked down in several schools in the area confined. france's anti terrorism prosecutor has opened an investigation for attempted murder in connection with the terrorist organization. regarding the investigation the main perpetrator was arrested and is now in police custody
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five. the second individual has also been placed in custody in order to investigate his relations with the main suspect three hundred twenty five dollars the second suspect was reportedly arrested in the metro. the attacker's motive have yet to o be determined but this attack comes as the trial of the twenty fifteen charlie hebdo attacks is underway in paris. an attack that took place in this exact location five years ago in which twelve lost their lives. friday's attack i i bringing back terrible memories for those who witnesessed the killings of ther colleagugues five e years ago. since then there have been a wave of jihadist strikes against france testing the country security and way of life catherine viet has that. france is ninine eleven it wawan attatack that t shook the county to its core. twelve murdered in a terrorist killing spree rgeting g charlie hebdo magazine. two days later four hostages were killed at a kosher grocery store. t those
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assasaults in n januarywo thousand andnd f fteen ushererig in ann unprecedentntedave of jihadist strikes across france and plunging the cntry into an existential crisis. france while alone who was president at the time appealed for unity that would be sorely tested in the aftermath of ththat year's deadliest assault coordinated terrorist attacksks a across pas on november thirteenth that killed a hundred and thirty people. i including ninety at te bataclan music venue the plan directed by the islamic state group. in the aftermath alone declared a state of emergency which would end up being extended three timeses and gave the government extraordinary powers including the right to search premiseses without a warrant. in two thousand and seventeen president emmanuel macrons government passed a sweeping security law to replace the state of f emergency among other things making it easier to monitor individuals
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and restrict theirir freedom of movement. the country's national security alert system also overhauled to three levels it's currently at level two heightened security risk of attatack. since two thousand and fifteen there have been seventeen attacks classified as acts of terror including the best d. day massacre in me since two thousand and sixteen when a man drove a truck into a crowd gathered to watchh fire works. as well as the shooting at a christmas market in strasbourg in two thousand and eighteen and the stabbings at paris police headquarters last year. since the loss of the islamic state group's territory analysts say itsts ability to rect large scale operations has diminished but its ideology is still easily available online to encourage self radicalisation. using what's called feast as piles the government tracks those believed to be a national security threat there are around twenty six thousand such files of which just under
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eighteen thousand are believed to be religiouss extremistss according to the interior ministry. these individuals that terrorism experts believe now pose the greatest. thrhreat to public safety. . there's no sign the corona viruses easing here inn frarance fifteen thousd new cases were reportedd in the last twenty four hours after a daily record of sixteen thousand thursday. in the southern city of marseille hundreds of people rallied friday against tough new measures to curb cases of the cocorona virus this weekend all bars and restaurants have to close down for at least two weeks. press twenty fours valerie dembski joins us now from marseille valerie those closures were supposed to happen on saturday but we're hearing now it will be sunday what led to the change. that's cocoect the closure of barsrs ad staurantss heree in marseille has been postponed to sunday nightt sunday midnight that means that restaurants and bars
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will have to close t their doors to the public. at midnight as opposed to a saturday and this after a meeting between a french health minister who did it all and other local leaders. he was visiting he was one of an official visit to the city of in the city of massena bid to. appeasee the growing tensions here. now this this may seem just like a small victory for a local leadeders as just another an extra day before barss and restaurants have to shut down. but that meet up with it t is a small victoryy but it for the peoplee who had been advocating for the total of the overturn of this measure- it's still significant the president of the region of the massey region who had initially said. he would be filing a legal injunction to have this measure overturned well now he's saying that significant progress has been made what why exactly why has there been so much progress
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well he says that initially authorities would have to wait for. another fifteen days- for the forties to decide if they would have to extend the closure of bars and restaurants will now t that has gone down to seven days only the all the health minister has said that. they would have to wait only seven days to decide to review the situation again and- and decide if they have to close bars for another fifteen days another may your- said well they just wanted to be part of the nenegotiating table. you may remember t tt they had responded with fury over this new measure because they say they had not been called son to consult it before hand will now they say we are part of the negotiating table it's not a lot but it's what we have achieved. that and at least it's something. of course we've seen pro. there in recent days i'm can you tell us w why people are so angry partiticularly- restaurant owners. right well
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there's a variety of reasons why t the restaurant owners are still angry in math say but one of the reasons is that wilill be feelel t that this measure is unjustified they feel that they have been singled out by. the government by the french government and paris- and there's also the sense that this is a this measure is counterproductive- they say if the virus will not go away magically just because you shut down restaurants and bars a young people in particular will still. be going out there will still be meeting with their friends and if they don't meet in bars and restaurants will they'll they'll read elsewhere. perhaps and parts and other places and there's also you know a sense that- this could have devastating consequences for the economy t they're v very much worried about their future and how this could have a finite financial impact- for their business as- our- there despite. you know relatively- profitable summer season-
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restaurant owners say that- this has not been enough and this will not be enough for them to compensate for the losses. they lost more than eighty nine billion euros in revenue adjuster around the massey areas are really you can understand why. anger is still so probably here in math say that some people have even said. that they will defy the measure and that they will still open their restaurant in their businesses despite the restrictions the deputy mayor of marseille has also said that shee will ask local police. not to find any restaurant owners who will remain open despite the restrictions. okay france twenty four is valerie decamp reporting from marseille thank you so much. it's a huge financial blow to the organizers of the frenchh open the e tourniquets under way on sunday and theherench prime minister i is said thehe numberf spectators will be limited t to one e thousand per day noo thats
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compared to last year's daily average of thirty sevenn thousand keris garland has the story. set to be a morore exclusive affair than previous years accordions members of the french open will be capped at one thousand per day up to the governments tightened restrictions on public gatherings. the number had already been slashed three time's organized as well hoping for a maximum of five thousand four division i think we've been working very hard for a number of months to get this roland garros moved up on the calendar. five thousand is already not much a thousand is totally ridiculous on the surface of twelve hectares but nevertheless we already deal with best plays a handful of. the limit on spectators is just one of the health precautions at this year's event everyone except for the players on the court will be required to wear face masks including both boys and girls and chair umpires. players will have to undergo tests every five days if they stay in the drool and are not allowed to make their own
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arrangements for accommodation. instead they will stay in to paris hotels on flows specifically reserved for them and where employees attested to. on monday tournament officials confirm six players in the men's and women's qualifying draw had been withdrawn due. to code nineteen concernsns. now do you crane wee twenty two people are dead followining the crash of aa military airplanes a total of twenty eight people were on board. the most military plane crashed on landing ukraine's interior minister says air force pilots and cadets were on the plane. and state emergency service of ukraine is saying that rescue workers are on the scene. u. s. supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg is making history as the first woman and the first jewish person to lie in state at the u. s. capitol. dememocratic presidenential nominee joe biden was among those paying their respects friday ginsberg died last friday at the age of
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eighty seven. president trump is expected to announce his nominee to replace her on the high court on saturday. john the meals are me and has the story. her calls get draped in the american flag. making its way up the capitol steps. and carefully loaded on sitetes. supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg the first woman to lie in state it is with profound sorrow. and deep sympathy to the ginsburg family ththey don't havave the high ono welcome justice ruth vader. july in state in the capital of the united states she does so on the cattle folk built for abraham lincoln. may she rest in peace. as well as house speaker pelosi democraratic presidential nominee joe biden and running mate kamala harris
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attended to pay their respects. a brief service for the late justice followed. with the rabbi's reflections and pray. she was our process. our north star our strength for so very long. now she must be permitted to rest. after toiling so hard for every single one of us. justin lined up to pay personal tributes delivering unique displays of commemoration. the owner of lying in state has been accorded fewer than three dozen times mostly to presidents vice presidents and members of congress. ginsburg the secocond woman to sesee on the susupreme court will be buried next week in arlington national cemetery beside her husband martin who died in twenty ten. in j just thirty nie days americans go to the polls to elect the next president
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you're in france twenty four were taking a weekly look at ththe race from the corona virus to the supreme court and the first upcoming presidential debate between donald trump. and joe biden our washington correspondent kevin gorgeous stani has this report. hello and welcocome to our weweekly lk at what't's going on in the race for the white house with less than six weeks left before election night. here's what you need to know. we starart with te picture of the week twenty thousand american flags planted in front of the washington monument o o for every ten amamericans with died of covevet nineteen. on tuesesy t the u. s. passed the grim milestone on two hundred thousand deaths. the democratic presidential nominee joe biden called it. a tragic milestone and blames the presesident f for his h handlinf
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ththe pandemic donald trump has said it was a shame. i believe his administration e eight plus in its handlingg of the outbreak instead. blaming chinana for quque unleashshing this week'ss opponentnt world. nearly 60%0% f americans disapprove of the president's handling of the corona virus crisis. the deathth of justice ruth bader ginsburg triggered a fierce political battle on whehether a v vacant supreme court s seat should be filled during an election year rbg herself mated herer dying wish not t to be replaced untila new president iss installed. b t ththe senate majority leader mitch mcconnell has vowed to hold a speedy confirmation vote possibly before the november third election andnd thihis is despspite t the g. o. p. prerevg barack obama from filling a vacacant seats back in twenty sixteen. only twowo republican
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senatotors came out against holding at thatat confirmation vote before the election that memeans that donald trump now hs the votes to push through his nominee handing a conservatives is six three majority on the supreme court. for decades to come. the trump campaign went all in on pennsylvania with two rallies held in the state this is. is the only state in its twenty electororal votes iss most decisivive race of the seselection witith d data analys giving t the winner of the state aboutt a 90% chance of winning the presidency. back in twentnty sixteen donald trurump wanted by less than a percent but mosost recent polls have given a a joe biden the short lead and with the rerecent probabably decidedy white working c css v voters donanald trump has been focusin. on issues- like fracking at trade and lore in order while joe biden has doubled down on
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his working class roots framing the race as a battle between scranton h his hometown in pennsylvania and donald trump's mark i'm i in my coat ofoff. dod trump and joe biden will face ofoff in n cleveland ohio on esday f for the f first of three presidenential debates the niney minute showdownn wilill be divid in six fifteen minute as segments onn the followingng topipics. the candidates records covevert nineteen the s supreme court elelection integrityty the economy and race and violence in our cities joe biden's preparations have been a pretty traditional fococusing on i'm holding mock debates. and memorizing facts and data donald trump on the other hand claims that he's not realllly prpreparing for the big day either way bototh menen are expected to gogo on the offense whether their performrmances wil change voters minds remains to be s seen. that's allll fororowt
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tune in next week for a new edition of running for the white house. this time now to catch up on what happened today online a and joining us now is emerald maxwell. i know that in two thousand fifteen there was the swell of support after that attack juice we surely was the hash tag are we seeing anything at all similar. in response to this attack we are actually- with we saw today- paris hilton's trending on twitter that's the district which was targeted today as wewell as in twenty fifteen- because of course the- this is your values young newspaper says. it's this it's a neighborhood already scarred it was- the it's the location for the former h. q. of shania do. as well as the production company panera lenient which is where the two injured victims- from the ones who were attacked today. at lots of locals from pet value means- we're tweeting messages of. support and also does may
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out what happened today this young lady says it's this is my neighborhood and i feel sick at what happened. what happened as if that weren't enough problems in this crazy world right now. this other treaties rose to its most expressing solidarity and- support for the victims i am on this day and that brings back so many painful memories for people. t taking up residence- hit this man is arrested two photos of the same streets five years apart he says. nothing has changed- i she doesn't quite true yes it sort of seems to be history repeating itself bubut obviously. it's not five years ago was far more devastating with anthologies luckily today that.t. well fingngers crossed but they look like they are on the mendnd the two people who were injured- and- we don't know if the attacker was actually targeting. charlie had days office- it's true that that it's often prove costs on the front three of his overall costs in the news so he could waffle that charlie had there was still that. but this twitter user says well he was
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foolish enough to go to that and you know he seems up that's what he was. that's. what he was getting but unfortunately did manage to hit t. channel. on so lots of. is from media organ. like the president of france. you who office on can. support and says posted and will alwayays be on the side of freedom of expression. charlie had does newsroom.o you has also come out- with a message of support and it was the id not today's tragic events. should only make us more determined than ever t to defend all values. lots of people have been sharon the fronts. page of shania do. the controversial cartoon of prophet muhammad's that attackers gave is the motive in twenty fifteen as a sort of message. of solidarity- this cartoons rather poignant cartoon by- david hope- from dave pope sorry from twenty fifteen was also shot again. we.
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see the package saying he too fast. i need to go of paris mea deployed attack saying though this hot through this highly symbolic place it's once again freedom of expressision that is targeted. at the french prime minister jacques aspects will say said that once the- that france was determined to- press to commit to press freedom. and fight terrorism- the attttack that is already being politicized mind a pen from the far right france's far right for instance suggesting this could have been avoided. if france had a strict immigration policy. some people online assuring the concerns that this could attack could start up more anti immigration and even anti muslim. sentiments this call to you know actually it makes the point that this sort of. racism is often correct in terms of the old secularism debate in france again in in the kartini cmu's rita also has two sociologists guess what
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they think is happening in france today. one of the monsters i think we have a problem with secularism and the other says i think we have a problem with arabs. and then catches himself and says whoops i mean secularism. so this is the result there are some fans beings that- start off that this could- open the floodgates the sorts of sentiments. so there's a lot of emotion online but have we seen this sort of moved to a political discussion already sounds like it has that story to a local discussion- a political display took a session is absolutely i was i said as i said so- we have money in the pan. f from the far right already saying blaming france's immigration policies for at the fact that well we don't know for sure the identity of the attacker wouould hasn't been confirmed but there has been reports that he is a- a an an immigrant from. pakistan and if that's true then it's obviously given ammunition to the right and ththat so plenty of. people on the right- in the were on the
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right in france already using this. okay a amil maxwell thank you so much for that- and we'll be back in just a few minutes with all the world headlineses. here on france twenty four
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09/25/20 09/25/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from nenew yorkrk, this i s democracy now! >> will you commit here today for a peaceful transfer of power after the election? pres. trump: we wilill have to e what happens. i have been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are disaster. amy: the election it could break america. as president trump refuses to commit to the upcoming


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