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tv   France 24  LINKTV  September 29, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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pm here in the french capital you're watching live from paris on france twenty four i'm somebody's wilson these are our top stories. exactly five weeks ago to the u. s. presidential elections president donald trump and his rival joe biden all this evening going head to head. for the first three televised debates. the u. n. security council holds an emergency meeting amid c concers that fighting between armenia anand azerbaiaijan. in nagorno karabakh. couould develop into a much broader conflict. citing what the government. called a government which hyundai getz rights groups of the freezing of its bank accounts. amnesty ininternational says it is suspending operatitions in indi.
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welcome back with exactly five weeks to go to the u. s. presidential elections the world with us even have the chance to see seventy four year old president donald trump going head to head with his seventy seven year old rival joe biden for the first of ththe televisesed debates. will sparks are expected to fly as a host of issues from the economy to the corona virus all discussed what president trump is lagging in the polls though he'll likely be in full of fighting spirit. but in the spirit of a social distancing they'll be absolutely no shaking of hands at the end we'll start all five debates well it's because not fronts ripples that kind of angle just on who is in cleveland where that debate is being held at nine pm. local time seven a few
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hours from now still a kind of but we can expect to pretty tense clash will be some pretty ugly exchanges. in about six hours from now let's talk about both of the men in this race let's start with president trump he's lagging in the polls. but he knows as many others do the joe biden can lose his cool and is challenged in public is that like katie think. to shshape trump ststraty in this debabate. what we can expect definitely- the president to gogo on the offense first of all because that's his yle he's a always d done that he did that during the debates four years ago. and he is going toto go on the offffense against joe biden also because as you mentioned he's lagging in the polls the latest average of polls- shows him and show him trailing by about seven points behind his rival at joe biden and- his attacks are probably. going to go and get personal against at the democratic
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nominee. we can expect a donald trump to try to attack him on that nickname that he's given joe biden slow- joe he's been saying it for weeks that. a joe biden isn't mentally fit to be president thahat he's not good n this debate. yeah he's's even as said that- joe bidenen i might have to use- some of performance enhancing drugs. there was a little at a clash between the debates earlier at today with the trump campaign as saying that. they wanted to check for your pieces ahead of the start of at this debate to see if joe biden was knocked out and getting some. outside help to answer- those questions he probably will and maybe attatack- possibly joeoe biden's son hunter biden was linked to the ukraine as scandal that of course. led to a to a the impeachment of thehe presidentnt earlier on and this year but definitely expect donald trump to go on the offense because he knows. he needs to score points
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tonight. okay s so that's a present donald. ststrategy let's move on to joe biden he's presumably. going to use the president trump's handling of the corona virus. and also that new york times report about president trump's taxes- in his attack strategy. yes send that joe biden and his campaign already started that because- just a little while agogo at the abiding campaign released at joe biden's a tax return as for l. last year which showed that- joe biden had it paid. nearly three hundred thousand dollars in federal income tax they also published at the tax returns of and his running mate comelec harris as so and that will definitely come up in this debate tonight joe biden. really gettiting a huge ammunition from that in your times of reporting and he's been really a cruising on that theme- leading up to this debate so there's no reason why he wouldn't use it at tonight. as joe biden also probably will
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as you said it tackett donald trumum foror his handling o of e corona virus because he knows thatat a majority of americans disapprove of the presisident's hahandling of the corona v virus and thehe corona virus. iss goig to bee onene of the six official themes ever at tonight's debate one thing that joe biden is worried about he's seen acid be calm at the collected a candndidate but he has said himself publicly he's inn a knowledge. at that he- could add flare up here spoke of and his so called irish temper and that he said that he didn't want to get drawn into a brawl a bubuy at the president though he also said. that he knows how to deal with bullies and that he will be ablbl t to manage the president he said he would be. trying to fact check tara donald trump a little bit b but nonot to trying to aa counter attack every single one of donanald trump's comments andnds statemenents he's also trying to show the people the american people the american voters why
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they should vote for. himim and not for dot donald trump. okay well thank you for much indeed that up to from. from city zika ankle just. thank you very in. and do. join us for our live coverage of this first presidential debate from treatment. it starts at two fifteen am att paris time. that is at nine fifteen pm that in cleveland. for let's get the latest now on the continuing clashess between armenia and azerbaijan in the mountain and clave of nagorno karabakh. the clasashes which began on sunday which is now reported to result. dozens of people in n which hundreds of others have e been injured. on the gonna car back in azerbaiaijan but is being run by thehe comomedian since it bre away during the war in the nineneteen nineties. will y youd securityouncil is today having an emergency meeting on that escalation. but despite appeals from russia and the united states to o hold the fighghting there are growing concerns of f the conflict that could escalate. tracking in moscow i in defense of armenia
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and ankara and support us by john fawcett was catherine bennett has this report. the artillery strikes contitinued ththroughout monday night. and s dayy broke smoke billowed o offe evevery minute she positionsns.s a by johnny officials released these videos showing the latest clashes and it's better historical war with armenia. a a wall with civilian casualties on both sides. indoors and connor will. ziv come posso composite nineteen class three. come on sunday after meeting says around these. anthony john thomas in there because of that of. in thought if i'm not sure because- as pokerstars songwriter laura. deaconess medicaid payments w what is the law is not available the disputed region of nagorno karabakh is officially part of azerbaijan but is controlled by
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ethnic armenians and the fighting it pays to be spilling out of the region the u. s. russia and germany have all pleaded for a ceasefire but turkey a longtime ally of azerbaijan has said it is ready to help the country take back what it calls s its occupied lands willl full moon. chose everybody sit. take the children but- element is done is guided the otherr d divisiono plplug that in not checking the checked. we check in my old mother surjit foreign. children ss i it's also a propaganda war with both sides inflating thatt military successes armenia has accused turkey of shooting down an armenian fighter jet something that's turkey flatly denies. if true it would mark a significant escalationf the conflict the u. n. securityty council is holdinglosed doorr try to seek a way out of the ongoing hostilities. now q. eight is currently observing a period of mourning after was announced earlier today that the c country's ruling emir.
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sheikh sabah al ahmad al sabah had died he was ninety one years old the condolences have poured in from across the world for the sheik. whoho had ruled the oil rich nation since t two thousand six and h he was widely regarded as being a savvy diplomatic operator. a and humanitarian champion when he succeeded by his brother shaken off allotment on sabah. who is eighty three years old he's been the ec countries that crown prince he'll be sworn in as the new ruling imia tomorrow from thirty fourth regional correspondent jack houston has more. sheikh sabah is considered a peacemaker throughout his long political career focuses q. ac for a minister. then as p. m. and then as a male of the nation. he was considered a moderate with regard to his diplomatic storms- towards the various ministry. and diplomatic crises over observeves over his fifty years in international relations in the region was still so maintaining. close relations with the united states. the us of course coming
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to cure aids aids in nineteen ninety one off to the invasion by saddadam hussein. and following the invasion the u. s. s sta owned establishing military bases which helps its image of rations in afghanistan. the second persian gulf war and the last of the strikes against islamist militants in iraq say. clearly maintaining very strong ties to the u. s. but it was such a strong ties with regional powers o of i'm going to be somewhat of an intermediary. in the region- and most recently his diplomacy between cats- and saudi arabia was thought to have have helped- that is free from not spending over into a full blown ministry. and disputed the- kasserine saudi arabia following the arab spring have very different ideas about what role political islam should play in thee region. and his interventions the thoughts of how to pacify that confrontation save it was a very much a man. who is considered a mature and seseasoned polititical opeperatr
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within the region who helps add totoeepueue waits on a on a more even q. in- what is a. very fractious paul of the world. first all check of reporting that. well the twelve thousand people have been arrested in better a string course of a month a half on from mass protests against the prpresident of twenty six years alexander lukashenko. lukashenko won the august election by a landslide but his opponents say election was stolen well in the latest developments canada and the u uk have just announced travell bans and asset freezes on the president and his inner circle. today the french president emmanuel mackerel has been meeting is fat lana chicano sky at the at lida all the better says opposition during a visit to lithuania. frozen falls through but it has more. it's the first time in nineteen years the french president has been the twenty on a bilateral visit. however it's not lithuania belarus that is at the heart of discussions in a
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meeting with excellent belarusian opposition leader svetlana to kind of scalia michael said that france would continue to offer its support. to the pro democracy movement. people. but it's a delicate balancing act for the french president wanting to help belarus well i'm willing to provoke moscow's anger but not because he's only shows it goes real cost can that be delivered emotional local can only look down. you full. of the colors. government doesn't mean these two are injured. russian vladimir putin meanwhile has reiterated his support for
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alexander lukashenko just which of them twenty first police across the country across those cities public interest i'm just here mostly this particular known usually with only with the president's capable. i feel that you should have a thirty. i question your e eyes. below we see. near what's yours on the you would email me you can read. me at some point approach this from that. and for the moment france is acting alone the european union while condemning the violence has failed to impose sanctions. merkel has cooled for the organization for security and cooperation in europe to take over at mediation in the conflict. in other news amnesty international announced today that it's suspending its operations in india citing all the organization called a government which hunt against rights groups. amnesty said that early this month it thank you counsel india being frozen forcing them to put that campaign in research work on hold. while civil society organizations and the media have long accused the
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government of prime minister narendra modi of harassment. amnesty international says it's the latest victim in the incessant witch hunt against human rights organizations in india. citing reprisals from the government the watchdog has had its bank accccounts frozen.. it's resulted in amnesty laying off staff and halting its operations in india michelle a disagreement the freezing of these accounts was the final straw to date in the harassment our colleaeagues in india have been subjected to sisince two thousand and eigighteen. they have been intimidated numerous times face charges of defamation and we'll read it on multiple occasions appreciable pisa. amnesty international has often accused local authorities of human rights violations in indian administered kashmir last year testified before the u. s. foreign affairs committee on the use of excessive force and tortuture o off to kashmir's special status was revoked. in august twenty nineteen. most
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recently amnesty said police in the indian capital committed human rights violations during riots between hindus and muslims in february. it is simply seeking to silence those who criticize them those who collect human rights abuses in the country and we'e've seenn a steadily intensifyingg series of attacks was several years back that's his sentence. honesty international says the decision to cease operations doesn't mark the e end of its strong commitment to human rights in india. meanwhile the o only othr country where amnesty has ceased. operations is russia. thank now back here in france the paris prosecutor's office off the cow has given more details about friday's attack on the formal offices of shadi abdel which two people were injured we assailants you hadn't realized that the satirical newspaper to move premises was armed with a meat cleaver a plan to set the offices on fire fronts before
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that catherine kid x. if it has this report for us. new light shone on the identity of zakir hossen mehmood the main suspectt behind friday's attack. outside the former headquarters of satirical newspaper charlie hebdo. video found on his mobile phone shows him describing his motivations. though he pledges allegiance to no particular terrorist group his actions were premeditated. known for history. he announces his planned actions saying here in france they may caricatures of our dear and beloved profit. today on the twenty fifth of september i will rebel against this. your available. people to sell. the suspect had been the scene several times in the days leading up to the attack he told police he planned to set fire to charlie hebdo's offices. he hadn't realized that the publication had moved its headquarters to a secret location following the twenty fifteen attack which killed twelve of his staff the
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satirical weekly republished caricatures of the prophet muhammad this month. ahead of the trial for the twenty fifteen attack the suspects and he was partly influenced by protests in reaction to these images in his home country of pakistan investigators also discovered that the suspect was using the false identity of an eighteen year old. after l lying about his age when he arrived in france in twenty eighteen in order to benefit from the status of unaccompanied minor the food to. the bus a photo of a pakistani passport was discovered in the name of zakir hasan mehmood born in pakistan on january twenty first nineteen ninety five bearing his photographs. after initially contesting the authenticity of the document he ultimately recognized thahat it. was his real identity. the first said the attack had not tried the attention of any government intelligence. friday's assault. well in a related developopment the french police arrested twenty nine
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pepeople in a s sting operation today targetiting a network of terrifying dancing for jihadist groups in syria when at work has been active since two thousand nineteen anand operated mostly by buying crypto currency coupons which were then credited to bit coin accounts. be a french authorities h have announced eight thousand and fifty one new cases of covert nineteen and eighty five deaths during the course of the last twenty four hours. the number of new cases doubled via monday figure out which is it must be noted that slightly deceptive being at the first day off to the weekend but not many people get tested. france is currently experiencing a sharp increase in cave in nineteen cases. which is making the back to school season even more complicated than it would ordinarily be. the government recommends online classes for university students but a number of schools a saying that face to face learning is the only option. you get away today has more. in this university's
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first law lecture of the year there are no vacant seats. the hollister who crorowded the some students have resulted sitting on the floor. with curve in nineteen cases in france on the rise students here e don't feell safe. and he said you do have a mode you d do a tune release could continue this year mayor. but i know he's gay but is able.. to limit cost numbers the university is implementing online lectures of all he proceeded to fifth cool different tv companies also tend. to find any group eight i just also. is it your she's a author of the read zero cool. this university and has taken a complete different approach all students who have to attend face to face classes while learning from home is any recommended by the government's students still w worry. somethig by thomas gloom i've always some boss simone. inzaghi injured body. donald trump's while the university full responsibilityty for his decisi.
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with the approval he's got the degree that he couldd you'll shut down plenty. locked out yes and then don't wanna still it's like you have to be tomorrow. she just over the glove box which one i want to put on here it gave me fifty multiple choice. the has said if the number of curvy cases continues to increase it is ready t to takeke more radical measures including closing campuses. it is time not for business a and i'm joined by our business at a tech can't really hide at k. now shall we begin that with that muse that's a high speed mobile phone networks or five g. could be an all hands- what often gets its pretty soon. they could be here in france because the government has begun auctioning off eleven blocks of frequencies for five g. that could see a faster mobile network up and running in some french cities by the end of this year. at the four major remote mobile networks in france are vying for these blocks which will give them the capacity to launch five g. the
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auction is expected to raise more than two billion euros for the french state. some activists have expressed concerns about the potential health and environmental effects of five g. well the global leader in the technology china's huawei has sparked its own concerns about security. french authorities though insisted thehey're determined to roll outut the new network andn. that could involve some new regulations political. poker let manuel said technology to deploy you boxes on top of his convict. the first effective moment of additional set upp was toto do a good at the e elders n dominic a cappella. goon with evan. would you adopt this lesson should. well many countries affected we face out use of always equipment in the coming years as the u. s. lead the campaigngn against the techh giant. in the u. k. the finnish group nokia has sealed a contract with bt to provide equipment for five g. networks. mr boris johnson band mobile providers from using qual way in july. giving an opportunity to always western rivals on
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tuesday a u. s. official said that nokia and swedishsh g giant ericssonon s should be ththe ony companies european governments were considering. choosing meanwhile back in france a debate is raging over qualities plans to build a new factory near the german border. captain viet has the details. this is why wade's biggest factory in china and now it's helping to build one like it in strasbourg. since the start of the year the chinese tech giant has been holding talks withh officials to find the right spacace to produce five g. antennas. researchers in kira fellow conservatives for some realignment diocese service we'll talk- diploma del. developed a model for you plus on the sun if to fabricate a compose id twenty comment on the vehicle you already own on but not everyone is happy about the proposal. the city's new green mayor is worried about its environmental impact while the president of the wider
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urban area says there are security concerns to consider electric motor she kissed you on thehe set. up of don't click the button you a of production dr no. the city markets about owns. a c. d. show show on defect of a conflict screen approval upon making decisision. research well the foror governmentnt has not p prohibitd telecom companinies from using whilee ways technology it has already told those firms they won't be able to renenew licenss for the gear once they expire. such a move would effffectively see the chinese firm phased out of mobile netwoworks by twenty twenty eigight. now it is on pa- whatat way y you could have a sl shoe or less angie. . you put these on. news until i do security measure that. if huaweiei moves ahead with the straws board plant it could invest around two hundred million euros and create five hundred jobs in n the long term.
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the spapanish government has agreed to extend its emergency furlough scheme u until the end of january. like many other european countries spain launched that program dururing the lockdown in april to avoid large scale layoffs. the support was due to expire tomorrow but it's been renewed until the end of january after talks with unions and employers. some seven hundred fifty thousand people are currently receiving furlough payments in spain down from a peak of three point four million earlier this year. spain's national court meanwhile has acquitted former imf chief rodrigo rato under thirty one other defendants in the fraud trial linked to the country's banking crisis. after stints as spanish economy minister and managing director of the international monetary fund. russia took the reins of the bank ken how madrid in two thousand and ten he oversaw the merger of seven lenders into what is now k@@wn as banky up. but that banking group nearly collapsed and was nationalized just two years later. the personal savings of hundreds of
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thousands of shareholders were wiped out. russia had been accused of cooking the books but a judge found bank is stock listing had received all the necessary oversight. right is already serving a four and a half year jail sentence in a separate case for the misuse of thank you credit cards. let's check in on today's trading action now the major european indices dropped back after strongng gains on monday- l loss of between two tents and- half a percentage point. despitete te new datata indicatingg a surprising jump i in economic sentimentt in the euro zone in september. wall street also trending lower- the dow jones had shed about two hundred points earlier in the session. paring back at some of those look sharper losses this hour. airline stocks have been weighing on trade though as the number of coronavirus cases in the united states continues to rise. voters in geneva switzerland have given the green light to a minimum wage which will be the highest in the world. it's a move to combat rising levels of poverty in a region known for its high cost of living. but some
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business owners worry that because of the corona virus pandemic the timing is all wrong. james wilson has the ststory. it's a salary that many people around the world can only dream of. 58% of people in thee swiss cououncil of f geneva have voted to approve. an hourly minimum wage of twenty three frank's all twenty one euros. it will be the highest minimum wage in the world. representing a monthly salary of ninety three thousasand eight huhundred euros. for a forty one hour working week. she was the- if it does look like what this shampoo is also still. wanted to be momore. geneva is an the third of switzerland. six cantons to adopt the minimum wage although the region rejected feeling k. twice previously and many employees say the new rate is too high. sick i must say non fat discovered it on the top month included the process will soon come also wanted. with with with criminals in that it is
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whwhen a graraffiti so thirty. e shows consistent on cooking videoo control also predict. which will be the more. temperatures kiska. supporters of the name can of the geneva has poverty some e of the highet liliving because in ththe world global if we did w we yeah socil class owns s an old t tool do do me all three computer dc six on if you couould tape before yes ma'am did note that the it comes at a low patel. it's s. to for the new minimimum wage will benefit some thirty thousand workers. around two thirds of whom are women. okay thank you very much indeed a cake for bring us up to speed on all the goings onn in the world of business. that's it for me i'll be back in a couple minutes. to go away.
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09/29/20 09/29/20 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new w york, thisis is demomoacy now! >> i think we are cigna convergence of a class rerellion with racism and racial terrorism at the center of it. in many ways, we are in uncharted territories -- territory in the united states. amy: as president trump and joe biden face off tonight in the first presidential d debate, we speak to princnceton professor keeanga yamahtta taylor about


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