tv Global 3000 LINKTV October 11, 2020 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> welcome to "global 3000." thanks for joining us. the horrors of long-distance livestock transport. swiss farmers arare on the hut for alternatives. we head to mexico to find out how indigenous people are coping with coronavirus. but first, samba farewell. how the pandemic is stamping out brazilian street culturer.
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♪ musicians stopped playing, stage rtains f fl, and the lighghts went out t in the wors movie theatres. the e pandemic hasas been disastrousus for the artrts acs the e world. with cinemas close t the glol film industry alone is set to lose billions in 2020. brazil is amamong the threre cocountries hardrdest hit by e pandemic. with barely any commissions araround for artts and musicians, many l longer ve an income. more than n 830,000 jobsbs n brazil's creative industries are under threat. an important part of life is at risk of disappearing completely. joão martins is a samba sensation. his music is full of energy and life. everyonene in o de janeiro knows his hit "lendas da mata." ♪
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but things are quiet in rio these days. joão still plays his songs, but the samba parties have stopped. ♪ joão martins: there's no audience and no applause. no one that you can enter into a dialogue with, so that they become part of it. samba lives from the crowds. everyone there is part of the show, singing and clapping together. ♪ >> rio was one of the first places in brazil to be hit by the coronavirus. it spread rapidly through the poor neighborhoods, or "favelas." the death toll is continuing to climb. joaoão martinins: normally, it wouldld be crowdd out here. this bar used to hold samba parties. but that's over. they're all home now, in their own cages. >> and these cages have only served to deepen brazil's
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social divide. music and dance play a key role in society here, bringing people together from all walks of life. joão martins: there are huge differences in brazilian society. but the small bars and the beach are the two places where those class differences disappear. the lockdown has meant thatt people are keeping more to themselves. the intermingling, which has always been a part of rio, has been lost. >> the extreme inequality is another reason why the lockdown never really worked in rio. the city's numerous cultural centers may be deserted, the concert halls, bars, cinemas, and theatres shut, but the narrow streets of the old town are full of people who have to go to work. the emergency aid provided by the state is not enough for artists to live on either. instead of rehearsing, joão now goes to the supermarket. his wife cooks meals, which he then delivers, to the delight and surprise of the customers.
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mariana padrão: one girlrlrote, "i c can't believe it, joão martins just delivered my dinner." i wrote back, "yes, he's my husbanand." she said she nearly had a heart attack. she's a huge fan of his. that's how it goes. thanks to him, i'm now selling more food now. >> holly and rachid have also had to find a new way of earning money. a street crossing now serves as their stage. the red light signals curtain up for the two circus artists. they then demonstrate a brief glimpse of their skills and hope to get t a small donanat, before their audience drives away. holly sev: when i see the cars, i imagine lots of chairs, and i'm putting on a show. i smile at them, even though, sometimes, i can't see their faces. and even though i'm just at the traffic light, i imagine that i'm in the circus arena.
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>> on a good day, their smiles and acrobatics will earn them the equivalent of just under 10 euros. they could look for more lucrative work, but their performances here also serve as training sessions, which they want to keep up with the hope that they can later return to the circus. rachid dragon: we can't look for a job as waiters, for example, because that would be bad for ou career. this is our dream. so we keep goioi. >> a few years ago, they fled from venezuela. now, their fight for survival is continuing here. but it's not only artists who are suffering during the pandemic. brazilian culture is in crisis mode. it's always been very mumuch a grassroots phenomenon but now faces a threat from the very top. joão believes the real problem is not the coronavirus itself but brazil's president, jair bolsonaro. since coming to office last year, he's slashed funding for the arts and made it a
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political issue. joão martins: it has nothing to do with the brazil that we love, the indigenous, black brazil, with rich culture that has created so much beauty. it's almost like they want to destroy that at all cost. >> joão says his country is in the midst of a culture war, and the virus has robbed him of his voice, h his ability to respod effectively,sing his s samba. he hopes he can bring his music back to the people of rio soon. ♪ just like in the old d days. ♪ >> citities are crowded, hectic, loud, and yet, they've long held an almost magical appeal. 500 cities worldwide boast more thanan a million r resident. by 2 2030, around d 7.6 billionn peop are l liky to livivin ururban areas. that's mosost of the glolobl population. but ththere could bebe a changn the air -- a a shift towararda slower pace e of life. with infection rates on the rise in cities, rural regionos
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are gaining in appeal. >> the clay is cold and malleable. both mother and daughter are skilled in the art of pottery. margarita learned it from her grandmother. margarita cortez-cruz: she said, as long as we live here, we belong to the soil. we work the earth, and she gives us the food we need to survive. and this clay also comes frorm the earth. we have roots here. it only takes earth and fire to create all of the new pots and dishes lined up here. it's the rainy season, and the weather is unpredictable. abelino ortiz: if we get heavy rain now, all
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our work will be lost. >> the family is almost self-sufficient. they grow almost everything they need. or they find it in nature. margarita cortez-cruz: grasshoppers are full of protein. >> the seasons bring variety, and there's seldom much of a surplus. for margarita, living in harmony with nature means giving and only taking back a little. margarita cortez-cruz: we don't need a lot to live. we have to respect nature. she should only give us what we really need. we shouldn't exploit nature. >> the garden offers a little home apothecary. there's an herb for stomach aches. a plant that reduces fever. and one that relieves sore eyes. margarita cortez-cruz: you knead it a bit, then drip it into
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your eyes. >> while people in the cities worry how to survive and make ends meet during the pandemic, life here goes on much as normal. many in the isolated valleys of southwestern mexico live like margarita and her family, in a close rerelationship w with the land. these people are poor, their traditional way of life is tough, but their independence and lack of close contact with the modern world might be considered a strength in the current situation. gregoria is about to go and visit her sister and sell her pottery. it's an hour's walk. that doesn't bother her, but she's not too happy about leaving her animals alone. she has a ststrong bond with th. gregoria: i think there has to be a balance between people and animals. it's not about dominatining th.
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we have to respect their lives. >> gregoria's sister is waiting for her. demetria has been thinking a lot about people, animals, and the environment, espececially w during the p pandemic. she's curious about modern life and the wider world. demetria: do people out there also feel joy when they see animals run and play? they play a lot. a horse can also do a kind of handstand. d do you ever see th? or when bulls fight or when they play, you don't see that either, do you? >> demetria is shocked to hear how animals live on factory farms. demetria: imagine if people had to live like the animals, all crammed together. how would you feel?
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>> demetria once visited mexico city. she recalls all the concrete, cars, and trash. she says city life changes people. demetria: everyone rushes about and seems so agitated.d. they don't get any exercise, walk anywhere, or enjoy ththe scenery. they push a button for everything and ride escalators. >> they only eat meat here on special occasions, perhaps once every few months. after all, hens provide eggs and should notot be sacrificed lightly. and their offspring take time to grow and reach maturity. demetria sees value in some kinds of progress and says she could use some here. but wouldn't a step back to nature be a step forward now? demetria: we have to take care of the world around us. this is an opportunity to think about things.
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we shouldn't't exploit or abue nature so badly. >> demetria is also a potter and businesswoman. she and her neighbors work together. today, their pottery is being picked up to be taken to the cities and sold. demetria's sister gregoria has arrived now, too. their work is in demand, because it's not mass-produced but handmade from a natural material. >> this is important. we can all learn from their way of lifife and their way of ththinking. maybe the world is ready for that now. and in n need of it. >> the weather has been kind to margarita and her family. the rain has held off. jugs, pots, bowls, all fresh out of the kiln. they are decorated with splashes of dye made from oak bark. traditional crafts, a remote location, harmony with nature
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-- a winning recipe, perhaps, for getting through the current global crisis. ♪ and now, it's time for our global snack, this week from the kenyan capital. on a nairobi street corner, near the busy mombasa road, winnnnie sellser snacks. shshe makes a kekenyan veron f chapati, a kind of breadad tht ororiginated in n india. winnie: you start puputting, you putun the flour anand salt. then start p putting watere. start bakiking. baking. . bak. like fivive minutes. b baking. baking.. mix x it with assasault and thee water. put o oil. threree quarter ofof the cu.
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oil. three quarterf f the cu then you mix aga.. roll. ♪ >> once she'shahaped a at,, rounund chapati, shehe puts in the grididdle. occasionallyly, she flips s it. ♪ whilele one is cookoking, wie lls out thnext one. it takes about five minutes to make a chapati. winnie mak between 2and 30 a day. winnie: one by one.
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♪ >> at breakfast time, people like to eat the calorie-rich chapati with a cup otetea or coff. and for r lunch with b beans d rice or r vegetables.. >>e're ok when we take chapat right t now, i takaking o chapati i th a cup o of tea. until 1:1:00, i'm ok. ♪ ♪ >> shoes and bags made from leather are status symbols across the world. leather production is an ancient craft. it is made from animal skin,n, and mamany animals p pay with r lilives to satiaiateur desirirr it. but there are alternatives. for our global ideas series, we headed to indonesia, to the city of bandung, east of the capital, jakarta. there, we met a young inventor, who has found a way to produce
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leather from mushrooms. >> here on the outskirts of bandung, a c city on indononess main i island, java,a, somethis bebeing cultivatated that coule of great value. mushshrooms. they rararely draw much attention. there are many species with many varied properties. some are nourishing, others contain medicinal agents. here, they are the raw material for an innovative kind of textile. adi reza nugroho: mushroomom is a superirior ingrededient to becocome the sustainable future leather. because it grows mycelium, the vegetative part t of the fungs ththat can mimicic, perfectly,e leather r without any chemical ba conontent >> adi reza nugroho comes omom a fafamily of mushroroom farm. in 201012, he and sosome colles fofounded a starartup for gout mushshrooms. but t thequicklyy changed tack to focus on mycelium. they a c committ too devevelong a sususinable and
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animal-fririendly fashioion inindustryadi i rezaugrohoho: compared to animaleaeather, mycelium l leather is hahavina really h he advantage in environmentatal impact. for examample, we consnsume ls water. we don't have to kill animala. wewe c do vertrtical farmingngo we canan safe some spapace. and it also emits really less carbon emmission. >> they fefeed their musushros with organanic waste, susuch as sawdwdust. their company, mytech, soces it lally. what waste f the wood mill is a recyclable trsusure her first, t the sawdust is s cled with steteam. then, it m mixed wh titiny mushshroom spores.s. they consume the sawdust. and at the same time, on the outside of the sawdust block ey p produ tighthtlyoven
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mycelium, whwhich can be harvesteted within a f few da. the e process uses a fractn n f ththe war useded in standardrd leather production, less tnn 1/1010th. this h has caught ththe attenn of y yukka harlandnda. he makes and sells s shoes. many, of course, are made of leather, but these days, he is keen to find alternatives. yukka harlanda: the leather industry is one of the e biggest contntributor for carbon emimission. and we s see that, as s long ae keep s selling footwtwear, lear footwear, anand then, as the saleles grew, wewe keep damagg the e environment. and d it came to a realizazatn that we need to fi a a suststainae soluluti. >> at fifirst, he baed a at e notion of f mushroom leaeather. but now, hisis team ha n now lelearned how to work with it. mycelium fabric is brereathabl, flexiblele, and robustst. it n lastst for years. and d it is an ecoco-friendly,
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sustainable prucuct. companies arndnd theorld a a discoverinitits adntageses. mymycelium shoeses still have ea long way to go. theyrere not y wididely availalable. they are notot yet a mass-s-mat prododuct. yukka h harlanda: it has the higher cost because -- due t to the scale.e. meaning that we stilill produe itn n limitequanantity itit's a learnining curve, bus an innovatioion company, w we d to learnrn. and i think ththfuture will be very bright for us. adi zaza nugro andnd hiseam agree. -- >> > adi reza nugugroho ands team agree. they're bubusy ramng u up production. they a already have e orders fs fafar ahead as 2 2027. adi i reza nugrohoho: soso currently, , we are produg 2000 square e feet of mycecelm leathehea year. however, the demanand is reayy huge.. so w we need to dodouble downr cacapacity in ordeder to keepp th t the demand. >> the company is growing. it used to have just five employees. now, it has 30. itit monors cacafully thee
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qualitity of its oututput, even testining sales toto dtruction. it also o breeds its o own mumushrooms and d works on optimising them for ththe taskt hand. it gets some outde f fundi for its s pioneering resesear. that helps sustain t s startup. adi rezaza nugroho will go the extra mile with his mushomom leatather oes. its a great idea, whose ti hacome. ♪ >> jam-packed, terrified, without food and water. long-distance transport can be torture for animals. and d often, they y are being n to the slaugughterhouse, o oro fatteneners or breededers far m the e farms they w were raised. in thehe e.u. alalone, around 3.8 8 millin animals are transported every day. they are mainly pigs, poultry, cows, and sheep.
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a total of 1.4 billion a year. some are taken far beyond the borders of the e.u., covering thousands of kilometres over many days, with barely a break. animal rights' activists have long demandeded an end to o le transports. now, some rmerers in swititzerland have g got one p closer to achieving that. >> at the mohof farm in leburg, mari sondereer and lucas häusler breed mother cows for raising beef cattle. the mother cows produce slurry and manure for organic dung production. their offspring are taken off to be slaughtered for meat when they're 18 months old. the transport puts the animals under enormous stress and is unpleasant for the farmers, too. but that's about to change. lucas häusler: slaughtering the young animals is something we accepted as part of the job.
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the way it happens can sometimes be disturbing, though. we use our own trailer to get them to the slaughterhouse. marion sonderegger: as soon as they're in the truck and the doors close and they realise "i can't get out, i can't get back to the others," that's when the stress sets in. they start acting nervously. they moo. they want to jump out. it can be quite a challenge. >> live transports are misery for the animals. it can take a whole day to collect cattle from the region's more remote areas and get them all to the slaughterhouse. an increasing number of farmers don't want to put their animals through that torture any longer. they want to slaughter them on the farm. switzerland recently legalized the procedure. farmer nils müller pioneered the process. for years now, he's had a special permit to shoot his animals in his fields. he needs a raised platform to
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shoot from and a hunting license. the cow falls to the ground unconscious, stress free. research has shown that, if the target animal was not stressed beforehand, the rest of the herd don't even notice what's happened. the stunned cow dies soon after wards, when it's bled out. marion sonderegger and lucas häusler want their cows to die with a minimum of stress in future. theirs is one of 120 swiss farms interested in slaughtering their animals in the field or farmyard. switzerland legalised and regulated both methods in july. it's's unique in all of europe and applies to all farm animals, not just cows. to get a better idea of the costs, time, and effort involved, marion and lukas
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commissioned a study byy zürich's e.t.h. technical university. it showed them that animals which are taken by truck to be slaughtered have 6 times more hydrocortisone in their blood than those killed on their home ground. a clear sign of stress, which also has an effect on meat quality. and they took advice from agronomist eric meili of switzerland's fibl research institute. they've decided to use a box-trap. he explains how the cow would be locked inside, ready to be stunned. usually, the cow will go along willingly to be fixed in position. a butcher then stuns it with a bolt gun. so what will the customers think? the ororganic meat and other mooshof farm products can be purchased at the market or in the farm's own shop. lucas häusler:
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i expect consumers to become more sensitive and meat consumption to decline. but the direct vendors will increase their market share, because they can plausibly show that their meat comes from ethically reared animals. >> the e.t.h. study spoke with 200 mooshof farm customers, almost all of whom said they would welcome farmyard slaughtering and would pay more for the meat. they've already found a butcher willing to do farmyard slaughtering. beef from cows that were born and die on the same farm is an expensive, nichehe product. but only a few years ago, that was true of all organic products. and now, they've become mainstream. ♪ >> that is all from us at "global 3000" this week. don't forget to send us your feedback.
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